
Chapter 41 Seven-Party Alliance

"Sui Bai, you have been with me for hundreds of years. Don't you even understand your master's methods?" Jiang Yuanchen returned to Kunlun Cave and sent the message with a smile: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Hearing this, Jiaomujiao felt at ease. He has been with Jiang Yuanchen for a long time, and he does understand Jiang Yuanchen's ways.

"Yes, I have always believed that the so-called immortals should pay more attention to their own conduct and wisdom, and the so-called magic power is inferior. Although there is a saying that magical powers can surpass the sky, how many people have there been in the past and present? I have the pearl of wisdom. I only need to be in front of you. Just charge into the battle." Jiaomu Jiao thought, he was a dragon at the level of an immortal and the leader of the twenty-eight constellations. Jiang Yuanchen would not give up on him no matter what.

Jiang Yuanchen gave instructions by Jiaomujiao's ear, and he saluted and clasped his fists at the Wulong Prince: "The master said, I will ask your highness to take care of him for a while in the future."

Baihua Shengjun sent a message and Jiang Yuanchen knew that the Five Dragon Prince also came for the human remains. Cangyu Daojun ordered that there should be no internal fighting over this thing, and that it should be in the hands of the human race first before talking about anything else.

"Okay." The Wulong Prince was very scheming and would not express his position at the beginning. Seeing Jiang Yuanchen sending his disciples over, he hid behind the scenes and watched for a while if he wanted to.

I saw the Jiaomu Jiao shouting to those fighting in the distance: "Can you please stop temporarily and listen to the next words?"

Of course no one will listen to what a little dragon says. The Yellow Dragon King combines his body with his Tao, and it is difficult for him to leave the world. But this true immortal found another way and transformed the entire world into an incarnation. When the yellow clouds surrounding the Yellow Dragon Realm dispersed, a giant dragon winding thousands of miles across was seen lying beside the Cangjiao Realm. The earth and rocks are the body, the rivers are the blood, and countless creatures inhabit it densely. The so-called God Long Bo and Princess Mingxi are just a drop in the ocean to the dragon.

God Long Bo patted his forehead: "Could it be that the method of incarnation in the world was stolen from our Long Bo clan?" He transformed and continued to rise in the void. Having just created a living being that flies into the body, it also has the ability to create the world. It is like the world itself, and the five elements cycle endlessly. It's a pity that in front of the Yellow Dragon King, he is still small, not even one-tenth of it.

"That's enough!" God Long Bo laughed. He waved his fist and rushed towards Huanglong.

Princess Mingxi whispered: "Reckless man!" She is very self-aware, and the princess under the Dragon Emperor will never be inferior to Bingqian's education. Faced with this behemoth's fighting method, the Dragon Clan has already had a set of corresponding methods.

He shrunk more and more, turning into fine dust and sinking into Huanglong's body, preparing to hit the big one with a small one.

Seeing this, the Dragon Demon Prince also resorted to his old demon skills, creating countless demon heads in the void to contaminate and seduce the creatures in the Yellow Dragon Realm, and built the demon system from within to destroy the laws of the world.

Jiaomu Jiao Suibai saw that these people ignored him and continued to act according to Jiang Yuanchen's words. There is a pair of sickle-like dragon horns on the top of the head. There are two stars inlaid on it. This is not the horn of the heavenly dragon, but the horn of the dragon. The two stars echoed, and Guanghui and the Cangjiao Realm communicated with each other. The Cangjiao Realm was constantly shining, and the two divine dragons were entrenched on both sides of the continent, ready to move.

Seeing the Jiaomu Jiao stimulating the power of the Cangjiao Realm, Huang Longwang and others stopped their hands one after another, and a group of immortal consciousness and spiritual thoughts surrounded the Jiaomu Jiao. Don't want him to get the upper hand.

The Jiaomu Jiao took back its power at the right time. The two divine dragons from the Cangjiao Realm disappeared.

"My father was born in the human race and came here to look for the remains of the ancient human race. I wonder why you are here?"

If everyone wants different things, it is possible for them to join forces.

Hearing the hidden meaning, King Huanglong said: "That fellow Taihao still wants to transform into the body of a distant ancestor so that he can use the luck of the human race to prove the truth? It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time. This era is not the time when the human race is flourishing! The king came here to find an opportunity to attain enlightenment, and I think it has something to do with dragon horns." King Huanglong and Jiang Yuanchen were at odds with each other. But both of them are enemies in the Xuanyu Immortal Realm. It is best not to fight if possible.

"I am here to be a treasure of the dragon clan." Princess Mingxi said calmly: "The old dragon king was born as an earth dragon. Could it be that he wants to use this pair of dragon horns to transform himself into the horns of a heavenly dragon, so as to prove his enlightenment?"

The Yellow Dragon King Earth Dragon attained enlightenment. Although Feitian transformed into a dragon, his dragon horn has always been a weak point, similar to the horned wood dragon.

Jiaomujiao saw the thousands of miles long dragon in the distance. The size of the dragon's horns obviously didn't match his body, so he needed to use the Cangjiao Realm to turn it into the dragon's horns.

"I have nothing to ask for, but this dragon horn looks good as a crown." God Long Bo smiled naively and patted his head. He had no sense of the Cangjiao Realm at all, and it was completely because Princess Mingxi accidentally attracted him there.

Princess Mingxi also understood at this time, and secretly regretted in her heart: Why did she lure this bastard here to cause trouble when she didn't take other paths?

For this, Jiang Yuanchen was very lucky. At least the path Princess Mingxi took only attracted a fool. If Jiang Yuanchen deduced that taking another path, even the Xuanyu Immortal Realm would be provoked. If he took a detour from the other side, it would still be possible. It will provoke a certain hidden immortal.

"This palace also contains the bones of the distant ancestors of the human race." As soon as the Five Dragon Prince scooped it up, the Shenxiao giant ship put it into the dragon robe: "The prince is not practicing at Senior Mitian, why are you here?" This was asked to the Dragon Demon Prince.

The Dragon Demon Prince is the messenger he sends to the heavenly realm in the form of the emperor, just like Prince Baiying of the King of Heavenly Heaven.

Dragon Demon's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "I am looking for opportunities under the orders of my father. I wonder if Junior Brother Bai Ying can do it?"

"How are you, little brother? I was asked to communicate more with the Holy Palace a few days ago."

The two reached a tacit understanding. Jiang Yuanchen, who saw such a scene through the Jiaomu Jiao, frowned: "Shenxiao Emperor and Tianmo Palace are joining forces at this time. Shenxiao Emperor will never be stupid enough to let me grow and then help Haoran tricked them."

The son of a rich man does not sit down in the hall. Jiang Yuanchen, a cautious person, will certainly not act recklessly and break into the Cangjiao Realm. Instead, he will watch the chess game of heaven and earth from outside.

There is a chessboard in front of Jiang Yuanchen with several chess pieces on it. The Jiaomu Jiao, the Five Dragons Prince, the Huanglong King, the Princess Mingxi, the Long Bo God and the Dragon Demon Prince are all on the chessboard.

Yin Li followed and didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Yuanchen's actions: "Master is sitting at the edge of the chessboard. Why do you want to serve tea and prepare fairy fruits on the opposite side? Do you want to play chess with others?"

Kang Jinlong thought thoughtfully: "What do you mean, sir, that the world is like a chessboard, the immortals are the chess pieces, and you are the chess player on the outside?"

Jiang Yuanchen smiled and said: "Yes, you are also immortals, and you know the mind of heaven. You should know that our advantage lies in our own immortal knowledge. When we walk into the world, we will inevitably be disturbed by the world. We cannot see the reality. Only in the void, under the Only by making moves can you seize the initiative." This is the method of war in the void. It has been deduced in the dream world for countless years. Jiang Yuanchen is confident and thinks that he is not inferior to the Xuanyu Immortal World.

"Although there are ancestral bones in this world, even I don't know where they are." The Nine Emperor Monument only senses the Cangjiao Realm. But the exact location is unknown.

"So, I need these people to help me do some research first." A white stone was thrown into the chessboard in his hand to trigger changes.

The light and darkness in the void were uncertain, and Jiaomu Jiao and others stood facing each other. The purple star beside Jiaomu Jiao floated, turning into the shadow of Emperor Ziwei: "Fellow Taoists, how about we unite temporarily? Otherwise, more people will pay attention to the Cangjiao Realm after a while, and none of us will be able to take what we want. . And the Dragon Demon Prince also tried it just now. There are other mysteries in this world, and you can't get in if you act recklessly."

The Dragon Demon Prince was almost killed by the Heaven-Shattering Demon's true form. Huang Longwang and others later used deduction methods to review history, which was of course clear.

"We don't know yet whether what we want is the same thing. It's easiest to start a fight at this time to take advantage of outsiders." The Five Dragons Prince agreed: "We will jointly arrange the forbidden method to seal this void, and then we will plot the Cangjiao Realm. What do you think? How about the next one?"

Everyone's faces were expressionless, Jiang Yuanchen and Prince Wulong stood together. But secretly communicated with others secretly. The Five Dragon Prince and the Dragon Demon Prince discussed how to carve up the alliance, and Jiang Yuanchen was also summoning Long Bo to instigate a relationship between him and Princess Mingxi.

"What use does the great god want this dragon horn crown? When the time comes, I will give you some immortal crowns. I guarantee they will look better than this dragon horn."

"Just to bully this dragon girl? This dragon girl is unruly and willful. You can crush her with the dragon horn? You won't go back and make her angry. She was reprimanded by the Dragon King. Why not, the great god capture her as a The mount adds more glory."

"Don't trust me. Of course, we are strangers. But I am on good terms with Baihua Shengjun, and I heard that Long Bo Daojun and Baihua Shengjun have a close friendship. After all, we are one family, right?"

"In a void battle, it's always good to have an extra ally."

"I also dislike that dragon girl. Look! That dragon girl is staring at the dragon under me with ill intentions. I intend to teach her a lesson."

How could this idiot Long Bo be Jiang Yuanchen's opponent? He has been sleeping for three thousand years, and of course he does not know the famous proverb of Kyushu. Jiang Yuanchen was confused by his few words.

Princess E Cui of Mingxi frowned, vaguely guessing that the others were communicating secretly, and suddenly felt in danger. "Everyone here has no friendship with me. It is inevitable that everyone will join forces to attack."

"Taihao just secretly summoned me and asked me to join forces with him." Huanglong King suddenly sent a message to Mingxi: "But you and I are of the same race after all. If the Dragon Clan gives birth to a Taoist Lord again, it will be beneficial to the entire Dragon Clan. Then I can also regain my position as the King of Beasts."

Princess Mingxi was born late and has not experienced the era ruled by the ancient Lin Lord at all. But the dragon women, especially the direct descendants, always want to take back the power of the beasts from the master Lin. The total number of people in the Qilin clan may not be ten thousand. The Dragon Clan's exclusive world is comparable to that of the entire Qilin Clan. Of course they are unwilling to submit to the rule of the Qilin clan. In particular, Lord Lin is a king of beasts who is unpredictable, with all his heads taking turns to fight, changing orders day by day.

"But this Yellow Dragon King is so vicious that he could even liquidate the people in his own world, let alone those of us dragons who are obviously not of the same lineage as him. When the time comes to take back the sovereignty of the beasts, I'm afraid he will trick us. Perhaps, when he became enlightened, he took the initiative to surrender to Lord Lin in exchange for his status as the Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons." Although Princess Mingxi was unruly, she was not stupid: "But at this time, other people should also be in secret contact with each other. Shan Ligu really needs to form an alliance with him to buy time." With a change of heart, he replied to convey the intention of forming an alliance.

The six parties communicated with each other, and suddenly someone came to the Cangjiao Realm: "I, the Immortal Long Ying, have been listening for a while, and I would like to ask you to add one more person, how about it?"

Dragon Shadow Immortal?

Several people were surprised. Jiang Yuanchen squinted his eyes. One more chess piece kept appearing on the chessboard, and he had a hunch that this person seemed to be the key to the chess game in Cangjiao Realm.

The white-clothed immortal wears shark robes, and under his seat is a candle dragon with its eyes closed. The candle dragon spits fire to illuminate the darkness.

"Okay." Huanglong King obviously also noticed the connection between this immortal and the Cangjiao Realm.

"We, the seven parties, joined forces to explore the Cangjiao Realm, and arranged forbidden laws to prevent others from coming." The Yellow Dragon King took back the true form of the world, and the black and yellow energy sealed the laws of the void.

Not daring to let the Yellow Dragon King complete the seal alone, the five divine dragons connected head to tail behind the head of the Five Dragon Prince, sensing the Five Elements Avenue in the Void and turning into a spiritual web entangled in the Yellow Dragon Barrier.

When the Dragon Demon Prince saw this, the invisible and formless demon attached himself to the spiritual net. Princess Mingxi, Long Bo Shenren, etc. also cast spells one after another.

Jiang Yuanchen ordered the Jiaomu Jiao to arrange the Galaxy Canghai and said to Longying Immortal: "Fellow Taoist, what do you want to do?"

Dragon Shadow sat down on Zhulong as soon as he sat down. Zhulong opened his eyes, and suddenly the boundless light illuminated, blessing everyone again. Looking from outside the void, the entire area around the Cangjiao Realm is shrouded in light, making it impossible to get close to it.

After the seal, the seven parties joined forces to calculate the fetal membrane of heaven and earth in the Cangjiao Realm.

Jiang Yuanchen first presented his research results: "The power of this heaven and earth fetal membrane is very strong, but it cannot stop all of us. But if we come together, we will definitely destroy this world, so we need to break the seal of the heaven and earth fetal membrane." Purple Star In a flash, the Jiaomu Jiao stretched out his hand and a pattern appeared on the fetal membrane of heaven and earth. The pattern is shaped like a dragon egg, completely enveloping the Cangjiao Realm: "This distant ancestor is proficient in the calculation method of heaven and earth. This fetal membrane of heaven and earth contains innate principles. Only by deciphering the innate principles can the repulsive force of the fetal membrane be resolved smoothly and the world can be entered smoothly."

Invisibly occupying the dominant position, Jiang Yuanchen pointed to the light spot on the pattern: "It just so happens that if I crack the fetal membrane, I can open up seven channels. Then we can enter one channel at a time, how about it?"

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