Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1100: Fierce Battle on Fungus Island (Part 2)

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If it hadn't been for Cathy to tell him this way, he would never realize that he was carrying a physical cannon with him. Electromagnetic orbit acceleration + Akron's gravitational field. Under the superposition of dual kinetic energy, what kind of damage an iron ball the size of a Hercules transport ship can cause is frightening to think about.

The previous 6 fire dragons used jet acceleration + gravity to fall from high altitude, enough to shatter the mutated dryad’s rock armor. Now they are further replaced by electromagnetic orbit acceleration + gravitational superimposed kinetic energy impact, which should be able to cause more Heavy damage can kill the target in one hit.

Of course, because of atmospheric circulation and friction, it must be combined with the various data transmitted by the detector + Protoss satellite to make precise adjustments so that it can hit the target smoothly and prevent it from emptying. If the mutant tree monster is scared back to the ground, it is not good. Now... Maybe it will evolve into a protracted tug of war.

He didn't want to waste time here, so he thought about it seriously and felt that it was not safe enough to drop a Hercules transport ship, because this thing is strong in the outside, and it will be severely rubbed by the atmosphere due to accelerated sinking. God knows it will fall. How many things are left on the mutant Dryad. Then, he thought of the elemental creatures that had only recently been unlocked.

This guy is a terrifying creature bred by the debris of the sun. The body is made of ultra-high-density metal elements. It is horribly sturdy. If the creature itself does not resist, it will have good conductivity. Once successfully launched from outer space, remove the fine-tuning in terms of accuracy, and don’t care that atmospheric friction will damage its structure.

You can know the effect of this thing when you think about it with your ass... Tang Fang doesn't think the mutant tree monster can resist this level of impact. And he also has a crazy idea--the thing below can survive in the magma environment, it doesn't mean it can also ignore the power of the sun fragments. Once the two parties come into close contact, the rock armor that has melted under the continuous irradiation of the Void Glow Ship is bound to be unable to resist the superimposed effect of heat. As long as it can break its skin, then he can use the goddess of the storm or the **** of death to give the last one strike.

This is a supplement to Cathy's plan, but it also brings a brand new problem... With Cathy and Soya's electric energy reserves, can they spur a behemoth like elemental creatures?

According to the calculation of the two, this abnormal projectile has good electrical conductivity and will reduce their burden. But even so, I am afraid there is only one blow.

One chance... Tang Fang thought about it seriously, and thought that one chance was enough, and success or failure was a matter of success. Even if you can't kill that thing, it can always scare it back into the crypt, and it will definitely not come out again in a short time.

The elemental creatures began to move towards the electromagnetically accelerated orbit created by Cathy and Soya, and the huge bone spurs shining with metal light began to close inward, gradually covering the light of the sun fragments, and even the void crystals floating around the body were collected. Belly, it now looks like a black metal cannonball.

"..." Tang Fang was speechless about this. He didn't expect this stupid big guy to understand that he would be fired as a cannonball next time, and take the initiative to enter a defensive posture.

Cathy and Soya held hands in a scissors posture and stood still in the void. As the elemental creatures entered the middle of the lightning rail, a larger spiral arc shot from the two of them to the distance, as fast as the sky winding down in a thunderstorm season. A huge thunder light.

The continuous electric storm oscillated in the void, dispelling the darkness of the entire airspace. The electric current seemed to pierce Akron's atmosphere like a swimming spear, cracking into countless fine electric flowers in the inner sky.

Tang Fang's eyes narrowed and tightened, and when Emma told her that she could attack, she waved her arms vigorously.

The electric light that was originally hooked and twisted instantly soared, and the elemental creatures that were almost shrunk into spheres shot forward along the parallel electric tracks, faster and faster, and under the dual action of Lorentz force and gravity, they turned into an instant. The Umang, which went away, plunged into the night area that "Akubaduo" could not illuminate, and when it entered the atmosphere, it made a sparse ripple.

The lightning tide dissipated extremely quickly, and Cathy and Soya released their hands together, and the arc spreading around their bodies rose and fell, successively submerged in their bodies. They almost overdrawn all the electrical energy in their bodies, and they didn't even have the strength to return to the battleship, and slowly drifted in the weightless space like catkins.

Tang Fang's eyes narrowed into a line, looking at the place where the elemental creatures plunged into the atmosphere of Akron Star, and he could see the bright fire light farther and farther at the end of his sight, like a shooting star.

At this moment, looking to the sky in the interior of Akron, you can see a ball of fire falling straight down with the tail of the comet. The dark clouds in the sky broke apart at the moment of the heat attack, and a large hole appeared, and the densely falling rainwater also Was evaporated.

The night was illuminated by the blazing flames, the gloomy clouds seemed to be roasted by the fire, the fungus blanket island and the nearby water surface became bright, and the flame vortex bulging around the meteors floated up and down on the water surface.

This scene is complicated, but it's just a blink of an eye for the ground battlefield. The falling meteor in the sky, with a momentum that cannot be described in words, landed on the fungus blanket island from the distant space, and the rapidly soaring fire light obscured the divergent silver radiance of the prism beam lased by the Void Glowship.

Just like a bullet fired from a sniper rifle hit the cork, the mutant dryad was smashed into the fungus blanket island by a meteor.

From the rain clouds dispersed to the red meteor hitting the target, the whole process quickly made no sound. Until the bursting flame spreads on the surface of the fungus carpet island, the shock wave sweeps everything around with infinite heat, and even 9 void glow ships and more than 20 Protoss fighters are blown away by the air wave, huge impact and flames. The whistle from the blasting air came slowly.

The violent impact tore the entire fungus blanket island, the uppermost fungus blanket tissue was burned out by flames, and the large truffle blanket underneath was driven by the shock wave to fly into the distance. The sea rose up with a tide, and the whole world was shrouded in chaos. .

Water and fire blend here, strong winds and big waves sweep across the sea and sky, and the golden and blue lines in the misty world come from the struggling Protoss unit.

Over time, the outwardly diverging shock waves gradually disappeared, and the battlefield environment can barely be distinguished. The ten-kilometer-long fungus blanket island was wiped away, and the sea water poured in, forming a huge whirlpool in the area where the mutant dryad originally stood, and occasionally heat can be seen gushing out of it.

Just like Cathy said, the entire island was destroyed... The lower part was fragmented in the impact, and some of the blocks turned into small floating reefs, which were carried farther by the spreading tide.

The Protoss units had disappeared from this airspace... It was Tang Fang who took them back into the system space in order to reduce the loss.

When a little golden light appeared in the sky, it flew from the sky along the trail of falling meteors, the restlessness on the sea also tended to ease, the huge vortex where the fungus blanket island was located has disappeared, and the high tide disappeared behind the sea horizon. The frightened Wind Elf has not stopped yet, still blowing the returning rain line, slapped the surface of the water with the fragments of the fungus blanket, waved green waves after another.

"Wow..." The rain became heavier, but the waves got smaller and smaller, and pieces of purple fungus blanket floated everywhere on the sea. It's a pity that the night has shrouded this sea area again, otherwise a piece of green water with purple moss will be a scene of scenery.

The Protoss transport plane stopped more than ten meters above the sea, and the light of the searchlight illuminates the nearby ocean. Tang Fang looked through the porthole, frowning his brows slowly, and the light in his eyes became more and more bright.

"Wow!" It wasn't that the rain became bigger again, but that a huge monster floated from below, broke through the ocean, and climbed up with countless curtains of water. The raindrops from the sky and the acid falling from the behemoth formed a huge water potential.

Gradually, golden brilliance bloomed, breaking through the searchlight light of the Protoss transport aircraft to illuminate the waters farther away.

The behemoth rising from below is naturally an elemental creature. The golden light comes from the slowly spreading bone spur gap, and the brilliance flowing on the surface of the sun fragment radiates a burst of heat, which drives away the acidic water remaining in the body gap.

"This thing... is really tough." Tang Fang couldn't help but explode, shocked by the power of the elemental creatures, falling from such a high place, having withstood the friction of the atmosphere, and wiped an island from the ocean. It turned out to be nothing at all, it's just that the rock avalanche effect appeared in some places, but it was just a few minor injuries.

Taking the elemental creatures back into the system space, and at the same time telling the Protoss pilot to raise the transport plane a bit, Tang Fang jumped out of the cabin opening, landed on the back of an Euglena, and slowly settled toward the sea.

At the same time, one king insect fell from the sky, plunged into the calm sea, splashing continuous waves.

The landing ship had long disappeared, so he had to summon the queen of the worm to the back of the Euglena, and discharge the tumor of the bacteria blanket into the sea below as before to recreate a floating island.

The fold-over prism in phase mode replaces the Protoss transport aircraft, illuminating the entire dark sea.

More worm queens are devoted to the reconstruction of the fungus blanket island. Although the impact of elemental creatures wiped the fungus blanket island from the sea, there are still many broken island blocks several kilometers deep. If repaired on this basis, it should save time and effort than rebuilding a fungus blanket island.

The queens spread out the fungus blanket, and the scattered fragments of the fungus blanket tissue on the sea surface was absorbed again. As the fungus blanket reef was gradually connecting into one piece, dozens of waves burst up on the water not far away, and the group of king insects that had plunged into the ocean earlier came out of the water.

They soared upwards like purple balloons, and larger surges appeared, and the 1.4-kilometer-long body of the Mutant Dryad was slowly pulled out and stopped 5 meters above the water.

Today's mutant tree fairy is dead, and the crevices of the rock draped on the surface no longer flash, and the amethyst bone plate that extends from the spine to the tail becomes dark and dull, and the tail that can stimulate energy rays hangs in the sea. Let the waves hit the wound and swept away the body fluids with high temperature.

Its fatal wound was in the chest, a huge hole more than 200 meters long, the organs inside had been smashed, smashed, and then washed away by the sea. Now you can still see the dark brown flesh that has turned out, and there are sparse magma falling on it. The surface of the water rattles.

The brutal collision of the elemental creatures curled up and penetrated the mutant Dryad's body with one blow, not only the important internal organs were destroyed, but the rock armor covering the body was shattered, and the large shells were no exception.

Although he knew that replacing the Hercules transport ship with elemental creatures would bring a heavier blow to the target, he was surprised to see such a scene with his own eyes, and was once again moved by the solidity of the elemental creature's shell.

"Sure enough, the things that appeared in the 4th base are all abnormal..." He muttered a little, he jumped from the back of the Euglena on the corpse of the mutant Dryad, walked to the big hole in his chest, and jumped into the wound fault.

With the size of the mutant tree demon, human beings are so small that they can't even count as ants when facing it. Tang Fang took a lot of effort to climb to the deep area and reach the chamber where the vital organs are located.

The scan report of the detector shows that the body composition of the Mutant Dryad is roughly divided into three parts-the outermost outer armor composed of red rock and large shells, and the cortex filled with high-temperature fluid~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And the internal environment for storing vital organs.

Perhaps it was because the Mutant Dryad had died, or the sea water diluted its heat. Under the protection of the harsh environment protective clothing, he did not feel much discomfort, and finally walked to a relatively flat area, and reached out to the organs. The black flesh and blood turned outward after rupture.

After 3 breaths, consciousness was drawn into the system space, the emblems of the 4 clan bases were extinguished one after another, the interface slowly turned to a black screen, the cursor flickered several times, and a line of characters passed by with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


Next, with the same familiar buzzing, the system went online again, and the 4 clan bases returned one by one, re-displaying the present.

Without hesitation, Tang Fang turned his attention to the Zerg base, framed the worker bees, and pressed the mutation hotkeys in turn, but found no new elements. Then switch to the mutation menu of the larva, and no new units appear again.

Considering the absence of Abathur, it is impossible to refine the essence of the mutant tree monster DNA, and unlock the mutant strains in the Battle of the Swarm Heart. He did not rush to find a new item, first ordered the worm to collect tissue samples of the mutant tree demon for storage, and then asked Emma how many new elements to unlock.

After learning that there are a total of 2 elements to unlock, all located in the Zerg base, he searched for various functional buildings using a carpet sweep method. When the focus was switched to the "Place of Origin", he finally found the first new project. (To be continued.)

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