Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1119: Old and Young (Part 2)

The terrifying aura of the middle-aged man seemed to be isolated by a green mountain. Zhao Jiali's slightly trembling body calmed down after being frightened. She gave Tang Fang a grateful look, which made her feel that she was not fighting alone.

Han Jingyun said blankly: "I really want to know if you are in charge of state power, how can you protect the interests of Kylenia and Grant, those who support you, and their descendants? They are treated the same as those who once opposed you? Is it fair to them?"

Tang Fang didn't answer his question, not because there was nothing to say, but because it was unnecessary. He is not obligated to tell Han Jingyun what to do. That is the responsibility of the teacher, life, and the goddess of destiny.

He did not say, she said.

"Knowing why I don't want to come back here, would I rather be an unaccompanied stranger in the Star Alliance...Because I can't bear the feeling of being torn apart by reality, and can't bear the group of double-faced people around me."

"You people, while using media and educational resources to create the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic threat theory, brainwash the whole people with narrow-minded patriotism, even the kindergarten children will not let go of the looted wealth and women. , Illegitimate children sent to hostile countries."

"You keep saying that you want to love the people like your children and your country like your home. In that case, why don't you send the hard-working people to the children's place? Not only did you fail to do so, but instead used ultra-high taxes and issuing more local currency to plunder and dilute the wealth of the people, and Spend the foreign exchange resources gained from their hard work on their children."

"How strong are you guys, you can switch freely between hypocritical nobility and real shamelessness, without being torn apart by that kind of mental shock. The most talented actors are nothing more than that."

"Sorry, I can't bear this kind of pain, so I chose to escape. Since I can't adapt, I choose to leave."

Zhao Jiali said aloud, what he didn't finish in the call three years ago, now he said it all at once. Because Tang Fang was sitting there, and because Han Jingyun was his grandfather.

If she didn't say, no one would dare to say. She is not willful, so no one will be willful.

She stepped off the red beret, visited the entire Dillard star system, and met many people who had previously wanted to meet but had no chance to meet. But there are still regrets, because I didn't see Elena, the little girl who made her feel ashamed and gained courage in life.

When Elena stood at the feet of the Golden Lion and dared to say no to Hymn Will. Today she is here to ask her grandfather, "Aren't you ashamed of those actions?" They are different in age, skin color, identity, and experience. But there is one thing the same-with Tang Fang's company.

Han Jingyun finally couldn't bear it, and loudly reprimanded: "If there is no shamelessness in me, there will be no talk of yours. Other people can accuse me, but you are not qualified."

Her face was a little ugly, and she didn't know how to answer. Because Han Jingyun's words are correct, other people can point to his nose and yell as long as they are courageous, but Zhao Jiali can't.

Tang Fang released his hand holding the lid of the cup and watched it fall from the 10 centimeters in the air, hitting the edge of the cup with a light click, interrupting the argument between the grandfather and grandson.

"I originally came this time to **** her home, but now... I have changed my mind." Tang Fang stood up and said calmly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you and Pliden Almaty. There is no interest in the power struggle between."

At this moment, he felt that what Kylenia was right, people should learn to give up sometimes. He cannot really regard himself as the savior just because the Garcia rebels call him the "Messiah of the East", and take on the responsibility of saving the world.

"Humph!" The middle-aged man stepped forward, his eyes falling on his face like a cold sword.

No one could hear the meaning of the above sentence of Tang Fang-he did not intend to continue trading with Han Jingyun, nor did he want to return the "hostage" of Zhao Jiali. It's a pity that this is the Republic of Date, not the Dillard star system, and not Captain Tang's one-third of an acre. He doesn't count, but Han Jingyun counts...at least the middle-aged man thinks so.

"If you don't want me to become the enemy of Prime Minister Han, please lie on your stomach..." Captain Tang was rude before, but now he is vicious.

To be honest, the middle-aged man has endured it for a long time. From the time I entered the door until now. He knew that Tang Fang was very strong. When the Greenwich City suffered a terrorist attack, the rumors of Captain Tang killing the three-legged machine alone had spread throughout the Hillenberg area, but even so, he still didn’t think the few people in front of him could break through. They set up a blockade and escaped.

All those who ridiculed him as a dog paid their due price.

Han Jingyun raised his hand and interrupted the tense atmosphere in the room. He looked at Tang Fang and said, "Aren’t you tracking down the whereabouts of God’s armed forces? There are intelligence reports that Pliden’s men are arresting the Genesis evil JIAO followers all around, and they seem to be with the human body. The experiment is related. According to the relevant information disclosed by the Turanx United Kingdom, I suspect that there is a shadow of God's armed forces behind this incident. Maybe Pliden has reached some kind of cooperation agreement with that dark force."

"I hope you can carefully consider my proposal. After all, killing Pliden? Almaty is good for you and me."

Tang Fang showed a pensive look: "Are you sure?"

Han Jingyun threw him a data chip: "This is the information collected by my people at the risk of their lives. I suspect that God’s armed attack on the Sky City is to weaken my strength and kill you or your friends at the same time. Revenge for the Lanks United Kingdom."

He put the chip in his arms, nodded and said, "I will give you an answer after reading the contents."

Han Jingyun nodded, picked up the teapot on the table and poured yellow soup into the empty teacup.

He and Kleiya and others walked to the door, Zhao Jiali looked at the opposite side for a while, gritted his teeth, and hurried to catch up.

When Tang Fang opened the bamboo curtain in front of the door and stepped out of the room with his front foot, he heard a question from behind him: "When'Learcy' dealt with the nobles under the rule of Duke Tripatti, Have you ever thought that among the dead there were young people with similar personalities and opinions to her?"

She refers to Zhao Jiali, who has a prominent background, but does not have the arrogance and luxury of aristocrats.

Tang Fang stopped and looked back. The sun shines on his face through the cracks in the crabapple tree, not wonderful, a bit ugly.

It wasn't because Han Jingyun's words caused him a psychological impact, but because he was smiling, smiling maliciously.

"I hate people who play with fire... very annoying." After saying this, he left the room without looking back and entered the blossoming world over there. He sneezed several times in a row. It seemed that allergic symptoms were more than that. It's heavier in the garden.

The middle-aged man didn't send it, didn't want to send it, didn't want to send it, Han Jingyun didn't let him send it.

"Mr. Prime Minister, just let them go like this? Miss Zhao...she..."

"Qingyun... Do you think Jiali is happier following them, or is it happier to stay by my side?"

"This..." Liu Qingyun didn't know how to answer this question.

"She is my granddaughter after all. Although she always has a lot of dissatisfaction, she always contradicts me... But she is my granddaughter after all." At the beginning and at the end, he said the granddaughter twice.

Han Jingyun said: "Actually, I should have expected this result."

A disappointed and sad expression appeared on Liu Qingyun's face.

"Why show a sad expression, at least in this matter, we won."

"How do you tell?" Liu Qingyun asked the old man who looked at the character on the north wall with a slight smile on his mouth.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Regardless of whether Pliden is in collusion with God's armed forces, after receiving such information, Tang Fang will definitely start the investigation process...what do you think he will find?"

The middle-aged man's face became stiff, and he suddenly thought of something.

The superstructures of the country are so dark, it is conceivable how ugly the lower structures will be.

Will people like Tang Fang stand by when they see the evil of Pletteng Almaty’s men? With his character and guidelines, he will never give up.

"Jia Li will be happier following him than by my side, and it will also send a signal to the outside world... Do you think those who don’t know how to choose between me and Pletteng will do What kind of decision?"

Liu Qingyun opened her mouth, her eyes gleaming compellingly.

Indeed, there is no need to make a transaction at all, Han Jingyun can get the result he wants without paying any price.

This is a successful diplomacy. Although Liu Qingyun did not want to admit it, facts have proved that Tang Fang and his forces have indeed become a diplomatic force that cannot be ignored by the countries in the entire Hilumbel region. Every move of that kid may have a subversive impact on a country.

"Sure enough, **** is still hot." Liu Qingyun gave a flattery.

Han Jingyun smiled silently, stroking the fragrant wind that slipped into the room with his hand, thinking that today is a day worth drinking.


Tang Fang knew very well what the prime minister was making, but he was too lazy to break it, and he didn't want to spend more time to mess up the other party's conspiracy. He was not interested in the discord between Han Jingyun and Pletteng. The most important task at the moment is Confirm the intelligence in the chip, find a stronghold armed by God, destroy it, and walk the World Stone system on the way back. As for whether Han Jingyun will turn his face with him, I will talk about it in the future.

After leaving the villa where Han Jingyun was located, Aros contacted Bukharin and agreed to meet in a parking lot three blocks away.

When I saw the gang leader again half an hour later, he found a big hole in his skull T-shirt and a bruise on his wrist. The veteran asked him if he was causing trouble again. He did not answer, but urged everyone to leave this **** earlier city.

Claire stopped two taxis and a group of people moved towards the mooring location of the special operations transport ship.

Zhao Jiali has always been very quiet, not at all the innocent and lively he used to be, and looks worried.

Fortunately, this emotion didn't last long, and when he got closer to the destination, he began to smile again.

As before, the special operations transport ship did not encounter any obstacles and left Krengel safely and entered the deep space of the universe.

The Fallen Angel went and returned, waiting for a long time in its original position.

After returning to the mothership, he briefly described the encounter with Tang Lin on land. Tang Fang entered his room and inserted the data chip into the data interface of the workbench. Some photos and unclear images began to appear on the big screen, and information such as data, shooting location and background information were recorded in the comment column.

It took 20 minutes to browse through the entire information. He frowned involuntarily, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

The intelligence gathered by Han Jingyun's men is very scattered, which only arouses his suspicion that there are no fewer than a dozen areas that are most likely to be related to the armed forces of God. If the investigation continues one by one, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

According to his plan, he successfully destroyed the stronghold of God’s armed forces, and then returned to the Talida star system. Presumably at that time, the Heratim Guard had not opened the Sky City. He just lied and told those people that they needed to go in for the final cleanup. Work with detection, you can easily mix into the space station and find a way to steal the World Stone system quietly.

But after reading this information, he felt a lot of anxiety in his heart... If all those suspicious locations and people were investigated, let alone one month, six months might not be enough.

Boom, boom, boom, the knock on the door from outside interrupted his thoughts.

Tang Fang opened the door and saw that the gang leader stood outside the door with a solemn expression, which was very different from the previous image.

"Ovis Quentin's death caused a riot within the Red Martyrs Party~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Regis’ situation is a bit bad. I have been delayed outside for many days and must rush back to stabilize the situation as soon as possible. "

Looking at the black nose ring and the silver earrings on the back, he raised his eyebrows with a smile but not a smile: "The speed of the shuttle in the hangar is not high... Well, I will let the veterans drive the special operations transport. The boat will take you back."

"Thanks." Bukharin waved and walked toward the bridge.

Tang Fang stayed in place for a while, took the door to the room, and went to the lounge not far from the bridge. He found Aros and Zhao Jiali, and told them Bukharin would return to Regis. He hoped that Aros could drive the special operations transport ship. Take the gang leader back. The veteran would naturally not object, and agreed very happily.

Then he asked Zhao Jiali for his opinion on whether to continue his literary journey with Bukharin or return to his previous life.

Zhao Jiali’s answer is: "Since you have not returned me to Grandpa, you are responsible for my future life."

This gave Tang Fang a very weird feeling, just like the dog-blood plot often seen in TV dramas or novels-"You have seen my body, and you are responsible for me; I have seen your JJ." , You are also responsible to me" and so on.

He replied: "Then what do you want?"

(PS: Again, although it was bought by Tencent, the subscription and reward authors of QQ reading and other channels get very little revenue. Only the subscription and reward authors have the highest share.) (To be continued.)

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