Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1152: New application

Lohana is not a combat character, and is closer to the rank of military advisor. However, in Tang Fang’s view, the entire Battle of the Void did not reflect the style of the highest saver with all the memories of the Protoss, but close to it. For a character like a woman with little feet, even if she resolutely disconnected from Carla at the end, she accepted the perception that "the times have changed".

He once joked to Zeratul, saying that he still lacks a library manager. There is no doubt that Lohanna is the best candidate, but she really willingly obeys a human's orders? Even if the Lohanna provided by the system is Lohanna after cutting the nerve bundle, I am afraid it will not simply obey.

After experiencing Ulaner's disobedience, he didn't think he could conquer this old woman with his personality charm.

Suddenly, Lohana thought of Kylenia, and he felt that he still liked the latter more.

Anyway, I can’t use the highest saver now, so why bother about it and find it hard to find yourself? The boat will go straight to the bridge.

Huh, how about finding her a human husband? Maybe it can change those rigid thinking.

Well, Chen Jian is a good candidate. Didn't this guy always hope to have a great relationship with aliens that has been remembered in history? Now the opportunity is here. Anyway, the Protoss, the Ypsilons, and the Elents are not much different to the average person. They are all aliens. Moreover, the Protoss girl is still very beautiful, although she does not have a mouth. Great shortcoming.

He thinks this is a good way, but there is always a feeling of pimping and helping Lohana cows eat tender grass.

The system shows that Lohana’s cost is 300w crystals and 200w gas, with a population of 15, which is more expensive than the previously unlocked Protoss heroes. This may be related to her precious memories.

Tang Fang also thought of the possibility that she and the other two Supreme Preservants led the Ark Project. The three Ark of the Protoss Tribe, the Spear of Alton, the Pride of Ottalis, and the Memory of Nessin, can be said to be from the hands of three people. And a thousand years ago, along with their respective Ark ships, Lohana was more expensive than Zeratul and Mohandar as a non-combat hero, perhaps related to the Spear of Arden.

However, it is not accurate to think about it. After all, Leviathan has already reached 1500 crystals of 1500w gas. As a 74km-class Ark ship, it is impossible to only need 300w crystals and 200w gas.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of the answer, so he gave up and looked for the second new unit that Emma said.

But...Obviously, all the production and functional buildings of the Protoss have been searched. Where is the second new element?

"Wait...wait... Awareness Link Network... Awareness Link Network... Remote Control..." He suddenly thought of a possibility and moved his eyes to the area where the Dark Temple was located. There were two Dark Templars in the circle, and saw The "Synthetic Dark Archon" option that was originally locked in gray has been unlocked.

Really, really the Dark Archon!

Two high-ranking templars can purify ghosts by burning their bodies, and at the cost of sacrificing their lives in exchange for a short-term fusion of spirit and energy, they can become archons who keep burning phantom energy. In the age of StarCraft 1, some people called them the Archons of Light.

Two dark Templar warriors can also burn the void energy in their bodies, exert the power of hatred and anger, and fuse into a powerful dark archon. However, only the most deeply cultivated and disciplined warrior can control that unstable energy. And this fusion is irreversible, once becoming a dark archon, it means that life has come to an end.

System notes show that the Dark Archon consists of 3 major components.

1. Mind control: The dark archon's body is surging with terrible void phantom energy. This energy removes the ability to change the structure of time and space and also has the ability to influence biological thinking. By interfering with the operation of the brain's magnetic field, it achieves the effect of controlling hostile targets. In fact, this is a very dangerous energy. They can not only affect enemy units, but also corrupt the consciousness of the Templar itself. Only those who are diligent and trained through strict will and discipline to obtain Nerazim who control the power of darkness. Warriors are unaffected and use this ability freely without being swallowed up by negative emotions.

Second, the Maelstrom: When the Dark Templar warrior bursts out this mutated void energy, it will cause a spiritual shock wave to the biological target within a specific range, which will seriously affect the target's mood and soul, and then completely lose control. Similar to the curved light warblade, there are two forms. The dark archons of the dark templars of different tribes also have different manifestations in the maelstrom. Some biological targets will be stunned by the mental shock wave and lose their combat ability. Some biological targets Will be irrational and blindly attack the surrounding objects, even their comrades in arms.

3. Nether Energy Shockwave: Similar to the Archon, the Dark Archon loses the ability to attack physically and becomes a special life form proficient in energy attacks. They can control the anger and burning void energy to form a crimson shock wave to defeat the enemy. Or play a little role, using the target bioenergy to cause a certain degree of damage to itself.

Judging from the three skills of Dark Archon, "Feedback", "Maelstrom", "Mind Control" and their performance situation, Sister Logic should integrate the Dark Archon data of StarCraft 1 and StarCraft 2, just like a ghost. Agent like that.

The Fusion Dark Archon does not consume crystals, gas, or population resources, but like the Archon, he cannot exist for long. Even if he summons back to the system space, he will burn out and die if he survives a half-daylight scene.

The long-awaited Dark Archon... finally unlocked. Compared with the Archon who is known for his offensive power, the Dark Archon is stronger in supporting abilities, especially the magical skill of mind control, which is much more flexible than the parasitic spinal needle that is infected. The most obvious benefit is that after returning to the human world, it is a weapon to see who is not pleasing to the eye to give mind control, whether it is used to shame others, or to prevent others from shading themselves. The Maelstrom skill is also a powerful skill. Although the actual performance is certainly not as bright as the battle, it is also a good hand to think of destroying and creating chaos.

Two new elements... Lohana and the Dark Archon, he is quite satisfied with unlocking this time.

After browsing the new elements, he moved his consciousness from the system space back to the real world, and found that outside quietly, Tang Lin and Claire were sitting on the handrails on both sides of the trestle bridge, closing their eyes and regaining their energy during their free time.

"Emma, ​​how far is the transcription progress?"

"Commander, it has reached 60%, and the remaining time is about 2 hours and 20 minutes."

"It turns out that three hours have passed..." Tang Fang raised his head and looked at the ceiling: "Muffinoah has given up here, or is there really no Athena or White Knight's combat power on the battlefield? Or..."

In order to prevent the epic creature from interfering with his control of the consciousness link network, he invested a large number of tribal units in the paradise world, starting a huge war. Now the tribal units have gone out of the 10, and the remaining 30% of the troops are being led with the assistance of Leviathan. The epic creatures of Paradise World go round in circles, just like Zeratul led the God Armed Fleet to go round circles.

What puzzled him was that perhaps Noah really attached great importance to this ruin, and did not change the order given to the Epic Creature Legion to abandon the tribal units and instead attack the ruins underneath.

Of course, it is also possible that Tripatti, the White Knights, and the Blackwing clones all died in battle. No one came to the central control system to send new commands, so the group of epic creatures have been following the previous instructions and devoting all their energy to exorcism. As long as Leviathan is still there, they will not stop.

In short, he had an inexplicable sense of irritability, and he felt that something was wrong. The latest information from Zeratul made this feeling even worse.

"Can you hurry up?" he said to Emma.

"Commander, this is the fastest speed. Unless you withdraw Leviathan and those combat units, you may be able to increase your processing power by 10%."

"Then... concentrate on work." He sighed, without the vague anxiety that appeared in Emma Daoming's heart.

"Commander, those data..."

He waited for a while, did not hear the following words, and said puzzledly: "What's wrong?"


"No...what? Please speak clearly." Tang Fang frowned.

Emma actually learned to hesitate, learned to hesitate, learned to speak and stopped. Since the core level of the system has been upgraded to 3, her level of humanity has become higher. Is it possible that... She is not an ordinary adjutant, but can A growing hero adjutant? This...is there such a setting in StarCraft?

"The latter data seems to be a bit problematic, but because the transcription process has not yet been completed, it is just my guess. It is better to be cautious about this lack of practical reasoning, and it will not be too late to talk about the real answer when the transcription process is over."

"There is a problem with the data?" Tang Fang said, "Will it have a bad effect on the system?"

"No, I think it's the opposite... it's a beneficial effect."

"Shhh..." He let out a long sigh of relief: "Can you stop being so cryptic, it's scary, okay." After he said he waved his hand: "Forget it, continue the task, there are two hours left, I want to rest. Now, pay attention to the situation outside, remember to wake me up if something is wrong."

"Okay, Commander." After saying this, Emma went into silence.

Tang Fang summoned a Hydralisk and lay down on its side as a biological mattress, which would make him more comfortable.

From entering the world of the Ark to breaking through the blockade of Tripatti, the White Knight and others, the continuous battles made him physically and mentally exhausted. Even with the ugly and terrible Hydralisk under his butt, he still fell asleep in a short time. Past.

I don't know how long it has been before, a soft beep came from his mind, interrupting his sleep.

"Commander, the data entry work has been completed. Now send the sorted data to..."

"Emma? Emma?" He found that Emma's words suddenly stopped in the second half, and there was a very obvious distortion in his voice, which made him very nervous, the remaining sleepiness disappeared instantly, and suddenly remembered what Emma had just said. Those words made my heart sink.

Will the problematic data really have a beneficial effect on the system? I'm afraid not necessarily.

If the system goes offline during this time period because of the problematic data, and the enemy happens to strike, it would be bad.

At this moment, an unexpected situation happened. It was black, and consciousness was once again uncontrollable, and was pulled into the system space by a certain force, but unlike the previous unlocking of new elements, no characters flashed, replaced by the emotional metal voice of Sister Logic.

The resource has been released and the Zerg module is restarting...

Invoke the permission update process...Re-assign permissions...

Assignment of permissions is complete... Wake up the Zerg database... The database is open... Start re-indexing.

Data update...please wait...Data update progress 10%...20%...30%...

The module has been expanded, the gene lock has been unlocked...information constraints are being written, the mapping mechanism is being constructed...over!

Lock the developer mode, close the Zerg module...restarting...initializing...initialization progress 11%...22%...33%...

The restart is complete~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The new function is loaded successfully, and the Zerg module is online.

Sister Logic's voice disappeared without a trace. For about a few breaths, Emma woke up from sleep and reported: "Commander, Zerg base related data has been expanded, and new applications are unlocked."

"New application?" Tang Fang said in surprise, "So...is it really beneficial?"

"Yes, Commander, the information contained in the library is very precious."

Tang Fang said puzzledly, "Wenku? You mean... this Ypsilon ruins?"

"Yes, Commander." After giving an affirmative reply, Emma continued data transmission and synchronized the remaining information to the computer system of the harsh environment protective clothing.

Tang Fang did not concentrate on browsing the sorted information. The new application of Zerg Base was his focus: "Emma, ​​what does the new application of Zerg Base mean?"

"Commander, affected by the information stored in the library, the genetic lock of the worker bees has been opened, and the information projection from the sub-universe to the real universe can be established in an appropriate environment."

"You know, I don't understand those technical terms, can I explain it more straightforwardly."

Emma said: "Commander, the genetic lock of the worker bees is turned on, allowing the construction of information projections in the real world, which means that the system's restrictions on the visualization of Zerg architecture have been lifted, and you can cultivate insect swarms in specific environments."

"Concretization... You mean that the restrictions on visualization are lifted, and worker bees can freely mutate Zerg architecture in the real environment?"

"Yes." Emma said: "However, the concrete Zerg architecture has relatively high environmental requirements. It needs a planet similar to the Akron star system of Akron, which is rich in organic matter, or a planet with a large area of ​​zero Sutian. ."

"Zero Element Field?" Tang Fang said, "Could it be possible that the extraction field can directly mine the original element of zero element ore without purification?"

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