Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1172: Whose pot

Without the particles that transmit nuclear force, and without energy exchange, the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus cannot maintain contact, the nuclear power system collapses, and the phenomenon of matter collapse occurs. This is a weapon that interferes with the current physical rules of the universe. Unless the woman has abandoned her physical body and turned into a pure energy life, she will never be able to resist the impact of the gray tide.

Although the thoughts are full, but the changes are very skinny. The gray tide did not catch the enemy, and the brilliance in front of him suddenly disappeared...the enemy, is gone!

It's not teleportation, it's electric movement close to the speed of light.

When the glory appeared again, it was already behind him, and the surging electric wave broke out again and shot at his vest.

Claire's speed is amazing, and his speed is not slow, because of the help of the falling thunder of the energy cloud.

When Noah called Thunder to help through the rune of Ipsyron, what happened next made his look greatly changed-the energy cloud did not respond, as if locked by something.

He didn't have time to look up, otherwise he would be shocked and speechless, because the energy cloud layer that was originally like a wave seemed to be blocked by some kind of force, the thunder and lightning were no longer, and the surface was covered with a layer of silver frost, which seemed to be frozen.

He did not give up, and continued to call for the energy cloud, summoning the power of space transfer, intending to treat Clariya like Tassada and transfer it to an independent space.

Can't be beaten and dodge--Mr. Noah is not pedantic at all and doesn't feel shameful to be defeated. Because victory in this world is not only one form. Combining what he had just seen and heard, he guessed that Clareya had gained this power at the cost of sacrificing something. It definitely couldn't last. As long as it was delayed for enough time, the enemy would not attack itself.

This idea is not only beautiful, but also correct. However, just as the changes just now are not full and very skinny, the reality is always cruel and not beautiful at all. Not only can the energy cloud fail to drop thunder, it can't even perform space transfer.

"This... how is this possible." He couldn't figure out why the woman hadn't dealt with the energy cloud, why she suddenly lost control of the energy cloud.

The black and white knight lost his combat power, and now he can't even help from the energy cloud. What else can he rely on?

Only the rune of Ypsilon left... Only the electric energy stored in the body...

He will no longer absorb the electricity released by his opponents, he can use the magnetic field to stay away from here, and may suffer one or two lightning damage, but it is better than waiting to die.

Hide, yes, hide with the enemy! As long as you can survive a period of time, victory will eventually come.

Just like before, a good vision is not a good reality.

Noah could not leave there, his body seemed to be firmly nailed, unable to fly by cutting the magnetic lines of force as usual. He was stupefied to see the light burst in front of him, not from the enemy's lightning storm, but from the special particles that formed the black fog.

In fact, not only the black mist showed polarity, even the surface of his skin was full of fine electric arcs.

If you use a special camera to shoot, it will record a very strange picture. An unimaginably powerful magnetic field suddenly burst out of Claire's body, and many free particles, under the vibration and guidance of the magnetic field lines, turned into a terrifying star wind and burst out. The dazzling pulse energy pierced through the gray mist, pierced the inner core of King Scourge Ming from the vest, and then pierced out of the chest.

The remaining part of the crystal tower was affected by the energy current and collapsed, leaving a huge crack on the inner wall of the crystal, meandering away, and sinking upward into the sky.

The second rockfall came, and huge cracks began to spread on the crystal walls and the surface, making a loud noise and shaking the mountains.

Noah spouted a big mouthful of blood and fell forward. The King of Scourge Ming turned into countless fragments and sprinkled on the ground nearby, and then was drowned by the slowly flowing blood.

With the death of the target, the light that enveloped Kleiya's body began to weaken, and the electric glow was looming on the surface of the skin.

She turned around and walked towards Tang Fang's location. The falling rocks that might affect him and Tang Lin were smashed by lightning one after another, turning into beautiful crystal debris and raining down.

Obviously it was only a very short distance, but she walked for a long time, until the falling rock stopped, and when the energy cloud re-flowed, she fell beside Tang Fang with a touch of crystal tears.

She tried to reach out her hand, less than 3 cm from his face...

The falling rocks will no longer fall, the building will not be tilted, the electric light will be hidden in a crystal world, only the silver-white energy cloud is still flowing slowly, like a gentle and demure girl.


The battle for the sanctuary has come to an end, and the battle between the fan blade structure and the Paradise Star Battlefield continues.

Athena couldn’t understand why this was. The message of the arrival of the hybrid warship had spread throughout the entire Ark world. Why Tang Fang’s combat units were still entangled. No matter how she shouted or explained, those guys didn’t even respond at all, just simply. Attack, attack, attack again.

A sea witch-class unmanned combat ship was damaged by the prism beam shot by the Void Glow, and fell from the sky with flames, hitting the fan blade surface building and bursting with dazzling light.

Athena remembered the words of Lord Noah before he fell asleep, and thought that he had indeed become embarrassed with the Supreme Council.

"I don't know how the battle on the temple side is going. Is Lord Noah well?"

The Crystal Mountain is still there, at least it still maintains its original shape from the outside, there is no sign of collapse, she does not know the internal situation of the sanctuary, and there is no channel to obtain information on the battle between Noah and Tang Fang.

With a hand cannon to repel the attack of the high-ranking templar, she looked at the location of the transmission platform, gritted her teeth, and suddenly increased the thrust of the two-wing injectors, leaving the battle range. The components of the Goddess of Victory were unfolded and turned into a mInI shuttle to drop towards the end of the fan structure.

Master Noah woke up and told her An Xin to direct the battle outside, and Tang Fang's three were dealt with by him.

She has confidence in him, and she trusts him very much. However, as time goes by, especially when the hybrid warship enters the Ark world from the time tunnel, it is launching an offensive against the other side star, the paradise star, and the Ypsilon space station in batches. Confidence began to waver.

In her mind, Lord Noah is a great hero, a great sage, and an excellent gentleman who makes her admire inextricably.

Of course she knew his history and knew his other name-Maurice Griffin, notorious for concocting Morrisnau, and was eventually sentenced to death by the Star Alliance government in disguise and exiled to Talta. Ross Abyss has since become the most sinister in human history, remembered by many people, and hated by many people.

However, according to the information she has, the truth is not as recorded in the history books-Morris Griffin is the root of all crimes and tragedies.

The history of mankind is actually a history of lies. Every sentence, every line of words, every punctuation mark in the book is immersed in the lies and sentimentality made by the rulers, and the Star Alliance era is no exception.

What is the historical background of Morris Griffin's preparation of Morris slave?

Under the rudimentary space safety protection system at the time, human physique was not enough to work in extremely harsh environments, such as space environments with intense radiation bursts, such as small-scale zero-element mines. Many people died of pain due to substandard work environment safety standards or equipment problems that could not be cured, causing many human tragedies.

The public blamed this kind of incident on the profit-seeking nature of businessmen and evil officials, and accused the government of inadequate supervision, and there were many violent incidents and labor unrest at one time. With the parliamentary politics implemented by the Star Alliance at that time, there was no ability to effectively balance the conflicts of interest of all parties and resolve the new conflicts brought about by the new era.

As we all know, the direct cause of the collapse of the Star Alliance is the dispute between the political forces of the parliament and the interest groups they represent. In fact, this kind of dispute between political forces is nothing but an extension and development of the opposition between society and the people.

It was in this context that Morris Griffin began to conduct research on genetic modulation of humans. According to the official statement, his greedy nature drove the Morris Federation of Industry to recruit a large number of genetic engineering scientists, using artificial induction and drug stimulation to cultivate genetic modulators that can work in many harsh environments, thereby bringing richness to the enterprise profit.

Is it really? of course not.

Morris Griffin is not a fool without a brain. As an entrepreneur and genetic engineer, he is smarter than many people. How can he not know the consequences of genetic modulators.

Money is a good thing. If there is no life to enjoy, it is just a pile of waste paper and a number.

The reason why he knew that the consequences were unpredictable and chose to do so was because he had a heart of worrying about the country and the people, and he knew what kind of result the Star Alliance would end up with if the opposition in society could not be resolved. Secondly, certain people in the government supported him to do so, opening the door to this experiment.

Imagine that under the conditions of immature robotics technology, Morrisnau’s low IQ makes them easy to navigate. They will not demand an equal and just living environment every day like normal people. Various powers bring to society. turbulent.

Morrisnu's physique allows them to work in harsh environments, which can reduce the damage caused by safety accidents and at the same time meet the large human resources needed for human beings to move from earth civilization to space civilization.

Morrisnu’s average life expectancy is only 35 years. Once he develops a genetic defect, he will quickly die. The government does not have to bear their medical and pension pressure.

Maurice slave women are generally very beautiful, and can be used to eliminate some special hidden dangers in society.

Proceeding from the above-mentioned advantages, from the standpoint of the government and enterprises, how could it be possible to reject Morris slave and how could it not support Morris Griffin's research?

Morris Griffin chose the latter between the shrewdness of the businessman and the feelings of the scientist, and no accident brought him annihilation.

The chaos started with the hostile forces of supporters in the government. Those people learned through some channels that the Morris Federation of Industry was conducting a genetic modulation experiment, and used this as an opportunity to attack the forces supporting the research in the Star Federation Council.

These people actually don’t care about the legality of Morris slave’s experiments, whether it will bring progress or regression to human society. They only care about their own power and political ambitions. Only by tripping their political opponents and forming strategic advantages can they sleep well and eat. Good meal, good tea, and good woman play.

So the research of the Morris Federation of Industry was widely spread by the news media, letting the world know the existence of genetic modulators. At the same time, they contributed to the situation behind the scenes and reported the incident from the perspective of negative news, gradually forming a wave of accountability among the people.

From the standpoint of ordinary human beings, they certainly don’t want genetic modulators like Morrisnu to appear, because they are more obedient and well-behaved and will not fight for their own rights like they do. This will surely win the favor of the company and introduce them. A large number of genes modulate people, making many ordinary humans unemployed.

They are also worried that the government and companies will incorporate genetic modulators into military use. Once the Star Alliance government deteriorates, it will inevitably bring unbearable pain and disaster to mankind. Just as everyone does not want their own life and death to be in the hands of others, the people certainly don't want to take their future destiny as a bet and place them on shameless politicians and profiteers to bet on their humanity.

As a result, civil society began to boil, protests were like waves, and You went everywhere. People request the Star Alliance government to investigate the Morris Industry Federation on the grounds that the genetic modulation human cultivation experiment led by Morris Griffin is a taboo study, disregarding human ethics and disrupting the order of human society and race reproduction.~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Punish the criminal severely in order to emulate you.

When this call became an unstoppable trend, the government officials who originally supported Morris Griffin, in order to evade responsibility and preserve their position and interests, chose to lose their car to protect their commanders, compromise with the opposition, and cast all charges against them. On Morris Griffin, the Morris Federation of Industry was wiped out with action thunder, and then the evidence against them was destroyed through the black box operation, and finally exonerated as he wished, while Morris Griffin was labeled as anti-humanity. Sent to capital punishment and exiled to the abyss of Tartaros, writing a little-known tragedy of life in the picture scroll of history.

In the end, the name Morris Griffin became a historical figure, and the Star Alliance could not escape the fate of extinction, and soon collapsed. However, the cognition that "Morris Griffin is the public enemy of mankind" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It has been branded with sin and nailed to the stigma of modern history. It has been scolded over and over again. From a small student to a retired employee, it is known He is a super villain.

Not only that, like Monya Emperor Kirklaw I, Phoenix Emperor Alexander Virginia, this kind of brutal and innocent guys are always used to take out the name Morris Griffin, in front of others. Step on a few feet and spit some saliva to show your justice and light.

History is a magic mirror, but many people's eyes are clearly open, but they are the poorest blind people.

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