Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1231: Journey to the West

In the entire Phoenix Empire, this phenomenon is just a trivial matter. [Read the latest chapters]. Surprisingly, however, the incident was not covered up as before. A local media called t TV took the risk of offending the power group to restore the scene in the prison in the form of articles and pictures, and exposed the evil deeds of the two prison guards.

Although many people know that the current social situation is very bad, there are still many people who are in a muddle-headed state and do not realize how dark the country is. They just work hard to earn money, live hard, and are indifferent to other things.

After the news was released, it attracted widespread attention. The grievances accumulated by the people over the years were used as a fuse. Large-scale conflicts between police and civilians broke out in the residential stars of the Durham Star System. In the end, even the garrison was alarmed to suppress the escalating localities. The police and the people confronted.

Military police with guns vs. unarmed civilians, the result of this incident is self-evident. The resistance from the people was suppressed. The local government with various resources tried to downplay it, cut off the spread of news from various channels, and used cruel methods to crack down on those who told the truth in public. TV station was blocked by the local broadcasting system. , The person in charge was arrested on the excuse of tax evasion.

From the perspective of the overall environment, this is only a local disturbance and will not pose a substantial threat to the Phoenix Empire.

Unexpectedly, shortly after the shutdown of the t TV station, the official media of the Scardia Star System, not far from the Durham Star System, published a special interview. The interviewee was the father of a young man, a white man. Old man.

He spent half of his life in the Durham Star System 5 Space Plantation. He is a professor of agriculture, not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships and has no deep background.

In any case, he did not expect that he would have such a thing. He didn't even know that his son was thrown into prison. He was not told that his son died in an accident until the incident, but what the accident was, the official rhetoric is unclear.

Following the report of t TV, people around him told him that he and his wife who was lying in bed only knew what happened to his son. But what can be done? Before he showed anger, sadness, helplessness... and various emotions, the local security department activated an emergency plan and put them under house arrest in disguise to prevent the old couple from contacting foreign media and some people with sensitive identities.

He said that he believed in the imperial public law and the imperial government. He would deal with this matter impartially, avenge his humiliated and dead son, and demonstrate the sacredness of public law and the dignity of order.

He also said that he will work hard to hold on and wait for a fair and just result.

Regrettably, this interview did not spread farther, so it was blocked by the Imperial Broadcasting Department. Any information about the elderly and the dead was filtered. Only in the comment section of some progressive media websites could some people use it. The side-kick method spreads the truth to the unsuspecting people.

The official media director of the Scardia Stellar System who ordered the publication of the interview was removed from his position. In order to weaken the impact of this incident on the Scardia star system and the potential threat, the local government interrupted the connection between the Scardia star system and the external communication network for 7 days...that is, in order to quell this In this scandal, higher-level nobles and officials intervened, trying to digest the anger of the people by delaying, and finally achieved the goal of turning big things into small things--people are always good at forgetting, aren't they? Time can heal wounds, and time can dissolve hatred.

It's the Durham Star System, or the Imperial Star Engineering School, or the Office of the Student Association, or the young student.

He skillfully presses the keys to connect the mobile device to the smart input device. Instead of selecting the note recognition mode, he chooses to use the ancient keyboard input mode.

"These nasty social losers began to jump up and down like a monkey again." He cursed bitterly, pressed the keyboard skillfully, and typed the following sentence.

"Poor and hateful guy, it is so easy to be brainwashed by the rhetoric propagated by Charles Federation, Star Alliance and other countries, and eventually betray the country, friends and relatives."

After inputting, he immediately switched to another window, in the same comment area, using different nicknames to leave words in different tones.

"Destroy all traitors who eat inside and out, long live His Majesty the Holy Emperor, long live the Phoenix Empire."

Then he changed his nickname and left words in a different tone.

"Have you heard? The Charles Union accepted the request for political asylum from the youth. In exchange, he must create some trouble for the empire. It's a pity, it's a pity... The trouble is there, but at the cost of losing a little life."

The young students changed their nicknames again, leaving words in a different tone.

"Like this kind of running dog who takes refuge in a hostile force... It's good to be all dead. What's a pity. As the saying goes, children don't hate maternal ugliness, dogs don't hate poor families, and those who don't even love the motherland, what qualifications do they have? Alive."

He continued to change his nickname and continued to leave words in different tones.

"This is all the tricks of the insidious and cunning politicians of the Charles Federation, the Star Alliance, and the Dolanx Republic. They won't care about that person's life or death. Because whether that person is alive or dead, it will create public opinion in the Phoenix Empire. Tear apart, leaving the empire in turmoil. In other words, this is a kind of ideological aggression, and it is more terrifying than a direct military invasion. Therefore, I hereby warn you, don’t be deceived by the hardcover lies of the enemy, and be more calm and rational. Look at the problem, avoid becoming the enemy's knife and gun, and do stupid things that hurt the loved ones and the enemies."


Young students feel that they are too capable, and maybe they can be part-time editors after graduation and beautify their resumes so that they can climb up faster.

At this moment, the door of the student club opened from the outside, and a white man in a suit and leather shoes walked into the room.

The young student stood up respectfully and called out very humbly: "Minister Els...Hello."

The man nodded, not wasting time to greet him, or perhaps disdain to talk nonsense with young students, took out a brand new mobile device from his bag and put it on the multi-function terminal workbench.

"This is the v-2oo type mobile device recently sold by Peacock Company, which can help you complete the tasks of superiors more efficiently. In addition, the scholarship has been studied and passed, so you can rest assured."

The young man looked at the product trademark with five petals close together under the mobile device, with an ecstatic expression on his face.

Peacock Company is the largest electronic communication company in the Phoenix Empire. It has a high reputation in the entire Hilumbel region. It is regarded by many as the most competitive and technologically powerful large group in the Phoenix Empire electronic communication field. Prometheus, the Dort Technology Company of the Dolanx Republic have the same name.

Because Peacock's products account for a very high share of the domestic market in the Phoenix Empire, and it is also a vigorous promotion unit by the government, the popularity of the company and the popularity of the products are the same. Having a high-end mobile device produced by Peacock Company is a symbol of status, and it is also a manifestation of patriotism... Although some people have attacked that Peacock Company is essentially a military enterprise, its operator is just a puppet, which is powerful Relying more on propaganda power and corporate naval forces to "blow out" rather than relying on user word-of-mouth accumulation.

"Minister Els, thank you." He thanked him sincerely, and then watched the man leave. Then he grabbed the v-2oo type mobile device on the table, and his face was triumphant.

Free high-end mobile devices, full scholarships, through trains for civil servants, admiration of school girls, admiration of school brothers, unrestricted power... These are all his benefits as the student president.

He doesn't care how nasty, despicable, and nasty his behavior just now is. In short, he can bring benefits and fame to himself, instead of the invisible and intangible imaginary things like conscience, kindness, and integrity.

If he doesn't seize this opportunity, others will naturally take it. If he doesn't seek rights, naturally others will try. So he didn't feel that this was wrong at all. He didn't think he was a vicious dog raised by the rich and powerful. Instead, he had a sense of fate that was blessed by God and Sansheng was blessed.

With the v-2oo type mobile device, the replaced v-195 type mobile device is released. Whether it is to bribe teachers or entertain beautiful freshmen, it is a good choice.

In society, some people describe the evil officials as "wives basically do not touch, wages are basically unchanged, food and drink are given away, houses are paid tribute, and public ships are basically private." As the chairman of the Student Apprentice Association, he is now treated like this, and he does not have to worry about being caught and sent to prison.

Youth + power + money + fame is the time when life is proud.

At about the same time, in the space prison of the Durham Star System, the black guard was a little restless, looking at the scene outside the confinement room with a sullen expression.

Opposite him is a bed with neatly stacked quilts at the end of the bed. On the head of the bed sits a yellow prison guard with a copy of "Journey to the West" in his hand. He is studying his taste carefully, and there is no nervous expression of a black prison guard. .

The black prison guard walked back and forth in the cramped confinement room for a moment, and suddenly stopped and looked at the yellow guard around him and said: "Why are you still in the mood to read this kind of thing, do you know that the more troublesome thing, even many big people? Was also involved."

He didn't know how this incident was leaked out. Why did the prisoners dared to tell the truth and confess the two of them, so that they were removed from their duties and put in a confinement room and ended up losing their freedom.

Is it possible that those informants do not know the truth about the protection of officials? Those fellow prison guards will not easily spare the informers no matter whether they stand from the perspective of many years of friendship, the united front, or the tragedy of the rabbit and the fox.

He didn't understand that the young man was already dead. It would be no good for anyone to stab this out, but some people did just that. Was it the prisoner who was involved in beating young people because of conscience, or was someone in the prison set them up?

The yellow prison guard raised his head and glanced at the black prison guard, took the exquisite bookmark on the bedside and placed it where he was just looking at, gently closed the book, and said calmly: "It doesn't make any sense to be anxious, they will naturally let us go out and continue our duties when the time is up. ."

"Are you talking in sleep?" The black guard frowned and said, obviously disagreeing with the above sentence.

The yellow prison guard sneered slightly, and said, "So, you don't understand politics at all."

"From the legal point of view, the young man has been dead for many days, even the corpse is turned into ashes and thrown into the ditch, lacking an autopsy report, as long as one bite to death without any action, at most one charge of malfeasance, not to mention we did not do anything, mainly prisoners. The ideological opposition between the two led to this result."

"From a political point of view, we need our existence, and power needs knives and guns that can oppress the people... You and I are the knives. After the matter is born, if the power is on the side of the people, there will be something like you and me in the future. Do the characters maintain their rule attentively? For the people above, it is not terrible to lose the hearts of the people, it is terrible to lose the loyalty of the dog, and it is terrible to lose the sword and gun."

"After the incident, how did the governor of the Durham Star System react? It was not public, it was the cover tightly, it was not open to public opinion, it was the detention of the head of the TV station. This already expresses the Governor's attitude. Now things are happening. What if the trouble gets bigger? Is it possible for the governor to admit it and let the local government bow to apologize to the people?

"This is destined to be an impossible thing... From the perspective of those big people, doing so is tantamount to admitting mistakes, and it is easy to be grasped by the opposition and held accountable. From a class standpoint, once the government agencies representing the interests of the powerful bow their heads, Tomorrow the people will be able to make progress and learn to assert their own power instead of crawling under the gun."

"The so-called army and civilians are one family, and officials and the people are one family... This kind of rhetoric is nothing but a series of nonsense by the imperial aristocracy to play down class contradictions and fool the people. In essence, the relationship between the two is the relationship between slaves and slave owners. It is the relationship between the herder and the cattle and sheep, the relationship between the enemy and ourselves."

"Under this background ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, in order to defend their rights, the best choice is to use propaganda power, and even armed forces to suppress different voices in society, maintain their aloft, and master all the truths in the world. Image."

"When the time to ease the pain in the hearts of the bereaved, dilute the anger of the people, and people gradually forget their tragic past, or are attracted by another more exciting thing, we will leave here and embark on a new job, perhaps Get a promotion...because you can get more loyalty from running dogs by doing this. Only by keeping dogs strong, fierce, and fierce can you better scare outsiders?"

The black prison guard showed a dazed expression after hearing the long talk of the yellow prison guard.

"Oh, I forgot, you black people are not good at deceiving your heart and power. To put it simply, our actions kidnapped the interests of the nobles and officials, and the actions of the nobles and officials kidnapped the interests of the government, and the interests of the government kidnapped the interests of the whole people. Benefits. So... peace of mind is good, as long as it is a paid holiday."

The black prison guard still couldn't understand those words, just put on a very profound expression, smiled and said, "You know so much."

His teeth are very white, especially when he is grinning, white is unforgettable.


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