Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1463: Artifact

Do not take any protective measures to expose to the environment where patients with infectious diseases gather, it is undoubtedly a high-risk measure.

Wald shrugged and said in a weird tone: "Viruses will only speak to people who are interested in them, such as beautiful young lady... It's hard for a rough guy like us to get into their eyes."

Kudria snorted coldly: "The dog can't vomit ivory."

"Uh..." Wald did not expect that this young lady would calmly ask questions a moment before, and then turn into a snow girl in the iceberg. This change in temperature before and after can almost freeze people to death.

He has made his conversation as humorous as possible. Why doesn't she buy it at all? Also used such harsh words to sarcasm.

"May you never get married forever!"

Naturally, Tang Fang could not hear the curse in Wald's heart. What he cared about was the first sentence. He thought it was impossible for the SR influenza virus to invade through a certain function or genetic defect in the human body and would specifically infect a certain type of people. ?

He walked out from behind Royas, walked into the interior space with the scrutiny and doubtful eyes of the patient on the bed, from beginning to end, then from end to end, and finally returned to Pino Eval, and said in a deep voice: "Are there any serious cases , It’s better...in a dangerous period."

"Come with me." After Pino? Evar finished speaking, take him away from the first container, go around the trail to the area behind the container stack, and use his hand to open the door of the other container.

The rancid smell came on the face, disgusting, but it did not float out of the container in front of me, it came from two containers placed crossed in the open space on the left hand side.

His gaze stayed on the two containers for a while, sighed heavily, and stepped into the container in front of him.

The smell in the container is very complicated, but the most pungent is the mixed smell of disinfectant water and various medicines. Compared with the previous container, there are fewer hospital beds and a very spacious space, but the lighting is very bright and can clearly see all kinds of tragic scenes.

Tang Fang resisted the peculiar smell coming from the hospital bed, turned his head and said to the black man standing in front of the door: "I need an absolutely quiet and closed environment to investigate their situation."

Pino? Evar knew what he meant to express, he hesitated for a while in front of the door, and finally chose to compromise, turned and left the container, and closed the door.

Perhaps in his thoughts, those people are running out of time, no matter how good the medicine is, they just hang their lives. With the idea of ​​a dead horse being a living horse doctor, let Tang Fang go.

Tang Fang watched the last ray of sunlight that leaked through the door recede, and turned his head to look at the patient who was trapped in the bed. He doesn't know how many quarantine areas like this are still there. You can understand the attitude of the Bogda City Government to the epidemic in Jiangbei District simply from the arrangement in front of him.

There was no expression of resentment on his face, on the contrary he was calm, because he had seen so many similar sights.

Push the middle medical equipment table to the corner, and after summoning a bug, give the order to check the condition of the target object in the bed.

As the slender appendages slowly protruded, and pierced into the bare arm of a female patient in the nearest hospital bed, Faint Guanghua slowly flowed behind the worm.

Things like viruses and bacteria can be said to be the basis for the survival of Zerg units. Not to mention virus experts like polluters, there are countless kinds of virus germs in the body of Allosaurus alone. Although Abathur was not there, he wanted to be able to cure the S-R influenza virus after he came to the worm.

What he is most worried about now is how to make portable medicines and mass-produce them, and then release them to Jiangbei District.

"Commander... The S-R influenza virus is not strictly a living substance."

Emma's words interrupted his thinking about what to do next: "Not living matter? What does this mean?"

"Commander, based on the molecular arrangement and basic unit properties of the S-R influenza virus, these tiny substances are more like nanotechnology products."

While speaking, Emma sent a brief description document, which was not detailed. Even if Emma explained it from the side, he was still confused. All in all, it is certain that the S-R influenza virus is not a variant of the common influenza virus, nor is it a native pathogen specifically bred by Brady Star.

"Commander, the queen has collected the patient's body fluid samples. More detailed information about the S-R virus can only be obtained after careful observation and analysis with special medical equipment."

After learning that the S-R influenza virus is not a biological virus in the strict sense, he is not surprised that there is no way to cure the disease after the worm. The key is that according to Emma, ​​he needs to take the sample to the Minotaur-class battle cruiser, and even return to the Dillard star system to be handled by Egg Stetman. This is naturally unacceptable. select.

It was a wave of unrest, and he had to save those who were captured by Kirklaf I, but now he is bound by the epidemic in Jiangbei District. Help, I don't know how much time it will take. Don't help, it will inevitably be unbearable. In the final analysis, he and Royas are the same kind of people in terms of saving the dead and healing the wounded.

Perhaps knowing what he was struggling with, Emma said: "Commander, the investigation of the SR virus does not have to be carried out by Iger Stetman. Dr. Samir Duran from the Hunyuan base is also a good hand. "

"Yeah, how did I forget him." Tang Fang's eyes lit up, and he quickly called out Samir Duran from the system space, and elaborated on what happened here, and made his own request.

Like Samir Duran’s scientific literacy, it is not only reflected in genetic engineering, as the leader of the Mobis Foundation, whether in mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, materials engineering, biological engineering, there are ordinary people’s difficulties. And the level.

He was right. Samir Duran did have the ability to unravel the secrets of the S-R influenza virus, but the premise was that there were corresponding scientific research conditions... at least some basic medical research equipment must be available.

At this time Emma interjected and said: "Commander, if it's just basic medical research equipment, you don't need to go back to the Minotaur-class battle cruiser. You can borrow experiments from some medical institutions in Bogda. Room for a while."


Ten minutes later, the container door opened from the inside, and Tang Fang walked out with a sullen face.

Royas, Tang Lin and others had already come from the front, waiting for him to come out.

Pino Ebar saw his face not looking good, and thought he was helpless against the disease, and he sighed heavily with his tongue pursing his cracked lips.

Where did you know that Tang Fang followed his reputation: "Where is the nearest official medical institution from Jiangbei District?"

"City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, at No. 152 Airy Avenue, Jiangnan, Ryde."

Tang Fang nodded, and looked at Tang Lin and Kudlia and said, "You are here to wait for my news."

He didn't explain too much, threw down this sentence and turned around and walked north, regardless of the sluggish gazes of Royas, Wald, and Pino?

"Don... Don... What is he going to do?" Wald changed his words quickly.

Tang Lin shrugged: "Who knows, all we can do now is wait."

Kudria said: "Perhaps... the epidemic that ravaged Jiangbei District has something we don't know."

Royas glanced at the container, then looked at Tang Fang's back, without speaking. He just heard from Pinault Evar’s men that Tang Lin had cut a small building open... I wondered that when he came out of the living room before, he and Wald wondered how the opposite building collapsed. ? Evar looked at them with a very strange look.


In the evening, in the medical laboratory in a building on the northwest corner of the Bogda Disease Prevention and Control Center on Ryde Jiangnan Aili Avenue, Samir Dulan was busy in front of the big screen while Tang Fang was sitting at the entrance. Looking at the Nanoknife operating table on the sofa there, quietly waiting for the result.

With his skills, it is naturally very easy to enter the Center for Disease Control and Prevention without knowing it.

On the way here, he paid attention to the situation from the north bank of the Ryder River to the Jiangbei District. Important sections such as the cross-river bridge, underground tunnels, and key intersections were stationed by police officers. A large number of police armed vehicles and police shuttles were stationed. , Police drones and other police facilities were put on the front line.

What puzzled him was that the police were very active in the face of the epidemic, but the military did not see any mobilization, as if there was no preparation at all, and did not know that the epidemic occurred in Jiangbei District.

"Speaking of this guy Sandro... really sits still."

Sand Road-Sand Road West Germany, Brady Star Mayor of Bogda City. As early as when the Flying Eagle entered this area, Emma compiled a list of officials who held various tasks in Bogda City and gave him a list.

At this moment, Samir Duran’s voice came from ahead: “The analysis of the target object has been basically completed. It can be determined that the so-called SR influenza virus did not evolve naturally, but is a nanometer made of special materials. robot."

While listening to Samir Duran’s explanation, Tang Fang walked to the console and looked at the so-called S-R influenza virus pathogen that was constantly rotating on the big screen.

From the appearance, it is not much different from the general influenza virus, but through the cutting and sampling of the micro-knife, and then analyzing its structure and genetic material information from a more subtle angle, you will find that it is related to viruses, bacteria, fungi and other life substances. There is a fundamental difference.

"To look at the problem from another angle, you can completely define this substance as a nanovirus. They can hunt white blood cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and other immune cells in the human immune system to turn them into energy materials for their own operations. , To achieve the purpose of self-replication and destruction of the host's body functions."

Tang Fang frowned and said, "According to you, they are more like artificial viruses than nanotechnology products."

Samir Duran shook his head, tapped his finger on the touch panel, and the screen flashed on the big screen, divided into two columns. The left column is the sample profile, and the right column is the molecular order.

"Yes, they operate in the human body like destructive viruses, but this kind of attack is completely controllable. The DNA fragments originally used by the virions to multiply are made of a special material that can stimulate the outside world... …For example, electromagnetic waves of special frequencies produce reactions that change the structure and molecular combination, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the actions of nano-robots... You can regard the pseudo-DNA composed of this special material as the intelligent brain of the robot."

"In other words, as long as you understand their response bands, you can command them to hide in the human body by means of external stimuli, or they can suddenly attack and create large or small epidemics."

Tang Fang's expression became ugly: "You mean... the flu epidemic in Jiangbei District was the product of human intervention?"

Samir Duran nodded: "It is very likely as you think, and I suspect that people in Jiangbei District have been infected by nanoviruses. You must know that they can not only be transmitted through body fluids, but also through water, wind, etc. It is basically impossible to kill it in a non-extreme environment. As for the epidemic, there is no evidence of an outbreak until now, but the black hand behind the scenes deliberately restrained and only activated it in a small area."

Tang Fang remembered what Pino Ebar and others had said. Generally speaking, the SR influenza virus has the ability to identify and will not form a situation of undifferentiated infection. Some people will be fine even if they are completely exposed to the environment where patients gather~www .wuxiaspot.com~Some people can’t escape even if they hide far away.

If Samir Duran’s statement is true, this nanovirus is a technological product, then who allowed them to erupt in Jiangbei District? What is the purpose of that person? Using the poor people in Jiangbei District as experiments to prove the effect of this new type of biological and chemical weapons?

What a shame!

"Huh." Samir Duran let out an exclamation, and suddenly pressed a few keys on the console quickly. At this time, the three-dimensional model used to present the pseudo-DNA strands on the big screen was replaced by a string of codes.

"This is... that's it, that's it..."

Naturally, Tang Fang didn't understand what that string of codes meant, so he could only look at Samir Duran's somewhat excited profile, waiting for him to give a straightforward and easy-to-understand explanation.

"I think this nanovirus is not a specially developed biochemical weapon, but a by-product of a scientific experiment. By decrypting the pseudo-DNA code operation, from the basis of the program of the nanomaterial, its design concept is not simply to destroy the human body. Function, on the contrary, is used to improve human body function. Um... just like the TE colony you found in Abyss Knight before."

"Of course, it is definitely not as high as TE colony technology, but it is better than it can be manipulated. As for the so-called influenza virus that appeared in Jiangbei District, it can be regarded as a failure of the experiment. I think... its perfect body should be a kind of A nanorobot that can be manipulated by humans and can freely switch between enhancing human functions and quickly poisoning the host."

"You mean... it's a substandard product in an enhanced biological weapon experiment?" Tang Fang said with a cold face, "I really didn't expect... this flu epidemic has hidden such deep inside stories."

Thanks to the glass smashing, the wings of the fallen dark angel, and the rewards of shuffling.

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