Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1465: Unconscious person (above)

"I used to be like you, with a heart full of justice, and I want to bring salvation and hope to those living in Jiangbei District..." As he spoke, he climbed the stairs of the apartment and walked along the corridor. Go inside.

The street outside was ruined, and so was the apartment. There were black plastic boxes full of **** in the corners, cigarette butts and empty wine bottles were thrown everywhere, and the walls were covered with dry marks left by various liquids, and cracks that were not shallow or deep.

There is a smell in the air, the smell of low-quality cigarettes, the smell of spirits, the smell of human bodies, the smell of spoiled food, the smell of swill...

The sound of playing mahjong was heard from the nearest room, and some tobacco fluttered through the crack of the door, meandering in the light.

The loser was cursing, the winning smile... However, it fell into Tang Fang's ears, not cordial to the unique cultural heritage of his hometown like Mahjong, on the contrary, he was very repellent.

In the room, not only the mahjong tiles were hitting, but also the sound of poker cards falling on the hard surface, the sound of exhaling smoke, and the sound of alcohol belching.

Sandro Sid stood outside the door, letting the inferior smoke spreading like clouds cover his face.

"Twelve years ago, my son was born and my wife suffered from postpartum depression. Their roars and screams prevented her and the child from sleeping. I came here and asked them to speak quietly, but they were full of food and boxing. The bridge of his nose was broken, because some people said I let him lose the money."

"You know... some people will lose a month's salary in a few hours, then go home to find their wives and children, or rob travelers who are passing by with alcohol and smoke."

"As for those who have won money, they may get drunk and spread vomit all over the corridor, or they may go to the nearest tavern and throw the money on the woman's belly."

"Some people..." When he said this, he stood outside the door of the second room.

There was the sound of dancing and singing, but it was not pleasing to the ear, and it was hysterical.

The door was not closed properly, and Sandro Sid opened it with a light push.

Tang Fang walked over, and through the dim light of the room, he saw two men cuddling and twisting their bodies. A woman lying on the dirty sofa next to him, with a joyous smile on her face, gasping for breath. With.

On the floor next to the sofa are syringes and vomit, and on the dirty carpet further away is a baby under one year old, crawling slowly with his short hands and feet.

Sandro West did not finish speaking because he didn't need it. The scene before him perfectly explained what he wanted to say.

He continued to walk forward and walked to the third room.

There were women's screams and men's roars, followed by the sound of tableware falling on the ground and cupboards falling over.

"Will you use a knife to scratch a woman's face to prevent her from stealing love with the DU-products on the street?" He turned his head and looked at Tang Fang and Tang Lin and said, "He will..."

"He" refers to the man in the house, and "woman" refers to the woman in the house.

The fourth room is empty and there is nothing.

"When I left Jiangbei District, there was an old woman living alone in this house. She had bad eyesight and couldn't see things one meter away. At that time, I would think that the guide dogs in the house were better than her three. My children must be reliable. The guide dog disappeared in the second year after I left. It is said to be poisoned by the wandering teenager in the front block because it will bark and bark in the middle of the night, which is very annoying. The old woman was in the third year. He was found to be hanged in his room. The body was highly decomposed and exuding a strong stench."

Kudria couldn't help but shiver, feeling that there were still wandering resentful spirits chanting the name of the guide dog in the room.

Thunder Road West walked to the fifth room, looked at the old lock and said: "This room has been unoccupied. There was no one before, and there will be no future..."

He walked up the stairs at the bottom of the corridor to the second floor, stood in front of the first room, looked at the alloy door with a layer of dust and the tattered pair of leather shoes next to it, and said: "Here lived here 8 years ago. A thief...well, he never steals things from rich people, he only finds women and children to do it."

In the doorway of the second room, there is a wheelchair that is self-propelled, which looks very dirty, with dirt and blood stains.

"Eight years have passed...I heard that Victoria's business has become better." He looked back at Tang Fang and said, "Do you know what business she is in? Begging! It's just that I begged by myself before, but now it's more. A handicapped grandson worked together, but I don’t know where this little grandson came from. It is said that he was blind in one eye, crippled with a hand, and broke a leg..."

He spoke very calmly, without being impassioned, or sighing or sighing, but these words fell into Roas' ears, but he felt cold in his back for no reason.

A scream came from the room, sounding like a child being beaten and scolded.

"Seeing Victoria still have a lot of strength to live, I feel relieved." Sandro? West continued to walk forward.

Tang Fang looked at the dilapidated self-propelled wheelchair with mixed feelings. Should he lament how life turns people into ghosts, or should he resent the vile and viciousness of the old woman? Or disdain her for the little kindness that she has done to this world?

The voice of Sandro West Germany came from ahead: "Morse worked in a mining company when he was young. He was a small boss. He was flattering and making things difficult for him. In your words, he was loyal and loyal. Dog. However, one day he was so drunk that he ignored the persuasion of the people around him and manipulated the mining machine, which eventually resulted in the death of two workers. His loyalists did not try to escape him, but kicked him away. Morse spent five years in jail. After serving his sentence, he came to Jiangbei District to make a living by helping people to collect money violently."

Then he continued to walk forward: "Pointing to a locked door and saying, the owner of this room is a couple. They usually do small business on the road close to the main road. They don’t steal or **** them. They leave early and return late...but nearby People in, don’t come to them for consumption, because they all know that this couple is good at shoddy and lacks two catties. They really don’t steal or snatch, they are deceived and deceived, the target... Most of the time it’s passers-by. After saving some money these years, the family moved to the south bank of the Ryder River."

Sandro? West Germany continued to go upstairs... Tang Fang hesitated and followed.

The Lord Mayor who walked out of the slum did not explain from house to house what kind of people live in it, what kind of origin, and what kind of story as before. He walked forward and suddenly stopped in front of a half-covered door.

He looked up at the moon and distant stars in the high night sky, and said to himself: "As the mayor of Bogda, I have left Jiangbei District for eight years, but it does not mean that I have completely ignored this land. Nothing. To put it politely, I know better than anyone what happened in this apartment building within a radius of three kilometers."

"Count the time, it's already started."

He looked back at Tang Fang and said, "Bogda City TV has an interview show today. I think you need to watch it."

Tang Fang frowned and said with a cold voice, "Does this have anything to do with your business?"

Sandro West Germany said: "It is not only related to me, but also to the people in Jiangbei District."

Hearing what he said, including Pino? Eval, Royas, Tang Lin, Wald, frowned involuntarily.

Tang Fang took a deep breath and lifted his right wrist. With his fingers under the key points of the moving video device, beams of blue light were emitted to outline a holographic three-dimensional image in the air.

As Sandro West Germany said, Bogda City TV is broadcasting a live talk show.

Speaking of the topic of this talk show is very sharp and very sensitive-on whether the ZHI reform of the Phoenix Empire is necessary?

From the theme of this show, it is not difficult to see that Virginia Alexander’s decision to reform the Phoenix Empire and reuse a series of measures by young politicians such as Marlowe Smith has spread throughout the Monya Empire and has aroused Great response.

What is surprising is that Bogda City TV has shown a relatively enlightened attitude in such matters, daring to be the first to eat crabs, and invited some famous political critics to the podium to explain their views on Virginia Alexander. Views on the big move to reform the political TI system.

Why is this issue very sharp and sensitive? Although the internal environment of the Phoenix Empire is very different from that of the Monya Empire, for example, Virginia Alexander’s current situation is not good. It is not monopolizing power like Kolkraf I. For example, the dissident factions within the country are facing each other. Serious internal friction... However, there may be many detailed differences in the political TI system, but they are very similar in terms of interest group composition and class division.

To discuss the need for political TI reform in the Phoenix Empire, to some extent, is to discuss whether there is a need for political TI reform in the Mongolian Empire.

From this point of view, the talk show on Bogda City TV station is more than sensitive, and it is simply a bold offer.

It not only touched the nerves of those in power, but also touched the nerves of all the people. Therefore, whether through TV channels or online channels, many people in Brady Star are paying attention to the progress of the program.

After the host introduced the chaotic situation within the Phoenix Empire, he began to ask several commentators present, asking them to talk about their views on Virginia Alexander's determination to reform the political TI system.

Unsurprisingly, some people say this is Virginia? Alexander was forced to do nothing. He who is in a disadvantaged situation can only obtain wider support from society in this way.

Some people also say that maybe Marlowe Smith coerced Virginia? Alexander to make a reform decision. You have to know that the man has been the governor of Alcais in the Star Covenant’s Babylon star system for many years. God knows whether he was under such circumstances. The unique social culture and ideological influence of the Star Alliance turned into a firm reformist.


In short, these people began to express their opinions, and the host will also upload the essence of the message collected on the network to the big screen for more people to see, in order to strengthen the interaction between the stage and the stage.

This is just the starting topic of the talk show, not the climax topic. As the conversation progressed, the host consciously or unconsciously guided the rising guests to the key question of whether the Phoenix Empire should reform the political TI system and whether it would be beneficial.

Two guests reacted quickly and became restrained and careful, choosing to answer the abbot’s question with ambiguous words.

However, there was a man named Madison Lebo who didn't know whether he was slow to respond or was brave and fearless, and he spoke very frankly. He said that he admired Earl Marlowe Smith very much for being able to stand on the field of the people across the country to advance the cause of reform, without fear of stubborn forces like Ingrid Alexander and Kursk Alexander, fighting for dreams and hopes. , Fighting for justice, just like another person in the Star League.

He didn't say the other person's name, but anyone who was interested in watching this column while standing in front of the TV knew who that person was, what his name was, where he came from, and what he had done.

He said that no matter how dark the night is, the dawn cannot be blocked. Those who shout for the weak, fight for power for the poor, and dare to shed blood for the oppressed are the real heroes of this world and the hope of the entire mankind. Not those vampires who hold power and play with people's hearts.

His generous speeches pushed the show to a climax, and the conversations between the guests also showed differences and smell of gunpowder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some guests said that the demon that spreads fear everywhere in the Star League, where is Marlowe? Smith's upright and upright. .

A participant said that the surnamed Tang is a savage who controls and kills regardless of burying. He always puts on a hypocritical appearance of respecting himself and others. In fact, he imposes his own thoughts and political opinions on others. He is completely a spiritual tyrant .

A guest wanted to be a peacemaker, reminding those present that they are discussing things about the Phoenix Empire, not what happened in the Star League society, let alone what the kid surnamed Tang did or advocated.

If there is a peacemaker, there will be a provocateur. That person accuses Madison Ryder of treating the enemy of the country as a great hero, which is an insult to all citizens and a blasphemy of the honor of the country.

Madison Lebo was not afraid of the verbal attacks of the people around him. He said: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of what I say? You are afraid of words...you are not allowed to speak...you are like Like those nobles, they seem to be able to cover the sky with one hand and hold power, but in fact they are disgusting cowards... Don't talk about condemning remarks, you are terribly afraid of even criticism."

"Some words, someone has to stand up and say... Stand up and tell this country that people who are accustomed to being cowardly and cowardly under the ravages of warships and lashes, the blood of the martyrs is still being passed on, and the torch of hope is still being passed... …"

A guest left his seat and stood in front of Madison Lebo and said loudly: "Your so-called hero is playing hide-and-seek with those bugs. Your so-called true warrior does not even have the courage to send Mengya. Even if he dares to come, Meng Ya Thousands of good men will not hesitate to throw their heads and sprinkle blood to protect their homeland and prevent that demon from entering the country."

Thanks for the reward of the glass smash.

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