Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 354: Omega-II

The next day, Wenden Butte time, at about 8 am, the final Yanxing Ipsyron relay station.

The gate of Xinggang opened slowly, the landing pad stretched out, the hydraulic connection equipment on both sides of the wharf fell off by itself, and the Morningstar slowly left the berth.

With the activation of the "zero element space effect field generator", the diamond-shaped crystal burst out with a dazzling silver light, and a large number of zero element particles gathered to the bow of the ship, twisting time and space, and tearing apart a wormhole filled with electric light. .

The shape and shadow of the Morningstar slowly elongated, and as a stream of light passed by, lightning generally plunged into the wormhole and disappeared into the vast night sky.


At the same time, Belek Ferguson, Wei Hongde, Test Passy, ​​Judson Rudolph, and Zhou Yanbin gathered in Bruno Budillas military port and sat around the conference table.

The holographic projector in the center of the conference table interweaves the model of the Megall star system in mid-air, and the dark room is filled with choking smoke.

Belek squinted his eyes and scanned the model diagram, then wiped out half of his cigarette butts in the ashtray: "Several people, have you seen the combat plan? How about it, any comments?"

Wei Hongde was silent, staring at the multifunctional terminal ahead like an old monk entering Ding. Judson Rudolph frowned slightly, hesitating a bit.

Test Passy saw the remaining silent, and could not help but sighed: "I have asked the Prince to retreat."

"What?" The four faces changed, and Belek said with a cold face: "Test, what do you mean? Want to shrink back?"

"Humph..." Teste sneered: "Belek, don't think I don't know what you're doing. That kid holds the ruins of an Ypsilon, a real military fortress, and has seen its power. Later, is it possible that you think that with our strength, we can beat him or not?"

"Yes. The ruins are very powerful, but if you use guerrilla tactics. With its huge size, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with our warships. Once it enters the stalemate stage. Over time, it will consume its energy and make it complete. Captured. That's a complete military fortress of Ypsilon. Don't you be tempted?"

Tester sneered at his opinion: "A week, a week, so many scout ships have been dispatched, and even the shadows of the ruins have not been found. Guerrilla warfare? Let's talk about the invisibility of the ruins first. Belek, you are the Duke of Yadan's. My brother. No one will say anything about losing a few battleships. However, I am different. Before the Battle of End Marathon, I lost hundreds of battleships, and the Prince is already very dissatisfied. So, I'm sorry, I won't play anymore."

Can act as the commander of a fleet, who is not smart. Everyone knows what horrible idea Belek played. At first, they learned that the four fleets were here to suppress bandits. Although Yadan Ferguson didn't say anything, he must be very uncomfortable. However, there has been a 180-degree change in attitude today.

why? It goes without saying that Tang Fang controls a military fortress. There are also small combat units that can rival the Recto naval fleet. Such forces are entrenched in Megall, no less than a malignant tumor in Yadan Ferguson's heart. The Shenwu fleet went to the Gampuna battle zone. With the Golden Ring fleet alone, it was a soft persimmon in front of the rebels. The best way is to pull other people into the water together, and use the strength of everyone to help him get rid of the rebels in the territory. The relic technology is just an excuse.

"Test, well said." Zhou Yanbin clapped his hands. Continue the mission with Ximu: "Whether you are afraid or not, I am afraid anyway. You have enemies with that kid one by one. What an endgame is all right. Our Zhou family has nothing to do with him. Come here. It's really bad luck to steal it and provoke a show."

"What makes you provoke a sorrow? Which of the other four fleets is not hurt, but the Longxiang fleet has not broken even the skin. You, Zhou Yanbin, are embarrassed to speak? Isn't this a mess?" Belek Secretly slandered. Of course, on the surface, he wouldn't say that, he could only turn his head and look at Wei Hongde.

It was their Wei family who initiated the initiative, and the worst loss was also their Southern Cross fleet. Will Wei Hongde give up?

Of course, the Wei family would not give up. Not to mention the loss of the fleet, the mere benefits promised to the Wei family by the surrogate, could not help but not do so.

However, it is one thing to want to do it, and another thing to do or not. On Planet 5, Wei Haitao missed, and on Nami Star, Francis missed. When they came to Meijiaer, the coalition composed of five fleets were all swept away by the boy's autumn breeze. He was beaten up with his head. The guy became more frustrated and brave, just like the tm bronze five strong.

"Or, report this to your Majesty the Emperor." It was Judson Rudolph who was speaking. Let alone what happened before, the guy named Tang Fang is just a soy saucer who can't get on the stage. However, the series of events that occurred in the Meghal star system shows that the kid is growing from an inconspicuous little dragon, and is gradually growing enough to threaten the existence of the foundation of the empire. At this speed of development, it is bound to continue to grow. Replacing Garcia's Resistance Army became a confidant of Kolklav I.

All of you here are the great nobles of the empire, a great family, sheltering in the power of the Stewart family, and enjoying the infinite glory. No one would like to see His Majesty fall from power. Like this fast-growing rebellious force, if it is allowed to develop and grow, it will be sprouted. Growing step by step into a towering tree, then, it is not only Kolklav I who is unlucky.

"Agree." Teste's answer was straightforward. Lancelot died in the hands of the rebels, and this matter was absolutely impossible to cover.

"Second." Zhou Yanbin said indisputably.

Belek hesitated, nodded, and simply broke the jar. Anyway, the kid had already turned the face of the Ferguson family into monkey buttocks. We are barefoot, not afraid of wearing shoes, so we can simply pull the Emperor down. The nobles of the entire Mengya Empire should not run away.

Only Wei Hongde didn't speak, his face changed, making it hard to guess what he was thinking and what his concerns.


Six hours later, in the Yilan Star System, Dopalan’s Mingxia Palace, Wei Hongguang was sitting on the sofa, holding a small purple clay pot in his right hand, and stroked a small white beard under his jaw with his left hand.

He just sat like this, without the slightest change in his expression, as if petrified. Only the old servant who has taken care of him for decades knows that this old marquis, who has always been happy, angry, and full of rifts, is worrying.

2 hours ago. News came from Wei Hongde, saying that Belek and Judson were approved by the heads of the family. The events that happened in the Meghal star system have been compiled into files and sent to Clorenza in the Celtic star system.

A week ago, I learned that the joint fleet had stumbled in the boy's hands, and Wei Hongguang didn't sleep peacefully for several days. More than 5,000 warships were defeated by that kid, just like the dog of the bereavement.

The abacus that his abacus dialed before sending troops called a ring, what happened? He wanted to borrow a knife to kill, but Lancelot did not kill the kid with the pig-killing knife in his eyes. Instead, it broke into two pieces to the other party. Next, it was the turn of the United Fleet to play, well, it almost didn't break the leg of the boy's Dinghai Shenzhen.

He has counted a thousand calculations and measured everything. He never thought that it would be such a situation. The guy Tang Fang actually got a fortress of the Ypsilon people, and played a hand for the joint fleet. This time is good, all the tactics have failed, stealing chicken will not lose a lot of rice. No one was killed, and more than 200 warships got in.

The good news is that the house leaks in the rain at night, and the boat comes to the wind again late. It doesn't matter if the kid didn't die, if this matter is stabbed to His Majesty the Emperor, God knows how many incidents will happen again. Indeed, with the power of a great empire, pinching that kid to death is as simple as trampling on a bug. However, with the shrewdness and ruthlessness of Kirklaf I, he would definitely turn over the old accounts and investigate the origins of Tang Fang. What happened on Planet 5, as well as what happened on Nami, was the shadow of Wei Jia. In case the old guy smelled something, he stared at Wei's house. That would be no fun.

Although the adult representative promised him, the content of the transaction between the two parties will never be known to a third party. But... There is a saying that there is no impermeable wall in the world. In case...in case the old emperor knows it, then he Yilanwei's family, specified that he can't eat and walk around.

You said that this thing was done, but the fish was not stolen, and instead provoke a show, and finally was pressed by the yellow face woman at the front desk of the hotel. How embarrassed!


The current situation of Megall's star system is turbulent, and Wei Hongguang, Yadan Ferguson, Kane Rudolf and these people are each troubled with their brains. Kolkraf I's attention file frowns and the imperial defense department is almost messed up.

Everyone in the Morningstar looked calm. The work that should be done, the snooze that should be snoozing, the chatting and the chatting and the chatting, will the Monya empire break their legs, will they have insomnia and dreams? ...These have nothing to do with them.

In Tang Fang's mind, the bigger the trouble, the better, and it is best for His Majesty the Emperor to mobilize his army and send Meijiaer to a war of rebellion.

It's very interesting to think about this kind of pigeons of Kolklav I. What if you gather 100 fleets? If you have the ability to bite me, come over to the Tianchao star area.

With a coffee cup in one hand, Tang Fang sat in the captain's seat with Erlang's legs crossed, chatting with Zhou Ai, Kleiya, Youfei and others about life anecdotes and celebrity gossip.

The Morningstar traveled steadily through the wormhole, and went to the Tianchao star area. Even if it was a sailing mode such as a hyperbolic jump, it would not be possible to arrive within half a day. Of course, it is much faster than the journey of several months at ordinary speed.

In the past three hours, under the control of Tang Fang, the output power of the "Nero Element Particle Spatial Effect Field Generator" slowly decreased, and the exit was not far away.


The starry sky has always been the brightest, most moving, and most beautiful thing in the world. The universe is big, all-encompassing, hot stars, magnificent nebulae, weird black holes, dazzling double stars...

However, there is no celestial body like the "Lost Land", in which dozens of hundreds of star systems are fragmented, forming a continuous cloud of dust, which slowly revolves around the "eye of the storm."

Omega-2, the star system resembling a rugby ball in an astronomical telescope, is slowly elongated by the tidal force of the "eye of the storm" over time, like a large satellite exceeding the Hilo limit.

On the whole, the "Lost Land" is like a large deep-sky celestial body, and the core "eye of the storm" has great gravity and mass. All the celestial bodies in the outer gyrobelt are like the fluid mass of the Roche limit, which disintegrates and disperses under the action of tidal forces. Due to the complex composition of the celestial bodies in the "Lost Land", only a small part of the star system that disintegrates under tidal forces will be captured by the "eye of the storm" and disappear, and most of the remaining fragments will be outside the "eye of the storm" Reach a delicate balance and form a cosmic matter similar to a star ring.

Of course, the stellar rings outside the planet are made of micron-sized interstellar dust. And composed of small gravel and rock blocks. The gyroscopic star halo outside the "eye of the storm" is a super-large nebula ring formed by the fragmentation of dozens of hundreds of star systems.

Dozens or hundreds of star systems are fragmented, not to mention some planets, asteroids, and giant planets. Even stars are shattered by tidal forces, which can have such power. I'm afraid there are only black holes. However, "The Eye of the Storm" is very different from a black hole. It has a small appetite and is not a glutton like other black holes in the universe. Moreover, when the "Eye of the Storm" occasionally swallows large volumes of dust, it cannot observe. To high-energy ray bursts, plasma jet fountains and other phenomena.

Is the "Lost Place" a natural phenomenon? Just as the "Atlantis" civilization died of natural disasters. Or the "Oolong Masterpiece" of the Ypsilon people? Humans have no way of knowing.

For more than 200 years, it has been so mysterious, yet **** and tempting, and it makes people think about it.

Omega-2, who named this id is no longer known. Of course, after entering the universe, no one will care about such trivial matters.

Unlike other broken star systems, Omega-2 is much stronger than its predecessor, Omega-1. Although the central star has stopped burning for various reasons, the hot crust becomes some high-temperature fluid mixed into the interstellar space. Diffuse in scattered broken stones, large and small, slowly cooling and disappearing. Turned into cosmic dust. However, a few high-density planets are still alive, and only their appearance changes under the tear of tidal forces. Even the gas giant "Chaos" in Omega-2 has not completely disintegrated, but only split into several pieces, in the core Under the gravitational force, it barely maintains the gathered form.

From a close point of view, the "Chaotic Star" is like a mottled sphere that is fairly complete, with only one corner fragmented, and numerous cracks, large and small, on the surface. Countless fiery liquid hydrogen spewed out from the cracks and then rapidly cooled. dissipate.

The wind ceased, the thundercloud disappeared. Only the scorching currents that rise from time to time, the increasingly thinner atmosphere, and the slowly shrinking "ocean". In the outer space about 2,000 kilometers north of the "Chaos" star equator, a giant ship rudder building with a diameter of about 700 kilometers rises into the void.

Undoubtedly, this is an Epsilon relay station, a relay station that is larger than the Megal Stellar System relay station. The shape, structure, and building materials are almost the same.

However, compared to the latter, apart from being larger, it has "nothing extraordinary". On the contrary, it is desolate and miserable. There is no protective cover, no clean outer wall, and the engraved energy groove is dull and turbid in color.

That's not to mention, the rudder stock structure at 8 o'clock below the relay station was broken in two, and even the inner outer ring area seemed to be bitten off, exposing the internal structure.

No one knows what it was hurt by, and how long it stayed quietly here. Omega-2 has become a black dwarf, and the only thing that illuminates this void is the stream of flames rising from "Chaos" and the diffuse reflected light from the "Eye of the Storm".

On this day, the relay station that had been silent for endless years suddenly came alive, and the long-lost blue was flowing in the energy tank. In the large hole in the central area of ​​the inner ring, a group of jumping thunders grew from small to large, and finally twisted the time and space, and instantly collapsed into A wormhole with a diameter of several kilometers.

As a silver light shot out, the huge wormhole closed instantly, and the flash fired by the obliteration of the positive and negative particles bounced a huge electric arc, lighting up the surrounding void.

The 200-meter-long hull of Morningstar appeared 100 kilometers in front of the relay station, wrapped in an azure plasma shield, shaped like an oval sapphire.

Pieces of loose rock in the void, the delicately balanced broken rock under the gravity of the dead Omega-2, the "Chaos" star, the relay station and other celestial bodies were squeezed out by the Morningstar, and flew into the distance.

The "ripples" flashed continuously on the plasma shield, opening up a shelter in this deadly place.

Tang Fang came to the bridge from the control cabin of the "Null Particle Space Effect Field Generator" above the bridge. As soon as the door opened, he was immediately attracted by the scene on the central large screen.

The relay station ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a relay station that is a circle larger than that of Meijiaer. However, it looked like a beggar in front of him, dirty and lame, with one leg missing.

"Ship... Captain, you are here."

Yuffi's words awakened Grant, Kleiya and others. Looking back, Tang Fang walked slowly to the captain's seat and tapped a button.

The big central screen flashed, Chaos Star, Omega-2, the dark void covered with large and small gravel... all kinds of scenes appeared in front of everyone.

This is a dead place, a desolate land, if it weren't for the existence of a relay station, who would have imagined that this was once a place where the Ypsilon people lived and a center of civilization.

The screen finally freezes on a group of floating garbage. Through the short jet of "chaos", it can be distinguished that the group of floating garbage is not celestial fragments, but the wreckage of a warship that has been fragmented.

Tang Fang squinted his eyes and looked at the scene on the big screen in silence. Although the warship was fragmented and disintegrated into countless large and small modules, some of which were even lost in foreign countries. However, from the outline of the wreck, we can faintly guess what it was like. . (To be continued)

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