Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2330: Happy, frustrated

The temperature in early autumn in Lisbon is pleasant.

You can take a nap in the sun on the side of the street, it will make you very comfortable, but the premise is that you don't dislike the dirty streets.

A few idlers just sat on the side of the street and took a nap.

Autumn is always pleasant, and there are many smiles on the faces of pedestrians.

"It is said that a lot of new land has been discovered outside, all of which are fertile, and there are also a lot of bison."

"I don't know when they will be back, do you want to go?"

"Think, there are benefits to go there, many benefits."

"Yeah! Waiting for the fleet to come back now."

People are gradually gone, but they are left with anticipation and envy.

It was almost noon, and a few idlers woke up, swayed up and prepared to go home for dinner.

This is a mountain city. When the weather is good, you can see the port and the endless sea from a height.

"what is that?"

An idle man asked, rubbing his eyes.

"What did you say?"

"Look at the dock!"

A few idle men turned around and looked at them, and then they were all stunned, gradually ecstatic.

"The voyage ship is back!"

From the top of the mountain, they could see more than 20 ships approaching the pier, but their vision was not very clear, and they could not see the specific situation.

But a fleet of this size can be judged as a long-distance fleet without much thinking.

"They are back!"

A few idle men couldn't help cheering, and then began to run down the mountain.

A few pedestrians were infected by their joy, and when they saw the fleet in the distance, they couldn't help shouting.

The sound became louder and louder, and the people in the castle were also alarmed.

The sergeant saw the fleet on the castle, and then reported it.

"The fleet is back?"

The king is having lunch, and the table is full of meat and dairy products.

"Yes, Your Majesty."


The king's body was trembling, and the chicken leg he held in his hand fell on his knee.

His complexion was burning red, and he stood up suddenly and said: "Go, go to meet our hero."

As the king personally came out to welcome, the bell rang.

There are many bells here, which ring a hundred responses.

The bells ringed one after another, echoing in this harbor city.

The people who were cooking walked out of the house and followed the people down the mountain.

"It's the voyage fleet coming back."

Someone excitedly said the good news, and then aroused a burst of cheers.

"They will bring good news from far away, and they will bring a lot of money!"

The people cheered. Some shouted long live the king, and some even shouted long live His Royal Highness. This caused a group of people to rush in. After searching for it, they arrested the people shouting this slogan.

"I'm just happy, for the King and His Royal Highness..."

The man was dragged out of the crowd by two sergeants like a dog, screaming wronged all the way, and then thrown on the side of the road heavily. The two sergeants cursed: "For the sake of good news, You should pray for your good luck, or you will never want to be here again in your life."

This little episode did not affect everyone's emotions. The crowd was getting faster and faster, and it turned out to be trotting down behind.

The king was surrounded by guards and rushed forward on horseback, and the people cheered and followed behind.

This is cohesion.

The king said to the important officials around him: "As long as there is good news, the people of the kingdom will always support Lisbon and their king."

The ministers all agreed with smiles.

The sound of horseshoes was crisp, all the way to the flat ground.

There is the pier ahead, and everyone's sight is blocked by the sails of the boats moored on the pier.

"Let's go see the warriors!"

At this time, there was a noise in the distance behind him, and his voice was surprised.

The king was a little displeased: "What do they want? Don't our warriors still do enough?"

At this moment, the word Diaomin coincidentally appeared in the hearts of the king, his courtiers, and the prince.

The horse moved forward slowly, and the ship in front had already begun to move, ready to make room for the berth.

In the sunny weather, the king looked up at the blue sky and said, "This is a really refreshing day!"

The officials agreed, and the king slowly lowered his head. At this moment, the ship in front had already moved away.

Through those gaps, he saw some tatters.

Yes, those broken ships flashed past his eyes.

It was like a flash of lightning across the sky.

The king's body shook on his horse, and then he blinked.

The gap in front is getting bigger and bigger, and the boats that are vacated are quiet.

The crew on the deck stared blankly at the ships approaching the berth.

A warship with a scorched hole in the bow rushed rudely, and traces of repairs could be seen around the bow.

The crew above quickly leaned the ship over, and then cursed, waiting for a team of knights to come over.

The crew members shouted for food, especially fresh water and vegetables after they landed ashore.

"Are they...reporting the letter?"

There are almost no intact ships in the fleet, and traces of encounters can be seen on 30% of the ships.

Those traces that looked like a giant beast attack were shocking, and the king's heart was sinking, but luckily he still asked him the above words.

Someone said: "Your Majesty, I want to come and they meet the enemy, and then come back to report..."

"Yes, hundreds of warships, that is a force that can destroy the world, and we will not fail."

"The ship burned in the flames of war is the warrior's boat, and the courage of the warrior can be seen by blowing up sails under the clouds..."

A palace queen chanted poems with a pen, and everyone was suddenly energetic.

The king smiled and said: "Yes, that's it. Our soldiers need to be tempered by the fire of war. In the future, they will rule the world and can...and can...who is that?"

Those people have already rushed down, like the fruits harvested in autumn are piled up at the foot of the mountain, gradually piled higher and higher.

But the footsteps stopped below, and everyone was looking at the ship ahead.

This is a well-preserved warship, no traces of war can be seen.

The boat has landed, and a man has landed first.

Looking at the huge crowd in front of him, the face that was reddened by the sun was all confused, and then firm.

The man stood on the dock, and then walked slowly towards the king's group.

The king's body was swaying, and he said with joy, "It's Henry! God! Did they defeat the Mingren and want to return to Henry?"

Yes, all people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the wisest wisest are this judgment.

"we won!"

"His Royal Highness returns, Ming Ren must have been defeated!"

"Yeah! It's us instead, if it weren't for defeat, how could it be possible to return Mingren's Royal Highness back and be victorious!"


This is a time to celebrate. Everyone feels that the world is already in their own hands, and countless money and land, as well as those who can be enslaved, are beckoning to themselves.

Henry walked firmly in front of the king, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Father, we have failed."

His voice was not loud, but it was like a big bell ringing in everyone's ears.

The countless happy faces gradually became paler and duller.

The atmosphere was as uncomfortable as if men and women were drunk before the peak hour, and wanted to curse, but felt that the breath was better.

And the only fluke is Henry's identity, the identity of his messenger.

What do you want to say?

Are you saying that your messenger’s mission has failed?

The king's face paled, and then he smiled and said, "I was just going to see and test it out. It didn't matter if I failed. After the Mingren was defeated, can Smith and the others offer compensation? How much gold and silver? There are firearms and warships. The way to build this, it would be even more perfect if you could lose some craftsmen...Henry?"

Henry didn't get up, and there were already a few more people on the dock, including three generals from the coalition army.

"You get up."

The king said hurriedly.

Henry heard something strange, got up, and put a hand on his shoulder. Gradually, it seemed that the whole body was hanging on his body.

Henry felt tight and whispered: "Father, go back, you need to rest immediately."

The king was panting, hurriedly.

He looked at the approaching generals of the Three Kingdoms with disgust, and said, "Okay, let's go back."

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