Time flew by, and throughout July, Locke spent the whole month in a calm hustle and bustle.

Some of the short-lived herbs in the greenhouse were ripe, and Locke took the time to process them, or make them into potions.

Although Professor Snape was away from school during the summer vacation, he could not be instructed.

But a certain little girl in the Far Eastern island country still kept correspondence with him, and the two gained a lot from their frequent exchanges. In the end, they even worked together to make a joy potion.

This elixir of rejoicing, like the vitality tonic that Snape taught Locke, is characterized by a slow increase in resistance after repeated doses.

This determines that it is very suitable for commercialization, even if it is troublesome to make and the cost is expensive, someone will pay for it.

In the end, the two applied for a patent together, and the little girl's family was originally a potions family, and they could produce it directly when they got the formula, and Locke only had to wait for the penalty.

So, obviously just to pass the time, Locke has another source of income.

But this was only a small part of Locke's summer life, and most of the time, he was practicing the alchemy he had just learned, or nibbling on books recommended by Professor McGonagall.

He made a necklace with an Iron Charm, dismantled the speculum given to him by Harry, and after some research, he succeeded in crafting a warning ring.

Combined, the two become the same protective suit as Malfoy.

Warning rings can always detect threats in advance and send out alerts.

After receiving the warning, the Iron Armor Charm Necklace will immediately be in a state of waiting to be activated, and it will be more responsive than usual.

And the whole process, Locke doesn't need to operate and worry.

Locke plans to have a chance to match each of the team members with a set in the future.

But now, to prevent them from slacking off too much, he decided to give only Hermione and Dobby one set.

Dobby can't cast spells with a wand, as it's illegal, so some equipment is needed for self-defense.

And Hermione, girls should always be treated preferentially.

Of course, at the end of July, Harry and Neville both received a warning ring as a gift for their birthday.

When the warning ring is used alone, if it perceives danger, it will be warmed up.

If the threat is not counter-resistant, they can even get very hot.

In addition, the Warning Rings will also be the symbol of the "Savior" association, each of which is numbered.

By the way, the order of the numbers is this, Locke is 00, Harry is 01, Hermione 02, Neville 03, Ron 04 Dobby 05.

Locke planned that after his alchemy level improved, he would continue to transform these rings, and eventually make them very good and useful magical equipment.

But he felt that there was not much room for transformation.

Because the ring is used as alchemy equipment, the size is too small. Unless, replace with rarer, more expensive materials.

In late July, Locke saw a picture of the Ron family in Egypt in the Daily Prophet, and of course, there were very disturbing spots on it.

And sure enough, it didn't take long for Locke to see the news of Sirius' prison break.

Fudge probably felt that this matter was too much to bear, so he could only tell the wizarding world.

Then he was scolded for being a pig's head.

Because Sirius was the first criminal to escape from Azkaban to date.

Some people even say that Fudge discussed with the Malfoy family to divide up the huge wealth of the Black family, so he went to Azkaban to see if Sirius Black died.

As a result, Sirius seized the opportunity to escape from Azkaban.

There is actually some truth in his analysis, because Narcissa Malfoy's original name was Narcissa Black, and she changed her surname after marrying the Malfoy family.

She is currently cousin to Sirius, the only current member of the Black family, one of the Twenty-Eight Holy Clans.

If Sirius died, what would happen to the Black family's vast wealth?

It's impossible for the Ministry of Magic to confiscate it, but if Fudge and the Malfoys make a deal, it's hard to say.

The Ministry of Magic can "impartially" distribute the Black family's wealth to Narcissa.

The Malfoys will also be willing to "donate" a portion of their wealth to the Ministry of Magic.

What a win-win situation.

Pity...... Locke saw that they were not pleasing to the eye, and had already decided to make trouble this year. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Speaking of which, the magazine "Singing Against the Tune" is a bit interesting, although it usually publishes nonsense and eye-catching news, but every time the Ministry of Magic shows a flaw, it can always seize the flaw and attack sharply!

If it weren't for Luna's father hiding it, it would mean that the forces behind sponsoring it were not simple.

Maybe it's what Locke has been looking for, the new aristocratic force in the British wizarding world.

Locke was drinking chilled watermelon juice on the table and reading the newspaper, so uncomfortable, but Dumbledore suddenly came out from behind him and asked coldly, "You know him, right?"

The "he" here should refer to Sirius in the newspaper. []

"Professor, it's strange, why doesn't my warning ring respond?"

"Maybe it's because I'm not a bad person, am I?" Dumbledore happily sat down next to Locke and reached for a plate of preserves.

"Looks like you're going well. I thought I was going to see an old man who was dying. "Locke was the most unkind to Dumbledore.

Anyway, the other professors are used to it, just look this way, and forget it.

"Thanks to you, Locke. Of course, Snape helped me a lot. By the way, you haven't told me about Sirius yet. Dumbledore asked, shoving something into his mouth.

He has a sweet tooth and is as greedy as a child. Locke felt that soon, he would be greeted by Professor McGonagall's piercing eyes.

"'He's a good guy. Locke didn't want to reply.

"Oh, that's news, very surprising to me!" Dumbledore stopped taking the preserves, and the other professors were shaken, but they all covered it up.

"I don't think you're that surprised, or you wouldn't have asked me about him...... I've eaten, you take care not to eat too many sweets before bed, good night. "

"I will, Ann, Locke. Dumbledore stared at Sirius' crazy face in the photo, his expression slowly becoming serious.

And Locke, after walking out of the auditorium, couldn't help but sigh.

I really don't know how long he will have to pretend to be a prophet.

Lately, Professor Trelawney has been trying to avoid him.

The real thing is hiding from the fake, which is really embarrassing.


Harry was overjoyed to receive Locke's warning ring.

Thanks to Locke, he's had a pretty good summer.

He also saw the news of Sirius' escape from prison, however, he didn't care. (Channo's)

Because on the news, it is not said that Sirius had betrayed the Potters, that is, the information of Harry's parents. It is only said that he is extremely vicious, a spell blew up a street, killed a wizard and thirteen Muggles, and was a loyal minion of the mysterious man.

To Harry's surprise, there was also news on Muggle TV that Sirius was wanted.

For this reason, Harry specially showed his "Daily Prophet" to his uncle's family, reminding them that if they did come across a wanted criminal on the news, they should not come close, otherwise they would die a terrible death.

The uncle's family always felt that Harry was deliberately threatening them, but even if Harry's newspaper was fake, they didn't intend to provoke the wanted criminals on TV, even though the reward for reporting it was extremely generous!

In fact, the Dursleys are somewhat similar to the Malfoys, they both believe that family is the most important thing and have a deep sense of identity with family.

Of course, Dursley's family here does not include Harry.

The Dursleys even consider Maggie, who is more distant from them, to be family than Harry's nephew.

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