Talented Genius

Chapter 1106: It's time to move


When Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes to scan, Katu stumbled to the grass, first looked at the small building that had turned into ruins, and then looked around.

In his fierce gaze, there was a hint of anticipation of an explosion and a hint of caution for a fish slipping through the net.


Following the movement of Yao Feiyan slowly getting up from the lake, Katu's gaze turned, and then locked onto Ye Tianlong on the grass, and his killing intent rose.

"Are you looking for me?"

Ye Tianlong pinched two broken corpses: "You want to kill me? Are you from Boss Yuan?"

Kato's eyelids jumped when he heard that, and then he roared, raising his hand and shooting three shots, and the bullets screamed at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong had been prepared for a long time, and he drew out after a tumbling while throwing out two rubble.

When the bullet hit Ye Tianlong and chased him, the two broken corpses also hit Katu's chin and wrist, snapped twice, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

The gun in Katu's hand also fell and flew out, not knowing where it was on the grass.


Seeing that a blow was missed and the gun was knocked down again, Katu roared and drew a saber to rush towards Ye Tianlong.


At this time, Yao Feiyan had already exploded and hit Katu's head with a punch.

Katu could only stop the charge and let out a loud shout. He hit Yao Feiyan with a backhand.

This move of Kazu completely ignores himself, it is already a lose-lose style of play, it seems to use this method to deter Yao Feiyan.

It's just that Yao Feiyan was not afraid, she paused slightly, avoiding a sharp knife, and then swiping her left foot and touching Katu's arm.

Katu felt that his arm had been pierced by a bullet, and the saber could no longer be held. It had fallen to the ground and could only leap back.

But he had no chance to escape or chase Ye Tianlong, because a large number of Yao guards had already arrived.

Kazuo was like a mad tiger, and he drew a dagger to counterattack Yao Feiyan, completely ignoring his own safety.

Yao Feiyan snorted, kicked it out, everything changed. Katu had no time to dodge, was kicked in the wrist, groaned, and the dagger was released.


But Katu had already got red eyes, he didn't even look at the falling dagger, he fit and threw out to hug Yao Feiyan.

It was just that Yao Feiyan slammed his back on the back before he touched the opponent, and Yao Feiyan showed the effect of fighting for many years.

With a ‘plop’, Katu fell to the ground. When he was struggling to get up, he was caught around his neck by a dozen knives.

Before he could have any reaction, someone directly tore off his shirt, found out the weapons and dangerous goods and threw them away, and then tied him up.

Ye Tianlong had already got up at this time, patted the dust on his body, walked slowly to the front of the card disciple, let people check him again.

"Katu, I am not thin to you, and support you for fifty million a year."

Seeing that Ye Tianlong is safe and sound, Yao Feiyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the half-dead Katu, her eyes flashed with anger:

"You don't know if you don't know Entu, why kill Ye Tianlong? He has enemies with you?"

There was still a hint of puzzlement in her eyes. Didn't the golden gun kill twelve mercenaries? Why is the Carter alive?

"Of course he has enemies with me... I have several brothers who died in his hands..."

The deceased Kart was lying on the ground with a touch of grief and anger on his face: "If I don't kill him, how can I be worthy of my dead brother?"

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "I killed your brother?"

"The capital! Outside the Rong family!"

Katu touched his face, and viciously reminded Ye Tianlong: "We chased you and killed you, but you blasted the car and killed many brothers."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "I remembered, it turns out that you are the fish that slipped through the net, but your facial features are not like."

He thought of escorting Tianyao No. 1 on the last part of the journey and being chased by several foreign assassins. Unexpectedly, Katu was one of them.

"In order to kill you, we have all had operations on our faces."

Katu grinned: "As long as you can get revenge, what does it mean to change your face?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Even if there is no hatred, I'm afraid you will kill me? If my guess is correct, boss Yuan will give you a lot of money."

Katu was silent at first, and then sighed: "Yes, boss Yuan first gave us 100 million, let us be stationed in Yao's bodyguard as a guard."

"He also promised that as long as you kill you, someone will send one billion."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "In order to kill me, Boss Yuan should have made two preparations. One is the easiest way to kill me in the capital."

"Second, Jingcheng missed or died, tempting me to track down the man behind the scenes, and came to the Yao Family Garden to track down his details."

"He guessed that when I came to Jiangcheng, he would definitely go to his room to track down clues, so he designed traps under the tiles in advance."

Ye Tianlong seems to have guessed Boss Yuan’s calculations: "You should have two roles, you should stare at me at the trap."

"Staring at the trap is to prevent it from being destroyed by outsiders, just waiting for me to go and investigate, staring at me, to see if I will be killed."

He sighed: "It's blown to death, it's a hundred."

"If you didn't kill me, you killed me. After all, I was seriously injured if I didn't die. How could I be able to withstand your hot weapons?"

When Yao Feiyan heard this, he whispered: "Old Yuan is so poisonous."

Katu laughed loudly: "Hahaha, yes, Ye Tianlong, your mind is really delicate, and your guess is completely correct."

"In this round, you will definitely die. It's a pity that there was an accident. Mr. Yao asked us to kidnap Liu Ye and kill the golden gun."

"We underestimated the Golden Gun, thinking that one shot can blow him up, so that we can better win the trust of President Yao and kill you more calmly and simply."

There was a sorrow in his laugh: "Unexpectedly, the golden gun was so powerful, it not only killed my eleven brothers, but also wounded my right hand."

"If I didn't withdraw in time, I'm afraid I would die at the scene."

Thinking of the dead brothers, the card disciple felt a touch of sorrow. The golden gun and the people directly shred their defenses, exploding the heads of each companion.

Although Katu and the others confronted with all their strength, the Golden Gun still slaughtered the Quartet, causing Katu to suffer an unprecedented defeat.

"I came back and wanted to heal my wounds. I was ready to kill you or money when I was wounded, but I didn't expect you to have ran to Old Yuan's room and touched the organ.

"Although I don't have much strength, the explosives are all exploded. I won't shoot again, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to shoot in the future, because you are too strong."

Katu’s face was very painful: "I just didn't expect that although you were seriously injured, you still escaped my shooting, and you fell short."

The Golden Gun did not kill, Ye Tianlong did not kill, he was still facing death, Katu felt that he was a failure.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It seems that it is correct to send you to kill the golden spear, otherwise I will be killed by you 80% now."

The half-dead card disciples are in danger. If it were twelve mercenaries with a sharp reserve, Ye Tianlong wondered that the entire garden would be afraid of being bloodbathed by the opponent.

"Bad son, I train you as a team, but you want to kill Tianlong."

Yao Feiyan's pretty face was very cold, and she picked up a knife and shouted: "You white-eyed wolves, are you worthy of me?"

She was very angry, and she was almost destroyed by Boss Yuan and others.

"Madam, I am really sorry."

Ka Tu faintly said: "It's just people in the rivers and lakes, involuntary, brothers' hatred, boss Yuan's billions, I am destined to kill him."

"It's a pity that Tianlong is alive, and you are about to die."

After Yao Feiyan finished speaking, she stabbed Katu's throat with a knife.

Katu's body shook, his throat burst with blood, then his head tilted and died...

Ye Tianlong didn't care about the life and death of Kadu, just looking at the deep night sky and muttering to himself:

"Shangguan's chess, it's time to move..."

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