Talented Genius

Chapter 1209: Pass

Attractions: Victoria Harbour, Avenue of Stars, International Duty Free Shopping Mall, Wong Tai Sin, Repulse Bay, Victoria Peak, Golden Bauhinia Square, Ocean Park.

Luxury bus pick-up and drop off, dinner is not less than 30 yuan per person, guided tour guides in Hong Kong City, and accommodation in a three-star hotel.

This is the general items and benefits on the free coupon.

Di Kuangtian won the lottery because when he went through the formalities to go to Hong Kong, he was told that he was the lucky number winner today, and then he issued two free coupons.

Seeing that both meals and rides are free, and the project is still very attractive, he signed up with the four-person credentials, but Ye Tianlong wanted to cry without tears.

He quietly closed the magazine he was reading. There were ten free coupons for a three-day and two-night tour of Hong Kong City. This thing is a trap all over the street.

But Ye Tianlong didn't want to hit Earth Kuangtian.

At six o'clock the next morning, the gateway from Shenzhen to Hong Kong.

Although Ye Tianlong knew that the back of Free was a trap and humiliation, he decided to cross the border with the shopping group because of Di Kuangtian's enthusiasm.

Ye Tianlong thought about arriving at Hong Kong City, and then leaving the group to leave, the big deal is to give the tour guide and driver hundreds of hard work.

This group is full of forty people, and the leader simply confessed a few words, and then asked each to go to the window to queue up and pass the customs, and also told the bus number on the other side.

Shenzhen City and Hong Kong City are only separated by a river, but because of the special nature of Hong Kong City, there are two checkpoints for entry and exit, and customs clearance often takes hours.

The Shencheng side quickly checked the procedures and let Ye Tianlong, Zhen and Tianmo them one by one, but the Gangcheng side slowed down.

When Ye Tianlong was about to line up, a 70-year-old white-haired lady in front was being asked aggressively by a Gangcheng employee:

"What do you do when you go to Hong Kong City? How many days do you plan to stay? How much cash do you carry? Are there any illegal items? Are there any relatives in Hong Kong City?"

The Hong Kong City clerk is a middle-aged woman in her forties, with a sharp nose and mouth. She looks like a man.

She stared at the white-haired grandmother with sharp eyes: "You went back and forth twice this month, did you work illegally or work as a waterman to help people bring things?"

"What? What did you say?"

Because the middle-aged woman spoke too fast, she had an accent, and there were so many questions, the white-haired grandmother couldn't remember for a while, so she could only ask again:

"Can you speak slowly? My ears are not so good, I can't hear what you are saying."

The staff of the Immigration Department was very impatient: "You were denied entry, and your documents are too vague. Go back and apply for one and come back."

She was too lazy to talk nonsense with her poor-eared grandmother, so she found any reason to let the white-haired grandmother go back.

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, then whispered to her grandma: "Grandma, she asked you why you go to Gangcheng? Why are there such frequent visits?"

Grandma heard Ye Tianlong's question clearly: "My granddaughter is in Hong Kong. She gave birth to a child. I have to visit her every week."

"I want to go there."

She raised the lost ID: "Why don't I go there? There is no problem with my ID."

The staff of the Immigration Department became impatient again: "Your certificate and stamp are too vague, and the number of trips to Hong Kong City must not exceed twice in three months."

"The total number of days of stay for the two times, in principle, should not exceed 14 days. You have exceeded the limit, so go back and apply again."

She also waved her hand again and again: "Go fast, go fast, don't block the pass and affect other passengers."

When the white-haired grandmother was about to turn around with disappointment, Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to stop her, and then looked at the immigration clerk to speak:

"Miss, this grandma is a registered permanent residence in Shenzhen City, and she took a family visit card. You fooled her into violation of immigration regulations, right?"

"As for the smearing of the stamp, it is just a little bit of red mud. You can scan it on the computer. I believe you can tell whether it is true or false."

"The so-called illicit workers and water tourists, you look up to grandma."

Ye Tianlong politely pleaded for her grandmother: "Her body, especially her right hand, is suffering from hyperthyroidism, so she can't lift heavy objects at all."

The white-haired grandmother nodded again and again: "Yes, I can only hold light things in this hand, I can't hold heavy things, how could I do illegal work."

The staff of the immigration department changed his face and looked very ugly: "You said yes, I am such an idiot who was deceived by you?"

"If you can't judge, you can ask colleagues or supervisors or even professionals to come and take a look."

Ye Tianlong's tone became strong: "But if you have to rudely refuse her entry, I will complain to you at the Hong Kong City Immigration Department."

The middle-aged woman was blocked by Ye Tianlong and couldn't fight back: "You--"

For a long time, she suppressed her anger, once again reached out to her grandmother for a certificate, after a while, she slapped her seal: let go.

"thanks, thanks!"

The white-haired grandmother was grateful to Ye Tianlong and shook Ye Tianlong's hand before walking in: "Young man, thank you, thank you."

Ye Tianlong smiled politely: "Grandma, you don't have to be polite, you can go in quickly."

The white-haired grandmother turned and walked towards the pass, but she turned back and took out a piece of paper and stuffed it to Ye Tianlong: "Young man, there is my phone on it."

"Come to Hong Kong City, you can call me when you have time, and grandma will cook for you."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

He opened the note and took a look: Zheng Hongniang, behind it was a string of phone numbers.

Ye Tianlong smiled and thought the name was interesting, but he didn't forget to put the note in his pocket.


At this moment, the middle-aged woman whose face was beaten by Ye Tianlong patted the table, her face gloomy as dark clouds: "Hurry up and get your ID, don't get in the way."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, took out his ID and handed it up.

The middle-aged woman checked Ye Tianlong's ID for a few moments, and then called a few companions to examine it together.

Several Gangcheng border staff not only carefully checked Ye Tianlong's appearance, but also checked the documents over and over, and finally asked Ye Tianlong to check it aside.

The middle-aged woman also followed and stared at Ye Tianlong condescendingly: "You look suspicious, and the photo is very different from yourself. I suspect you are using it fraudulently."

"We are going to conduct a full search of you. You'd better cooperate honestly."

Suspicious? Photos don’t match?

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, how could the photo not match? He didn't use the beauty camera again. He checked it and found that only his skin was darker.

The photo was taken a few months ago. In spring, it is fatter and whiter, and in summer thinner and darker, there is a little difference, but the problem is not big.

Seeing the face of the middle-aged woman, he knew that the other party was taking revenge. Ye Tianlong didn't get used to her, and shouted with a single finger:

"What is your work attitude? Do you use public power for private use, and avenge your private revenge?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong go crazy, the middle-aged woman was shocked, and then pointed to Ye Tianlong angrily and cursed:

"What kind of thing are you?! Do you think this is your country? What is it?"

"No matter who you are, you have to listen to us when you get here. If you don't cooperate well, I will call the law enforcement team."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward: "Call me your biggest one."

Seeing Ye Tianlong stepping forward, the middle-aged woman instinctively backed away, and then exclaimed: "Come on! Come on! Someone rushes through the barrier!"

When the voice fell, the two houses in Gangcheng burst out of the men who were more than ten meters in uniform, pulling out the guns from the waist and shouting at Ye Tianlong and the others:

"Don't move! Don't move."

One by one looked at each other with murderous aura.

Ye Tianlong looked around and said faintly, "It seems that your life is too easy."

The middle-aged woman yelled at the subdued man and they yelled, "Grab this **** Chinese man."

More than a dozen uniformed men suddenly promised.

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