Talented Genius

Chapter 1221: Cut wrong

Accompanied by the voice, a black figure slammed into the tiger shark with shocking momentum, and the howling sound made the heart tremble.

At the moment of warning, the tiger shark with an ominous premonition in his heart twisted his waist, slapped his hands on one side, and bounced away.

Almost as soon as it was moved away, a stone pier slammed on the wall next to it, making a loud noise, and the tiles cracked into spider webs and fell to the ground.

Before the tiger shark, who was suffering from pain in his arms, had buffered, a figure had burst from the door, pressing on the shoulders of several shark children and leaping into the air.

He is like a **** descending to the earth, with one leg raised, and he slashes towards the tiger shark whose eyes are concentrated.

The unruly tiger shark finally showed a touch of dignity, stepped back to stabilize the bottom plate, and then raised the thick arm head to block it.


There was a collision of fists and feet in the air, fierce, dull, and pulling people's hearts.

Although the tiger shark blocked his domineering leg moves, his body had lost its center of gravity, and he retreated five steps in a panic, almost falling to the ground.


Before getting a firm foothold, Tiger Shark felt bad again, and as soon as it backed away, the figure rushed over again, at an amazing speed.


It's thunderous.

Sweeping the tiger shark's face with a kick, the tiger shark stretched out his hand to block but it was too late, and his cheeks shook, hot and painful.

The body of one hundred and seventy jin flew out.

Tiger Shark wiped the floor and rolled to the door, his mouth full of blood, and his facial features were red and swollen.

"Tiger shark...huh!"

Ye Tianlong stood beside Ding Liuyue, and was reaching out to wipe the dust at the corners of his pants. He used only seven points for the big whip leg just now.

At this moment, he looked at everyone's eyes, like an unsheathed saber, shining with a cold light.

Everyone was dumbfounded, not only because of Ye Tianlong's strong presence, speed and strength, but also because of his careless arrogance.

The corners of Ding Liuyue's mouth moved and wanted to speak, but finally remained silent.

After a short period of silence, a bunch of shark children rushed over, helped the injured tiger shark with their arms and legs, and asked with care and concern:

"Brother Tiger Shark, is there anything wrong?"

"Brother, do you want to go to the hospital?"

The flat-headed youth just wanted to lead someone to besie Ye Tianlong in anger, but when he saw the latter's face, his body was shocked, and he lowered his head and turned to the back of the crowd not to show his head.

He seemed very afraid of Ye Tianlong.

Tiger Shark was holding his completely swollen face, his expression very angry, but he couldn't speak for a while, so he could only keep rubbing his cheeks.

"Have I told you not to touch her?"

Ye Tianlong stood upright and walked slowly towards the tiger shark who was being helped up, as if he wanted to pull out the other side to ask.

Seeing Ye Tianlong pretending to come by like this, and still asking about the crime situation, Tiger Shark tilted his head angrily: "Kill him!"

Dozens of people roared, rushing towards Ye Tianlong like wolves and tigers.

When the beauty of the Ding clan was worried about Ye Tianlong's life and death, Ye Tianlong didn't care at all. Instead of retreating, he stepped forward, and lightly probed with his right hand.

His hand squeezed the wrist of the first person, seemingly an understatement, but no one could see the ins and outs clearly, the speed was surprising.

This was just the beginning. At the moment when everyone was dumbfounded, Ye Tianlong twisted his hand, and the unique crisp sound of broken bones stimulated everyone again.

The next second, Ye Tianlong knocked him out again.


The three of them couldn't dodge, and were hit and turned on their backs!

The fierceness and violence that Ye Tianlong burst out in this suddenness made those desperadoes who believed to be warriors no reason to feel palpitations and fear.

They subconsciously stagnate under their feet.

In this stagnant gap, Ye Tianlong rushed into the crowd in an instant, with a hand knife slashing left and right like lightning, and the six people in front screamed.

The **** breath spread instantly.

Their jaws were all accurately hit by Ye Tianlong, and a dozen teeth fell.


It seemed that they were stimulated by Ye Tianlong's arrogance, and the other assailants were excited by the roar of the tiger sharks, shouting at each other.

Encircled Ye Tianlong from all directions.

Ye Tianlong made a mistake with his hands, leaped into the air, and the other fists helped, the fists helped others, and both fists slammed out and slammed into the attacking opponent.

"Boom boom!"

With one move, all the strong men who besieged Ye Tianlong fell out, and Ye Tianlong was hit in the chest with a punch, vomiting blood on the ground, and no longer able to fight.

Nearly a hundred beauties on the scene all witnessed this scene. They were surprised and unbelievable. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they thought they were filming TV.

In less than three minutes, Ye Tianlong knocked over thirty people. Except for Tiger Shark, all his men fell to the ground.

The flat-headed youth didn't know when he hit his forehead, and fell motionless in the corner, as if he was in a coma.

"Have I said, don't touch her?"

Ye Tianlong took out the paper towel and gently wiped the blood on his fingers in the eyes of countless beauties, and continued to sway towards the tiger shark with the swollen face.

"Boy, I am a tiger shark!"

The corners of the tiger shark’s mouth are moving, but it still saves face: “Sit on the third place in the shark gang, to offend me is to offend the whole shark gang."

Ye Tianlong ignored it and continued to move forward.

The tiger shark subconsciously took a step back: "Ding Liuyue dare not offend me, you don't have enough background, it's best not to wade in the muddy water."

"In recent years, fists are not popular anymore. If you move me, the police will arrest you with a random call."

"Even if you fight with force, my 100,000 brothers are enough to crush you a hundred times."

"Young man, you are still young and you have a bright future. Now you get out, I think nothing happened, otherwise, I will be angry."

The tiger shark retreated to the wall, no way out. The anxiety on his face and the sweat on his forehead were no longer the original brave.

Ye Tianlong's expression was still flat: "Have I told you not to touch her?"

"Go to hell!"

The tiger shark hurriedly jumped off the wall with a roar, clenched his fists, rushed up suddenly, and punched Ye Tianlong's head on the way.

The fists are alive.

Ye Tianlong took a step back gently, and then quickly rushed sideways, grabbing his neck and planning to press down.

Of course, Tiger Shark's skill is not bad, not to mention that when he was dying, he suddenly raised his hand when he was caught by Ye Tianlong.

With a knife in his hand, he pierced Ye Tianlong's arm severely.

The action is fierce, without half holding his hands.

Ding Liuyue and Qi Qijiao, a dozen or so beauties, exclaimed, "Be careful."

Ye Tianlong was very happy with Ding Liuyue's care, and after looking at her, he understated and kicked the tiger shark's calf.

This kick was quick and anxious, kicking **** the opponent's calf.

With a click, the calf broke.

Tiger Shark's face was dull, and he grunted his teeth to resist.


Taking advantage of the staggering effort of his body, he bent down slightly, raised his right hand, and stabbed Ye Tianlong's waist with a sharp flash.

There was a fierce trace in Ye Tianlong's eyes, and he stepped back three steps to open the distance.

Avoiding the tiger shark's knife, Ye Tianlong suddenly forced his waist and his body suddenly jumped up.


A kick hit the opponent's chest, this leg is as powerful as a thunder, domineering, as if unmatched.

With only a bang, the tiger shark's body shook. Before the horror on its face disappeared, it flew out suddenly and the sharp knife fell off its palm.

Before the knife hit the ground, Ye Tianlong held it in one hand, and then squeezed the tiger shark's right hand mercilessly.

"Remember, don't touch him."

"Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch!”

Ye Tianlong used a knife to cut off the five fingers of the tiger shark one by one...

Five fingers quickly fell from the ground, still stained with blood.

The tiger shark screamed again and again, and he didn't even have a chance to pass out in pain. Then, he heard a more cruel sentence from Ye Tianlong:

"Sorry, I cut it wrong, I remember, you just stretched out your left hand..."

The tiger shark's eyes were black, and this time he was dizzy...

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