Talented Genius

Chapter 1321: Admission

In the afternoon of the next day, the rain stopped wittily, but the cold sea breeze was blowing.

Ye Tianlong and Confucius took the time to go to Hongri Square. This was an open-air singing place in the 1980s, covering an extremely large area.

It's just that this square, which can accommodate ten thousand people, has been gradually forgotten by Hong Kong residents because of the lack of a sense of the times and poor facilities.

Now here, more is used as a football field, and today, it has become a chess game.

The manpower sent by Confucius and Qi Ba drew the game approved by both parties before noon and also checked the safety of various hidden places.

Each side will have one person to guard the entrance and exit, which can be regarded as supervising each other not to play yin.

In today's chess game, except for the use of hot weapons, poisons, and body armor, all cold weapons are allowed, so kill the flow.

The wind is so strong that Ye Tianlong must touch his cheeks when it blows.

Except for the 20 brothers who guarded the scene and monitored, the number of both parties must not exceed 25, and the referee and the notary were stuck in twelve.

Therefore, only eighty-two people appeared in the big square.

At four o'clock in the decisive battle, when Ye Tianlong and Confucius appeared, the time was pointing to 3:30, and neither Qi Ba nor the invited notary arrived.

Ye Tianlong and Tianmo were not in the slightest anxious, but Confucius looked at Ye Tianlong in handsome clothes and couldn't help frowning:

"Ye Shao, are you sure that you are a chess player and a chess piece?"

Confucius carefully reminded: "This is life and death, and Qi Ba is also a general, making it clear that he is going to deal with you."

"In Hong Kong these days, you have experienced three major battles in a row, and your body has not fully healed. It is better not to play this battle yourself."

He didn't want Ye Tianlong to take a risk: "Even if the chess pieces are wiped out, as long as you win him on the chessboard, the worst is a tie."

"Kong Shao, I know you are worried, but I assure you that I will be fine."

Ye Tianlong's eyes burst into light: "Face Qiba, I can't retreat, I can only fight, or fight to death, otherwise more people will die."

If he avoids this battle, what will the people behind him do? I'm afraid Qi Ba will be pinched to death one by one, and the guy who has lost his beloved son can do anything.

"I'll make chess pieces with you."

Seeing that Ye Tianlong could not be persuaded, Confucius suddenly laughed: "In the first battle on the mountain road, you and I are fighting side by side, and this time you can't leave me."

"Little Kong, no!"

Ye Tianlong held Confucius's hand and shook his head gently: "You are going to sit on the sidelines. Qi Ba has died of his son. I can't figure it out."

"Even if I win this round, if I can't get a strong guarantee, I won't be able to hold the fruits of victory."

He whispered: "The dog jumped the wall in a hurry."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's sentence, Confucius was taken aback, and then he nodded in frustration: "You are reasonable, but it is uncomfortable to see you play alone."

"When will I play alone?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Aren't there fifteen people to accompany me?"

He had already seen 15 of Confucius's people, not only young, passionate, and fearless, but also the skill of the old ghost of 60%.

He believed that this was enough to deal with Qi Ba's pawn, or the **** that had just fought against Zhuang Mingyan.

Confucius smiled bitterly: "You will really comfort yourself."

Between the two talking and laughing, Tianmo and Earth Kuangtian looked at peace, explored each other and were silent, as if they were also making a certain decision in their hearts.

At 3:40, another group of people walked in. Twelve notaries showed up one after another. Lin Rudao and Huo Zicai were all inside.

Lin Rudao was found by Ye Tianlong, and he hoped that Lin Rudao would watch him avenge Zhuang Mingyan, and Huo Zicai would be the one to find him.

Ye Tianlong also saw the representative of the Guo family, Guo Taiming, and then a few famous port city dignitaries, with white hair and red face looking very prestigious.

For the safety of the Lin family, Ye Tianlong had told Lin Rudao about Zhuang Mingyan's death. Lin Rudao looked a bit vicissitudes of life, but still smiled:

"Ye Tianlong, are you here? Do your best to obey the destiny today, don't force it, living is the most important thing."

Ye Tianlong smiled slightly: "Uncle Lin, don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Lin Rudao smiled comfortedly: "What a good boy."

Then he turned his wheelchair to the notary seat, and after greeted a few acquaintances, he found a place to close his eyes and rest.

Before Ye Tianlong could take his gaze from Lin Rudao, Huo Zicai walked over, but his eyes flashed with viciousness and he was very disgusted.

"Ye Tianlong, you robbed my woman Ning Hongzhuang, attacked my client Park Hyo-soo, and injured my brother not long ago. You are so kind."

He smiled and snorted: "I hope you can survive today, otherwise I will be very disappointed if I don't have to play in the future."

Ye Tianlong said casually: "Alive? I will not only survive, but also live well. After all, I haven't married Hongzhuang and haven't beaten your brother."

Huo Zicai's eyes were cold: "You--"

"Huo Shao, are you here to testify today, or to resolve grievances?"

Confucius interrupted him directly: "If you witness, go to the witness group, and resolve grievances, simple, let Qi Ba give you a chess suit."

"Go to the field, single against Ye Shao."

Hearing these words, Huo Zicai's mouth moved, and then he returned to his seat with a cold snort, with a deep hatred in his heart: You will know you will cry after you lose.

Huo Zicai originally didn't want to be in the same camp as Qi Ba, so as not to be rejected by the Gangcheng circle, but Park's gambling, he couldn't get rid of it.

So Huo Zicai could only come over and see what Ye Tianlong was like by the way?

After Huo Zicai took his seat, there was another old man from Nan Han, about 60 years old, with a broken left arm and a piece of metal.

He also glanced at Ye Tianlong as he moved forward, his eyes were sharp, and Ye Tianlong didn't need to ask, he knew he was afraid of being from the Pu family.

The twelve witnesses arrived quickly, drinking tea from each side, and quietly waiting for the chess game to arrive.

The wind was a bit cold, and there were still a few wisps of water vapor in the sky, but Qi Ba and the others hadn't arrived yet, and the time was already at 3:57.

The corner of Confucius's mouth aroused a joking: "Is it possible that Qiba is scared? Excuse me not to come? Or fight another day?"

Ye Tianlong once guessed that Tiaohu Lishan, but thinking of the three women who are well protected, he calmed down a lot: "It's okay, there is still time."

Another minute passed quietly.

Although many people on the scene pretended to be nonchalant, they were a little anxious in their hearts. After all, everyone was eager to see the style of this chess game.

Ye Tianlong didn't move, even his posture didn't move, but he looked at the entrance calmly.


At exactly four o'clock, there was a sound of cars outside, and then footsteps rang from the entrance. Confucius and the others looked over and saw a group of people approaching.

Qi Ba walked in front, his arm still wrapped in gauze, but in good spirits, behind him were fifteen chess pieces in chess clothes and Jiang Yunlong and other spectators.

"Excuse me, there is a traffic jam on the road, it's late."

Knowing that everyone was dissatisfied, Qi Ba laughed and gave up his hands: "After the victory today, Qi Ba hosted a banquet. One of them is counted as one to show his heart."

Confucius hummed a noncommittal sentence: "Qi Ba, stop talking nonsense. If you blow it again, it will rain. Get in."


Qi Ba waved his right hand, and twelve people ejected one after another, standing at the corresponding positions on the chessboard like sharp arrows.

They are extremely fast and agile, showing their extraordinary.

Then, two middle-aged men with similar outlines came forward, like twins, but one was blind with one eye, and the other lost an ear.

They walked slowly towards the position of the ‘car’. They walked very slowly but very resolutely. They seemed to have made a decision and they would definitely stick to it.

They each have a sword and a sword at their waists, but they are all incomplete like them, and it is precisely this that makes them even more daunting.


A little bird stumbled and flew past them, and when it was about to hit one of them, a sword light flashed by, and the bird was stabbed on the sword instantly.

Before it fell to the ground, another blade of light flashed, and all the spilt bird blood fell on the half of the knife, red and dazzling.


In the next second, the knife holder turned his wrist, and all the blood on the knife was transferred into his mouth, swallowed with a grunt, his face looked very comfortable.

At the same time, the sword holder turned the broken sword, bit the bird into his mouth, ate a few bites cleanly, drank blood, nothing more than that.

Many people in the audience nauseated and felt cold hands and feet. These two people were too primitive, too bloody, and too abnormal.

Confucius looked solemnly: "Shuangjue of Qi family?"

He knew that these were the two confidant generals that Qi Ba used to visit his home, and he hardly left the base camp, and he did not expect to be transferred to today's battle.

It can be seen that Qi Ba wanted to win this battle and wanted Ye Tianlong to die.

When Tianmo and Earth Kuangtian looked at each other, Ye Tianlong also squinted his eyes: "It seems that Qi Ba is bleeding."

"You, just be my taxi."

Just as Ye Tianlong and the others were relieved from the Qi family Shuangjue, Qi Ba had already walked to the middle palace position and sat cross-legged on the chopping board on the'General Position'.

On the vacant'Taxi' on the left, a person was also sent by Jiang Yunlong, wrapped tightly, wearing a mask and holding a thin knife in his hand.

This was a woman, a woman wearing a mask, but Ye Tianlong trembled uncontrollably when he saw it, his eyes were surprised.

With this figure, this temperament, Ye Tianlong's mind passed a person in an instant...

Lin Rudao also straightened his body.

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