Talented Genius

Chapter 1811: Jin Xuejun died (five shifts)


Seeing the chaos in the scene, the alarm sounded, Jiang Canxue tore off the hospital to change the sheets, opened the wooden door of the utility room, and walked out holding two short guns...

The two women in white also raised their guns, and followed without a word.

"Boom boom!"

Gun smoke rose up, gunfire sounded dullly, and the three injured Jin's bodyguards didn't understand what was going on, so they all blossomed and fell to the ground.

Jiang Canxue completely ignored the dead, and only shot at the living.

The guns sound like thunder, endless!

Every shot of Jiang Canxue's shot was accompanied by a figure who fell to the ground with a'plop'.

The flash of fire from the muzzle illuminates Jiang Canxue's crazy eyes.

The upright figure shooting with a gun, the blood-stained hunting jacket, is more like death coming out of hell, reaping life.


Another gunshot sounded, and a Jin's bodyguard who crawled out of the stone shook his body and fell back to the ground, clutching his neck.

The rest of the injured bodyguards who fell down hurriedly drew back and yelled continuously in their mouths:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"There is little protection money, and little protection money."

Jiang Canxue took the opportunity to fire two more shots, and the bodies of the two enemies who had no time to escape were shocked, and fell straight back, their heads blooming and no sound.

Jiang Canxue didn't even look at their life or death. The white cloth shoes stepped on the red blood, holding the gun and pushing towards Ward 16.

She believed that Jin Xuejun must be blown down, she wanted to confirm his life and death, and she wanted to avenge her father.

revenge! revenge! revenge!

Jiang Canxue's heart rose with hostility, her eyes were blood red, as if she had fallen into a demon.

No one thought that someone would come to kill Jin Xuejun, not to mention that it would be such a arrogant and hysterical attack.

The bodyguards who slid down from the collapsed corridor and the gunmen who fell to the ground yelled to stop Jiang Canxue from advancing.

At the same time, they picked up the phone to call for support.

Jin Xuejun must not have an accident.

Several bodyguards who fell from upstairs suddenly raised their guns to lock Jiang Canxue, but were ruthlessly shot and killed by the two men behind her.

It's just that they were quickly retaliated by the King's gunmen.

Four or five bodyguards jumped from the gap upstairs, and a gunman from the Jin family also appeared on the sixteenth-floor stairs, firing all firearms at Jiang Canxue's trio.

The tongue of fire came out from the muzzle, chasing Jiang Canxue and their shadows. For a while, the gunshots were loud and the smell of gunpowder diffused.

"Boom boom!"

A figure fell into the intensive firepower, and blood flowed out of her body uncontrollably.

The other figure paused during the journey, and at this point, she was delayed, waiting for countless bullets, and her body was instantly smashed into a sieve.

Only Jiang Canxue escaped. She was as agile as a rabbit. She also grabbed a corpse to block, and then fired bullets with red eyes.

There are more gunmen in Jin's than she thought, and she would never know that her attack time happened to be the change of bodyguards, so the enemy was doubled.

"Boom boom!"

Following Jiang Canxue's shooting, five more Jin's gunmen were headshot, and then she threw a piece of explosive backhand, pressing the enemy over the stairs.

A few flying fragments hit Jiang Canxue's back hard, and a splash of blood was splashed, but Jiang Canxue didn't feel it at all.

In the next second, taking advantage of the lingering power of the explosion, Jiang Canxue tied a corpse on his back and rushed out with double guns that were refilled with bullets.


Holding a short gun in her right hand, she fired at the front regardless, with crazy howling bullets from the muzzle.

Jiang Canxue's eyeballs seemed to be dripping blood, the smoke of gunpowder rose, and even the street lights downstairs became hazy.


Suddenly, the aisle leading to Ward No. 16 was filled with tracers from bullets, and countless doors and windows broke apart in gunfire.

The three Golden Gunners even fell out of the bunker.


Jiang Canxue screamed wildly, even more earth-shattering than the explosion just now.

For a moment, the Gunners of the Jin family were stunned by Jiang Canxue's madness, and they were shocked by her fierce and undaunted charge.

"Boom boom!"

After an instant of silence, the Jin family bodyguards in front, the Jin family gunmen rushing from behind, and the policemen who came up after hearing the news, all shot out bullets.


Many bullets hit Jiang Canxue's corpse behind, but the huge momentum still made Jiang Canxue's body tremble, and blood was flowing from his limbs.

However, Jiang Canxue did not stagnate, nor did he feel pain. The forward speed was as fierce as ever, and the few jumps were beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The corpse was in a chaotic corridor, which looked like a flat ground to her. The guards saw her five meters away one second before, and they would be there the next second.

Moreover, her shooting speed is better than everyone, as if it is open and hang.

When Jiang Canxue rushed to the 16th gate, the body she was carrying had been smashed, her body armor was also broken, her body was covered with wounds, and blood was flowing.

Changing to an ordinary person, she had already fallen down, but she had reached the door, and a few bullets on her shoulder had no effect on her.

Coming to the door of the ward, Jiang Canxue raised her hands, trying to kill the last gunman who guarded the door, but there was no bullet.


In the dull metal crash, the gunman raised his gun and fired. The bullet hit Jiang Canxue's abdomen. The body armor only blocked half of it, and the bullet entered the flesh.


Jiang Canxue raised both arms, and two sleeve arrows shot out from his wrists, turning the gunman over, but her injuries were invisibly worsened.

She grabbed a gun on the ground and staggered towards the dark ward.


At this time, there was movement outside the door, Jiang Canxue shot two bullets backhand, and a Jinjia gunner screamed and fell to the ground.

The Jin family bodyguards and the military police who pressed from behind slowed down.

"You are really fate..."

Turning on the lights of the two mobile phones, Ward 16 was a little brighter, and Jiang Canxue's vision became clear.

The ward was blown into ruins, and the whole room looked like a rough piece, with scattered sofas, coffee tables, chairs, fruits...

The ceiling is also a big hole, and there is a wall stuck in the hole, crumbling, and it will collapse at any time.

This is also the reason why no one jumped from the entrance of the hole, and they were all worried that this wall would also collapse, crushing the Jin Xuejun below alive.

Jiang Canxue also saw Jin Xuejun. He was lying on a blasted mat. The hospital bed had turned into scrap metal, and the bed sheets had been mostly burned by the fire.

Jin Xuejun’s skin was blackened by gunpowder smoke, one of his legs was broken, the wound he had undergone surgery was also torn, blood was flowing, and that face was also scarred.

His dying appearance makes it hard to believe that he is still alive, but he is indeed not dead.

He was lying there, his eyes were still flashing with the unyielding of life, flashing with the greatest unwillingness and anger of this life.

"Jin Shao, we finally met."

Jiang Canxue walked slowly in front of Jin Xuejun, blood-red eyes with a touch of cruelty: "It's just that no one can think of it. This is the result of our meeting."

"You want to kill me, and I want to kill you too."

Jiang Canxue sneered: "God's will trick people."

At this time, a large number of gunmen and military police flashed at the door, their guns pointed at Jiang Canxue's back, and others screamed:

"Listen inside, you are surrounded."

"Immediately put down your weapons and strive for leniency!"

"No matter what your grievances are with Jin Shao, you can sit down and negotiate slowly."

"We are here to help you..."

The gunmen of the Jin family and the military police shouted one after another, hoping to stabilize Jiang Canxue, who was not afraid of death.

Jiang Canxue completely ignored it, just watched Jin Xuejun whispered out:

"Although it is impossible for me to go out alive, it is a very good thing to kill you and give my dad the first seven."

The muzzle in her hand was against Jin Xuejun's head.

There was a sound of guns being pulled from behind by the military and police, all on high alert.

The corner of Jin Xuejun's mouth moved: "Kill me? Give your dad over seven?"

Jiang Canxue's eyes became redder and red: "You killed my father, I killed you, it's very appropriate."

Hearing this sentence, Jin Xuejun spit out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and raised his head: "Idiot...Idiot, you are...calculated!"

"I didn't kill Jiang Taibao..."

Jiang Canxue ignored it, the clarity in his eyes disappeared completely, there was only an indescribable blood red, and the whole person instantly glowed with a bloodthirsty aura.

Jin Xuejun's face changed drastically, and he yelled to the military police: "Shoot!"


When the military police's finger was close to the trigger, Jiang Canxue had fired a bullet, directly exploding Jin Xuejun's head.

Jin Xuejun shook his body, lay back on the mat with a bang, his head blossomed, and his expression was sad and angry.

There are unwillingness, anger, aggrieved, and a touch of murder.

He knew that he was calculated...

"Boom boom!"

The next second, the military police and bodyguards at the door pulled the trigger, bullets poured out like rain, and they hit Zhong Jiang Canxue's body and head.


Jiang Canxue fell to the ground, facing Jin Xuejun's eyes.

Do not look down.

After the gunshot, no one made a sound, no one moved, and even breathing stopped completely.

Countless people watched Jin Xuejun's corpse, only feeling cold with their fingertips and cold toes, and they only felt cold sweat slowly flowing down their backs.

Jin Xuejun is dead!

No one believed it, but they couldn't help but believe it, but no one dared to say these five words, and no one dared to carry his body back to the Jin family...

Ten minutes later, Mingjiang, Tianlong Garden.

Bailihua hurriedly walked into the pavilion once again, watching Ye Tianlong and the black widow not speak, but just sent a piece of red cloth...

Red, win!

Five shifts today.

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