Talented Genius

Chapter 1824: Condor Heroes

Three days later, at ten o'clock in the morning, on the ferry from Hong Kong City to Macau City, Ye Tianlong was blowing the sea breeze, flipping through a copy of "The Condor Heroes".

The morning before yesterday, Lei Jiuzhi, Canshou, and Tianmo went to Macau City first, while Ye Tianlong stayed in Hong Kong City for two days, so today they went forward alone.

He had too many conflicts with the rich and powerful in Australia, so Ye Tianlong did not choose to fly directly to Australia, nor did he go with Lei Jiuzhi and the others.

During the two days in Hong Kong, he met with Ding Liuyue, Lin Rudao, Tiger Shark, and Liang Zikuan, confirming that the development of the forces in Hong Kong was fairly smooth.

This also gave Ye Tianlong no worries.

The wind on the ferry was very strong, with a chill on his face, and Ye Tianlong's gaze was taken back from the magazine, and he scanned the surroundings.

There are all kinds of people on the ferry, tourists, locals, beautiful women, and wicked men. The noise rang in my ears from time to time.

Ye Tianlong took out a carrot and ate it with a click, then locked a young man with a smile on his face subconsciously.

It's not that he knows this person, or how funny the other person is, but that they are about the same height and hairstyle, and they both hold "The Legend of Condor Heroes" in their hands.

The only difference is that there is a lily in the other party's book.

There are very few people reading paper books these days, and it is really interesting to meet one on the ferry.

But Ye Tianlong didn't go to strike up a conversation either. It was not a top-quality beauty and had no motivation. He gently pushed the sunglasses on his face and continued to read the book.

This novel was snatched by Ye Tianlong from Ding Xiaoqiao. The little girl saw that Xiaolongnu was defiled, and angrily wanted to tear off a whole set of books.

Ye Tianlong felt violent, so he took a trip to relieve boredom.

A flip is an hour.

"Uncle, buy a flower."

When the ferry was about to arrive at the dock, a little girl came over with a small schoolbag on her back, looking eagerly towards Ye Tianlong with a touch of her face.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and looked up, a girl about ten years old, with pigtails, very delicate and sensible, her schoolbag was open.

There are dozens of packed flowers inside.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "My kid, how come you come out to sell flowers when you are so young?"

"My sister Jiang is going to be engaged in a wine engagement today, and I want to give her a red envelope."

The braid girl looked at Ye Tianlong with anticipation: "Uncle, you can help buy one for only twenty yuan."

"My flowers are fresh. I bought them in the morning, and they will stay fresh for a long time."

She wiped her sweat and said, "They ignored me and drove me away. I think you like watching "The Legend of Condor Heroes". You must be a hero."

"Oh, you have a strong observation power?"

Ye Tianlong raised a smile, then took out a hundred yuan and handed it over: "Okay, let's have one, no need to find it."

He reached for a lily.

"Thank you uncle."

The girl with braids cheered up: "Good people must be rewarded."

Then, she took out a handful of candy from her pocket and stuffed it into Ye Tianlong's hand and shouted: "This is my sister Jiang's wedding candy, which makes you happy too."

After speaking, she ran away in a hurry.

"Really interesting kid."

Ye Tianlong also clipped the lily to "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and then played with a few wedding candy, which contained information about the engagement of the new couple.

The Jiang family in Caoji Street is like a candy distributed by the woman.


While Ye Tianlong's thoughts were turning, the ferry had arrived at the dock, the ship shook, and then it calmed down, and the passengers began to disembark.

The sound of car horns, the whistle of hoisting cargo, the whistle of sea vessels, and the roar of machinery became clearer.

There are a lot of people on the pier. Those who disembark and get on the boat are all black and crowded. There are also crowds from time to time, making the pier look very lively.


When a group of people was crowding forward, a figure's center of gravity was unstable, and a loud noise fell into the sea, causing many people to scream and panic.

Fortunately, the people who fell could swim, and the heads were revealed after two ups and downs. Several lifeguards on the ship quickly went down to save people and evacuated the passengers.

Ye Tianlong was pushed forward by the crowd, and when he turned the corner, he happened to see the man who fell into the water was rescued and sent to the medical room. It was the young man who took "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

"This hapless kid."

Ye Tianlong smiled but didn't care, and then followed the crowd to the exit, where there were many minibuses and taxis waiting.

The crowds coming and going blocked the place, soliciting customers with various accents one after another, chattering counter-offers endlessly.

"At half past eleven."

Ye Tianlong glanced at his watch, ready to look for the shadow of the broken hand who came to pick him up.


At this moment, a 80% new Corolla whistled and stopped beside Ye Tianlong.

The car window fell, and a woman wearing sunglasses stared at Ye Tianlong, looking at the book in his hand, and Lily.

The next second, she rushed down from the driver's seat.

"Quick, quick, get in the car, time is running out."

The woman with sunglasses rushed to Ye Tianlong's side, opened the rear door, and threw the "The Condor Heroes" and Lily in his hand.

The next second, she stuffed Ye Tianlong in again.


Before Ye Tianlong could react, the woman in sunglasses closed the car door again, then got back into the driver's seat extremely fast, and when she stepped on the accelerator, the car ran forward.

"The clothes and shoes are in the back. You can change them as quickly as possible."

"There is toner in the bag, so you can moisten yourself to make you look more energetic."

"Time is running out, you must arrive at twelve o'clock, or you will miss time."

She hurriedly said: "I was secretly coming out to pick you up with an excuse. I was worried that there was not enough time and that you were not ready."

Ye Tianlong was stunned in the seat, confused, completely unaware of what happened, unless he saw that the woman was not like a bad person, he would suspect that he had been kidnapped.

He whispered: "Miss, I don't seem to..."

The woman in sunglasses yelled: "Don't call me Miss, call me Ziran, or so, or something will happen."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly: "This...Zi Ran...Can you make it clear..."

The face of the woman in sunglasses was cold, and a coldness rose instantly: "I have already said what I should say, now I have to make it clear if I want to be a demon?"

"You regard me as Jiang Ziran a water fish, can I handle or slaughter it at will?"

She unquestionably issued an instruction: "Don't mother-in-law, change your clothes quickly."

I rely on! What is going on here?

Ye Tianlong wanted to talk again, but the woman in sunglasses ignored him at all. She ran wildly on the accelerator while talking on the phone while touching the headset.

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth moved twice, and then he picked up the two bags next to him and took a look. The new clothes were still famous brands and were of great value.

But he didn't change, he was completely blind now, and he didn't know what happened.


Jiang Ziran didn't look at Ye Tianlong anymore, just steered the car whizzing forward, surpassing one after another luxury cars, buses, and Harley motorcycles.

The 150,000 Corolla was driven by her like a Ferrari. The technology is not top-notch, but she is very courageous, showing her high-spirited personality.


Fifteen minutes later, the car rushed into a somewhat dilapidated street. When passers-by and merchants on both sides saw the car, they all backed away as if bitten.

Corolla drove unimpeded, turned into a back alley after a hundred meters, and then stopped at the back door of a three-story hotel.

"Sister Jiang, you are finally back, and it's about to start."

As the car door just opened, a short-haired girl in white rushed up, holding a red dress and a few pieces of jewelry.

"There was a bet on the road, but I finally came back."

Jiang Ziran threw away his sunglasses, took the red clothes and put them on, then took the jewelry and put them on, and also took two bottles of cosmetics and wiped them on his face.

Finally, she wiped on the lipstick, and the whole person was instantly brighter, a little more beautiful.

"You won't come out yet? Hurry up..."

Jiang Ziran turned his head and shouted to Ye Tianlong, and then raised his eyebrows: "You haven't changed your clothes yet? What are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong, who pushed the car door, took off his sunglasses: "Miss Jiang, I..."

"Say how many times, call me Ziran, or Ranran."

Jiang Ziran hated iron and ran back, and held Ye Tianlong who was about to talk, then took out the bag of clothes and pushed him on him: "Quickly change."

Ye Tianlong guessed that the other party had admitted the wrong person: "Zi Ran, you made a mistake..."

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