Talented Genius

Chapter 1833: Win (five shifts)

"I don't want the cards, open."

Bingye opened the hole card directly, 18 points.

Gao Shengjin lit a cigarette: "Ginger is still old and spicy."

"Hey, you guys, always don't believe people, tell you nineteen, don't you do it?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head lightly, turned out his trump card, ten or 19 points, to win.

Ye Bing's face turned blue, and the corners of their mouths moved. It was very unexpected that Ye Bing missed two consecutive games.

With four chips in hand, Ye Tianlong pressed them all up again.

Ye Bing rubbed his eyes, then pressed his glasses again, and stared at the cards handed out to the croupier. He just looked at it for a long time and there was no joy on his face.

For the next four rounds, Bing Ye tried hard to fight, but Ye Tianlong was crushed mercilessly.

Ye Tianlong seemed to be hanging out, playing psychological warfare to the extreme, and his luck was so good.

"Twenty o'clock!"

"Five little dragons!"

"Three Seven!"

The chips went from four to eight, from eight to sixteen, and then from sixteen to thirty-two.

When Ye Tianlong showed three sevens and scored thirty-two chips, the audience was silent, Bing Ye's teeth were almost broken, and Lao Bi was ugly.

Only Jiang Ziran was overjoyed. All the losses were won back. This was like riding a roller coaster. Her little heart could hardly stand it.

"Master Bing, although I have thirty-two chips now, I just barely managed to get back to my original goal. You are not a winner, and you are not a loser."

Ye Tianlong was playing with Huala La's chips and looked at Bing Ye with a smile: "Let's take a gamble again."


Ye Tianlong pushed the chips up: "Stud."

Three hundred and twenty million.

Jiang Ziran trembled, shocked Ye Tianlong's courage very much, and finally won back the capital, and now it all launched.

What if you lose? Isn't it another empty space? Jiang Ziran couldn't imagine that mood, but he didn't stop it, because Ye Tianlong won the money.

The scene was more than Jiang Ziran's heart trembling, Bing Ye and Gao Shengjin also changed their faces, no one thought that Ye Tianlong was the real gambler.

Ye Bing hesitated, then glanced at Gao Shengjin.

Gao Shengjin nodded.

Ye Bing finally gritted his teeth: "Follow!"

It was also a pile of chips.

The dealer deals the cards.

Ye Tianlong's card is a jack, and the points are very good, which makes Jiang Ziran happy.

But Bingye's bright card made her smile sink again, Gao Shengjin and the others also burst into a comfortable smile!


Lao Bi and the others are happy about Bingye's luck. If Bingye's hole card is ten or a flower card, it will be Black Jack!

Black Jack is the biggest, and kills the remaining 21 points.

Lao Bi and Jiang Ziran's breathing was a bit cramped, and their eyes were all fixed on the gaming table.

Bing Ye looked at his hole cards, and suddenly laughed: "Boy, you are finished, you are completely finished this time."

"I will show you what it means to think of heaven and hell. If I lose, I will come back."

Ye Bing looked at Jiang Ziran with a grin and shouted: "Niece, you are not only selling the streets, but also selling yourself."

Gao Shengjin and the others are also very happy. There is no doubt that Bing Ye got a good card.

While Jiang Ziran's heart was slightly stunned, Ye Tianlong remained calm.

The croupier asked cautiously: "Do you still want to get a card?"



Ye Tianlong and Bingye both dropped the cards, and then they opened the cards.

Ye Tianlong smiled and opened his hole card, a king!

20 points, a very high point, close to full point.

"Hahaha, at 20 o'clock, you can still be prestigious just now, but now, you are destined to be a loser."

Bing Ye stared at Ye Tianlong and laughed wildly: "I will show you what card my hand is."

Bing Ye laughed and opened his trump card!

Ten of spades!

One A and ten!

"Black Jack!"

Gao Shengjin, Lao Bi and the others yelled together, and then jumped up happily, Bing Ye Shi came around, a game against the sky.

Jiang Ziran looked pale and looked at Bing Ye's card. Just now, the joy of the heart sank completely, but she quickly held back and relieved Ye Tianlong:

"It's okay, it's okay, originally there was one chip left, but now that I lost, it means losing one chip."

Jiang Ziran squeezed out: "We can hold it."

"Boy, won't you accept it?"

Bing Ye regained his vigor, and then lit a cigar, Ye Tianlong shouted: "I lost to you deliberately before, to make you happy."

"Do you really think that you are mad, you are the generation of gambling gods in Australia?"

"What is it now? You lost to me again, right?"

"How? Do you still have a bargaining chip in your hand? Can you draw another one?"

"Have you lost your mind? You should have hidden one just now. If that's the case, you can start from scratch now."

Bing Ye smiled very proudly: "Unfortunately, you have no chance. You have lost a lot. The game ends here."

Gao Shengjin also said leisurely: "Boy, go back to Caoji Street early to clean up your baggage. We're going to close the building and shop in a few days."

"You don't want to go wrong, do you?"

He pointed his finger at Lao Bi and the men and women around him: "These are the big gambling tycoons in the Australian city.

"Oh, gambling boss?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Lao Bi and they smiled: "Is it notarized?"

Lao Bi frowned and said, "Boy, what are you talking about? Although we have some friendship with Bingye, we still have a clear distinction."

"As long as it is fair and just, losing is losing and winning is winning. The rules of the gaming table are everyone's responsibility to maintain."

He snorted: "So don't think of shamelessly, otherwise the entire Australian city will be punishable."

Jiang Ziran pulled Ye Tianlong and said, "Tianlong, accept the gambling, let's go, I will take care of this gambling debt."

"As long as it's fair and just, losing is losing, winning is winning, the rules of the gaming table, everyone is responsible for maintaining..."

Ye Tianlong did not leave, just glanced at Lao Bi and they smiled: "This is a very good remark. I believe in the gambling of all the big guys."

"It's just that I want to ask you something..."

Ye Tianlong twisted his neck and took the first two steps: "A thousand won, is it a win?"

"stupid guy!"

Gao Shengjin subconsciously scolded: "It is a big taboo to win a thousand, no matter how many wins, it is a loss, as long as a thousand is given, no matter the result, it is a loss..."


Before Gao Shengjin finished speaking, he saw Ye Tianlong sway, passing through a few people to Bing Ye, and grabbing his gold-framed glasses.


In the next second, Ye Tianlong dropped his glasses on the gaming table and slapped it into a pile of fragments with one palm, revealing several electronic components and circuits.

"Mr. Gao is right, as long as you pay a thousand, no matter the result, you lose."

Ye Tianlong shouted happily with both hands, "This round, Ye Tianlong, win!"

Bingye and the others collectively confused.

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