Talented Genius

Chapter 1856: The wicked grind the wicked

Seeing Ye Tianlong coming out again, Mrs. Feng was taken aback for a while, as if she didn't expect him to leave yet.

Immediately, a touch of playfulness swept across the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Ye Tianlong rushing out halfway, Saburo Miyamoto frowned and asked Mrs. Feng: "Ma'am, who is this?"

"My country cousin."

Before Ye Tianlong could speak, Mrs. Feng said, "He came to see me from Heaven and gave me a gift."

She pointed a finger at the box in Lin Rushui's hand: "I promised him, I will treat him to a meal."

"I originally had a formal business lunch with Miss Bai, and it was not convenient to take him to dinner. Now that Miss Bai has gone back, the lunch is private."

"It's okay to take him for a meal."

"Mr. Miyamoto is so sincere to invite me to eat puffer fish today, don't you mind if I bring my cousin there too?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and agreed: "Yes, yes, cousin, cousin." He held Mrs. Feng's hand: "Cousin, do you have puffer fish for lunch?"

Madam Feng wanted to break away from Ye Tianlong's hand, but she thought for a while but didn't move, and smiled softly:

"As long as Mr. Miyamoto is interested, let alone eating puffer fish, even eating dragon meat will be fine."

She looked at Saburo Miyamoto with beautiful eyes: "Mr. Miyamoto, don't you think?"

"Mr. Miyamoto? Hello, hello, good time, good time."

Ye Tianlong shook hands with Saburo Miyamoto enthusiastically: "My name is Ye Tianlong, I will take care of you in the future."

Saburo Miyamoto didn't shake hands with Ye Tianlong, but looked at Madam Feng with a smile and said, "Madam's cousin is a coincidence."

"But there are too few pufferfish at noon. It's only enough for two people. Bring your wife's cousin, I'm afraid you will wrong him."

"In this way, I will give him 10,000 yuan and let him find something to eat on his own, so that he eats a lot and we eat happily."

Saburo Miyamoto waved his hand to let out a stack of cash: "I wonder what the madam feels like?"

"not so good!"

Ye Tianlong snatched the banknotes, and said unceremoniously, "Why are you so stingy? Isn't it just a pufferfish? What's so good about it."

"Two more..."

"Did you bully me from the mountain and think I don't deserve to eat the tall puffer fish?"

Ye Tianlong snorted: "Let me tell you, I have eaten dolphins, and what more pufferfish are there."

Saburo Miyamoto and the others all have black lines, your uncle, eat dolphins? This uneducated bun is really open, can dolphins eat it?

Most importantly, this **** collects money while cursing others. What is this?

Ye Tianlong continued to reprimand: "Besides, you don't want to say hello to my elder sister. I am embarrassed to take out two pufferfish."

"Go, cousin, I invite you to eat a dolphin."

Ye Tianlong patted the ten thousand yuan: "Let's eat ten people."

Madam Feng smiled: "Okay."

Saburo Miyamoto looked a little ugly: "No, no, brother, I didn't mean that, I didn't look down on you."

It seemed that Mrs. Feng cared about Ye Tianlong so much, so Saburo Miyamoto, who didn't care about it, said with a smile:

"I'm afraid you won't have a full time eating, you know, delicious things are hard to stop eating."

Saburo Miyamoto smiled meaningfully and said: "If you don't have a good time, it will be quite uncomfortable."

Mrs. Feng's eyelids twitched, knowing that there was something in Miyamoto's words, but she did not respond.

Ye Tianlong spoke unceremoniously: "I'm afraid I won't be able to eat to the fullest, you master can skip it. You treat, don't you make the guests happy?"

Saburo Miyamoto had 10,000 grass and mud horses running in his heart...

Half an hour later, at a nearby restaurant, Saburo Miyamoto invited Mrs. Feng and Ye Tianlong into a wing, and then they sent the dishes.

Although he didn't like Ye Tianlong in front of him very much, in addition to affecting his dialogue with Madam Feng, there was also Ye Tianlong that made him very uncomfortable.

For unknown reasons, the existence of Ye Tianlong is a sense of trouble for him, but Madam Feng has been holding his hand.

If you don't invite Ye Tianlong over for dinner, this meticulously prepared lunch today will make it harder to see Mrs. Feng in the future.

A wing room, three people sitting on tatami, kneeling with a touch of beautiful waiters, Oriental women.

Lin Rushui and Saburo Miyamoto stood behind them, waiting for the beginning and end of this lunch.

The dishes were quickly delivered. Before Saburo Miyamoto toasted, Ye Tianlong picked up his chopsticks and ate and drank to himself.

Moreover, the dishes on the table are worthless.

"Is this the puffer fish? Isn't it delicious? Is it fake?"

Ye Tianlong frowned while eating the puffer fish, but his chopsticks couldn't help holding a piece, and his cheek flashed red at this moment.

"Is this the salmon sashimi in Hokkaido? How can it be similar to a ten-dollar grass carp!"

"Why doesn't this sake taste at all? Is it burning a knife and mixing it with water?"

"Your conscience is so bad."

The chopsticks in Ye Tianlong's hand plunged straight down like a sword, and they were mixed in the middle of the sashimi, a mess, and the juice dripping on the table was everywhere.

Then, he picked up the sake and drank half a bottle.

Bull chewing peony!

At this moment, everyone present appeared such a word, even Mrs. Feng felt that Ye Tianlong was really too bad.

Saburo Miyamoto was about to succumb to death, wanted to find a chance to speak, but Ye Tianlong sang a one-man show.

When Mrs. Feng saw this scene, the corners of her mouth evoked a touch of playfulness, and the wicked were really grieved.

Then, she cast a grateful look at Ye Tianlong, thanking him for intervening in spite of danger.

Sooner or later, she will fall out with Saburo Miyamoto, but before she tears her face, she still can't make it too ugly. She still has a lot of things to prepare.

So Ye Tianlong can be regarded as a relief for her.

"Sir, puffer fish and sashimi have to be eaten with a special seasoning sauce to feel more refreshing."

"Sake also needs to be slowly smelled, tasted and drunk."

An Oriental woman who serves three people can't help it: "Otherwise, it will be hard for you to feel its deliciousness."


Ye Tianlong nodded suddenly, and then looked at the Dongyang woman with a wicked smile: "You are so amazing, you know everything."

"Are you from Kabukicho? Are you good at girls? Can you buy a disc?"

"I heard Nigoko from our village say that women in Kabukicho can be touched casually."

Ye Tianlong also stretched out his hand and touched the other's wrist, chuckling in his mouth, "You are much smoother and tenderer than a pufferfish."

The Dongyang woman's pretty face changed, and she hurriedly retracted her hand and leaned toward Saburo Miyamoto, with a touch of disgust on her face.

Ye Tianlong also leaned forward: "Damn! Still showing up? Would you like money?" He took out Saburo Miyamoto's 10,000 yuan: "Take it."


Saburo Miyamoto couldn't restrain himself, slapped his palm on the table and shouted, "Mr. Ye, please be respectful to the waiters."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "What about disrespect?"

He suddenly reached out and touched the Dongyang girl again...

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