Talented Genius

Chapter 1861: Clues (three shifts)

Thirty minutes later, Ye Tianlong settled down and sent four tiger masters to protect him and walked out of the room.

As soon as he left the house, the oriole greeted him, reporting in a low voice:

"Ye Shao, there are three snipers, two men and one woman, all of them are Oriental."

"Two were killed by Tianmo, and one was scrapped by a handicapped hand. They climbed up from the sea and touched the cliff with a climbing tool."

"Judging from the nearby vegetation and leaning over and dry, it is estimated that I felt it at three or four in the morning."

The oriole added the last sentence: "I still found their tied speedboat on the sea, but there was nothing on it."

"Canshou has arranged the corpse and the living mouth in the wooden building, but the interrogation did not yield much."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "From today, the cliff will have to be guarded by hands. Normal people can't come up, but it's not difficult for a master."

"The gods were not important before, and there would be no good hands to deal with him, but the magic swordsman is now related to the cooperation of the Feng family, and it is inevitable to be targeted."

He issued an instruction: "So the Magic Sword Garden must enter the first level of alert, and the cliff must be guarded by manpower, and then traps will be set up to prevent it."

The oriole nodded: "Understand."

"Let's go and see how to live."

Ye Tianlong moved downstairs quickly, and then walked to the wooden building not far away: "Killing so many brothers, I always have to ask something."

The oriole sighed softly: "Her mouth is very hard. Seeing that, she must have undergone the pain training of the Orientals, and treat the pain as refreshing..."

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Let Zhen come over."

The oriole was taken aback, then replied: "Understood."

Ye Tianlong quickly approached the wooden building. There were a lot of swordsmen going back and forth around him, some were guards, some were cleaning the scene, and some wanted to dismember the body.

In today's battle, six dead and twelve wounded, the children of the sword were filled with righteous indignation.

"Ye Shao!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, dozens of people shouted together, Ye Tianlong nodded, and then walked through the crowd to the first floor of the wooden building.

As soon as he entered the hall, Ye Tianlong saw two dead bodies, two oriental men in camouflage clothes with strange faces.

Only when he passed the corpse, Ye Tianlong's nose twitched twice, and then stopped, he caught a familiar breath.

Afterwards, he leaned over to observe the two corpses, grabbed their hands and sniffed, then thoughtfully.

After looking at the corpse, Ye Tianlong continued to move forward and came to a side hall.

On the carpet in the side hall, there was an Oriental woman lying dripping with blood. Although she had sprinkled styptic powder on her stump, she continued to bleed.

Especially for severed fingers, the bandaged gauze was soaked wet.

"It's you?"

Ye Tianlong walked to the front and scanned, and after erasing the blood of the Dongyang woman, he recognized it at a glance: "Xingnako?"

There was a smile at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth. This world is really small. This woman is no one else, but the woman who was touched by Ye Tianlong in the restaurant.

"It's really you..."

When Ye Tianlong's voice fell, the Dongyang woman also opened her eyes, watched Ye Tianlong examine it, and then said with difficulty:


There was confirmation in her eyes, and surprise.

The confirmation is that the guy in front of you is really the bastard. Surprisingly, Mrs. Feng's cousin had a close relationship with Shendaomen, and he was domineering.

It's hard for Kannako to imagine that the shameless guy yesterday was a master who dodge bullets calmly just now.

This also more and more confirmed that Feng's family wanted to cooperate with the Sacred Daomen, and Kannako rarely regretted it, and did not pass the news and Ye Tianlong to Saburo Miyamoto in the first time.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You didn't expect to run into me here. It can be seen that you didn't come here to kill me. Are you here for the gods?"


Xing Nazi did not respond to Ye Tianlong's words, but she struggled to open her mouth and cursed at him, with resentment in her eyes, as if Ye Tianlong was her father-killing enemy.

"The **** is still alive. Your two companions are dead, and you are wounded all over. To be simpler, your mission has failed."

Ye Tianlong's voice came out calmly: "You are still my prisoner, a prisoner who cannot ask for death."

"Whether you want to survive or ask for a good death, I suggest you, it is best to cooperate with me obediently."

Ye Tianlong leaned over and patted her face: "Otherwise you will end badly."

"You killed six of me, do you know how many magic knives outside holding machetes, waiting to smash you and your comrades to pieces?"

The corners of Kannako's mouth moved a bit, but she wanted to speak but eventually closed her mouth, looking rebellious.

"Actually, I can guess what you are here."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "The Emperor Knife will never do bad things in these years. It counts gamblers more than once, forcing many customers to bankrupt their families and even jump off the building."

"The Feng Family can't bear the Emperor Sword, so they want to drive you away, and they are planning to find an Australian city gang instead."

"The Sacred Sword Gate is the most likely gang to replace you, so you are both prepared to force the palace against Madam Feng while controlling the Sacred Sword Gate."

"You use Mutoko and the others to infiltrate the gate of the sacred sword, but it is a pity that all these people were taken by me, and the sage became active again.

Ye Tianlong looked at Kanako who opened his eyes again and said, "Saburo Miyamoto feels threatened, so I sent you to attack."

"I know your activities, and I guess you are jumping the wall in a hurry..."

Xanako looked shocked. He didn't expect that he knew so much. She stared at Ye Tianlong and asked, "Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong chuckled: "Who is not important, what is important is, can we cooperate?"

Kanako raised her head when she heard the words: "I will not betray the Emperor Sword Society. I will never tell you the slightest secret. You will die."

"Do you think that if you don't speak, I won't know?"

Ye Tianlong's smile became evil and enchanting: "In fact, when you show up here, you tell me something."

Kannako's eyelids twitched: "What's the matter?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Restaurant."

"If I guess it's good, the restaurant is the killer group of the Royal Sword Association. This can be judged from you and your two companions."

"The three of you, three snipers, and three cooks..."

Kannako whispered: "How do you know that they are a clerk? You haven't seen them yesterday."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's very simple. You all have the same breath, a mixture of mustard, soy sauce, sashimi, and sake."

"That is the smell that has been deposited from working in a restaurant all year round."

"Of course, let me pay attention to them, and I was curious to distinguish the smell. At first, I passed through their bodies and smelled a scent of pufferfish."

"I ate so much puffer fish and sake yesterday, and I couldn't be more sensitive to the smell."

Ye Tianlong was shocked: "It can be seen that they have been in and out of restaurants, and they have eaten puffer fish. This can be regarded as a clue."

"When I see your face, it will fully corroborate my speculation, and it can be judged from this, and the rest of the staff will not be too innocent."

He tweeted: "Saburo Miyamoto is really bad luck, he shouldn't have invited me to dinner."

"If you don't invite me to dinner, I don't know your existence, and I won't be so sensitive to the puffer fish breath, and I can't judge the restaurant as a base."

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "God's will."

Kannako was stunned, she didn't know the response, she didn't know what to say, she only knew, a chill rose from the bottom of her heart, extremely cold.

This **** is too terrible, too perverted, a little clue can peel the truth.

Ye Tianlong's fingers stroked the woman's shocked and pretty face: "It seems that the first battle to severely inflict the Royal Sword Association begins at the restaurant."

"Moreover, I want to have someone take you over..."

Kannako's face changed, and then she said, "Shameless!"

From the breath of the two snipers and the face of Kanako, Ye Tianlong could tell that there was something wrong with the restaurant.

But the key is that Saburo Miyamoto didn't know the identity of Ye Tianlong, and didn't know that Ye Tianlong guessed that there was a problem with the restaurant.

So when Annako led someone into the restaurant, Saburo Miyamoto would only think that she betrayed the organization, so Annako was very angry.

Ye Tianlong patted her face: "Good luck."

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