Talented Genius

Chapter 1871: Business is business (four more)

Ye Tianlong didn't stay to eat with them.

His presence would only make everyone extremely embarrassed, so after paying the bill in advance, Jiang Ziran was asked to deal with it. He and Mrs. Feng went to the western restaurant on the roof.

Uncle Guang and they looked ugly, but they were reluctant to leave in a hurry to avoid embarrassment.

In order to find out about Ye Tianlong's identity and to build a good relationship with Jiang Ziran, they bite the bullet and ate this meal.

The cousin coquettish even apologized to Jiang Ziran again and again, worrying that Ye Tianlong's expression was bad, so Xu Donglai dumped herself.

Ye Tianlong guessed the atmosphere of the wing, but he didn't care too much. When he came to the western restaurant, he ordered two steaks and a bottle of wine in one go.

Mrs. Feng was going to have a meal with a foreign businessman at noon today, but after meeting Ye Tianlong, she temporarily changed her mind and invited him to lunch.

Ye Tianlong knew she had business affairs, so he did not refuse.

"I already know about Miyamoto."

Madam Feng leaned on the seat, swaying the wine gracefully: "Ye Tianlong, I have to say, you gave me another surprise."

"I thought it would take you half a month to make a fuss, and it was a two-gang fight of losing more and less."

"Unexpectedly, in just two days, you would directly kill Saburo Miyamoto and his combat generals, and you would still retreat leisurely and contentedly."

Her red lips lightly opened: "I have to admit that you are more powerful than I expected."

There was a hint of appreciation in Mrs. Feng's eyes. After working hard for so many years, she had seen many young talents, but Ye Tianlong made her feel a little interested.

He always surprises people.

When Saburo Miyamoto and a few of the backbones died, the entrance of the Ocheng hall suddenly became headless, and was even looked down upon. The Feng family's pressure was instantly reduced by more than half.

The thorn in her heart for more than a month was pulled out by Ye Tianlong, and Madam Feng felt very comfortable:

"I toast you a glass."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "It's the 21st century now. No matter how slow you are doing things, you can't even drink hot bowls of porridge."

"When I got your gambling agreement, I sentenced Saburo Miyamoto to death, but didn't find a gap to kill him."

He thought of Saburo Miyamoto and sighed, "As a result, he was out of luck and sent Annako to attack the gods, which gave me a chance to uproot him."

He picked up the wine glass and touched Mrs. Feng, then drank a clean one, and glanced at the woman, what a stunner.

Today's Mrs. Feng has long hair hanging down to her back, wearing a dignified black dress, and her short hem reveals her white skin and a slender waist.

Two snow-white smooth thighs are bare, the skin of the thighs is smooth and white, and the slender feet are stepped on high heels, revealing a full of femininity.

Madam Feng caught Ye Tianlong's gaze, but didn't care much, put down the wine glass and said calmly, "What should I do next?"

Ye Tianlong picked up the knife and fork: "Next?"

"Now, at the entrance of the Royal Sword Hall in the City of Australia, the backbone has been lifted and broken by me, and the elite of the entrance has also been hacked and killed by me. All parties are ready to move."

"Now it's the last fire."

Ye Tianlong made a guess: "As long as you hit the emperor's sword club remnants with another heavy blow, kill two hundred people, the whole hall will face collapse."

Madam Feng looked at Ye Tianlong with bright eyes: "You also know that it was the last fire, so why not chase out the remaining enemies by winning?"

"First, there are more than 800 members of the Royal Sword Association in Australia."

Ye Tianlong responded with guns: "These people are not concentrated at the entrance of the hall, but all over 21 casinos."

"Am I going to kill one by one? Even if I have the strength to kill, the six big gamblers won't let me do it. After all, it will affect your business."

He reminded Mrs. Feng: "So as long as they hide in the casino, I really don't have a chance to kill them."

"Of course, the most important reason is that the children of the Sacred Sword Sect still need a little time to train, otherwise the fight with the Emperor Sword is to give away the head."

"So my strategy now is to step up the training of the Sacred Sword Sect children, and at the same time stare at the remnants of the Emperor Sword Association, find the right opportunity, and kill it in one fell swoop."

Ye Tianlong said half of the words, but left half at the same time. He didn't tell Yuan Shazi of the trump card, nor said he would breathe out if he deliberately slowed the emperor sword.

He can show Madam Feng his thundering methods to let her know that he is powerful, but he won't let Madam Feng feel that it would be too easy to drive away the sword.

This will affect future negotiations.

Only if Mrs. Feng felt that he had worked so hard to drive away the Royal Sword Society, the future cooperation with Ye Tianlong could get more benefits.

This is Ye Tianlong's strategy of "cats raising mice".

"Australia City Casino does have a military prohibition, and it is not allowed to fight to see blood. Violators will face huge crusade.

Mrs. Feng also realized the key: "You have to keep this in mind."

"I just know this, so I didn't go to the casino to deal with the Royal Sword Club."

Ye Tianlong stuffed a piece of beef into his mouth: "Otherwise, it would be interesting to burst two heads every day."

"Madam, you can actually find an excuse to drive them away and get them out of the 21 casinos."

He expressed an arrogance: "Without the legal protective clothing of a casino, it would be easy to pack eight hundred swords."

"Of course I can drive them out, but I signed a gambling agreement with you. You are solely responsible for handling such evil things."

Madam Feng blinked slyly: "I won't risk driving away the casino's royal sword club unless they violate the rules of the Fengjia Casino."

"At the same time, you will not be allowed to enter the casino to make trouble, so you have to find another way to solve this matter."

"Don't feel that I am ruthless, business is business, just do things in accordance with the contract, so that there will be no wrangling when there are problems."

She straightened her smooth hair: "Besides, benefits and risks have always been there."

"Tsk, Madam is indeed a madam, so rational."

There was a trace of helplessness across Ye Tianlong's face: "Okay, take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. I will properly handle the casino people myself."

"Just know your responsibility."

Madam Feng smiled faintly: "But I want to remind you that it's better to be faster..."

Ye Tianlong disagrees: "One month, it's only three days now, it's long."

"It's not you and I bet on the deadline."

Mrs. Feng lowered her voice: "I received a message that Saburo Miyamoto's best friend, Nakano, known as the holy gambler of the East, is coming to Australia."

"He originally came to Australia to help Saburo Miyamoto deal with the Feng family. Now that Saburo Miyamoto is dead, his goal has become revenge."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Come on me?"

Mrs. Feng faintly reminded: "Be careful in everything..."

"Gambler? Toyo?"

Ye Tianlong snorted: "Looking at Dongyang, apart from the **** of death, I have never been afraid of anyone."

Hearing the **** of death, Madam Feng's pretty face stagnated, and then softly said, "If the **** of death really comes, what will you do?"

Ye Tianlong replied without hesitation: "Run!"

Mrs. Feng was so angry that Ye Tianlong gave Ye Tianlong a look: "If you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, can't you take your bones out?"


Ye Tianlong spread his hands: "I really can't beat..."

Mrs. Feng picked up the red wine and finished it in one sip, then her pretty face got up and left...

"What happened?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Madam, madam... wait a minute... you haven't paid the bill yet..."


Just when Ye Tianlong was depressed and offended the woman, a phone call came in.

Ye Tianlong picked up the phone to answer, and soon the oriole's voice came:

"Ye Shao, Lei Jiuzhi received a call, like Mrs. Xue's, and hurried out..."

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