Talented Genius

Chapter 1897: Rumba

Dozens of eyes looked at Lin Shaoqing, and then curiously locked Ye Tianlong, obviously interested in his origins and details.

Ye Tianlong noticed that many cold eyes were looking at him, and he cried out that the party would be difficult to end well.

Because he can clearly feel a lot of vigilant and jealous eyes in it.

Also, there are few men who want to take a bite of Lin Shaoqing's talented Bai Fumei.

"Hello everyone, this is my boyfriend, Ye Tianlong."

Lin Shaoqing introduced to everyone in general: "He is from Mingjiang, please take care of him in the future."

Sure enough, it was a declaration of sovereignty.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, but at the moment he couldn't explain anything, otherwise it would embarrass Lin Shaoqing, so he smiled calmly at everyone:

"Thank you for taking care of Shaoqing."

More than 20 men and women nodded politely, Lin Shaoqing always wanted to show his face.

Lin Shaoqing pulled Ye Tianlong to sit down, and then pointed to a woman with bangs and a woman with a face of melon seeds: "This is Yudi, this is Langlang."

"The popular singer of this festival."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stretched out his hand: "Good for you two."

Yudi and Langlang smiled indifferently, raised the bottle in their hands, and declined Ye Tianlong's handshake.

Guci's sunglasses, Chanel's coat, LV bag, and the smell of Bahraini lover perfume show their wealthy foundation.

Ye Tianlong caught the disdain in their eyes, smiled and sat down beside Lin Shaoqing, and then heard the muttering of the two women:

"Has Shaoqing's brain flooded recently? Don't want a talented person like Gao and Shao, and find such a bun as a boyfriend."

"Yeah, what Ye Tianlong? Not only the name is dirty, the clothes are not cool, and he doesn't have the luxury car keys yet."

"Also take care. From this sentence, we can judge that there is no background or foundation, which rich or young or big name would be so humble..."

"Hehe, don't talk about it. Later Shaoqing will get angry when she hears it. Anyway, it's her man, she has money, and secretly watching the joke is..."

Although the two women were talking in Cantonese, Ye Tianlong could understand all of them, and Lin Shaoqing also heard it, her pretty face sinking into a frenzy.

Ye Tianlong held her gently and smiled faintly: "It's okay..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just made a few phone calls and called some good friends to come over. I'm sorry, sorry."

Before Lin Shaoqing could respond, a man with a round face of about 1.7 meters walked in from the entrance with his head high, his face full of excitement.

His skin is very fair, he has inch hair, and his body exudes the arrogant aura of Ruoyouruuowu, which makes people unable to stop creating a sense of distance.

"Gao Shao, are you back?"

"Senior and young, it doesn't matter, you also make everyone happy!"

"Gao Shao, sit here!"

Seeing the round-faced youth striding in with the meteor coming in, Yudi and Langlang all got up to greet him, all smiling.

Being praised so enthusiastically by everyone, the round-faced youth also had excitement on his face: "I am not afraid to tell everyone good news..."

"Under my vigorous dealings, there will be a few heavyweight figures coming over, all of them are the first-line sons and daughters."

He proudly sold the key: "Who is the specific person, please keep it secret first. If you want to hold your thigh, please take the initiative later."

Yudi and Langlang immediately cheered and praised the round-faced youth:

"High and young are mighty."

"The connections between seniors and adolescents are really amazing.

"Gao Shao deserves to be our leader, we can sing songs, drink wine, and make friends."

In the flattering, the round face is young and fluttering, and he really enjoys this situation.

Lin Shaoqing said in a low voice: "Baojia, a shareholder of Australia Entertainment Online, Xinxing, Gao Qianli, is also the best male singer of this festival."

Ye Tianlong let out a cry, then smiled: "It seems that today's party is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

After Gao Qianli greeted everyone enthusiastically, he turned his gaze back to Gao Shaoqing, a pair of eyes bursting with extremely hot light:

"Shaoqing, where did you go just now? I have been looking for you for a long time, and I have sent you a few WeChat messages and never reply."

"I'm still worried that you will get lost. You have to hang out and find me. I know this Australian city. I can drive Cayenne and take it around the whole Australian city."

He laughed and talked, and approached Lin Shaoqing: "I will go to the pier to board the boat later. I must take my Cayenne."

He glanced at the unfamiliar Ye Tianlong, then didn't pay attention to it at all, thinking he was just a passerby.

More than two dozen people have a smile that looks good at the show. They are looking forward to Lin Shaoqing's height and boyfriend.

"Thank you for your kindness. I went out just now to wait for my boyfriend. He will see me personally when I get on the boat. I don't have to worry about it."

Lin Shaoqing said with a playful expression: "Come on, let me introduce Gao Shao, my boyfriend, Ye Tianlong, Gao Shao, Gao Qianli, Aocheng talent."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stood up, Luo Luo generously stretched out his hand: "Gao Shao, hello, thank you for taking care of Shaoqing."


Hearing Lin Shaoqing's words, Gao Qianli's smile froze for a while, and then squinted at Ye Tianlong: "Are you Shaoqing boyfriend?"

"How do I remember that the closest person to Shaoqing was Huo Ziguang. After Huo Ziguang suffered from mental illness, Shaoqing seemed to be alone."

He didn't smile, "Where did your boyfriend get out of here?"

"Shaoqing is a wealthy daughter and half a public figure. I came out and it was easy for her to get rid of her powder, so we have been in love."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said: "Today she is rare to be happy. I happened to be in Australia again, so she took me out to meet everyone."

"Do you think I will believe these words?"

Gao Qianli snorted, then looked at Lin Shaoqing and said, "Shaoqing, he is the extra you found, right?"

"The purpose is to deal with my pursuit of you, right?"

"Shaoqing, if my pursuit causes you trouble, I apologize to you, and I will pay attention to the method in the future, but you don't need to find a group performance."

Gao Qianli still had a stalking smile, and picked up a 500ml bottle of beer from the barrel:

"Shaoqing, if I have something that made you uncomfortable before, I hope you have a lot of it, Shaoqing, don't care about me."

"I punish myself a bottle."

He didn't wait for Gao Shaoqing's reaction, Gululu drank the wine in the bottle in one breath, and won many cheers and applause.

Langlang and Yudi were even more enthusiastic and applauded, seeming to be impressed by Gao Qianli's graceful demeanor.

Ye Tianlong also squinted his eyes. This guy is a little docile and knows how to work every step of the way.

Gao Qianli shook the empty wine bottle and smiled: "Shaoqing, I have done my sincerity and said I'm sorry. Does Shaoqing enjoy her face and jump on a song?"

"Gao Shao, let me say it again, this is my boyfriend Ye Tianlong, not an extra."

The corner of Lin Shaoqing's mouth evokes a curve: "And I only dance with my boyfriend, so I am sorry for your invitation."

Ye Tianlong hugged her waist at the right time and smiled: "Should we go dancing?"

Gao Qianli saw the two flirting in public, his anger in his eyes rose like flames, and then he laughed:

"The two are intimate lovers. To dance, this kind of vulgar music is definitely not suitable."

"Come on, clear the venue!"

Gao Qianli shouted: "Rumba."

He apparently believed that Ye Tianlong was an extra actor, so he came directly to a rumba to expose Ye Tianlong, and then Lin Shaoqing could no longer cover it up.

Rumba is known as the dance of love. It originated from the folk dance of African blacks in the 16th century. It was popular in Latin America and then developed in Cuba.

Rumba's characteristics are charming, **** and passionate.

The footwork pays attention to grace and love, and the dance style is soft and charming. It is a kind of difficult dance to express the affection of men and women.

Langlang and Yudi enthusiastically cleared the stage.

Many guests were taken aback for a moment, and then became interested, all watching around the dance floor.

Gao Qianli shouted loudly: "Shaoqing, show your affection well, and everyone will applaud and bless you."

"Shaoqing may jump, but that stuffed bun will definitely not."

"Maybe, if someone twists a big Yangko, you can't say it's not Rumba."

Langlang and Yudi covered their mouths and laughed, seeming to believe that Ye Tianlong is going to make a fool of himself.

"Someone wants to dance Rumba?"

"I believe in a flurry of dancing or pole dancing. Rumba would be too much."

"I'm afraid it was the scene of the car accident, so it would be embarrassing..."

At this time, another seven beautiful women crowded up, white dresses and short skirts wrapped in similar coats, and they still exuded a touch of cosmetics.

This is a high-level dancer hired by the bar. Not only are they good-looking, they are professional in dancing, but they also have good academic qualifications, so appearing on twitter is very attractive.

This also makes the entire dance floor look more lively.

Knowing that it was Ye Tianlong and Lin Shaoqing who jumped into the rumba, they raised their mouths one by one, showing a touch of disdain.

Lin Shaoqing's eyelids twitched: "Tianlong, will you? If not, we don't want to jump--"

She was worried that Ye Tianlong would not be ridiculed at that time. She didn't care, but she was afraid that Ye Tianlong would be hurt by words.

"If you say you want to dance, don't you be laughed at if you don't dance at this time?"

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly, and then walked onto the dance floor with Lin Shaoqing in his right hand, and a little band in his left:


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