Talented Genius

Chapter 2009: Uphill

The killer bee went straight to the top of the mountain.

The guards at the first level of the mountain road, apart from being unable to leave their posts, are also not in their turn to **** food.

So even though they heard that the lunch was delicious, they could only nibble on bread and instant noodles, and then go to the cafeteria after get off work to see if there was any leftovers.

Ye Tianlong watched the Killer Bee disappear from his vision, and then waved his finger at Red Arrow.

The red arrow was quickly tapped on the computer to stop the monitoring of the first two levels, so that people on the mountain could not see the changes in these two levels.

"Chu Zifeng, don't run away."

Ye Tianlong looked at the top of the mountain and muttered to himself: "Don't let me down."

Zhe Hua, who closed her eyes and opened her eyes, then smiled: "I'm a little puzzled, didn't you let King Wei charge at six o'clock?"

"Why don't you wait for him to come over to play forward? Instead, launch an attack early?"

Zhehua looked at Ye Tianlong: "He rushes ahead, we lose even less."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "With Miao Tiannu, it's easy to win this manor. Why do you give Wei Ruqing a task that is so easy?"

"I let him charge at six, first to test his loyalty, and second to see his team."

He whispered: "It's Wei Ruqing's own life and death. How can anyone who comes tonight crooked me?"

Zhehua was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and praised: "A wise plan."

"Of course, the most important reason."

Ye Tianlong let out a long breath: "I don't want to give him gold..."

Zhehua smiled bitterly: "You really love money like life..."

"You will see gold later, and you will be like me."

Ye Tianlong smiled, then put his finger out of the car window and waved it gently.


Seeing the instructions, Tian Mo rushed out of the car door and pulled out the black knife backhand.


Tian Mo's eyes had a murderous look like a thousand-year-old frost, and then he leaped and rushed towards the target level like a phantom, at an amazing speed.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand again, and Canshou and Earth Kuangtian also sprang from both sides.


When the noon wind blew through the lush mountains, Tianmo was holding a black knife, stepping on the shadows of all things, and shuttled at extremely fast speed.

Tian Mo cleverly avoided a series of surveillance, jumped over the traps delineated by the oriole, and quickly narrowed the distance between himself and the first level.


Tian Mo walked forward alone in an almost arrogant and domineering manner, and kept moving forward. On the long slanting mountain road, the entrance of the level was less than 30 meters away from him.

Twenty meters.

Fifteen meters.

Ten meters.

At the last distance, the Tianmo figure who was bending forward suddenly changed. The slender figure bounced up in the cold wind, bursting into shape.

He is like a groundbreaking long knife, unsheathed in the blink of an eye, unmatched in sharpness, and well defined.

Across a thicket of grass, Tian Mo reached the entrance almost in an instant. With a sudden wave of his right hand, a black light flashed sharply.

As soon as the three Chu elites who heard the movement turned their heads, their throats were cut by the tip of the knife.


Three blood bursts out almost at the same time, making the sound of falling leaves being blown away. The three of them opened their mouths and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Tian Mo did not stand still at all, stretched out his hand, and his whole body instantly rose.

The five-meter-high gate, climbing flexibly, like a ghost, reaches the top in an instant, with a bounce of both feet.

The next second, crashed down.

The guards of the Chu clan inside the door had heard the movement and saw three companions splashed to death from the gap.

Therefore, when Tianmo fell like a meteor, the shocked enemies of the dozen or so reacted almost at the same time, and immediately shot out the sword before drawing a gun.

Twelve knives pierced the sky in the field of vision.

Tian Mo's complexion remained unchanged, and his body suddenly exerted strength.


With a wave of his right hand, Tian Mo directly killed the three in front of him, and then rushed past an elite Chu family like a sharp arrow.

Before the latter's sharp weapon could be smashed out, his body shook in an instant, a large amount of blood burst out of his waist, and then he fell to the ground.

When he fell to the ground with wide-eyed eyes, the sharp black knife quickly pierced into another person's throat like a poisonous snake, simply and sharply.

After killing five people in a row, Tianmo did not stagnate, and the black knife was fierce.


The murderous black knife hit a person's chest, and a burly man flew out in an instant, without a sound, falling silently to the ground.

The blood is flowing.

As the blade turned, the black knife swept over another person's neck, and the Chu clan's elite poured another person, and blood splashed around.


The guard was nearly half dead and wounded, Tian Mo's eyes didn't have the slightest wave, and he waved the black knife in his hand, drawing a cold light.

The two Chu guards, who had just wiped the blood from their eyes, fell back with a grunt, leaving an inch-long scar on their chest.


At this moment, three sharp knives stabbed at the same time, the light intertwined, sealing Tianmo's avoidance angle.

The three Chu's elite offensive were fierce, no matter whether Tianmo dodges backwards or left or right, they will be injured by the other sharp blades.

It's just that Tianmo didn't avoid it, and the black knife slashed roundly.


The three sabers fell instantly, and in the next second, they bounced back together strangely, screaming!

Bleeding from their tiger's mouth and shoulders, the next second, Tian Mo took another step and cut the throats of the three of them.

The three fell to the ground, accompanied by blood spurting from their throats, blooming wantonly in the mountain breeze.

"kill him!"

Seeing more than a dozen of his comrades fell into Tian Mo's hands like grass mustards, one of the Chu clan masters pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger at Tian Mo's head.

At this moment, there was a loud bang on his back, and the man flew forward with a gun, spouting a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and then tilted his head to death.

His back collapsed completely.

Earth Kuangtian didn't even look at him. On one side of his body, a thunderbolt swept out again, and an enemy wielding a knife behind him turned out like a winter melon.

The whole jaw was broken.

Then Di Kuangtian raised his left hand, and the green snake shot out, biting the throat of another enemy who had taken out the machine gun...

All the 24 people in the first level fell in a pool of blood, and none of them survived...

Seemingly hearing the movement, two patrol cars drove up the mountain. They yelled when they saw that the checkpoint was bloodbathed, and they all jumped out of the car.

The guy who draws the gun, the guy who yells, the guy who reports...

It's just that Canshou didn't give them a chance. He had been waiting for him to fly down from the tree and fell into the crowd of eight patrols.

The knife flashed.


One person couldn't dodge, his throat was cut, he fell to the ground without screaming, his hand was not soft, and the leaf knife flew like a butterfly, blooming with killing intent.

The second, the third, the fourth...

The hand with a cold face kept walking back and forth in the crowd, and the blade was pouring like a storm!

Less than a minute.

All the eight Chu patrols fell to the ground, and none of them survived.

Tianmo and Di Kuangtian took off their passes, and Zhehua arrived at the first checkpoint with two vehicles, cleaned the corpses, and took over the fortress.

Ye Tianlong's car drove slowly through the first checkpoint. He didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, but turned his head slightly towards Tianmo and the others:

"Go up the mountain!"

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