Talented Genius

Chapter 2249: Meet Voldemort

After getting Guan Siying's confession, Ye Tianlong put an end to the Dongmen family.

He bandaged Guan Siying's wound, and then called Tianmo, asking him to lock Guan Siying up first, and then release him after he finished his operation.

When Ye Tianlong arranged everything to go down the mountain, he found that the car blocking the traffic had been towed away by the traffic police, and his mobile phone still had Ye Qiuqi's missed call.

Ye Tianlong dialed back.

"Tianlong, where are you? Why can't I call your cell phone?"

Ye Qiuqi's tone was eager: "Are you okay?"

A little surprised by Ye Qiuqi's care, Ye Tianlong chuckled, "I'm fine."

Ye Qiuqi was relieved: "Just now the traffic police called and said that Audi was blocking the traffic and was dragged to the police station for processing, and asked who drove the car."

Ye Tianlong explained with a smile: "I accidentally ran into the car because I was worried that the police would catch me. Now the car is gone when I come back."

"You hit and you hit, and you didn't drink, what can you run?"

Ye Qiuqi hates iron but steel: "I have sent someone to deal with the accident, so you can quickly call a car home for dinner."

"Okay, I'll go back soon."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "I'm back, I have something to tell you."

After hanging up, Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop a taxi, and drove directly to Ye Family Villa.

"My brother, a student of Saints University, still lives in a villa in the rich area."

The taxi driver was a middle-aged uncle. He glanced at Ye Tianlong in his school uniform and smiled: "You are a serious and rich second generation."

"But why don't you drive a luxury car to school?"

The middle-aged driver chatted with Ye Tianlong: "I have been carrying passengers for so many years, but this is the first time that I have driven a rich second generation like you."

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "The car broke down today, so I can only take a taxi home, uncle, drive faster, I rush home to eat."

"Well, I will try to be as fast as possible."

The middle-aged uncle stepped on the gas pedal, and then said in praise: "You are really good, you will remember to go home for dinner, how many people stayed up all night."

"The bar street in the area of ​​Hei Akashi was overcrowded at night, full of luxury cars and beauties, all drunk and dreaming."

The uncle is very talkative: "Good wine, young body, tut, every time I pass by, I hate why I am not a rich second generation."

Ye Tianlong almost laughed: "Uncle, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. Regardless of their beauty, they are actually a lot of troubles, and they may not be as good as you."

"That's true."

The uncle turned the steering wheel: "Those rich second generation not only have troubles, but also a bunch of bad things. Last month, the police arrested more than 20 rich second generations."

"The crime is illegal possession of firearms. I heard that every rich second generation has firearms hidden in his body and in his car."

The middle-aged uncle lowered his voice: "Police raided, and one guy took down more than 20 people and more than 50 guns, all from Xiong Guo."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "So exaggerated?"

"This is not the most exaggerated."

The middle-aged uncle coughed: "Also last month, the joint special intelligence team of the thousands of military and police officers took action and captured more than 200 militants."

"I heard that they have not only short guns, but also submachine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, rockets, and explosives. It's an arsenal."

"I thought it was the Beijing Reconnaissance Team at the time, but some people later said it was the underworld, what is the 13th league."

"Look, the underworld is so arrogant and guns-and-cannon. The TV keeps saying that there is no underworld, and we are blind."

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised, a little surprised that the uncle driver knew about the case of the 13th League, and then he glanced at the driver's name.

Kang Ruchun.

"I also heard that the firearms in the hands of the rich second generation are from the same source as these militants, and they are all firearms flowed by the Xiong country."

The driver named Kang Ruchun continued to speak: "This caused a lot of shock in Taicheng, and it also made everyone panic, worrying that they would be swept away after eating noodles."

"But the ban on guns is too dangerous and involves the interests of many people, so after the heavy weapons of those militants were captured, there is almost no more information."

"In the end, Ma Gongzi, who had returned from studying abroad, stood up and persuaded the top leaders of Taicheng to lead the team without fear of danger."

"He rushed to the front line, not only eliminated the murderers and weapons, but also began to ban guns in Taicheng. Regardless of the rich or poor, whoever holds a gun illegally is a felony."

"Those rich second generations didn't take it seriously at first. They felt that everyone was in the same circle, and Ma Gongzi wanted to show some face and would not ban their guns."

"As a result, Mr. Ma was unceremonious to take them, not only arrested on the spot, but also in the media. The matter was too big to deal with."

"I heard that the public prosecution will be launched next month."

He whispered: "90% of the rich second generation will be unlucky, but Ma Gongzi is also hated by many powerful and powerful people. It is rumored that Ma Gongzi will be suspended."

Ye Tianlong became interested when he heard the words, and leaned on the seat and spoke slowly: "This horse son is a bit interesting."

"The younger generation, he is this!"

Kang Ruchun gave a thumbs up: "The first noble son in Taicheng is ten times better than the dead Cai Jinyin."

When Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, Kang Ruchun also parked his car at the intersection and entered the villa area through this intersection.

At this moment, at the opposite intersection, under the traffic lights, Ye Tianlong saw two cars with police license plates and roared to stop a nanny car.

One after the other, the nanny car could not move.

Then, the police car opened, and six officers got out, approaching the babysitter car casually while pressing the gun bag in the waist.

Kang Ruchun explained with a smile: "Routine inspections, suspicious vehicles, suspicious persons, all must be inspected unconditionally."

"Although it will delay time and invite scolding, it can make Taicheng more and more safe, so I support this kind of inspection."

He added: "I don't do anything illegal anyway."

When Ye Tianlong nodded, he saw the babysitter car suddenly pulled away with a clatter, dozens of newspapers flew out and hit the six police officers in the face.


Before the six police officers tore off the newspaper, the nanny car ejected a man in black. A titanium thorn flashed out of his sleeve, sharp and bloodthirsty.

Fast as a ghost.

The man in black passed in front of every police officer, and then returned to where he stood before, as if he had never moved.

The six police officers were dumbfounded and stood there for a few seconds, and fell one by one. There was a **** mouth in the throat, which seemed to be a sharp weapon.

The newspaper wrapped their heads, and there was an unconcealable shock. It seemed that they had never seen such a fierce opponent.

The burly man who killed six police officers in a second, raised his right hand expressionlessly, put the blood-stained titanium thorn into his mouth and sucked.

Then turned around and got into the car.


Passers-by screamed, cars rushed, and the scene was in chaos.


In the shock of Kang Ruchun's stiff whole body, as soon as the nanny car stepped on the accelerator, it smashed into the police car blocking the road and drove straight towards Ye Tianlong...

The moment the car passed by, Ye Tianlong's eyes caught a man with a pale face and a bald head.


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