Talented Genius

Chapter 2269: Don't forget the bonus

After solving Voldemort, Ye Tianlong slipped away from the scene in a classic car.

He likes that Emperor Ma Qing owes himself a life, but he doesn't like being involved in right and wrong as a hero to save lives. In these years, making a fortune in silence is the real kingly way.

Few people in the limelight never end well.

When the classic car drove into the Ye family garden, Ye Tianlong handed the car to Wu Xinran to park in the garage, and he walked through the hall to go back to the room to sleep.

"How come back now?"

Halfway through, a sound suddenly blew up in the quiet hall, and Ye Qiuqi's figure slowly appeared on a sofa in the shadow.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and then looked at Ye Qiuqi helplessly: "Sister, the night, can you not be scared, it almost scared me."

"If you didn't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face was cold: "And you also know about the big night? Don't you know that Ye's entrance is at 11:30 in the evening."

"It's almost one o'clock in the morning now."

Master Ye Qiuqi asked, "What did you do?"

"Access control?"

Ye Tianlong looked confused: "Go home before eleven thirty, the Ye family has this rule? Why haven't I heard of it? Mother Wu hasn't talked about it either."

"Hmm...this is my new rule..."

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face blushed, and then she should be cold again: "For the safety of the Ye family, we will start to lock the door at 11 o'clock in the evening."

"Except in special circumstances, no entry or exit is allowed."

"Although you are the Ye Family Young Master, you must abide by the rules, and you will pay attention to it later."

Ye Qiuqi faintly said, "Let's talk about it, what did you do all night? To be honest, I won't pursue it this time."

Ye Tianlong said weakly: "I'm doing hair..."

"Do hair?"

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face became cold, and she subconsciously went crazy: "Who do you hair with?"

"Miss Ye, Shao Ye was joking with you."

At this moment, Wu Xinran walked over quickly and said with a smile: "Master went to the cafe with me today."

"He said that he has missed too much homework, and there are more than a dozen subjects to make up, but there are a lot of things he doesn't understand, so I asked him to do his homework."

"I spent the night in the cafe lobby with him."

Wu Xinran opened his schoolbag and took out a small ticket, with a calm smile placed in front of Ye Qiuqi: "This is the receipt for our consumption in the coffee shop."

"It has our entrance time and the time to pay the bill. If Miss Ye still doesn't believe it, you can go to the coffee shop and check the monitoring."

Her words are well-founded, yet endlessly gentle, which makes people subconsciously convinced: "Ye Shaozhen did not fight around, but stayed in the cafe to review."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, then secretly praised, this woman was really thoughtful.

Ye Qiuqi was also slightly startled. After scanning the consumption receipt in front of him, her pretty face became gentle: "I didn't expect you to be a little motivated."

"Just review and review, say what to make hair."

She glared at Ye Tianlong: "You can't do this next time."

"Because I don't think you will believe my review, so I just say it's better to make hair."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Sister, don't worry, I'm an adult, and I have a sense of measure. In this situation of the Ye family, how can I go fooling around?"

"I will only study hard and help you carry the Ye family banner as soon as possible."

Ye Tianlong pressed Ye Qiuqi's shoulder with both hands: "Okay, it's too late, you go to bed quickly, a woman sleeps so late, it hurts her body."

"Sister, good night."

Ye Tianlong waved to Ye Qiuqi, and then walked to the second floor. After a few steps, he stopped and tilted his head to Wu Xinran and motioned to follow him.

As Wu Xinran moved, Ye Qiuqi said coldly: "It's so late, why are you asking Xinran to go up there?"

Ye Tianlong replied: "Tsk, sister, she is the servant of the Ye family, of course I asked her to go up to do some work."

Ye Qiuqi asked not in a good mood, "What are you doing so late?"

Ye Tianlong Luoluo generously took the topic: "I was tired today and I was sweating. I want to take a shower later and I want Xinran to take a bath."

"Xin Ran is a cleaning servant, not your private servant."

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face sank again: "What's the proper way to take a bath?"

She also turned her head to look at Wu Xinran: "Xinran, don't pay attention to him, our Ye family won't ask servants to do this kind of thing."

"Cleaning the house is clean, and cleaning the body is also clean."

Ye Tianlong is righteous: "If you don't take a shower for me, who will help me?"

"I will rub for you..."

Ye Qiuqi stood up subconsciously, and then her pretty face was angry and ashamed: "rub your head, you can dispel the idea of ​​eating Xinran tofu."

"Xin Ran, let's go. From today, you don't need to live in the nanny room."

"You live in the guest room next to me, and I will protect you well and not let Ye Tianlong bully you."

After speaking, she walked to Ye Tianlong's side, threw Ye Tianlong's schoolbag on the ground, and then pulled Wu Xinran upstairs.


Ye Tianlong looked aggrieved: "Xin Ran is my servant, my follower..."

Ye Qiuqi ignored him, pulling Wu Xinran and disappearing quickly.

Wu Xinran allowed Ye Qiuqi to pull away, but her eyes became more curious. She smelled the meaning of the young couple...

At three o'clock in the morning, the fifth floor of the Taicheng Army Hospital was brightly lit and heavily guarded. A dozen military police stood in front of a ward at the end.

They emptied the entire floor and controlled every room, just to protect one person.

In the ward, Ma Qingdi, who had undergone simple surgery and bandages, leaned on a white pillow, his face pale, but as graceful and luxurious as ever.

His shoulders have been dealt with for the first time, and his internal injuries have been brought under control, giving him a trace of ‘returning to the light’ spirit, which was originally exhausted.

Emperor Ma Qing moved the anti-inflammatory needle on his wrist, and then looked at the gray-clothed old man in front of him: "Uncle Bai, how is the situation?"

"Don't worry Ma Shao, we found clues from Voldemort and the others, and locked down his four secret strongholds."

The gray-clothed old man replied respectfully: "We searched out the twenty-three comrades, and after asking for a confession, they were all killed on the spot."

"After this battle, Ta Xiong has no foundation in Taicheng, and all channels have been destroyed."

He added the last sentence: "We will also use this incident to mobilize the army to conduct a full search and completely eliminate those hidden dangers."

Emperor Ma Qing's eyes flickered: "This is not enough, it's far from enough, we must find the high-level Taicheng who is in collusion with Voldemort."

"My life is hanging by a thread tonight, and I definitely can't just fire on Xiong Guoren."

There was a murderous intent in his voice: "Those who hide in the dark must also pay the price."

The old man in gray nodded respectfully: "Understood."

Emperor Ma Qing suddenly remembered something: "Also, the kid who rescued me, have you found out who he is?"

"No need to check at all."

Uncle Bai sighed softly: "He took the initiative to leave his name, phone number, and bank card account."

"He reminds us again and again that you killed Voldemort, but don't forget to give him the bonus..."

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