Talented Genius

Chapter 2345: You will regret this

In the dead of night, the inpatient department of Taicheng Hospital.

The dim energy-saving lights, in this night, looked extremely cold.

A faint pale light seeps from the lamp holders around the corridor, making the whole hospital look a little gloomy, not even comparable to the street lights outside.

The gloomy and cold feeling made people afraid to walk around the hospital at will, but a man in white walked steadily towards the end room.

Ye Qiuqi lived there.

"Sir, it's a time to rest, and I can't visit patients..."

Seeing someone showing up, a nurse on duty stood upright from the bar and politely advised.

But before she finished speaking, her pretty face became horrified as a sharp knife flashed.

She opened her mouth to exhale but did not exhale.

With a sneer, the uninvited guest made a mistake with his feet, and he swept eight steps between his fingers, stabbing it straight out, hitting the nurse's throat.

With a splash of blood, the white-clothed man lowered his head slightly, turned his wrist lightly, and patted another nurse's throat again with a sharp knife in his hand.

After the latter fell to the ground, he took three more steps, pivoting the toes of his left foot, and the whole person was spinning like a dancer very beautifully and gracefully.

The sharp knife was shining with cold light, and following this turning trend, a cold light was drawn within a few feet in front of him.

Wherever Hanman went, all the three police officers who ran over fell to the ground, lying in a pool of blood.


Looking at the three police officers who were slowly dying, the man in white sneered and called out ten companions with a snap of his fingers.

Eleven people in the front and back walked murderously to the intensive care unit, either holding a sharp knife or holding a silencer pistol.

At the same time, a mobile bed was also pushed over, undoubtedly it was intended to hit the door.

Just as he approached the door of the room, the man in white smelled a dangerous aura, he couldn't stop it, and he subconsciously stopped.

A companion was slightly stunned when he saw this: "Hallmaster, why don't you go in? We are running out of time."

The man in white is the porcupine of Wuhumen, Guan Siying's strong competitor, is also the person who took over Kong Feihan's task.

At this moment, he frowned and glanced around, always feeling that something was wrong, like the danger hidden in the ward, but he couldn't tell.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "It's nothing, everyone should be careful and let the movable bed go in first."

Kong Feihan had already told Ye Tianlong that Ye Tianlong was so powerful that the porcupine still chose to come and kill people. In addition to seeking wealth and danger, there was a battle in his hands.

During the action tonight, he turned over his family, six guns, a row of explosives, and two detonators.

With so many devastating things, he didn't believe in Ye Tianlong's success. When necessary, he could let his subordinates with explosives charge.

In any case, he must kill Ye Tianlong sister and brother tonight.

"Also, leave two guards outside."

The ten elite Wuhumen nodded their heads and quickly found a mobile bed, and then opened the door in an orderly division of labor.

As soon as he entered the door before turning on the headlights, the man pushing the bed felt that the ward was extremely warm, and the air conditioner blew out a pleasant warm wind.

The warm breeze also smelled of jasmine.

The porcupines subconsciously sniffed a few times when they smelled the scent of flowers, then quickly rushed into the ward and closed the door.


When the porcupine raised the sharp knife in his hand, the headlights of the room were also turned on. When the light came on, the porcupines squinted their eyes and adjusted to the environment.

Only after they saw the environment of the ward clearly, their expressions couldn't stop changing. In their vision, there was no Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong, just a masked man.


Canshou looked at the nine people who came in and smiled coldly: "I didn't expect that someone would come to die."

The corner of the porcupine's mouth moved, and he shouted sharply: "Who are you? Why are you here? Where is Ye Tianlong?"

While speaking, not only did his sharp knife point to Canshou, but the six guns around him were also raised, a breath of death was flowing.

Canshou faintly said, "Ye Shao and the others have changed rooms. I stay here to send you on the road."

"Send us on the road? Can you kill us?"

The porcupine sniffed and snorted, "Give you thirty seconds, tell me Ye Tianlong's room, or I will shoot you indiscriminately."

The eight people around him also stepped forward indifferently, and surrounded Canshou with murderous aura.


Before the eight people got close to the hand, they suddenly shook their bodies and their heads became dizzy, as if they had been poured into strong alcohol, and then their bodies kept shaking.

They tried to stabilize themselves, but their feet trembled uncontrollably, and then thumped to the ground one by one.

They dropped their weapons and held their heads in both hands, looking very uncomfortable.

"What happen to you guys--"

The porcupine subconsciously shouted at his companions and stretched out his hand to pull them, but after two steps, his head shook, his feet were floating, and his breathing was short.

"You poisoned?"

The porcupine realized the problem, glanced at the air conditioner and then roared, brandishing a sharp knife and rushing towards the canshou: "I hacked you to death."

Can Shou gave a noncommittal sneer, moved closer to the porcupine, and suddenly his right elbow bounced out like a spring.

A fist blasted out, straight to the chest of the porcupine rushing from the right side, and knocked the porcupine to the ground with a simple punch.

With a click, the porcupine snorted and fell to the ground, bleeding from his nose and mouth.

"You... shameless..."

The porcupine reached out to touch the explosives in his waist, wanting to come and die, but just halfway through his right hand, the remnant hand blocked his hand.

With a click.

The porcupine's hands were broken one after another, and he was no longer able to fight. Then, he saw that the broken hand broke the hands of the other companions.

In the end, he saw the door open again, and the two companions who were guarding the door slammed against him, their heads blooming.

At the door, Ye Tianlong who he was about to attack appeared...

"Tsk tut, sharp knives, pistols, explosives, detonators..."

Ye Tianlong walked in and walked in front of the porcupine and smiled: "It seems you really want me to die."

Canshou had already taken all the weapons off their bodies and placed them on the coffee table one by one.

The porcupine roared: "Ye Tianlong...you are shameless...have the ability to single out..."

He was planted, but he refused to accept it and felt that he had been calculated.

At the same time, he secretly called Ye Tianlong really extraordinary means. In the afternoon, six diehard Ye Tianlong used the police to calculate their headshots, and he was stunned again tonight.

"You have even carried explosives, don't you feel shameless to say singled out?"

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "And I've squeezed your lives, and then let you go heads-up. Isn't your mind flooded?"

"You let me go heads-up, I win and let me go, I lose at your disposal, and whether you win or lose, I will tell you a secret."

The porcupine exhaled a breath of heat, with an endless grin on his face:

"This secret is very important. If you don't agree, you will regret it tonight..."

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