Talented Genius

Chapter 2363: Murder Han Ye (three shifts)

The day after the three of Ye Tianlong finished the hot pot, the sky in Taicheng became more gloomy.

Not only can you not see a little sunlight, but also exudes a cold, all-pervasive moisture, which makes people feel that the hair grows and molds with the air.

The cold wind blowing in, with a strong smell of sea water, indicates that there will be cold wind and cold rain in Taicheng.

The police officers and guards guarding the Yejia Garden also put on warm clothes. Together with the bulletproof vests that were just shipped, everyone was dressed bulgingly.

They moved around like zongzi, but the heavy clothes did not hinder their vigilance.

Everyone has a strong spirit to prevent the tragedies of the previous days from happening again.

The police officers were dispatched by Chen Honghu to take charge of perimeter security and patrols. The guards were the thirty old company members that Chen Taishi found.

Ye Tianlong gave Chen Taishi the opportunity to stand up wherever he fell, and Chen Taishi still chose the old siblings as his team.

He carefully selected thirty people to be the guards of the Ye Family, and provided enough money and equipment to take charge of the gate and garden area.

The main building and the rear garden are in charge of the twelve Xuelang and others.

Three steps, one post, five steps and one post.

Ye Tianlong is very satisfied with the current protection, and believes that even with the appearance of the unpredictable shadow killer, these three levels of manpower are also sufficient.

So he no longer worried about the safety of Ye Family Garden, and concentrated on boiling a pot of Chinese medicine for Ye Qiuqi, hoping that she would quickly treat the gunshot wound on her back.

"Sister, it's time to drink medicine."

In the cold afternoon, Ye Tianlong pinched time to knock on Ye Qiuqi's room door, and at first glance saw the woman lying on the big bed, flipping through the fashion magazine in his hand.

Because of lying on her stomach, Ye Qiuqi outlines a white chasm, and can even see the beauty of her chest.

It's just that she looks at her leisurely, her eyebrows are frowned, and she feels a little bored.

Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, she smiled brightly: "Tianlong, you are here."

"The weather is a bit cold, and your gunshot wound is on your back again, so I will give you some Chinese medicine."

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked over, and then put the Chinese medicine next to air for a while: "What are you doing? You seem to be bored and bored in the room?"


Ye Qiuqi nodded like a penguin: "I was bored in the room for almost a week. I ate and slept when I ate, and I ate when I slept. It is no different from a pig.

"And because of the injuries on my body, I can't work long hours, and I feel like I'm almost becoming a useless person."

She sighed faintly: "I really want to go out and get a good breath, but I also know that I can't be willful, lest I cause you trouble."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "You will insist on three more days. After three days, I will take you to the Taicheng Building to see the night scene and eat Western food."


Ye Qiuqi's pretty face showed a hint of happiness, then she closed her smile again, and looked at Ye Tianlong thoughtfully: "Can you settle things in three days?"

She was aware of the fierce competition outside. Ye Tianlong killed many Mingyue backbones, but Mingyue Group never gave in and was still looking for opportunities to retaliate.

So Ye Qiuqi felt free to feel free after hearing it in three days:

"How are you going to deal with Mingyue Group?"

Ye Qiuqi's beautiful eyes had a dignified look. Although Ye Tianlong was forced to fight back, she still didn't want Ye Tianlong to kill anymore.

She didn't want Ye Tianlong's hands to be stained with too much blood.

"How to deal with it?"

Ye Tianlong joked: "Of course I bowed my head, apologized, and invited to dinner. We are quiet, so where can we have fun?"

Ye Qiuqi rolled his eyes: "Not serious."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. I will definitely not be as violent as you think."

Ye Tianlong bloomed with a warm smile: "Don't think too much, peace of mind is the most important thing."

Ye Qiuqi blinked and asked, "Will you protect me forever?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Yes, even if the sky falls, I will support you."

Ye Qiuqi's pretty face flushed again, and a warm current dripped from her heart.

Ye Tianlong looked at the pensive woman and smiled: "What are you thinking? Don't be too moved by me..."

Ye Qiuqi bit her red lips tightly: "I'm thinking, if I am married in the future, will that person support me like you?

Suddenly chatted to death.

Ye Tianlong looked depressed, and turned around: "Come on, let me see how the wound on your back is?"

Hearing that Ye Tianlong wanted to see her wound, Ye Qiuqi's pretty face hesitated for a while, and finally nodded docilely.

It's just that when Ye Tianlong leaned forward, he revealed a touch of embarrassment. Ye Qiuqi was wearing a nightdress today, and half of it was rolled up to see the wound on her back.

The legs, hips and waist will all fall into Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's hesitation, Ye Qiuqi disappeared from embarrassment, and smiled softly: "You have worn my clothes for me, are you afraid of rolling my clothes?"

"it is good……"

Ye Tianlong carefully rolled up Ye Qiuqi's back nightdress, and the first thing that caught his eye was the two slender jade legs, snow-white as attractive as lotus roots.

Then, he saw the woman's stiff back waist, and a small black lace inner inner, and finally, a white and tender back.

At the same time, a touch of warm fragrance poured into Ye Tianlong's nose.

Lively and fragrant but so.

Although it was not the first time to look at Ye Qiuqi's body, Ye Tianlong still gave birth to a trace of trance, and his fingertips lightly stroked the snow-white skin.

Ye Qiuqi's body trembled, and her skin became more sensitive, and then she squeezed out: "The wound is much better, but it occasionally feels itchy and uncomfortable."

"This is a wound healing symptom."

Ye Tianlong raised a faint smile: "In addition, the weather is cold and the blood is not flowing, so it will be uncomfortable around the wound."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a massage."

Ye Tianlong decided to use his own ecstasy hands. He picked up the Chinese medicine and let Ye Qiuqi drink it: "It will be much better after the massage."


Ye Qiuqi's face blushed, as if thinking of the detoxification scene in the car, but she didn't refute anything, so she answered with a hum.

After drinking the Chinese medicine, Ye Qiuqi lowered her head and buried her head in the quilt. She dared not look at Ye Tianlong's direction, and finally closed her eyes directly.

Not knowing why, she found her heart beating very fast.


Ye Tianlong said softly, and then a pair of warm hands fell, directly touching the skin near Ye Qiuqi's wound.

This touch made Ye Qiuqi's body suddenly stiff, and her whole body was tense, as if a child was nervous before the injection.

Feeling the change of Ye Qiuqi, Ye Tianlong said softly: "Sister, relax, it will be better soon, and there will be no pain."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, although Ye Qiuqi also understood that Ye Tianlong was treating herself, it was the first time she was touched by a man in her waking state.

It's okay to get rid of poison in the car, the problem is that she is sober now, Ye Qiuqi can't help being nervous.

But her tension did not last long.

Because the hot temperature of Ye Tianlong's palm came from his skin, it was very comfortable in this cold weather, and Ye Qiuqi felt more comfortable than ever.

And under Ye Tianlong's massage, she felt very relaxed all over, Ye Qiuqi turned her face slightly and saw Ye Tianlong's serious face.

Thinking of what happened before, at this moment, there was an inexplicable sadness in her heart:

If you can pass your own Kando...

Not long after, Ye Qiuqi closed her eyes and went to sleep. Ye Tianlong stopped her hands, put down the woman's clothes and quilt, and stuffed her little foot in again.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong turned to go out with the porcelain bowl, looked at the wind and rain outside the window, and muttered to himself:

"The wind is heavy and the rain is heavy, another murderous night..."

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