Talented Genius

Chapter 2378: He is Ye Tianlong from Mingjiang

Don't be absent, don't be late...

Too arrogant, too rampant.

Those who heard Chen Taishi's words were all angry, with anger bursting into their eyes, and they wanted to rush up and hack him to death.

The three of Dongmen Changjiang also wanted to explode Chen Taishi's head, but after the gloomy expression, they did not get angry.

Chen Taishi dared to send the post, it means that Ye Tianlong has made arrangements. Once Chen Taishi has an accident, there may be another round of sniping nearby by the enemy.

Even if there were no snipers to protect Chen Taishi and kill Chen Taishi, it would be equivalent to torture Ye Tianlong directly.

Half an hour ago, Ximen City and the others were not afraid to meet Ye Tianlong's sword soldiers. They thought they had the ability to trample on Ye Tianlong and retreat all over.

Now they have to change their minds, because recordings, photos, videos, and shadow killers will cause them all trouble.

The fiery-tempered Ximen City clenched his fists and loosened it, loosened it tightly, but in the end it abruptly suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

"Ye Tianlong is really a bastard."

After a short silence, Dongmen Yangtze River laughed wildly, then stared at Chen Taishi coldly, "You are also a good running dog."

"Thank you for the praise."

Chen Taishi responded neither overbearing nor overbearing, and then bowed to the three of them: "See you the day after tomorrow."

After speaking, he didn't wait for Chen Huanghe and the others to respond, and turned around and left.

Holding an umbrella and leaning on a cane, Chen Taishi looked weak, but no one attacked. He just kept widening the encirclement, slowing Chen Taishi's footsteps.

"A running dog, let him go."

Chen Huanghe waved his hand and shouted to Mingyue's bodyguard: "Kill him, dirty our hands, and tarnish our reputation."

Although these words are very atmospheric, everyone knows that Ye Tianlong has the upper hand in this contest.

Dozens of Mingyue elite glanced at each other sharply, and then backed away helplessly, letting out the road behind him, allowing Chen Taishi to pass through the sword.


After Chen Taishi left, Ximen City shredded the invitation, threw it to the ground, stamped his feet heavily, and turned back to the hall.

Back in the hall, Simon City kicked over a coffee table, venting the roar in his heart:

"What kind of thing is Ye Tianlong? This is how you push your nose and cheer us?"

"What qualifications does he have to shout? What qualifications does he have to make us look good?"

"Hundred-year-old birthday, go to the banquet on time, I will **** his grandma."

Today I was too frustrated and angry. Ximen City swept away the gentleness and elegance of the past, and was angrily cursed: "I want to kill him, kill him."

Half an hour ago, the four of them were in the study to discuss the Thunder's take over Ye Tianlong. Not only did they die, but Ye Tianlong also swiped a stick.

How can Simon City not be depressed?

Dongmen Yangtze River stretched his hand to hold Ximen City: "Old City, don't get angry, you hurt your body, not only will you be affected, but you will also let Ye Tianlong watch jokes."

"Yes, even though I was frustrated today, getting angry can't solve the problem."

Chen Huanghe also squeezed out a cigar: "If you mess up, it will only make the Ye family and Ma family cheaper."

"I don't want to get angry, but can I not get angry?"

Ximen City punched the table with a punch: "The blood on the ground hasn't been cleaned yet. Ye Tianlong stepped on the door again and sent an invitation for us to the banquet."

"Today's news spread, we are definitely a joke in Taicheng."

Simon City's expression was very painful: "The face is really lost."

Dongmen Changjiang sighed: "If you lose it, you will lose it. Could it be that you could kill Chen Taishi just now?"

Chen Huanghe also nodded: "Yeah...Why does Ye Tianlong have more chips?"

"Not only is there the Ma family shelter behind, but it is also involved with the Park family. Today's battle is also properly deployed, and the shadow killer is pinched in his hand."

"You and I know that, the shadow killer will stand up and identify us, we will be very troublesome, maybe we will be ruined."

Chen Huanghe swept out a thick smoke: "So today's grievances can only be endured temporarily."

"Endure... so many brothers died in vain?"

Ximen City laughed at himself: "The 100th birthday of the day after tomorrow, shall we really pass it?"

"Go, why not?"

At this time, a voice came from the corridor, and then Cai Jiujin slowly appeared: "How can we waste such a good opportunity?"

The woman in black followed her respectfully.

Simon City was taken aback for a moment: "Such a good opportunity?"

"Yes, this is a very rare opportunity for us."

"First, Ye Weiguo's 100th birthday banquet will definitely be widely promoted by the media in Taicheng."

"When we appear, we can show our respect for retired veterans, and we can also gain a good reputation for doing things and wrong people."

"Now the folks are spreading that Mingyue Group wants to destroy the Ye family. We appear at the birthday banquet, won't our reputation be reversed?"

"Second, Ye Tianlong's banquet for us is definitely not just drinking longevity, there must be other things to negotiate with us."

"We will explore Ye Tianlong's fictitiousness and reality, and see where the Shadow Killer is hidden by the way."

Cai Jiujin smiled: "Third, today's shame, we can't recover it now, and we can't solve it by force. Then we will solve it at the birthday banquet."

Chen Huanghe was puzzled: "The birthday banquet is resolved? What do you mean?"

Cai Jiujin slowly walked over: "Ye Weiguo is a hundred years old. In his twilight years, the wind is dying, and his body functions are already dead."

"The four of us are one of the few in Taicheng. How could he refuse to treat Ye Weiguo with a bowl of wine?"

"A centenarian, even drinking four bowls of spirits, will be drunk and half to death even if his blood vessels do not burst."

Cai Jiujin's eyes flickered sinisterly: "By the way, we bring our own wine, the most mellow and strongest vodka."

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful."

Hearing Cai Jiujin's calculations, Ximen City and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed together, patted their thighs with joy:

"If one person can drink one bowl without death, then one person has three bowls and twelve bowls of wine. Ye Weiguo will suffer a stroke if he does not die."

"Ye Tianlong lifted a rock and smashed himself in the foot, his expression would be very exciting."

Simon City laughed wildly: "I have a little hope now, what kind of pain was he then?"

Dongmen Yangtze River and Chen Huanghe also nodded and gave Cai Jiujin a thumbs up: "Old Cai, Gao Ming."

Ximen City also turned on a projector and showed a magnified photo of Ye Tianlong and Ma Qingdi. After taking a shot, it banged twice at Ye Tianlong.

"Boy, wait and cry."

Ximen City was grinning...

At this moment, the black-clothed woman's pupils condensed, staring at the photo and shouting: "He is Ye Tianlong!"

Cai Jiujin glanced at her: "Sophie, pay attention to the occasion, don't shout, we all know that he is Ye Tianlong."

"No, no, he is not Ye Tianlong from the Ye family, he is Ye Tianlong from Mingjiang."

The black-clothed woman rushed to cover Ye Tianlong's bangs, looked at the prominent facial features and shouted: "He is Ye Tianlong who killed Mr. Cai."

Cai Jiujin stopped their movements for an instant...

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