Talented Genius

Chapter 2917: not good

Master Ji fainted.

Ji Ye was about to die from heart colic, but he was woken up alive by Heihu's men. He just opened his eyes and saw Ye Tianlong's appearance.

So he fainted again.

Ye Tianlong didn't want his life, but asked Longmen children to quickly send him to the hospital for rescue, and at the same time called Wu Lingshuang to ask her to go to the hospital to answer him.

For the sake of safety, Ye Tianlong also asked Ling Xiao to follow up to confirm the personal safety of Lord Ji, hoping to help Wu Lingshuang build a career.

After dealing with all this, Ye Tianlong didn't go back to the golf course. After asking Tiger Shark to withdraw from the capital as soon as possible, he went to find Confucius Xionglang.

"Ye Shao, long time no see."

On the way forward, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated, put on earplugs to answer, and soon heard a familiar and respectful voice: "How are you doing?"

Zhang Qingmen.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then responded with a smile: "Director Zhang, why call me when you are free? I heard that you have been so busy recently."

"Operation Heavenly Sword" did make me vomit blood from exhaustion, but it was worth the pain for the audience to get the money back."

"The A and C groups I brought have just returned from filming in Africa."

"I heard that Ye Shao is in the capital. I don't know if I will be free these two days. I would like to invite Ye Shao to participate in the charity night tomorrow night."

"One is to meet Ye Shao, the other is to Zai Ye Shao, and the third is to encourage the newcomer."

"Now Tianlong Entertainment is getting stronger and stronger. Letting newcomers know Ye Shao's demeanor is also an encouragement for them."

Zhang Qingmen laughed heartily and sincerely invited Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong checked the date, and the day after tomorrow is Rong Shengli's birthday. There will be no special arrangements for tomorrow. It is still possible to attend the charity night.

Although Tianlong Entertainment has already been on the right track and is slowly becoming a film and television brother, Ye Tianlong feels that he has to do his best.

Lest Zhang Qingmen and Zhao Yaoyao think they are the shopkeepers.

"Okay, you will send me an address later, I will attend tomorrow on time."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It can be regarded as congratulating you on the big box office sales in advance."

Zhang Qingmen was ecstatic: "Thank you Shao Ye."

Ye Tianlong wanted to ask about Peng Lu for a while, but he lost his thoughts after thinking about it for a while, and as a last resort, he tried not to interfere with Zhang Qingmen's decision.

"Huang Gangqiang?"

After hanging up the phone, the car passed the back door of the Beijing Hospital. Ye Tianlong saw a man with gauze wrapped around his head, stumbled on the road.

He recognized who the other party was at a glance, the guy who was severely injured by the woman who was snatched by Peng Lu: "Should I lie down in the hospital?"

Ye Tianlong also told Shi Bing to watch Huang Gangqiang carefully. Why did this guy come out of the hospital?


Ye Tianlong asked Can Shou to follow the other party carefully. At this moment, the phone vibrated and picked it up to answer, and soon Shi Bing's anxious voice came:

"Ye Shao, it's okay. The three nurses I stayed in the hospital called. Huang Gangqiang woke up and wanted to be discharged. They advised him to observe for a few more days."

"As a result, Huang Gangqiang refused to listen and ran away through the window looking for an opportunity."

Shi Bing was very guilty: "I don't know where I am going now, I am sending someone over..."

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Why did he run away from the window when the three people watched?"

"Huang Gangqiang has been engaged in blasting in the crew for many years, and his hands and feet have long been as agile as a martial artist, and he has studied in Shaolin for three years when he was a child.

Shi Bing explained awkwardly, and then changed the conversation: "But please don't worry, Shao Ye, I will definitely get him back."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Huang Gangqiang in front of him: "No need to look for it. I happened to see him through the hospital. I'll take care of this."

"You take advantage of the opportunity of the fall of the chicken master, take a good fight with Che League."

He urged Shi Bing: "But you must pay attention to safety and cut off people and money, which is extremely dangerous."

Shi Bing said respectfully: "I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat and followed Huang Gangqiang unhurriedly to see what he wanted to do.

Huang Gangqiang's injury healed a little bit, but he still looked haggard, walking staggered, and lost his soul, even Ye Tianlong didn't notice it.

About half an hour, Huang Gangqiang came to an antique street, where it was very lively, with people coming and going, and many crews were walking around in rotation.

Obviously, this is a filming place.

Huang Gangqiang stood at the entrance, then leaned on a pillar, looking at a building in front of which read "Gangcheng Hotel" with a complex expression.

It didn't take long for a large number of people to emerge from the hotel, as well as three cameras, facing the last two who came out.

Peng Lu and Lin Yanyan.

The two cuddled with each other, Qingling, I and I, and then a French kiss at the door, showing a calm demeanor in the "enemy group".

Although the scene was filming, there were still many people watching, but the springiness between the brows and the rush of breath still showed that the two of them were actually doing the fake scene.

Especially Peng Lu's right hand was rubbed heavily on Lin Yanyan.


Huang Gangqiang's face turned pale suddenly, and he grabbed a brick beside the pillar in his hand, but he subconsciously wanted to rush up but was held down by one hand.

He turned his head and saw Ye Tianlong's smile.

"Do you know that if you smash this brick, you will not only be maimed by fans on the spot, but you will also sit in prison for three years."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Is it worth it for a woman who doesn't love you?"

"I don't want you to control."

Huang Gangqiang let out a low roar, trying to remove Ye Tianlong's hand, but as steady as Mount Tai could not resist, he could only shout to Ye Tianlong angrily:

"What do I do, whether to go to jail or not to die, what is your business?"

His eyes turned red: "Hurry up and take your hands away, or I will even hit you."

"What you do, even if you are looking for death, is really not my business. I just treated you as if I saved you the last time."

Ye Tianlong said in a flat tone: "But before you die, can you pay me back the medical expenses?"

Huang Gangqiang was taken aback for a moment, then his voice weakened: "Did you rescue me last time?"

Ye Tianlong asked back: "Otherwise, you think you can stand up? I was beaten to death by Peng Lu's bodyguards a long time ago."

While speaking, he also dragged Huang Gangqiang to another film and television street to avoid the intimacy of Peng Lu and Lin Yanyan from continuing to stimulate Huang Gangqiang.

A few tens of meters away, the scene of the Chinese army mingling into the Eastern Long Street to spy on intelligence is being staged.

"Thank you!"

Looking at Ye Tianlong, Huang Gangqiang squeezed out an embarrassing sentence, and then turned around: "I don't know how much medical expenses I owe you?"

Ye Tianlong calmly spit out a number: "Five million!"

"five million?"

Huang Gangqiang's mouth opened wide, and the brick in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, hitting his toe, but he stubbornly resisted screaming, but looked at Ye Tianlong in shock:

"Why don't you grab it?"

He was very angry: "How come I spent five million on this injury?"

"The best ambulance, the best doctor, the best surgery, the best medication."

Ye Tianlong is still calm: "If you don't believe me, I can show you the receipt. There is little or no more than five million."


Huang Gangqiang, who was about to say that Ye Tianlong was a liar, suddenly caught sight of a ‘dynamite bag’ flame backed by a rock not far away.

He yelled subconsciously: "Not good!"

Then he rushed out, threw a girl carrying a flower basket to the ground, and rolled out two meters on the spot.


At almost the same time, a stone flew from the explosion point and hit the flower girl's place directly.

The stone shattered and splashed around.

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