Talented Genius

Chapter 2947: Enter the camp

"Ling Shuang dare not."

Wu Lingshuang's eyelids twitched: "It's just that those gangsters are very likely to be in the camp. If we don't search for them immediately, they may escape again."

"It will be difficult to find them then, and the security of the capital will become dangerous."

She held Secretary Jia: "Secretary Jia, you are one of the four major secretaries. You can go straight to Tianhe. I hope to deal with it and ask for permission to search."

"If no one is caught, I am willing to review and even make compensation."

Wu Lingshuang lowered her posture: "Secretary Jia, what do you think?"

"Captain, didn't you hear me clearly?"

Secretary Jia pushed his glasses and scolded Wu Lingshuang with a straight face: "There is no evidence, no trespassing. This is a very heavy responsibility, neither you nor I can bear it."

"Moreover, the country is improving, and many things need to be started from a young age."

"Look at the kidnapping case of a US student abroad. Although the suspect was caught, he didn't speak. It's useless to find the victim in a hurry."

"Perhaps a severe torture to extract a confession can immediately find the victim, but this method is absolutely undesirable, and the procedure cannot be trampled on for the victim's life.

Secretary Jia was awe-inspiring: "Procedural justice is more important than results."

Wu Lingshuang was stunned for a moment, and then squeezed out: "Secretary Jia means that the Ministry of Security is over now? Let the gangsters go?"

Secretary Jia said indifferently: "Yes, to enter, only let the informant pay more attention and take a few clear videos for evidence."

Ye Tianlong looked at the door, his eyes narrowed.

"This ending is too bad, right?"

In Wu Junao's helpless smile, Wu Lingshuang looked at the door and said, "I thought you came with a search order."

"They asked me to come over because they wanted me to stare at you and pull everyone back."

Secretary Jia was slightly proud: "As for those guys of unknown origin, they will let the Jin family give a reasonable explanation."

Wu Lingshuang was very frustrated: "No one was caught, what's the point of the Jin family's explanation?"


At this moment, Wu Lingshuang's phone vibrated. She looked down and frowned, "Tiger Wolf Camp is packing things up, and it seems to be moving."

"If you don't start hunting the Tiger Wolf Camp immediately, they will disappear completely under our noses."

Wu Lingshuang was very anxious.

Secretary Jia waved his hand impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, let's withdraw, I'll go back and return to life."


Ye Tianlong stood up: "The gangster is right in front of him, and he's procedural justice."

"If you don't catch it, I'll catch it!"

After speaking, Ye Tianlong got into the jeep and leaned out from the skylight, Taijun Ling flashed out of his left hand, and shouted at Wu Lingshuang and the others:

"The Ministry of Security listens to orders!"

Wu Lingshuang and others responded in unison: "Yes!"

"Wu Lingshuang!"

Ye Tianlong became lazy just now, and issued a low command, his voice indifferent and completely without emotion, but everyone was frightened:

"You led eight cars, thirty elite, followed me into the city guards to arrest people."

"Those who dare to resist, dare not care about the rich and the poor, the old, the weak, the sick, and the poor.


"Wu Junao, you lead the remaining twenty elites and block the gate of the city guard for me."

"No entry or exit is allowed until the arrest operation is over, and those who dare to trespass are killed!"


"Can hand, call Ditianju and the old lady, we will enter the city guard to arrest people."


Ye Tianlong issued orders in an orderly manner, and more than fifty security department elites quickly started operations.

Secretary Jia was surprised when he saw this, and then shouted angrily: "Ye Tianlong, do you dare to break the rules?"

"Don't trespass, this is the order of the first ring of the capital!"

She also rushed to the edge of the jeep: "I want you to stop acting immediately, stop acting immediately, or you will pay the price..."


Ye Tianlong slapped her to the ground. With a flash of his left hand, she became a token of Ditianju. He took a spear in his right hand and screamed:

"Enter the camp, arrest people!"

"Those who resist, kill without mercy!"

Eight jeeps started at the same time, roaring towards the city guard camp, the speed was not fast, but unstoppable.

Ye Tianlong's body was indescribably tall and straight in the afterglow of dusk...

"what happened?"

The slowly approaching eight jeeps shocked the sentry at the sentry tower. After discovering that it was the vehicle of the Ministry of Security, they quickly reported to the summit.

Four high-ranking chiefs quickly appeared and appeared on the first fence of the camp, all watching the security department car drive toward the gate.

Dozens of city guards held their guns together, with blue ribs bulging out. This is a special kind of veteran soldier's special response to danger in the future.

When they were replaced by other forces, they would definitely issue a warning, and shoot without hesitation after not listening. But seeing the Ministry of Security, they were more at a loss.

The four chieftains stared at the train team, their eyes bursting with blade-like cold light, wondering what the Ministry of Security did.

Then, they made a gesture to pull the alarm.


The city guard's alarm sounded quickly, piercing everything, and it was ten kilometers away.

Three thousand elites instantly stopped what they were doing, ran out of the dormitory, training ground, and activity room, and rushed to their posts well-trained.

At the same time, the combat team rushed over from various passages, and adjusted their weapons to arouse during the march.

Their running bodies are like arrows shot by a bow, and the city guards at this moment show the demeanor of'raising soldiers for a thousand days at one time'.

Soon, at the gate of the city guards, three checkpoints were erected, and three obstacles were set up, and each checkpoint was guarded by a company.

Submachine guns, light machine guns, rockets, and flamethrowers are all available.

When three checkpoints were set up at the door, various weapons were erected on the fence and camp, and the narrow and long passages reached deep, and at least a thousand soldiers guarded them.

The helicopter also enters standby mode.


As the Jeep team drew closer, the tension became stronger.

Just when the Three Thousand City Guards were ready, they stood at the leader of the first city wall, narrowed their eyes, and locked Ye Tianlong on the first car.

He recognized that this was Ye Tianlong, the 9th-Rank master of China, the 9th-Rank master that the City Guard had no right to drive.

Several people around him also recognized each other, but they didn't know what Ye Tianlong was going to do.

Ye Tianlong protruding from the sunroof of the jeep, ignoring obstacles, ignoring gunners like tides, ignoring light and heavy weapons, just raised a token in his hand.

Dragon Soul.

In the evening, the flying dragon is shining.

Ye Tianlong's straight body, like a monument piercing the sky, gradually expanded in the eyes of the city guards:

"Dragon soul Ye Tianlong, come here to catch the murderer!"

Ye Tianlong looked at the front and said loudly: "Those who dare to confront, treason!"

The voice spread out like Hong Zhong, resounding through the entire gate of the city guards, and also shook the hearts of every city guard.

The five words of the dragon soul Ye Tianlong gave them deep respect.

In Ye Tianlong's voice, the jeep still kept moving forward, getting closer to the obstacle and the gunner, and the gloomy muzzle could be clearly seen.


The leader of the first checkpoint, facing the Jeep convoy that was about to touch, decisively put away his gun.

The obstacle was removed, the gunman dispersed, and the jeep passed calmly.




Following a command, the gate that the city guards had closed with a bang also reopened...

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