Talented Genius

Chapter 542: Five rings (four more)

Chapter 542 Five Rings (four more)

A good start!

Seeing that the first shot was fired, Bai Shuangshuang was more confident, and her pretty face showed a rare solemnity.

The hit target disappeared with a swish, and then reappeared in another location. Hoarfrost barely stagnated, the muzzle slanted, banged, and shot again.

"Ten Rings!"

The target disappeared again, appeared in the corner a second later, just unfolded, and was shot again by Hoarfrost.

"Nine Rings!"

Jin Xuejun and the others clapped their hands when they saw it, obviously proud of the Hoarfrost's marksmanship. Wu Lingshuang glanced at Ye Tianlong, her eyes worried.

Although she and Bai Shuangshuang have always hit the earth with sparks, she has to admit that she is indeed one of the best shooters in the military.

"Boom boom!"

The target is like a ninja, constantly flashing in the special area, and the speed is getting faster and faster, but they can't escape the bullet of Hoarfrost.

When a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, the electronic broadcast also kept moving. It was either the ten-ring or the nine-ring, which appeared to be very powerful.

Jin Xuejun and the others had already stood up, with surprise and appreciation on their faces, only Ye Tianlong was sitting on the chair diagonally, as if it was none of his own business.

Wu Lingshuang discovered that this strange flower was not only careless, but also glanced at the thighs of a few beautiful girls.

There was a burst of irritation in her heart: What a pervert, a big jerk!


"Ten Rings!"


As the last shot fell, the electronic broadcast clearly reported: "Ten rings! Ten shots total ring, ninety-eight rings."

Upon hearing this amazing number of rings, Jin Xuejun and the others applauded again.

Hoarfrost after removing the earplugs also looked smug, and seemed to be satisfied with his performance.

She hugged each other with the seven or eight companions who came up, and high-five each other, like the return of an Olympic champion. This result is not the best, but she believes that it is more than enough to kill Ye Tianlong.

After a brief excitement, Bai Shuangshuang looked at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, it's your turn."

"Should I give you a drop request?"

Bai Shuangshuang was also very proud and looked at Wu Lingshuang: "Lest you lose too badly."

A girl joked: "Shuangshuang, it doesn't matter whether you drop or not. Anyway, they are all empty guns. More than half, one third, it's the same."

Hoarfrost nodded when he heard the words: "It makes sense."

Then smiled and added: "Ye Tianlong, do you want to fix your target? In this way, you may get shots, which will not be too ugly."

Rong Xueli waved his hand to stop everyone's clamor: "Okay, don't laugh at Tianlong, why are you doing this? Everyone is your own."

Jin Xuejun also nodded: "Everyone, please be quiet, let Tianlong ease your tension, and don't affect his performance."

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Tianlong was stretching out his hands, frowning and pinching his fingers, as if he was a fortune teller.

Jin Xuejun asked: "Tianlong, are you ready?"

"Alright, ah, that's it."

Ye Tianlong slapped his thigh: "I counted, you hit the ninety-eight rings, half of which is forty-nine rings, and more than half will win you."

He looked at Bai Shuangshuang and said happily: "In other words, I won the fifty ring."

Bai Shuangshuang snorted: "Yes, you won the fifty ring. The Desert Eagle and my promise are all yours."

She sneered coldly: "Try hard, don't let Ling Shuang lose the spear."

Ye Tianlong didn't seem to hear her sarcasm, nodded, put on earplugs and picked up the gun: "Okay, I'll work hard."

He originally wanted Wu Lingshuang to give him a bit of encouragement, but he just saw Jin Xuejun's presence.

Then he shouted to the staff: "Start!"

Rong Xueli and they all looked up at Ye Tianlong, wanting to see what level he was.


When the countdown on the wall returned to zero, a target flashed in front of Ye Tianlong, and Ye Tianlong hurriedly held a gun with both hands and fired a shot.


Electronic broadcast: "Five Rings!"

Hearing this number of rings, Bai Shuangshuang and the others were taken aback for a moment, and a little surprised that Ye Tianlong hit the target, but then laughed again.

These five rings are really difficult to enter the room, and the posture of Ye Tianlong holding the gun is completely a rookie.


In the laughter of Bai Shuangshuang and theirs, the target appeared again, and Ye Tianlong shot again in a hurry.


"Five rings!"

Jin Xuejun looked at Wu Lingshuang who was walking back, and shook his head with a smile: "Lingshuang, you shouldn't let Tianlong go up. You are sure to lose this round."

He also patted Bai Shuangshuang on the shoulder: "Shuangshuang, just use this game as entertainment. Lingshuang's gun will win next time with a real sword."

Wu Lingshuang faintly said: "Jin Shao is okay, I am the one who is willing to bet and lose, as long as Tianlong loses, I will give her this shot."

She took out the Browning from her waist. For some years, she was a beloved thing, but she did not hesitate when she took it out.

"Brother Jun, did you hear that, it's not that I don't want to let her down the steps."

Bai Shuangshuang picked up a glass of wine, her legs were wrong, and she outlined a tempting arc: "It's she who wants to smash me to the end."

She looked at Wu Lingshuang provocatively: "Do you think Ye Tianlong really has a chance to beat me?"

Wu Lingshuang replied calmly: "At least, he has never let me down."


When everyone looked forward, another shot sounded: "Five rings!"


"Five rings!"


"Five rings!"

Hoarfrost and their contempt smiles began to change as the target became faster and faster, and the five rings that were continuously broadcast by the electronic ring began to change.

They feel something is wrong, why are there always five rings?


"Five rings!"


"Five rings!"

When they hit the seventh shot, they heard that the electronic broadcast was five rings again, and they subconsciously stood up, frowning:

"Is the machine broken?"

It's just that the staff member who was called clearly told them that the target and the electronic broadcast were all correct.

Everything is normal, which means that Ye Tianlong has played seven five rings.

Apart from the fact that it is close to the fifty ring, the other thing is that if the gun hits the fifth ring, it will be the same as the gun ten ring.

This is no longer luck, but a kind of strength, Bai Shuangshuang's pretty face is a bit ugly, Rong Xueli's eyes are even more playful.


At this moment, it seemed that Ye Tianlong, who was standing and tired, sat down, and then casually fired a shot. After the gunshot, the electronic announcement sounded:

"Five rings!"

Jin Xuejun also realized his identity, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "How is it possible?"

Wu Lingshuang smiled.


In the last two shots, the target flashed twice at the fastest speed, and Ye Tianlong also repeatedly blasted out two shots.


The two bullets were fired almost at the same time, and the two electronic announcements seemed to overlap:

"Five rings!"

"Five rings!"

"Ten shots, total rings, fifty rings!"

There are five rings, no more, no less, just more than one ring.

The audience was silent.

PS: If you didn't rate it, please give a five-star rating. By the way, I would like to give a few likes. Thank you.

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