Talented Genius

Chapter 559: Slap your face slowly (six shifts)

Chapter 559 Slap Slowly (six more)


Seeing that Ye Tianlong hadn't fallen off his back, Hong Yan was furious, hating Ye Tianlong deeply, and suddenly hissed again.

Ye Tianlong's forehead was sweaty and lightly relaxed his arms, wrapped the horse's neck, like a snake.

Although Ye Tianlong didn't use much force with his hands, he just made Hong Yan unable to break free.

Hong Yan saw that Ye Tianlong was so difficult, but his waist pulled up, the horse body was smooth, and the change suddenly changed, and the horseback Ye Tianlong flew up again.

He slid out like a cannonball, which caused Xu Donglai to worry for a while, and made Ning Hongzhuang sneer: It's over.


It's just that Ye Tianlong's equestrian skills are beyond their imagination. He is like a boomerang. He throws a whip for two meters in the air and entangles Hong Yan's neck.

Then he posted it again, got under the horse's belly, and turned on the horse's back again.

Tutuhachi is also excellent at equestrianism, but seeing Ye Tianlong's performance, he still uncontrollably burst out the word: "Damn!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong return to her body, Hong Yan leaned forward and backward, rushing wildly, Ye Tianlong was ups and downs like waves, making people frightened.

I don't know how long it took, Hong Yan suddenly stopped frantic, a horse hissed, loud like a dragon's roar, people stood up, and their noses flickered.

Settling down again is motionless.

Ye Tianlong lay on the horse's back, then pressed his fingers on the horse's neck three times in succession, and then pinched out half of a broken needle.

This is Xiao Wu arranged for someone to stab inside.

I don't know why, after Ye Tianlong pulled out the half of the broken needle, the painful Red Flame suddenly trembled and stopped running around.

Ye Tianlong then massaged around its wound again, triple-fold and triple-light, back and forth between the left and right, the movements were skillful and gentle.


After ten seconds, Hong Yan was no longer frantic, and the sides were wet, trembling constantly, and had a heavy nose. It quickly quieted down.

The setting sun happened to fall, pouring one person and one horse, it was very dreamy!

Ye Tianlong was on the horse, and although his expression was bitter, there was a smile flowing from the corner of his mouth, which looked irresistible like a god.

Qi Jiaojiao, who came out to watch the show, looked at the imposing Ye Tianlong, her eyes softened inexplicably.

Xu Donglai saw Ye Tianlong get it done, and when he saw Qi Jiaojiao not far away, he shouted: "Miss Qi, is Brother Long handsome?"

Qi Jiaojiao smiled, did not speak, but couldn't help responding in her heart: handsome!

"Baby, shall we continue to finish this last lap?"

At this moment, Ye Tianlong touched Hong Yan while softly saying, "You are a red rabbit, you can't get slapped in the face like this."

"After winning this round, blinding them, I will buy you again and be kind."

Hong Yan seemed to understand Ye Tianlong's words, and was completely docile. Ye Tianlong tapped it lightly and Hong Yan ran towards the end, swaying.

This shocked Tutuhachi in the distance. He recognized Ye Tianlong's technique: Anma hands!

He was unbelievable and extremely excited. This is an ancient technique. How could Ye Tianlong do it?

He can too, but only knows about fur, the effect is less than one-tenth of Ye Tianlong.

Ning Hongzhuang was also a little surprised. Obviously she hadn't expected Ye Tianlong to tame Hong Yan. She glanced at Xiao Wu and seemed to imply that he was not doing well.

Xiao Wu looked a little embarrassed, but he said in a low voice: "Mr. Ning, it's okay, he is determined to lose."

"Got it!"

At this time, Lai Rufeng had the last 100 meters left, as long as Jin Tianliang waved another whip, victory would be achieved.

The Tsing Yi girl, the pink girl and others have stood up and waved their hands happily: "Come on, come on, come on, Brother Tianliang."

"Boy, we said earlier, you are not an opponent of Brother Tianliang at all."

"I don't know how to live or die, shame."

They also looked at Ye Tianlong in most of the circle, sneered, and their pretty faces were full of contempt.

Jin Tianliang only had 80 meters left, but Ye Tianlong still had 800 meters.

What makes Xu Donglai the most dumbfounded is that Ye Tianlong is still dangling. It seems that he is not playing a game, but shopping.

Jin Tianliang is within reach of victory, and Ye Tianlong is still at the other end, there is no suspense about the victory.

Tutuhachi and the Tsing Yi girl both got up, preparing to welcome the victory of Jin Tianliang, Ning Hongzhuang also aroused a smile, the overall situation is set...

100 meters!

Eighty meters!

Fifty meters!

Thirty meters!


Seven meters!


At this moment, a whistle was sent from Ye Tianlong's mouth, very crisp, and very loud across the training ground.

The rushing ‘Long Rufeng’ instantly hit a Ji Ling, and suddenly he was dumbfounded, standing in the air, then screamed and threw Jin Tianliang out.

Tutuha's naked body shook again: "Stop horse whistle?"

Ning Hongzhuang didn't know what to stop the horse whistle, but just stood up and looked at Jin Tianliang, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, and almost shouted out quickly.

The girl in Tsing Yi and the girl in pink also looked worried: "Brother gets up, brother gets up."

Jin Tianliang did not live up to everyone's expectations, and quickly struggled, then turned on his horse again and yelled, "Drive!"


Another very special whistle came, and the'coming like wind' trembled again, and the running hoof fell again and settled on the ground.

It is like a nail, fixed in place, no matter how Jin Tianliang whipped it, it just won't move.


Jin Tianliang threw three whips in a row, and slammed Lai Rufeng's body severely. Lai Rufeng's body trembled, but he still didn't move forward.

At this time, Ye Tianlong had only half a circle left, and he was humming the song "Journey to the West" loudly:

"You are carrying a burden, and I will lead a horse to usher in the sunrise and send away the sunset, and step on the rough road."

"After fighting hard and dangerous, set off again, set off again..."

Ning Hongzhuang and the others were almost vomiting blood with anger, and Jin Tianliang was even more anxious. Although Ye Tianlong swayed, his red flames were always moving.

Five hundred meters, four hundred meters, three hundred meters, one hundred meters...

Many people became tense, clenched their fists, and constantly encouraged Jin Tianliang, but he couldn't move even one step.

Xiao Wu's teeth were about to break, Xu Donglai jumped out excitedly: "Pretty, beautiful!"


When Jin Tianliang threw another whip, the pain came like the wind and the front hoof was lifted, throwing Jin Tianliang to the ground with another muffled groan.

The Tsing Yi girls and their distressed tears came out, and they scolded the horse and cursed Ye Tianlong:

"Bad horse, dead horse, why is that like this."

"That kid is a bastard, he uses black magic."

"Brother, there are only ten meters left, just pass the horse."

When reminded by the pink girl, Jin Tianliang quickly got up from the ground, cursed a dog, and then went to the reins.

He wanted to pull the wind to the finish line, but the wind still did not beat him, staying in place to compete with Jin Tianliang.

One man, one horse, confrontation, dozens of spectators almost vomiting blood, Ning Hongzhuang continued to drink: "Trash, trash!"

Tutuhachi's face was also ugly, but he didn't freak out, just looked at Ye Tianlong thoughtfully.

"Ah, Mr. Jin, are you still here?"

At this moment, Ye Tianlong rode the red flames and approached leisurely, as if going to a fair: "The horse can't move? Is it going to be pulled?"

Jin Tianliang looked at Ye Tianlong angrily: "What did you do?"

"I whistled. I didn't seem to say in the game. If you are in a good mood, you can't whistle. Just like you are in a good mood and shake my horse with your watch."

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders in response. When Jin Tianliang was subconsciously silent, he waved his hand: "Second brother, take the horse, goodbye."

Brother Second, don't you call him Zhu Bajie? Jin Tianliang almost died of anger.

Ye Tianlong ignored it and continued to hum: "La... la..."

"After a series of spring, autumn, winter and summer, one after another ups and downs, dare to ask where the road is, the road is under your feet..."

Let's go together!


Five meters!

Three meters!

one meter!


Hong Yan's horse hoof landed at the end, and the audience was silent.

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