Talented Genius

Chapter 924: Retreat

Chapter 924

Black Tiger, White Shark, the two giants of Mingjiang Prison.

When Ye Tianlong stabbed Kong Polang and was thrown into prison, the Kong family bought the two to deal with him, trying to solve their grievances in prison.

It's just that no one thought that Ye Tianlong's prisoner song "Sound of Heart" abruptly resolved the riot of the two people, and made them cry.

Ye Tianlong felt that he would never see the two again, but today he ran into a ghost, not only ran into Xu Mingmen, but also ran into the two major prisoners.

"Ye Tianlong!"

The black tiger and the white shark also recognized Ye Tianlong, and shouted together: "Is it you?"

At the beginning, in order to offer a reward of tens of millions and spend the rest of their lives in prison comfortably, the two did their homework on Ye Tianlong, and they were very familiar with the latter.

"it's me."

Ye Tianlong stepped on the tall and slender man's gun, and it fell apart with a crack, the toy gun, he swept away, and then looked at the black tiger and the white shark:

"I remember, you seem to be in prison for life imprisonment. Why did you show up here for the people who were going to get through the prison? You also engaged in kidnapping?"

His tone was a little more playful: "Did you escape from prison after Shawshank, or did someone call you out to do something?"

The lanky man's face changed slightly, as if he didn't expect the two of them to know each other, he hurriedly endured the pain, took out the phone and sent a text message.

"Ye Tianlong, don't talk about these nonsense, how we come out has nothing to do with you."

He turned out to be an old acquaintance. Heihu's expression relaxed a little, and he looked at Ye Tianlong coldly and said, "Leave the person to me. We will treat you as if you never appeared."

The white shark also licked his lips, with a bloodthirsty aura, and nodded: "Yes, it's for our sake that you've acted for us in the first place, so I won't move you."

Ye Tianlong's prison song in the prison reawakened the numb hearts of the black tiger and the white shark, and reminded them of their mother who could not fulfill their filial piety.

Therefore, the two of them were somewhat grateful to Ye Tianlong, and did not want to fight Ye Tianlong to the end.

"Leave people to you?"

Ye Tianlong has tore off the yellow tape on Xu Mingmen's mouth and cut off the ropes on his hands: "Do you know who he is?"

"Yes, yes, do you know who I am? The setting made me capsize in the gutter, and you dare to kidnap me secretly and eat leopards?"

Xu Mingmen spit out the cloth strips in his mouth, looking at the black tiger and white shark angrily, and shouted: "Ben Shao is the third richest in West China, from the Xu family."

"You kidnapped me, it's just like looking for death."

He clung to Ye Tianlong: "I tell you, surrender quickly and wisely, otherwise my bodyguard will come later and I will kill you with money."

Xu Mingmen's heart quality is very strong, although he has a lot of trauma, the kidnapping has also frightened him, but he can quickly stabilize his emotions after he has eased.

No hysteria, no crying, he let himself out of the shadow of fright.

"Who are you, we are not interested in knowing how powerful the Xu family is, and it has nothing to do with us."

Heihu took a step forward with cold eyes: "We only care, can we take you to your destination on time." He stared at Ye Tianlong and said:

"Ye Tianlong, don't be troublesome, we must take this person away."

The white shark also nodded his head seriously: "Yes, Ye Tianlong, don't think about acting bravely."

While they were speaking, the bodies of the two were slightly arched, like two wild beasts, eager to rush, and years of prison life made them inexplicably terrifying.

Xu Mingmen grabbed Ye Tianlong's shoulder and shouted to the two black tigers: "Ye Tianlong is my brother. Will he bear to watch me be taken away?"

At this time, he always has to hug his thighs.

Ye Tianlong ignored Xu Mingmen's intimacy, but looked at the black tiger and the white shark sharply: "I am not brave enough to do what is right."

"I just do what I should do. As I said just now, Xu Mingmen is my friend. I don't care if I didn't bump into this stuff."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "But if you see it, then you have to help, otherwise how can you count as a friend?"

Xu Mingmen gave a thumbs up and praised: "Enough loyal!"

"And I'm also helping you."

Ye Tianlong looked at the black tiger and the white shark and said, "You are already in prison for life. If you continue this order, you will probably be shot."

"You are dead, are you worthy of General Lu who helped you? Are you worthy of your gray-haired mother?"

Ye Tianlong added: "You came out of jail, haven't you gone home to see your mother? Do you still want to make them sad again?"

The black tiger and the white shark's complexion changed slightly, the fierceness in their eyes scattered by two points, and their fists were invisibly loosened. Obviously, Ye Tianlong's words hit their weakness.

"If you stop now, I can intercede with Xu Shao for you, and not pursue you two, so that you don't have to increase the penalty."

Ye Tianlong strikes while the iron is hot: "Black Tiger, White Shark, stop, and you are not our opponents."

The black tiger and the white shark narrowed their eyes slightly, looked at Xu Mingmen who had hidden in the car, and looked at Ye Tianlong and Tianmo, with a hint of hesitation in their eyes.

Although they are very tyrannical, they still have little chance of winning against Ye Tianlong and Tian Mo. This battle is difficult to please.

Seeing this, the thin and tall man groaned in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Two eldest brothers, you are not here to travel, you are here to complete tasks."

"The employer has spent so much effort to get you out. If you don't take the kid away, we will all end up badly."

He clutched his calf and gritted his teeth and sat up: "Big brothers, you have to think twice."

"Damn! There is an employer? Which **** **** me?"

Xu Mingmen looked annoyed: "Tell me that person, I won't pursue you, I will give you three times the reward."

"The young man has nothing, but more money, more money, more money!"

The black tiger and the white shark breathed out a long breath, their expressions were somewhat contradictory and entangled. They didn't know whether to give it a go or just leave.


At this moment, there was already a siren sounding in the distance. Although there was still some distance away, I could clearly feel that I was coming here. Obviously someone called the police.

"The real people's guard is coming. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave if you want to go later."

Ye Tianlong's expression was always calm and natural, watching the fists tighten and loosen, and the two loosened, pressed the last straw:

"Besides, you have injured so many people by us, and all your tires have been punctured. Even if I give them to you, you will not be able to take them away."

The corner of the white shark's mouth moved, and then he shouted to the black tiger: "Withdraw!"

As Ye Tianlong said, the car was broken, and it was difficult to take the hostages. He would be overtaken by the official and Xu family bodyguards at any time.

However, after leaving like this, the two felt unable to explain.


At this moment, Tian Mo suddenly moved his steps, rushed up without a sound, and blasted two fists at them.

The white shark and the black tiger tightened, and subconsciously raised their hands to block the attack.


Only hearing a loud noise, four fists collided in the air, the sky did not move, the white shark and the black tiger stepped back two consecutive steps, a trace of scarlet blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Tian Mo stopped his hand and didn't move any more, this was to let the other party retreat.

The white shark and the black tiger glanced at each other, and they knew that the victory or defeat was divided, and they could barely deal with Tianmo by adding up.

Ye Tianlong and Canshou make another move, they are definitely not opponents.

After figuring this out, the two turned and rushed to the nearby hillside, using their hands and feet together, like flexible apes, they quickly climbed up the hillside with bare hands and left.

Full of momentum and agility.

Upon seeing this, the lanky man subconsciously shouted: "Black tiger, white shark, you guys--"

Wanting to say something, he saw Ye Tianlong coming over.

The thin tall man was startled, knowing Ye Tianlong's shamelessness and viciousness, so he jumped to leave, but only jumped a few steps before he was kicked.


With a loud noise, the slender man fell to the ground with a blue nose and swollen face. He wanted to stand up but was stepped on by Ye Tianlong. He couldn't get out of his body no matter how hard he struggled.

"The real Li Kui is here, how can you Li Gui go away quietly?"

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a joking: "Let's talk, who sent you to kidnap Xu Shao?"

At this moment, Xu Mingmen ran over, kicked the thin man a few times, and hummed heavily:

"Don't ask, 100% is a slaughterer."

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