Talented Genius

Chapter 928: Heavy note

Chapter 928

Ye Tianlong and Xu Mingmen made their debut.

In the deep voice, the handsome and slender Ye Tianlong stepped into the venue slowly, his suit straight, shiny leather shoes, and his watch gleaming.

Tonight he no longer has the cynicism of the past, on the contrary, there is a solemn and majestic expression on his face, demonstrating the grace that the superiors should have.


There were more than ten people like Xu Mingmen beside him, all of them well-dressed and full of vigor, and they were more stable and energetic than Jin Shengshou.

Everyone's eyes were slightly dizzy.

"Mr. Jin Shengshou's battle tonight is challenging the entire chess world, and even China."

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth raised a right smile, and the polite and calm forward and backward made the black widow on the high platform shine:

"Although I have no reputation in China, nor have I been called the Asian chess king, I still have confidence and passion. I will come to fight him."

"In order to show my sincerity and to show my determination, Xu Shao and I have already gambled at the Pu's house and bet two hundred million yuan."

He cast a confident look at Ning Hongzhuang, then looked at Jin Shengshou: "I just don't know, does Mr. Jin have the guts to fight with me?"

Two billion?

Hearing this gambling capital, the audience was in an uproar. It was not more than 200 million. It was even more commonplace at the gambling table, but it was an astronomical figure.

The Chinese people all sighed Ye Tianlong's courage, while the Nan Huren ridiculed Ye Tianlong's mind.

Ning Hongzhuang was also agitated. Facing Ye Tianlong's appearance and taking the initiative to fight, she didn't know what to say for a while, and she was instinctively silent right now.

Wei Po frowned: This kid is too reckless, with 200 million gambling money, and wants to fight for it. You know, he can't even win with his own master.

Piao Xiaoxiu stared at Ye Tianlong, already recognizing who this guy was, her eyes were bitter, she wanted to speak but she was too angry and forgot to speak.

At this time, Jin Shengshou looked at Ye Tianlong sideways, thinking that it was China's top chess player who would play for him, but he did not expect it to be a young man.

He was still an unknown **** who had never seen him in the chess world. How could such a person be his opponent? He sneered non-committal now:

"If Chairman Ning is willing to let you play, then I don't mind promoting the younger generation of China, lest you have no one to follow."

Jin Shengshou's face was very proud: "I believe that tonight will be the most painful but also the most beneficial day in your life."

"Young man, you will be grateful to me."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Okay, just what Mr. Jin said will do."

In the stands, dozens of Nanhan men and women began to stare at Ye Tianlong again, discussing:

"Who is this kid? Isn't he in his head, talking so arrogantly to Mr. Jin."

"He is the one who hurt Miss Park with despicable means."

"What? He's that useless? Isn't he afraid to hide and let Ning Hongzhuang come forward?"

"Why is he coming out again? What is he going to do tonight? Is he really going to fight Mr. Jin?"

"Maybe he was scolded too much and was useless, and had to hold on to it, but it just so happened that Mr. Jin could slap him in the face."

The people around Park Xiaoxiu devalued Ye Tianlong for a while, with disdain and contempt in their eyes, as well as a touch of undisguised hatred.

The battle at the wharf was a shame for the Nan Han people. Dozens of people, including Park Xiaoxiu, were injured by Ye Tianlong, and they let him go away with the earth.

Ye Tianlong ignored them, went straight to the high platform and came to the black widow, politely: "Godmother, this battle, I will come."

The Black Widow didn't answer, but looked sharply at Ye Tianlong's eyes. There was no cunning, no tension, no cowardice, only brightness and confidence.

That feeling is like the sunshine in the cold winter, giving people unspeakable trust and warmth.

She stood up, no nonsense, just slap Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "Do your best."

"Thank you godmother!"

Ye Tianlong bowed slightly and watched the black widow return to the Huaxia seat, and then looked at Park Hsiaoxiu who was in the Nanhan seat:

"In this battle, I was going to spend a billion dollars, but the underground gambling house of the Pu family refused to accept it."

Ye Tianlong's leather shoes banged on the floor: "They are worried that Mr. Jin will lose, and let the Pu family hit the pot and sell iron to cash out the bet."

"After all, if it goes down to 10 billion, Mr. Jin lost to me, and the Pu family has to pay 100 billion. Where is there so much cash?"

He said with a hint of joking: "At that time, it is estimated that the men will move bricks and the women will be slaves, so that they can barely collect 100 billion."

Although the Lexing Group has a market value of more than 800 billion, and the Park’s shares in it are also worth 300 billion, it is definitely a pain to draw 100 billion.

"To shut up!"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Pu Xiaoxiu's pretty face changed, and she yelled, "It's a mere 100 billion, this lady can afford it. I'll be your village."

She has deep-seated resentment towards Ye Tianlong. After the first battle at the dock, she wished to ask the killer to kill Ye Tianlong and vent the nasty breath in her heart.

It's just that the Black Widow made a phone call with the Park family, and the Park family asked the Park brothers and sisters to endure their anger temporarily in order to seek greater benefits.

The Nanhan official teamed up with the Park family to finally set a face-slap trap tonight, hoping to teach China a lesson and win 3 billion to make up for the loss.

Even though Park Hyo-soo knew that this was a strategic need and the plan was bigger, she still felt the endless frustration in her heart, she still wanted to teach Ye Tianlong a good lesson.

So Ye Tianlong appeared in front of her, and even mocked the Park family for not daring to receive the betting. Pu Xiaoxiu couldn't restrain her anger and pointed to Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"Take out your billions."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You are my banker? You have so much money? Can you represent the Pu family?"

"If you really lose, what should you do if you can't afford it? Is it gambling debts?"

He looked at Park Hyo-soo, who was proud of his stature: "With your looks, you will sell for ten million if you die."

Park Hyo-soo clenched her fists, and Meimei Mingzi burst into anger: "Stop talking nonsense. If you have the ability to bet, you dare to pay a billion, and I dare to take it."

"With so many people present, no one can count on it. If I dare to sit in this bank, I am not afraid of your bet."

Park Hyo-soo was about to suppress Ye Tianlong's vent.

"That is, if you have the ability, you can pay one billion. We will take all of it. Miss Park does not have that much money. We can share the bets."

The young man with the head chicken also stood upright from his seat, hanging from the arm shot by Ye Tianlong, and attacking Ye Tianlong like a chicken blood:

"In our circle, do you think it can't bear your billions?"

Shuo Ji was also fierce: "Your one billion, I divide the one billion bank, you have the ability to win Mr. Jin, take 10 billion from me."

"I divide 50 million!"

"I bet 30 million..."

The other Nan Han men and women also spoke out, digesting Ye Tianlong's one billion bet, and then Park Xiaoxiu pointed a finger at Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"Have you seen? One billion is not enough for us to stuff our teeth. You have the ability to bet quickly and don't bluff."

There was a hint of joking on her pretty face: "I don't see that we can't afford your bet, but you can't make a billion."

"Would you like to ask Ning Hongzhuang to post you another billion?"

No one thought that Jin Shengshou would lose this battle, so the young chicken head young men only wanted to divide the money and did not weigh the consequences of losing to Ye Tianlong.

"Why need Ning to post money?"

When Ning Hongzhuang's eyes were cold and ready to support Ye Tianlong to the end, Xu Mingmen walked up with a smile, dangling his cigar and opened his arms and shouted:

"Ye Tianlong is my eldest brother. I now announce that I will come out for this billion. If you dare to accept the bet, I will let the lawyer implement it immediately."

Xu Mingmen stood up, and the audience was subconsciously silent. Obviously many people knew the third richest man in West China.

Black Widow and Ning Hongzhuang were also slightly surprised. They didn't expect Xu Mingmen to have such a deep friendship with Ye Tianlong, so they directly donated one billion yuan to sponsor them.

Wei Po looked at Ye Tianlong by two points.

The black widow suddenly said: "If you think that Xu Shao is not enough, then add my black widow to the billion."

"If you win, Ye Tianlong can't give out one billion, and Xu Shao can't compensate, then I will recognize the account."

The credibility of the black widow is naturally worth one billion, so no one questioned the stakes, but felt that Ye Tianlong ate soft rice too deeply.

Park Hyo-soo was afraid that the black widow and Ye Tianlong would go back, and immediately made a decision with a fist: "Okay, that's it, lawyer, do it."

Soon, the two parties signed an agreement, and the lawyers of both parties also confirmed the signature.

Jin Shengshou, who had been silent for a long time, sat down and smiled to Ye Tianlong and said, "I'm ready, young man, how about you."

After this battle, he will be completely fame and fortune, how can he be unhappy?

Ye Tianlong returned to his seat and smiled at a referee: "Start."

The audience was quiet for a moment.

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