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"Sir Tedtek, what are you doing with me?"

Zhang Yang didn't want to stay here even for a moment, but the situation is that he can't walk away, he can't hide, he can only try to explore the other party's intentions and make plans.

However, Zhang Yang just said such a sentence, everyone except Ted Turk, except Ted Turk, laughed.

In fact, in addition to the three people beside Dun Yang, Derby and Alice, who were present at the moment, there are four followers beside the legendary strong Ted Turk.

Zhang Yang, the slightly slender guy standing on the outermost periphery on the left side of Ted Turk, is very familiar, and he is a leopard swordsman. The rhinoceros warrior beside him was about the same height as Tedtek, but it was at least twice as wide as Tedtek, and Dunkel was at least three more burly, almost like iron balls.

As for Ted Turk ’s right hand, the most conspicuous is not the murky snake orc, but the one standing behind Ted Turk and the others behind him in a fan-shaped row of guns, like a peacock opening the screen. Sheep hunter.

In fact, since Zhang Yang saw these four people, he judged that these four guys were extremely dangerous and difficult to tangle with his sharp soul perception!

Not to mention that each of them has a fifth-level advanced strength. When they laughed at the moment, these four people still couldn't help but exude bursts of murderous intent to hide!

It can be said that if Ted Turk is the king of high warfare, then the four entourage fighters beside him are the minions and weapons of his full-time killing.

Do n’t look at the big shaman Gulamama and the four people are all fifth-level seniors, but Zhang Yang has an intuition. If you really want to fight, on the head of the big shaman Gulamama is not an opponent of these people. Not to mention, if the four entourage fighters all shot together, Big Shaman Gulama might not even have the chance to return!

Fortunately, Ted Turke didn't laugh as wildly as his men, but after he laughed, he slowly walked to Zhang Yang's side, and said seriously:

"Originally I thought I couldn't meet the woman who really moved me in my life, but after seeing you I realized that you are the person I have been looking for! So originally I wanted to meet the student of Gulama, but now I I feel that this is no longer necessary. You are the gift from heaven! The gift of your first birthday after becoming a legendary strong! "

Ted Turke said more and more excited, and when he walked to Zhang Yang to stop two meters away, the expression on his face was very excited.


"Sir Tedtek, should you ask me the opinion of this client? Speaking of which, I don't want to be a gift, and I still have many things ..."

"Hahahaha! It ’s okay! It ’s okay! The gift is just a statement. How can I treat a beauty like you? As for the things in your mouth are nothing, you may not know the power I have and what we have The status of the Campas Orc Kingdom, the problems in your mouth are no longer a problem after marrying me! So you can rest assured! Hahahaha! "

Hearing here, Zhang Yang has felt that his back is cold and upright! joke! Marry him? How to marry? Back to the mountains? Besides, as far as the other party is overbearing and self-righteous, Mo Yang said that Zhang Yangben is a straight and pure man. Even if he is a female, he will never marry such a narcissist who only judges by appearance!

"Hey! Who said you are going to marry you! Can you bully people with your strength?"

"Hahaha! I don't mean to bully you, my beauties! But you just said a little bit right. With my strength, you can naturally do whatever you want! Hahahahaha!"


Speaking of this, Yang can't do anything anymore. What is it that Xiu Xiu meets the soldiers? It ’s justified that people ’s fists are bigger than you. This seems to be the truth of the leverage in the Orlando world!

(I was still thinking about how to help Ambis to make the siege. This is good, the task is easy to accomplish. It ’s just ... I look like this, but I ’ve put myself in? Am Mo said to compare with Tedtke, I can't even beat his four followers now ...)

Just as Zhang Yang coldly thought about his thoughts without speaking, the tiger legend Ted Turk, who was in front of him, was also watching Zhang Yang up close.

The appearance of this fox beauty with a cold face is also beautiful to Ted Turk, but this black fox beauty looks absolutely beautiful, but the figure ... is completely undeveloped!

Fortunately, Tedtek had already passed the age of valuing body and practicality. At this time, in addition to thinking that the other party's appearance was perfect, he was also fascinated by the courage of this black fox beauty and mysterious temperament.

After all, the vast majority of women have completely abandoned or surrendered when they heard that he was a legendary strongman. Where would they quarrel with themselves like her?

Thinking of here, the more Ted Turk looked at the person in front of him, the more love flowed in her heart, no matter the hairy ears and tail, or her long dark hair like night, it seemed to Ted Turk at the moment. , But the more you look, the better, and the more you look, the more you want to embrace it!

The reason why the strong is strong, in addition to talent and effort, often requires many excellent qualities in character. For example, decisive.

Since Tedek wanted to hug, he did so directly. After all, in his view, this person is already his own, even if he is not very willing for the time being (it is not willing at all!) But this is only a matter of time! After all, for his charm, Tedtek feels as strong as his own strength.

However, when Tedtke leaned over and opened his arms to prepare to hold this black fox beauty in his arms, and by the way, a long and deep kiss, the stunning beauty who looked harmless to humans and animals in front of him turned and slid. Step back out almost three meters instantly!

Because Ted Turke was afraid of hurting the beauty with too much force, so much so that the other party escaped this hug in a hurry!

"Oh! This is really amazing to me! I didn't expect this lady to have such a good skill! I really like you more and more! Hahahaha!"

(But I do n’t like men at all!)

Just now, Zhang Yang took advantage of multiple defenses. If there is one more time, Zhang Yang will never escape. He didn't want to be picked up by such a big man with big five and big three, so in the case of insufficient strength, it is necessary to use some tricks and means.

Watching Ted Turk open his arms again with excitement in his face, Zhang Yang stepped back two steps quickly, and the whole person had to retreat and leaned against the wall of the stone house in a hurry. Until then, he pulled away a little bit and Ted Turk's distance, and then said:

"and many more!"

"Oh? Why are you waiting instead of saying" Don't "and" Don't come here "? You are so special!"

(Who would think of you as dark as you do!)

Zhang Yang's heart is almost collapsed at this moment. The other party is also a legendary strongman. How can he have no bottom line? Shouldn't the legendary powerhouse pursue higher level power? Why does this guy Ted Turk look better?

"... just simple possession, is it the result you want?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Don't ..."

"You should have a lot of women, or have you ever had a lot of women? Then I am curious. When you use force and identity to force them to succumb to you, are you really happy like that?"

"Uh ?! You!"

Although Ted Turk seems to be in his prime, that's because his strength is extremely strong. After he was promoted to the seventh-order legendary rank, the whole person's life and vitality have been greatly supplemented, so it will become This way.

In fact, Ted Turk, the forty-nine-year-old Tiger strongman, the woman he has now lived can hardly count both hands. This does not count those maidservants, slave girls, and singers in the Grand Theater that he has played with.

However, until now, even though Tedtek already has several sons and daughters, it seems to him that it is for the continuation of the blood of the royal family and will have children with the women of the same family.

So at this moment Zhang Yang really asked him, did he really love someone in his glorious first half of his life? Or ask from another angle, has anyone really loved him?

Will he really feel happy to live such a wanton life indulgently?

Are you ... really happy?

The voice of Zhang Yangfang ’s speech was not small, although the ordinary volume was not specifically shouted, but the people present were either extremely strong, and the remaining attention was so concentrated that even Zhang Yang ’s question was completely heard by everyone present. In the ear.

But for this reason, the mood of these people in the field is indeed diametrically opposite.

For Dunkel, Terby and Alice, the mysterious Miss Heath is looking for her own way! Who is Ted Turk? He is not only a legendary superpower, but the opponent is also the royal family of the orc kingdom of Campas, and even a person who has the hope to inherit the throne!

Rejecting and resisting Ted Turk's end, Dunkel's toes with his toes is enough to make him feel weak. Isn't this death?

However, as Ted Turk's most trusted personal guard and entourage, Leopard Swordsman Mitchell is very clear that he is a powerful master, in fact, he has always been looking forward to a sincere love.

This sounds very ridiculous. After all, as a royal member of the entire Campas Orc Kingdom who ruled, it was a breeze for Tedetek to say that he wanted something or someone.

The things that ordinary people or even half of the orcs and nobles dream of may be easily obtained for Tedtek by just tickling their fingers. However, because of this, all the women Ted Turk had contacted were either frightened or obedient to him, or approached him for some purpose.

As for love? As the royal family of the orc kingdom of Campas, Tedtke can't even feel the affection at all. Is it possible to get love?

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