Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1180: Scarlet double-edged battle axe

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Zhang Yang did n’t want to know the name of this brave fox girl. There were naturally his reasons, not that he disdained, but because once he knew the name of the other party, Zhang Yang ’s character would probably leave a thought in his heart. At least one more point of concern.

After all, Zhang Yang only rescued this group of Meng clan girls just this time, but it was like what he did when he rescued all the fox tribes such as Aileen and Forte. I hope that I can save people in the end, even if I can't settle them in person, at least I must keep them safe and find a way out for them.

But now your situation is completely different. He has no enough preparation and no conditions and time. In this situation, Zhang Yang himself knows how hopeless the group of Meng girls can escape safely, so no matter what. Yu's inexplicable guilt, or other thoughts, in short, Zhang Yang appeared so suddenly after a big kill, so lightly left a pseudonym or a codename and left.

Fortunately, this group of Meng girls is not a flower in a greenhouse, but any child who can grow up in the orc kingdom of Campas, whether he is a man or a woman, even a member of a strong race, or a weak Meng Clan, they all have tenacious vitality. Not to mention, even the ability to survive alone is much stronger than the ordinary people in the human kingdom.

So shortly after Zhang Yang left, led by the brave girls, these more than 100 Meng girls quickly rejuvenated, and after turning out all the things that could be used in the broken bodies around them, they separated them. Several people escaped in groups.

Of course, including the girl who dared to ask Zhang Yang ’s name, about 40% of the Meng clan girls who had been homeless decided to follow the advice of the mysterious strongman who claimed to be a “blood axe” and was ready to go to the legendary sunset canyon. Your true destiny.

It's a pity that this is no other place, but on the front line of the **** battle in the northernmost part of the orc kingdom of Campas! Even if you do n’t consider how much danger and suffering are waiting for them from here to the sunset gorge, the distance between here and the sunset gorge is the same for these Meng clan girls who are almost helpless A challenge that seems difficult to complete.

However, as long as there is a goal and hope, people can burst out of infinite potential!

Whether it is Zhang Yang or these Meng girls at the moment, they ca n’t think of the stories and deeds of several members of this group of Meng girls when they finally reached the sunset canyon successfully The epic of the resurgence of the Moe!

And these Meng girls who have experienced too many dangers and accidents on the road, they have also experienced a profound experience because of this experience, and finally became a reorganization after receiving the summoning technique inherited from Womiga Several important generals in the "Flame Legion".

Of course, all of this is a foregone conclusion. Today, they are still just a group of cute and helpless Meng girls like a startled bird. As for the future, who can really be sure?


Zhang Yang's mood is very bad, not only because he rescued people to save half of Rachel, but before he was overcast by Jim Locke, Zhang Yang also did not forget.

So it seems that the air around Zhang Yang is full of danger and restlessness at this moment, so that the blood-red double-edged battle axe behind Zhang Yang is still on the back. Although the clothing looks tattered, but at the moment People actually give people a sense of grief.

Mentioning the blood-red double-edged battle axe, Zhang Yang himself felt more and more strange.

With his current vision, he can naturally see what level of magic weapon this battle axe belongs to, but it is this place that makes him wonder. As a fifth-order magic weapon, under normal circumstances, this axe should be There are places where magic nuclei or crystals can be inlaid!

After all, the reason why high-level magic weapons are powerful depends largely on the weapon effects or some practical amplification effects that are inspired after the magic core is embedded. Even the reason why the seventh-order magic weapons are called legendary levels, in addition to the material texture In addition to being excellent, only because they not only have a powerful amplification effect, but also have a special weapon effect that does not need to be activated all the time!

Many people know that the magic weapon of the eighth-order epic level not only has the above-mentioned characteristics, but also comes with a powerful skill comparable to the ‘Arcane’ level!

But the strangeness of Zhang Yang's **** double-edged axe in his hand is here. Zhang Yang's careful exploration from beginning to end and from top to bottom has not found any place that can be embedded with magic core or crystal.

However, Zhang Yang can surely determine that this strange battle axe is definitely a magic weapon of at least fifth order! So where is the secret?

You have to know that with the strength of a master's level 6 Intermediate Intermediate on this **** double-edged battle axe, and his ability and financial resources to build a 'hook claw bounty hunter team', Zhang Yang absolutely believes The guy must have a way to get a handy sixth-order magic weapon to match himself.

But he still chose this **** double-edged battle axe! This question is worthy of deep thought. Is there any secret that Zhang Yang has not yet discovered? Shouldn't it seem? After all, this **** double-edged battle axe didn't have anything but red dazzling ...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly noticed a problem, that is, even when he made up his mind to kill, he could only be called cold blood at most, as long as he killed the enemy, basically would not waste so much effort to corpse one by one. !

But what about the previous battle? When Zhang Yang used this **** double-edged battle axe to dig the stone, he just thought it was quite easy, but now looking back, Zhang Yang found that when the battle axe was cut on the enemy, it seemed to cause more damage than expected At least twice as big!

So the question is coming, since this **** double-edged battle axe has such special effects, why can't it find any place where magic core or crystal is embedded? Could it be said that this **** double-edged battle axe turned out to be a legendary seventh-order weapon?

However, this idea was thrown out of the galaxy by Zhang Yang as soon as he appeared in Zhang Yang ’s brain. He had seen the magic weapon of the seventh-order legendary level more than once. When I accompanied Ophelia through the ancient silver Pegasus trial, I found the legendary weapon "flying wing" that originally belonged to Ophelia's mother near the end, no matter the texture, feeling or inexplicable in itself The momentum is not comparable to this **** double-edged battle axe in Zhang Yang's hands at this moment.

And Zhang Yang thought about it again and found that this **** double-edged battle axe seemed to have no special effects other than sharpness and tenacity when cutting stones, but when it was later used to cut people, it showed that kind of damage. Fully doubled the effect.

So does it mean that the effect attached to this **** double-edged battle axe has specific excitation conditions?

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang felt that he finally found a bit of brows, and at this time, the more he looked at the blood red on the surface of the battle axe, the more dazzling, if he guessed right, the problem should be the blood red. It's a pity that Zhang Yang is not a blacksmith or a blacksmith, so he can't figure out where the problem lies, but he can't figure it out.

However, this **** double-edged battle axe is also evil enough to cause twice as much damage to creatures, which seems a bit scary. You think, even if it is just scratched a small mouth, then the wound will become three times the size of the original, so if it is time to cut people? As long as it is cut into one centimeter, it will suddenly become a wound up to three centimeters deep!

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Yang knew why Boyle would choose to use this **** double-edged battle axe all the time. It would n’t be too much to call it a “pseudo-legendary” weapon! If it weren't for the texture of this **** double-edged battle axe itself, it could only be counted as a distance from the sixth-order or even seventh-order legendary level. I'm afraid it's almost the same as a legendary weapon?

(I said how I feel something is wrong, the original problem is here. However, the more the battle axe seems to face the lower-level enemies, the more powerful it is, and compared to the majority of the orc kingdom in Campas Warriors like to be shirtless. It is difficult to show the power of the axe in the armor of warriors and knights in the human kingdom. But after all, it seems to be quite good to use it to deal with large warcraft. s Choice……)

However, perhaps Zhang Yang's bad luck came up, so that when he was thinking about the problem while stroking the **** double-edged battle axe in his hand, black pressure appeared in the front two or three miles!

But because of the relatively flat terrain here, from the perspective of Zhang Yang, there are only about a hundred people in the first row in the horizontal direction. The problem is that this group of people seems to be wearing everything, not at all wearing uniform armor like the human army.

So even if Zhang Yang doesn't know much about these forces on the front line of the **** battle, he can infer a rough idea from these clues.

But here it is. Zhang Yang's vision is far superior to ordinary people, and it coincides with the unobstructed terrain here. So Zhang Yang clearly saw the guys who led the group in the distance. Isn't that just a few of the human slavers he hadn't rushed to kill?

This made Zhang Yang understand at once, no wonder that the group of human slave arresters with only two or three hundred people dared to go deep into the orc kingdom of Campas to rob slaves. It turned out that they were only reduced to zero and divided into small groups of horses for easy penetration. !

Now it ’s okay, how could Zhang Yang kill other people ’s men without saying that he hated the other party ’s “harvest”? Well now, people come back with big troops to find a place, what should they do when facing these people Zhang Yang?

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