Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1385: Analysis and guessing

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Speaking of which, Zhang Yang rented this luxury carriage is really spacious. Even if the position of the imperial guard is ignored, it is not a problem to easily accommodate five or six people in the carriage.

Not only that, since this carriage is branded as "luxury", the decoration inside it is not comparable to that of a carriage, let alone let alone, the soft main seat, which is almost the size of a double bed, It is enough to sleep two people easily. This, combined with the short table and side seats placed in the car, said that it is a simple version of the ‘RV’, which does not seem to be excessive.

After Perrys was terrified and wasted a lot of energy and climbed into the carriage, he saw that the strong man was not lying on a comfortable bed, but sitting on a chair and looking at himself in a rare and correct posture on the noble . In that way, it looks like the commander-in-chief of the legendary French Empire!

No way, with Perez's identity and status, it is impossible to see any too noble people on weekdays. Except for various merchants and mercenaries who are busy working for gold coins, seeing a city's defense captain is considered a 'big man' Too. As for the high-level spellcaster like a magician, it may be rare in other places, but in Pompeii, known as the magic kingdom, although the status of a high-level magician is even more remarkable, it must be seen by Perris. Okay.

Besides, except for a handful of magicians who are keen on power, most magicians are ‘madmen’ or ‘madmen’ who focus on cultivation and magic experiments. Not only do they rarely show up among ordinary people, even when they see them at best, they will only make them feel mysterious and powerful, and rarely be linked to the aristocratic temperament or military style.

In addition, the reason why Perris thinks so is also influenced by the bards in the tavern. After all, compared to Pompeii, a magic kingdom that pays more attention to strength, and Ladovia, which advocates freedom, it seems that only the strong ones of the Knight Empire have a more "military" fan, right?

It's a pity that Perris has forgotten that the strength shown by the adult in front of the battle in the previous battle obviously has the meaning of a high-level magic swordsman, and it is easy to find a sixth-order swordsman in Flanders, known as the Knight Empire It would be much more difficult to change to a sixth-order magician, not to mention the "magic swordsman" who has both of them.

However, there is always a preconceived notion of this in the heart, plus most people are habitually convinced of what they are willing to believe, so sometimes misunderstandings naturally come into being.

Therefore, if Zhang Yang knew that Pompeii's "Magic Swordsman" could easily be disguised, he would be misunderstood by a small businessman like Perris as "the strongest army in the French Empire, so that he suddenly exposed his heels. Know what it will feel.

Fortunately, Perris will naturally not tell what he really thinks, and Zhang Yang will not say things in his own capacity.

So when Perrys carefully climbed up from the floor of the carriage and, under Zhang Yang's instructions, he sat on the chair opposite him like a needle felt. Zhang Yang asked in his usual tone:

"Mr. Perris could have been injured and looked a little listless."

"Ah, thank you for your concern. I was not injured. On the contrary, your clothes are partially burnt, but the people are fine. This strength is really amazing!"

In the face of Zhang Yang's question, Peris dare to say that his body is fine, but the pain in his heart is like blood dripping, so he can only pretend to smile and try to cater to the other party.

"It's just a normal coat without any enchanting effect. Naturally, it can't stand the [Dragon Breath] roasting. As for my strength ..."

At this point, Zhang Yang suddenly stopped talking, and didn't continue to talk down. This made Perris feel as if he was eating a pie, but he found that it was a solid pasta in his mouth. So much that he couldn't help whispering secretly, this kind of thing that stops when it comes to important places is really abominable.

After all, people always have curiosity. Even if it is already possible to determine the strength of this ‘Troy’, it ’s very strong, but to what extent, the strength of Peris and others cannot be understood.

So when Zhang Yang suddenly changed the subject and directly pulled them into the luxury carriage, Perris was still a bit unresponsive for a while.

"What are you talking about? Oh! I do n’t question what you mean, but if you say that this luxury carriage is really a problem, where is the problem? Want to come to * this luxury carriage customer In terms of its strength, it seems that there is no need to transport valuables in this way? As far as I know, there is a magical treasure like a space bag. If he really wants to transport something valuable, he can run a trip in person. Right? "

When it comes to matters related to the caravan, Periston has temporarily forgotten his previous fears. In fact, this is not the first time he has taken this task of transporting a luxury carriage. Even if this time is counted, it is already Crimson Caravan took over the client ’s task five times and transported his custom-made luxury carriage from Emerald City to Duckweed Port, but this kind of information Peris would not easily talk about Zhang Yang as an “outsider” That's it.

"Oh? Are you familiar with advanced magic items like space bags?"

"This ... certainly cannot be familiar, after all, even the cheapest space bag seems to sell hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and most of the time it is still priceless. So like this high-end product, our small How can a businessman be qualified to speak? I ’m not afraid of your digestion, I just heard it said. "

"Well, then it ’s no wonder you misunderstood. You have to know that space equipment such as space bags have a certain capacity. As far as I know, the kind of space bag worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins in your mouth, The internal space is only one or two cubic at best, and the opening position also determines that it is impossible to hold too large items. Of course, the interior space of the advanced space bag will also be larger, as for the more advanced space belt, space bracelet Like, not only the internal space is larger, but also the size of the opening is not comparable to the space bag, so you should understand? "

"There is still such a difference. Lord Troy is really well-informed. The villain will be able to see this time!"

Peris really didn't know that there were these claims in the past. After all, his information about the bag of space, in addition to hearing from other merchants, was more learned from the story of the bard. Therefore, what Zhang Yang explained to him is considered to be his long-term knowledge, so that after Zhang Yang finished speaking, Peris's "horse fart" was actually taken sincerely.

However, in terms of Zhang Yang's heart, naturally he will not be complacent because of the other party's praise. So he just nodded dismissively, and then continued:

"Now that you already know the characteristics of the space bag, it should be clear that unless it is to transport high-end magic nuclei or precious stones and other small and valuable items, once it exceeds a certain size, other stable shipping methods are still required. And you Do n’t think that using a huge luxury carriage as a cover-up is the most confusing? After all, most robbers and robbers do n’t hit their minds on a carriage. In contrast, they are more concerned about gold coins and good shots. Goods, isn't it? "


At this moment, Peris also felt that this kind of thing was really possible. After all, even if the duckweed port is much smaller than the Emerald City, making this luxury carriage is still a breeze. Why bother to pay a fare for them to transport these caravans from Emerald City?

However, when Perris was a little shaken, Zhang Yang's bland voice continued to spread.

"Did you not see it? The reason why this group of robbers are here is that they have long been staring at your caravan, and why don't they have to have such a luxury carriage? Are these robbers so stupid? Did you drive such a conspicuous carriage across the city? So the reason for this is a bit interesting. "

Perris is not a fool, after all, how can a guy who can become a caravan leader not have enough brains?

So after Zhang Yang said this, he thoroughly thought about the key. Not only that, but Peris also thought of a deeper layer. That is why the caravan ’s actions were so precise by the gangsters Is it because the whole team has traitors or is infiltrated by the robber disguise?

After all, besides the merchants and escorts belonging to the Chihong Caravan this time, there are still a group of scattered merchants and a small group of mercenaries!

The problem of insufficiency lies here. Who can be sure that there are no robbers who have taken off their turbans?

"So ... what do you mean, sir?"

Although Perris said so in his mouth, his eyes drifted into the carriage of the carriage involuntarily. Looking at his appearance, he was completely thinking about where it is suitable to hide things and where to disassemble.

"It's very simple. If I guess right, the thing should be hidden under this 'big bed'. Otherwise, why do you think such a big bed is placed in the car? The house does not live, but live in a carriage? "

Listening to the other person saying this, Periston accused himself of being a fool for life. After all, at first he thought that such a big bed was a bit too exaggerated in the carriage, only because he had n’t thought about it all the time Dare to be good at automatic customer things, this gradually ignored this.

Now after listening to Zhang Yang's analysis, he would hesitate so much that he suddenly stood up from the chair and reached out to lift the thick carved bed board.

But at this moment, Perris was stopped by someone!

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