Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1458: The best of both worlds

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In fact, the existence of the Sacred Enchantment, even in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, is a secret that only a handful of top powerhouses and some members of the Magic Council know.

Therefore, for most ordinary people living in the magic kingdom, such a sudden emergence of a twisted iron rod with a length of several meters in the room, it is absolutely called a kind of "spirituality" event'.

So in this case, it is very normal to greet the neighbors and even the city guards. Even Sannali said that based on the principle of 'coincidence' in the magic of the space system, in case there is really something to recite The guy happened to be standing where the iron bar was when the Sacred Enchantment disappeared, then the suddenly appearing iron bar might be directly embedded in the unlucky body!

If this kind of thing really happened, it would not be so simple as a ‘spiritual thing’. If a person who could not handle it properly and spread the remarks indiscriminately, it would not be impossible to cause massive panic.

Moreover, although Estella is the queen of the magic kingdom of Pompeii, there are definitely not many people who can recognize her! After all, there is no such highly developed information network in the Orlando world, so unless you catch up with a large-scale celebration, or have the privilege of seeing Estra, even if you know that she is a powerful person, other people are also I dare not casually relate to the identity of the Queen of Magic, who has supreme power in Pompeii.

As for portraits and the like, it is not non-existent, but the problem is that in Orlando, the world of strength and respect, there are not many people who have lofty artistic ideals like Medici, and they can have enough skills and reputation as the magic queen. The portraits of big people are extremely rare.

In this way, the cost and time required for manual hand-painting are counted, so even if there are so few portraits of the Queen of Magic in the Violet Castle, but the collection is too late, where may be hung out for everyone to see, not to mention if it is true If so, what will be the majesty of the king?

So from this point of view, it is definitely the best choice to avoid trouble immediately, and the queen, obviously, does the same.

"It seems to be my problem to hear you say this, but I don't understand why everything in the surrounding cities is back to its original condition, but my wildebeest is still a pile of ashes?"

"This ... the answer is actually very simple. At that time, I hadn't launched the Holy Enchantment."

"Originally, then should you compensate me for the wildebeest? After all, I just rented it to prepare for transportation."

"Oh? Then I really want to know where are you going to rent such an inferior wildebeest?"

"Of course I went to Dalaran, the capital of the magic kingdom Pompeii."

"Oh! Well, now that you have arrived in Laran, and you still save a lot of time to send it here instantly and instantaneously, isn't that inferior wildebeest worthless? Then I What else do you have to pay? "

(This ... seems to make sense ... but why do you always feel something is wrong? Could it be that the woman is too good to say, so it is reasonable to make yourself halo?)

However, when Zhang Yang was a little confused by Sang Nali, and still wondering what was wrong in his own heart, the wall that was tightly stitched and covered with a lot of magic runes not far from the left side of the two, even now followed. A series of magic runes lit up one after another, and then the outline of a few meters high arch appeared!

In fact, the whole process only lasted less than three moments from the beginning to the end. However, in Zhang Yang's perception, every step of the magic rune was lit, and the arch from emergence to appearance. Every step was very clear, even Gives a feeling full of unique rhythm.

So when that part of the wall disappeared out of thin air and an arch appeared directly there, the voice of the magic queen, Estra, had already followed.

"Xiao Lili, take your new friend to the study to find me. I think you need to give me an explanation for your own affairs."


Looking at the sudden arch and the sound from the empty corridor, Zhang Yang suddenly turned his eyes back to Sang Nali, but at this time, Sang Nali was no longer radiant, Instead, it looks like an eggplant beaten by frost, a little listless.

"Why, not happy to see your teacher? It's better than hanging out here."

"It's nothing to you, but for me it may be miserable afterwards ..."

"Oh? Your teacher will beat you because of the mistake you made?"

"If it's just a meal, it's okay. I'm afraid that the teacher will plant a seal with her own super strength. Until then, unless my strength is further broken by the strength of the promotion, otherwise it will be very good. For a long time, I will become the same as the ordinary magic apprentice, that is not equivalent to killing me! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang understood that for Sang Na Li, who is energetic and naturally awkward and extremely active, once her power is sealed, whether it is for her own safety or the majesty of the teacher, she has to Honestly staying in the Violet Castle to practice hard, in order to be able to release their own shackles as soon as possible.

From a considerable point of view, Zhang Yang has to admit that this is really a good solution for the best of both worlds! Not only did she achieve the purpose of punishing Sang Na Li for forbidding her foot, but it also prompted her to work hard at the same time.

After all, it sounds like there should be no time limit for this seal. If Sang Nali strives to practice, it may not be able to break through the seal and advance in a month or two. On the contrary, if she slacks, even if she ca n’t seal her life, but the magic queen is near nine As far as the mighty strength of the rank of Saints is concerned, it is not a problem to seal for two or three decades!

So for a person who is absolutely unable to rest, such as Sunari, it is an inevitable choice to work hard to break through the seal as soon as possible, so that after three times, she can have such amazing strength at a young age. But no.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang immediately admired the noble and beautiful queen. Although it was not clear how well she taught the students, but only from this method of spurring students to progress, they can show their extraordinary wisdom. So looking at Sang Nali, who was standing listlessly and didn't seem to want to move at all, Zhang Yang only reassured:

"Your teacher is also good for you, after all, in this world, strength is everything. If you can one day surpass your teacher and reach a height that she has never reached, then you can do what you really want. What? "

It seemed that Zhang Yang didn't just comfort her but didn't gloat over, but even comforted her. Although Sang Nali still seemed to be listless and motivated, her expression was not as depressed as before.

"It's easy to say, do you know how difficult it is to break through the sixth-tier Zijin level and step into the seventh-tier legendary level? I'm not afraid to tell you that as far as I know, there is only the sixth-level Zijin high-level magic in the Magic Council. There are no less than 130, and even if you add the number of Tier 6 Zijin senior magicians possessed by other strengths in the kingdom, the total can reach more than 200! However, among the entire magic kingdom of Pompeii, according to As far as I know, there are superpowers with a level 7 legend or above, which is only eleven of my amazing Queen teacher. The ratio between the two can be calculated as long as you have a brain Come out, so if you want to break through this level of restrictions, where is as easy as you think ... "

The further I said that Sang Nali's mood was lower, and even said that at the end, this girl who always gave Zhang Yang a arrogant and self-willed, overbearing and cheerful feeling, had a vague sense of crying!

So Zhang Yang, who was the least good at dealing with this situation, had to pull the topic off his head and tried to think for a long time before asking:

"Actually, there is a question that has been suffocating in my heart and I am embarrassed to ask it. Although it is not a good time now, I still want to know, how old are you today, Sang Li?"

"Uh, what are you asking about this? Don't you already have Neil Jelena and Ophelia and a bunch of lovers?"

"... things are not what you think!"

"Humph! The men are really big-hearted radishes. I don't say anything when I see someone who loves you, but you guys are even better. I don't even let go of girls like me!"

"... You think too much, and I have absolutely no thoughts about this!"

"Then what do you ask my age?"

"... You love to say nothing! Don't say to pull down!"

Inexplicably, Zhang Yang is always easy to be angered by the other party when he is with Sang Nali. In this case, if he can still wipe out the sparks of love, Zhang Yang feels absolutely crazy.

However, when the green muscles on Zhang Yang's forehead swelled again and again, Sang Nali, who was the initiator, seemed to be in a better mood. The problem is that for this kind of general practice of pain transfer, Zhang Yang feels that it is not a word that can be described as bad taste.

"Actually, in three months, I will have my 23rd birthday."

"... Aren't you talking about life and death before ?! Now I'm not afraid that I will not be kind to you?"

"Why don't you have such a sense of humor that you get angry when you joke."

There is a kind of person, whether he or she, who has the ability to make other people half dead to themselves, but not fart. And if you are serious with this kind of person, you lose, but the problem is that things like anger are not completely controllable, and it is not easy to turn Zhang Yangqi, who has always had a good temper.

So at this moment, Zhang Yang, regardless of whether or not Sang Nali kept up, just walked from the side to the arch and said:

"I feel that the Queen has dealt with you quite right now. If you don't limit your character and let you suffer a bit, if one day you really sit on the throne of Queen Pompeii, then you may be the magic kingdom. But it's really messy. "

"Are you so comforting? In the end, will the teacher choose me as the heir? I'll say a few words. After all, the teacher is in a very good state. From my point of view, it shouldn't be a problem to be a queen for 180 years. "

"That's just your wishful thinking."

"But it is also an indisputable fact."

"So you continue to let yourself be childish?"

"I'm happy, I want you to control!"


"You asked my age to say this?"

"Forgotten by you, what's next?"


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