Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1470: Ahn'Qiraj Zerg

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At this moment Zhang Yang has to admit that no matter what the character of this master Cromwell is, but his achievements in professional knowledge, eyesight, insight and judgment are really convincing.

So when Master Cromwell asked, Zhang Yang suddenly answered seriously:

"In fact, that victory should be said to be more lucky. After all, these Ahn'Qiraj Zergs are the type I am best at dealing with, so even though there are a few more, the real threat is the biggest red and yellow, and the one next to it. A few yellow elite zergs. Not to mention that although the number of zergs in that group was about 200, only about half of them really attacked me. As for the other half, they hurriedly left with their prey. "

"Huh ?! In the face of strong enemies, the leader was left behind for the prey that he had captured? Even if it was a letter, wouldn't it be so much? You said it's not old?"

In fact, when Zhang Yang talked about the number of these Zergs, Sang Nali from the side looked at him with a little surprise. After all, even if the combatants are promoted to the seventh-tier legendary level, in terms of their characteristics, they are not good at dealing with a large group of enemies in a wide environment, let alone Zhang Yang's strength in Sang Nali's view is about the sixth-tier Zijin senior level. , Has not yet advanced to the level 7 legendary flightless combatant.

Combined with the volume of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg next to it, and the metallic luster of their body shells, even Sang Na who rarely ventures out can see the difficulty of these Zerg.

Only this time even Master Cromwell, who seemed to be 'very unreliable', didn't have any extra thoughts to quarrel with Sanari, so after Sanari asked questions, he turned to the side of the body. After turning the heads of each kind of worms to find one and opening it with a powerful ray magic, he began to answer:

"Actually, I had the same question about Xiao Lili's question, but now everyone sees that from the size and structure of the brains of these Zergs, the higher the apparent level, the higher the wisdom. Therefore, based on my knowledge Judging that the units below the elite level of these bugs should have very little independent consciousness, and even it is not impossible. Therefore, from this point of view, the higher of them should have complete control over the lower level units. Ability, so you're 'abandoning the leader for prey', this kind of thing won't be true at all. "

"That's ... but it doesn't make sense? After all, if the remaining bugs stay, maybe this guy can be defeated and eaten!"

(Hey! Did you think I was eaten by a bug ?!)

Although Zhang Yang has some lip service to Sang Nali's words, in fact he already has a vague answer in his mind, but since there is now a free senior labor force available, Zhang Yang is also happy to listen to the master's analysis.

"The problem is here! Why do these insects leave half with their prey? In my opinion, it means the little red and yellow leader!"

"How to say?"

"It's very simple. First of all, the bugs have already started fighting with this kid, so when most of the power has been invested and there is no hope of victory, the leader of the team must make a decision. Whether it is sending a letter or keeping the inherent results And drag the enemy, the squad is the most correct choice. "

"Oh? According to what you say, even if all the two hundred Zergs are left, there is probably no way to beat this guy?"

Hearing here, even though Zhang Yang had a good temper, he was irritated by Sonari and Master Cromwell's left one ‘That Kid’ and right one ‘That Guy’. So at this moment, Zhang Yang, whose forehead's blue muscles started to beat, had to interject:

"My name is Wright, hasn't it been introduced before?"

"Uh? Have you introduced it?"

"Seems there?"

"There's none?!"

"Maybe ..."

"Huh! Then even if it was reintroduced! So ..."

However, before Zhang Yang's remarks were finished, Sang Nali interrupted him indifferently:

"Oh! Isn't it a big deal, don't you see that important matters are being discussed now? Don't interrupt, keep going if you don't repair!"



At this moment, Zhang Yang and Master Cromwell glanced at each other subconsciously, and then shook their heads slightly in a tacit understanding. One is that she has been poisoned by Sang Lili for a long time, and the other has experienced her language violence many times so far. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, she decided to stay away from her for the time being.

So now Master Cromwell bypassed this topic and said again:

"Uh ... where did you just say? Oh! I remembered! The leaders of these Zergs should have found that they were invincible, and it was only prudent to let some of the men with lower combat effectiveness send the loot back. This part is Another more important question is that their loot, that is, those various types of Warcraft, why is it so important? "

Maybe it ’s the relationship that I ’m used to for apprentices, but when it comes to Master Cromwell, there is a pause. It seems to give Zhang Yang and others a little time to think before continuing:

"In fact, in my opinion, it is more important to win and lose than oneself, and even life. It should be the continuation and development of the population. Therefore, combining the essential composition between the two organs I mentioned before The difference, I can be very responsible to say that these Zergs should have just arrived in the mainland of Orlando not long ago, and are currently fully adapting to this world, while also breeding this low-order Zerg in large numbers to expand their population! And those prey It ’s the body of Warcraft, which is a very important part of it! That ’s it. ”

Speaking of this, Master Cromwell habitually reached out and stroked his messy beard, but forgot that his hands were still contaminated with a lot of fresh worm blood, so this dealt does not matter, but it is a straight one Green branches like radishes come.

Fortunately, when Sang Nali wanted to laugh after watching it, she hadn't spoken for a long time, but the magic queen Estra, who was quietly listening to the side, suddenly said:

"It's a wonderful analysis. Master Cromwell really deserves to be a recognized scholar in the Holy Land."

"Ah! Ha, ha ha ~ ha ha! The queen is really ..."



Cromwell, who was praised by the Queen of Magic, Estra, hadn't had time to whisper, and he was suffocated by the Queen's sentence "but". So at this moment, only listen to the Queen of Magic Estra asked:

"I saw that when you used [burning] to open the brains of these Zergs, it seems that the degree of power is slightly different. Do different insects have different resistance to magic?"

As mentioned by Queen of Magic Estra, Cromwell suddenly coughed while waiting to enjoy the admiration of Zhang Yang and others. It wasn't until about ten seconds later that he slowed down and patted his chest slightly embarrassedly:

"Cough! Cough! That thing, in fact, I have noticed before that the shells of these insects are very hard. As long as it exceeds more than three levels, its strength is not that that ordinary steel weapons can hurt. Even in my opinion, I am afraid Even the second-order magic weapons may not be able to get rid of these carapace, maybe only use the grudge to be a little better. More importantly! Through the previous cutting I found that the shells of the new zergs are resistant to magic It is even stronger than the elite Zerg's shell! As for the shell of the little Zerg leader, the resistance is rather ridiculously high! Therefore, I suspect that in addition to the new Zerg can start to adapt to the Orlando world, those high-level leader Zerg , There is also a way to strengthen yourself! So I think if possible, the sooner these Zergs are eliminated, the better, and after they are completely adapted to the Orlando world, in my opinion, I am afraid that it will become a more dangerous than a devil! "

"Understood, that is to say, once the conditions permit, among these so-called" Ahn'Qiraj "Zerg, it is likely that there will be extremely high magic resistance, or simply being completely immune to elemental magic damage?"

"This ... is theoretically possible, but actually requires a specific environment and a long time to be possible ..."

“So it ’s still possible, I ’m sure everyone knows what this means for the magician, so after solving the last two questions, I will use the power of the Queen of Magic to convene the Supreme Council of Magic for consultation. Master Renwell, you can publish what you found again. "

"Happy to serve you, Her Majesty! But ... the two questions you said ... Did I leave nothing behind?"

In fact, when can I mess around? When should I be serious? Master Cromwell definitely knows better than anyone else, except that the last sentence of Queen of Magic, Estra, made him very concerned. After all, he thought left and right. At present, unless there is a thorough and meticulous experiment, there is nothing to add?

In response to this, Queen of Magic, Estra, shook her head slightly, and then turned her attention to Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Wright, as the Queen of the Magic Kingdom, I thank you for bringing this precious news for the first time. I will order someone to give a special thanks later, hoping to express my gratitude."

Everyone loves to listen to the scenes, but for Zhang Yang, who is a human being and has experienced too many human relations, the words of Queen of Magic Estra represent another meaning. So at this moment Zhang Yang did not rush to express his gratitude, but said quietly and calmly:

"Please tell me what the Queen has to say, as long as it can be said, I will know everything."

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