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Perhaps in the distant past, this warrior branch of the Sacred Devil Academy once had the glory not to lose to today's magic branch, which can be easily seen only from the scale of this old castle.

It's a pity that everything in the past has become history. Now, in addition to the legacy of this once glorious castle, those who are supposed to live here, full of blood and passion, are completely invisible.

Therefore, when Zhang Yang reached out and pushed open the gate of the castle, a breath and feeling that seemed to have been dust-covered for a long time, as if the ancient tomb were covered with dust, were oncoming.

This is not to say how thick the dust really is inside the castle, but a kind of feeling that is directly transmitted with the openness and silence. It was a kind of heavy, lonely life that had gone through vicissitudes and settled in the long river.

By this time, even though Zhang Yang's perception could not be detected indiscriminately in this kind of castle with permanently solidified enchantment, but by virtue of an unclear intuition, Zhang Yang knew that there was no one here, so Zhang Yang Simply open the two huge and thick metal gates around you. Even if this does not really dispel the seemingly solidified atmosphere in the castle, it is enough to make people feel relaxed just by breathing through.

In fact, even though the Warriors Branch has gone empty, the facilities in Zhang Yang's view are quite complete. Although the decorative photos here are actually more rudimentary than those of the palace-like magnificent magical branch buildings, in Zhang Yang's view as a warrior, there should be such a mentality away from the prosperity of the prosperity.

So when Zhang Yang slowly walked along the broad walkway in the castle, he finally had a rough idea of ​​the Warrior Branch of this Sacred College.

Because he didn't know much about the architecture of the Orlando world, Zhang Yang could not judge the era's architecture from the appearance and architectural style of the castle. However, it is worth mentioning that this fortress has more than 350 rooms in only one floor, each room can accommodate at least ten people, no matter how strong or large, Zhang Yang sees Enough to live for tens of thousands of people at the same time, even if it is used as a fortress in the face of war, there is no problem at all.

It's a pity that although there are five ladders on the bright surface of the castle that can lead directly to the second floor, I don't know whether it is for safety reasons or other reasons. Now they are all locked from the door. Therefore, unless Zhang Yang is going to break in, it will be the limit to go through the first floor like this.

So at this time, Zhang Yang, who looked at the sky early, thought about it and opened the back door of the castle completely. Even if he could not remove the depression, it was good to let it ventilate and disperse the old smell. What's more, the castle is also located in the area of ​​the Sacred Magic Academy, plus it doesn't seem to have any valuable things inside, so it's not afraid of anyone stealing it.

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who had done all of this, left so arrogantly. For him, any place he walked by could easily remember every detail along the way, so he did n’t have to worry about getting lost at all. As for the teachers and students of the Warriors Branch who hid in a small building in the backyard of the castle, the truth is that Zhang Yang really has no idea to see them.

Moreover, compared with this kind of boring thing, find a branch of the mercenary union in the city as soon as possible, and pass back the news that he has returned to the human kingdom and is currently staying in the magic kingdom of Pompeii to the thunderbolt of Balxus. The corps headquarters, so that Nier Jielina and a group of friends can rest assured that it is serious.

What Zhang Yang did not know at this time was that when he walked out of the old castle where the Warrior Branch was located and walked into the city of Dalaran, Sang Li, who had just separated from him, had already returned to her teacher ’s favorite. The palace is now arguing with the "three high" magic queen.

"Teacher, I remember that you have not decided to approve of the application of the senior management of the Holy Devil Academy before closing down the Warrior Branch that had been in existence for a long time, and now it is only plainly occupied. Why should you let Leterner? What kind of "honorary mentor" is the guy going to be? "

Although at the moment Sangali and the Queen of Magic Estra were still talking respectfully, the straightforward questions in the words were equally obvious. Moreover, for a while, the queen, the queen, changed into a dress that looks extremely comfortable. If Zhang Yang sees it, I do n’t know if she thinks she has a certain kind of cleanliness or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

In fact, as a magic queen who has been in power for more than forty years, Estella ’s students are not just Sanalli, but only in terms of magic talents and personal personality preferences, Sanalli is a bit lively. Jiner, nothing, always like to provoke a girl who fights for someone, but it is the one that Queen of Magic Estella most likes.

Because of this, she was not only able to enter and leave the Violet Castle exclusively for the Queen of Magic, but even when she met the Queen of Magic, Estra, she was allowed to do not have to perform as a king ’s gift, just like an ordinary student. The teacher just greets that way.

This alone is much better than the treatment that the queen ’s previous students could see their teacher for half a year, so although the magic queen Estra has not given a clear answer to the question of the heir, he has not mentioned Let Sanalli go through the experience, but in the high level of the magic kingdom, people have subconsciously regarded Sanalli as an official heir.

It ’s just that she did n’t know whether she was really confused or confused. Anyway, she usually should practice and learn, but after that, there was no delay in the disaster. As for the compliments from the high level of the magic kingdom With flattery ... The good words and gifts are all accepted, but I'm sorry later, who are you?

Perhaps it ’s the quirky but careless character of Sanni Li that has been liked by the Queen of Magic, Estra, so let ’s not ask directly like this, but occasionally a little bit presumptuous or grumpy, Queen Adults will laugh at each other, so when she heard Sanari said that, the magic queen in a casual dress, Estra, suddenly smiled softly, and then played with a strand of hair scattered around her chest with her fingers, while leisurely To openly say:

"I did agree with their plan to dissolve the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Devil Academy before, but I just happened to meet this very interesting Wright, so I wanted to see this one that can create miracles in a few years. Isn't the guy who created the Noida Foundation really as magical as the legend. "

Hearing this, Sanna Li suddenly showed a 'sure enough as I guessed' expression, but at the same time she seemed to suddenly think of something again, and there was a moment of excitement in the ordinary little face. In the eyes, it seems that there is a flash of stars! At this time, I heard Sang Na Li asked in a slightly ambiguous tone:

"It should be more than that, Master Teacher? If I didn't guess wrong, would Grandpa Vance ran over and say good things to the Warrior Branch? Hee hee, I knew that you would not be able to withstand that teacher. I'm obsessed with the offensive and I will compromise sooner or later ~ "

Even if I knew that this naughty student had no scruples in speaking, but Estra did not expect that she would dare to make a joke about her teacher this time, so the unprepared Queen Queen suddenly had such a thing. A little bit at a loss, so that the hand was loose, and the hair around the fingers was all scattered at once.

"The smelly girl is really itchy. She dared to make a joke about the teacher. It seems that she should be closed immediately."

Despite the harsh words on her lips, the Queen's reddish complexion and she looks very shy, it doesn't seem to be really angry at all. Fortunately, Sang Nali knows to accept it when she sees it well. In case she has played the game and caused the teacher and teacher to be "annoyed and angry", I'm afraid she will say goodbye to "Freedom" for a long time afterwards.

Thinking of Sanna Liton's fashion here, she took care of her hair, then pulled the topic back and asked again:

"Actually, if you do n’t believe that Wright, would n’t it be better to just shut it up? Even if you think it ’s improper to restrict it to the Violet Castle, why not let him be an honorary mentor, as far as I know Just an honorary mentor in the Sacred Magic Academy, whose treatment and rights are enough to make most professionals jealous? "

Speaking of this, the magic queen of Estella shook her head slightly gracefully, and then said:

"Actually, when I saw that Wright, I felt that this person is different. After all, I told you before, when the strength reaches my level, the person who can make me invisible is already second to none. It is countable, but this Wright is one of them. Moreover, when I saw the bodies of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg from my own eyes, I vaguely felt the residual maliciousness on those Zerg, so even if there was no Master Cromwell Explain that I will also take this matter seriously. So not only did I not disbelieve in what Wright said, but on the contrary, I was willing to believe everything he said. "

Perhaps I didn't expect that I would hear this evaluation from the teacher's mouth. At this moment, Cai Sangali was really surprised. After all, aside from the intuition that the double intuitions of the strong and the woman are quasi-inaccurate, just being able to make a super power of the eighth-order epic peak can't see through this matter is enough to surprise the hearer. .

So for a while, Sang Nali didn't know what to say, but instead, the Queen of Magic, Estella, said dimly in her eyes:

"It's an unchanging truth to have heroes in troubled times. Moreover, this time the situation facing the mainland has been unprecedentedly severe. Then what kind of heroes can lift the security of the entire continent under this situation and then rebuild order? Me? Or you? Or ... just need someone who ca n’t see through it, and who also has infinite possibilities ... the trajectory of destiny ... "

"This ... he, teacher, do you think that guy is chosen by fate? This is unlikely ..."

"Who can really see the path of fate?"

"But what do you mean ..."

"Want to change the mainland? So first see if he has the ability to change this soldier branch ..."

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