Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1639: Hollow magic array and horse feet

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In fact, Ophelia knew at an early age that there has never been absolute fairness in this world, and even saying that it can achieve ‘fairness’ in a relative sense is already extremely valuable.

For example, when a person is born, although most of them have gained life, there are still some poor children who die from birth for various reasons. Is this fair to them? However, this is just the beginning of 'unfairness'. No matter the background or appearance, the appearance and physique, even the hobbies and talents vary from person to person.

So even the prince and princess born in the imperial family, or the descendants of the legendary super powers, are actually the same in a sense. Destiny may allow a person to have incomparable power and wealth as soon as they are born, but other talents are likely to be lacking.

Therefore, for Ophelia, as the heir of the Camod family, she knew from the age of eight or nine that although she inherited the family's talents in wind and fighting, it was only a little, so Mo said and those Compared with the geniuses who are famous in the mainland at a young age, only their mothers, Ophelia knows that their own talents can't be compared with it. Maybe this is fate?

Of course, Ophelia's standard for dividing 'genius' may be higher. After all, how can you reach the fifth-level gold level at the age of less than thirty, which is already amazing for ordinary people. , So coupled with her series of noble identities such as the leader of the Silver Pegasus Legion, the head of the Camod family, and the queen of the Moxim Kingdom, she is said to be the ten most influential and legendary women in the human kingdom today. None of them is an exaggeration.

However, just like almost all the boys on the mainland had a dream of becoming a "hero" as a child, although Ophelia was a girl, she also hoped to be a big hero like those ancestors in legends. Wearing silver armor; holding a shiny sword; riding an elegant and handsome silver pegasus, the sword can wield all monsters and bad guys in front of you in the wielding ...

Unfortunately, as she grew older, Ophelia fully understood that her talent in combatants could barely be said to be good, so it is not possible to advance to the seventh-tier legendary level in her lifetime, let alone become an ancestor. A hero like Megatron.

So for a long time, Ophelia seemed a little depressed. Until a young boy named “Wright” appeared in the strange mountain village, she began to feel that there was a genius in this world, and the future had infinite possibilities!

The problem is that even if the truth is this reason, I only read the theory in this book by accident, and then I can successfully make the difficulty coefficient called the "legendary" method in actual combat and succeed again. This It seems that it can't be described by the simple word "genius", it seems to be scary!

"But how is it possible ?! As far as I know, if you want to destroy the running magic circle from the inside and it will not cause an explosion, the first and most important thing is to have a good understanding of this magic circle! And this is why Many of the legendary and above-level combatants clearly have sufficient strength but cannot succeed, so Wright, you are obviously not a magician. How can you achieve this kind of thing that even the seventh-level legendary super powers cannot do? Is all of this the ability of the heavenly chooser? "

Although it was still impossible to fully understand why Ophelia was so excited, even then, Zhang Yang could still hear the shock, doubt and unparalleled seriousness in her voice. Therefore, Zhang Yang, who stopped and stood by the escalator on the second floor, turned around and said seriously:

"Heavenly Chosen? That's just a legend. After all, who can really say something like fate?"

"But how do you explain this kind of thing once you succeed ?! Just by accident, just reading the book and understanding the principle can accomplish the things that are extremely difficult for others. This is really ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang shook his head negatively, and then continued:

"Actually, you think the problem is too complicated? Although in theory you must have a good understanding of the target magic circle, but the actual mountain only needs to instantaneously reveal the original position of the entire magic circle and remember it in detail. It's time for the next step. After all, even if the "hybrid granite" invented by Lanster's boy is of good quality, it should be no problem for professionals who are above the fifth-order gold level to want to pass it to destroy the magic circle At most, there may be differences in efficiency. "

"What, what? You mean that when the compound magic circle was initially triggered and several of the magical runes were not fully operational, you remembered it completely in your mind, and then you did not Poorly depicted with the sword in your hand ?! "

"Basically, this is the difference. The only difference is that in addition to using my eyes and mind to observe memory, soul perception is the greatest contributor. Come on, let's not mention the points and restore them exactly. Of course, even so, it is a bit laborious. The time is too short. "

"Are you using the power of the soul to perceive, then even if the strength is insufficient, the spiritual power cannot be transformed into a higher power of the soul, but the method of application is basically the same? It is quite useful to listen to you Skill, do you often use it like this before? Use perception instead of eyes to observe things? "

"Although there are some discrepancies in the details, they are often used this way."

"It turns out that this should also be a way to exercise mental power or soul power."


In fact, just after Zhang Yang and Ophelia left, Lanster and the others stayed in the basement suddenly sighed with relief. Many people were so nervous because they were so nervous that they sat down after they relaxed. The ground couldn't get up for a long time.

In contrast, Lanster has become well-informed in recent years, so after taking off the camouflage dress outside of his body three or five times, he carefully came to the position where the magic circle was before. . And this time he can no longer look away!

"Boss Lanster? Boss Lanster? Did you find anything? Why didn't you squat over there for a long time?"

"Isn't that what the two guys did before, but the boss Lanster accidentally made a move?"

"Where can we save him!"

"Go and see! Go and see!"

Those who can get mixed with Lanster are basically the guys who share his "smell", and they always play together, so everyone has a good relationship, so after discovering that Lanster ’s performance is a bit abnormal, even people Fearful in my heart, he still leaned over carefully.

"This, is it on this earth?"

"My goodness!"

No wonder the people who saw it exclaimed, at the moment, on the ground of the ‘hybrid granite’ in front of everyone, a complete hollow magic array was left! Not to mention that the size and position of each magic rune seems to be meticulously measured and is extremely accurate, even the places that are close to each other are free of half-silk flaws or cracks!

You know, it's made of ‘hybrid granite’ and it ’s still portrayed with that kind of heavy giant sword! Therefore, people can't imagine the degree to which people who can do this have achieved control over power. That's why Lanster froze there immediately after seeing it.

"It's a terrible guy ... I wouldn't believe it if I said he didn't have a Tier 7 legendary level!"

When the crowd could not help but wonder, Lanster finally got back to God and gave such a sigh. The people who heard this suddenly nodded, and some people couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Fortunately, that person is not malicious to us, otherwise, with the strength of others, we are afraid that we will be dead during the wave."

"No! I don't know if you found it. I didn't see a trace of the use of grudge from that person from beginning to end, so as I said, I can apply grudge to the level of" no trace ", And it has easily destroyed this already functioning compound magic circle from the inside. Its strength is afraid that it has exceeded the legendary level of the seventh order, and it may be an epic superpower of the eighth order! "

"Yeah! I really didn't see any grudge, and his female partner's strength is not weak by comparison!"

(Huh ?! It really seems to be the case! No wonder I always feel something is wrong, do I say ...)

At first, Lanster's mind was focused on how to deal with the enemy and how to save his life. So until I heard everyone talking about it, I suddenly felt that the identity of the two was really suspicious! After all, as far as he knows, there are very few superpowers who do not use grudges on the mainland today, and there are few who can apply grudges to people who are completely imperceptible. People are basically not interested in the 'Little' Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps ...

"It really is suspicious ..."

"Boss Lanster, what did you say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just thinking who dares to go up and see now?"



At this time, Zhang Yang didn't know that Lanster had begun to doubt himself, so Zheng Youzai took Ophelia to chat in this small building while visiting, and then he couldn't help feeling:

"I haven't seen it in a while. Although the means and strength have grown, but the character of Lanster is still so helpless."

Regarding the extremely funny scene of Fang Cai, Ophelia suddenly laughed, and now she feels that she will no longer be surprised by the speed of Wright's progress. After all, people like him can't use common sense to speculate. On the contrary, the little fat man, Lanster, is very interesting. Such a person must not be lonely in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps?

So Ophelia, who still had a smile on his face, looked at the tall figure in front of him with a deep meaning through the cover of the "cover", and then asked:

"So who are you going to visit next?"

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