Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1752: Emergency Report (Part 2)

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"If other officers are on holiday, their whereabouts may not be easy to guess, but if you are General General ... except for the European weapons store, you can only choose to return to the Lord's mansion? After all, in your identity and As a matter of habit, the average tavern probably wo n’t go, so ... from the moment you just went out, I guessed you, General, will come here. "


After listening to Danny's words, Ingir was said to be a little speechless for a while. After all, there was nowhere to go except for coming here and going home during the holiday. It was really embarrassing to be said in public. . What's more, Danny said that it was the facts, so that Ingir had no chance to refute it, so she fell into silence and unconsciously lowered her head, while her entire face was buried under people's sight, a little depression. The sense of danger is slowly pervading.

"Ah! I don't mean to say that you are unwelcome, but because General Master, you work very hard at ordinary times, and give your subordinates a more severe impression. Everyone is respectful and awesome to you! Oh! That's right! In fact, for me and other members of the Guards, you, General, are ... "


Seeing Danny caress his chest with his hands and obviously showing his sincerity, Ingir couldn't help but interrupt him with a scream. Seeing this situation, Lerella and others who were standing aside almost subconsciously shook their heads slightly, complaining that this Danny really would not look at it, knowing that this kind of confession can not be done at any time, once Opening at the wrong time and in the wrong place, not to mention the effect and the consequences will basically go against the wish. Not only does it not leave a good impression, but it is likely to be hated?

What's more, now Danny is coming under the banner of "Important Things", but he said for a long time that he didn't have a few words on the matter, but instead took the opportunity to pull the topic to "confession". Isn't Gil asking for hate?

So when Danny was shocked when he was unknown, Ingle, who raised his face again, already said solemnly:

"Guardian soldier Danny, what happened when you came to an emergency military report just now? If the military situation is delayed because of personal matters, don't blame me for not dealing with military affairs!"

The origin and strength of Ingir was extraordinary. Now that he has served as a general in the City Guard, the momentum is more and more unprecedented. Therefore, when she talked to her face, she even had a private relationship like a sister Sister Larry. Both La and April will feel obvious pressure, not to mention Danny, who has a huge gap between her strength and status. Therefore, when Ingrid opened his mouth, Danny shook his body and quickly replied:

"Bright and understand, Master! Only came from the Northern Army, saying that the scout found that there were no signs of death and flexibility on the Slavic border. The Slav refugees who were staying outside the border had been rioted, except for a small number of Slavic 'snow wolves'. In addition to the young and middle-aged people who are suspected of preparing to fight, the legion is almost moving towards the border. It is expected to come near the border this afternoon. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that it will pour into Bros before midnight tonight. Around the city! "

"This ... did those **** undeads move again? And why didn't you say such a serious matter early?"

After listening to Danny ’s report, not only did Lerella, who had little contact with the battle, become pale, but even Apriel and Ingir, who were experienced in combat, were also very ugly. After all, the undead spirits that appeared in the Slavic Snowland this time are too powerful in terms of scale and destructive power. If they continue to go south in just a few months, they can completely occupy the snowfield ... Flange that has now fallen apart due to civil strife Can be regarded as the disaster of extinction!

In addition, the North Wind Corps, which is stationed on the northern border of the former French Empire, is now the northern country. It is naturally the first to face the invasion of the undead, so the hometown of Ingles, Bros. City is likely to ...

Thinking of Ingrid here, he didn't even want to pursue Danny's fault, and after a little thought, he told the elder sister Lella:

"The situation is urgent, I will go back today. If those **** undead are really going to go south, I am afraid that the remaining Snow Wolf Legion in Slavs will not be crushed for long, and it will be left for you to leave. Just take control of yourself, take care! "

It should n’t be said in Ingrid ’s official capacity. After all, for a city guard general, it ’s somewhat suspicious of saying this without waiting for the fight. However, the problem is that Ingir is not the master of the noble general who has always lived in towns and has little knowledge and only arrogant self-esteem. She has traveled abroad and fought the undead in person. She knows more than most people. How terrifying afterwards.

It is completely different from Warcraft or other types of monsters, and it is basically the opposite of the living beings! Needless to say, ordinary people take professional workers as an example. How many people can calmly face a group of ragged decayed zombies? How many people dare to fight the undead that might be infected by them once they are injured and thus become one of them?

Well, even if these can be overcome, how many people can raise the butcher's knife to the relatives and friends who have turned into zombies without collapsing? In the end, even when Ingrid thought of this possibility, he would be shuddering, not to mention the fighters who had absolutely no experience fighting undead creatures.

What's more, there is absolutely no lack of the strong among the undead spirits. Not only are there skeletons and death knights who are completely tireless and painful, but also undead witches who can compete with one city and one country by themselves!

Therefore, in this case, once the only remaining Snow Wolf Legion in the Slavic Kingdom is defeated, then the strength of the Northern Legion alone may not be sufficient to deal with the impact of the massive army of undead spirits. It was not broken, but I am afraid that it is impossible to run into a lone city by the army of undead.

So considering this possibility, Ingrid, who has always been straightforward, will naturally not say hypocritical things to her sister, but will tell her to make preparations early. Of course, Ingir will say this at the moment because the people present are not regarded as outsiders. Even Danny will never preach the words of Ingir at this moment, so in a sense, this is also Does Ingir recognize Danny?

"Need to ... be prepared to evacuate the city of Bros? It should be okay to have the Northern Army stationed? After all, if it is just a large number of zombies transformed by ordinary people ..."

For Lerella, who grew up in the city of Bros and did not really travel outside except for occasional trips to other cities, the fact of leaving Bros. City was almost never thought of, let alone as a former **** The strength of the Northern Army that exists in the northern barrier of the empire is obvious to all, so you Lerella feels that Ingrid is too nervous and overkill.

However, as soon as this word came out, Ingrid directly and seriously denied:

"Don't underestimate the undead, do you think the Slavic Berserker is a group of weak people who can't even handle ordinary zombies?"

"This ... is right ..."

"Like you said, if only low-level skeletons and zombies transformed by ordinary people will spread the plague, for professionals above the fourth level, unless the number is too large and surrounded, there is basically no threat. But now it is not that kind of small character that occupies the Slavic snowfield, but an organized high-level undead spirit army, so there should be a lot of whether it is a death knight or a skeleton commander, and if the other party has a lich If you sit still ... "

"Seventh- and seventh-tier legendary enemies? And is it the most difficult caster in the legend?"

"It should be, otherwise in terms of the fighting power of the Slavic kingdom, it should not be completely destroyed in such a short time."

Speaking of the presence of everyone here, their faces have not become very good, and Lerella looked at everyone's expressions and said with the last hope:

"But aren't the northern legions also gathered in the strong? And the intrusion of undead spirits, for the human kingdom, the algorithm orchid has fallen apart, but in the face of a common threat, neither the prince nor other human kingdoms should be out of the same. What a share ... After all, how can there be an egg under the nest! "

However, at this point, I don't need Ingel to refute the second sister, April, and I sneered.

"Do you expect those guys to take care of the big picture? Don't dream big sister! If those **** princes really take care of the big picture, they won't break up a good **** to fight for the throne! And you should know it too? As the friction between the various kingdoms in the **** continues to escalate, many kingdoms no longer care about the life and death of civilians. Seeing that a full-scale civil war is about to erupt, how many of them are concerned about changes and supplies in the southern defense line? I understand that in addition to the three or four kingdoms with conscience, such as the Moxim Kingdom and our Northern Internet, the other is that even the original material assistance has been cut off, okay! So you have achieved this level. Can they be expected to give up the fight and resist the invasion of the undead for the benefit of the entire human kingdom? "


Originally Lerella wanted to argue a few words, but when she saw Ingill sighing aside, she finally deflated her mouth and didn't speak again. Seeing here the appearance of April is also dark, all sisters who grew up together in the city of Bros, how can Lerilla not understand the mood of April? However, in the face of an army of undead spirits whose number and strength are unknown, it is not enough to have the determination and will to defend their homeland, so the only feasible way is only ...

"In fact, it is not impossible to say that there is a way to save Bros. Although it is more difficult, and I don't know whether it will succeed, but if everyone works hard, maybe the chance of success can reach more than 30%?"

"Do you mean second sister?"

Speaking of this, although the elder sister Lerella has the most gentle personality, it is Ingir and April that really understand each other ’s ideas. So when Aprilel touched his chin and said there was a possibility, Ingles understood the meaning of the other party for the first time!

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