Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1799: The first performance of the bard combination (Part 1)

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Perhaps it is because of the inherent impression. I am afraid that everyone did not expect Zhang Yang ’s playing skills to be so powerful. Even if there is no bard who specializes in "reciting poetry" to cooperate with him to increase the storytelling, only relying on one hand Qin Yin can instantly capture the hearts of hundreds of viewers. This level of skill does not look like it is possessed by a combatant with the nickname "Unsolvable Power".

Therefore, when Millai and Olesia took advantage of their walking skills to gather together next to Zhang Yang and whispered the reason, the two of you suddenly looked at me, I looked at you and looked at each other silently, and even a kind of Is his ability enough to perform with him on the stage? 'Worries like that.

After all, in the memory of the two, it seems that I have never heard of any bard who can get so many people's love just by the music? On the contrary, it is not rare to rely on sweet voice and beautiful appearance. So from this perspective, just playing a random song attracted so many people to watch. Wright's technology may not be as simple as `` will be able to play '', but it is quite proficient and has a profound knowledge, right?

So peeking at the team of ‘spectators’ who had unwittingly followed thousands of people behind him, both Mile and Olesia started to get a little nervous. Earlier, it was said that the three of them were just "auditing" to see if Millai and Olesia could be competent. At the same time, let everyone know about Leter's "playing skills" highly praised by Anna.

However, from the current situation, Wright's playing skills seem to be too good, so that the trade-offs are inexplicably increasing the difficulty and pressure of cooperation with Millai and Olesia, After all, so many people watched, if their performance photos were so much worse than Wright, would n’t it be shameful?

Therefore, it is only a few hundred meters from the place where the accident happened to the scheduled audition, but for Olesia and Millai it seems that they have walked for a long time, even when the two saw the distance When Neil Jelina, Sean, and even Anna and Mellie, who were pretending to be ordinary audiences and pretending to do their own things, but apparently had been waiting for a long time, were responsible for clothing props, Millai and Ole Westia really wanted to rush over and tell them loudly, 'Ms. Anna's previous remarks did not lie to anyone, nor did they exaggerate, but it was slightly less than the real situation. 'That's the case, but the current situation can be described as' the arrow has to be sent on the string'. If you don't want to put your efforts into the water and you don't want to be dropped by that person, then the only thing left to Olesia and Millais is to go all out, Get out of this way completely ...


In fact, not only did Mei Li, who returned to the carriage after changing clothes for Olesia and Millais, was shocked by the scene in front of her, even Ophelia, who is now Queen of the Moxim Kingdom I was really taken aback by the crowd coming not far!

what's going on? Why did people all come after the three of them before the show started? Could anyone say that in order to prevent the three of them from ‘cold field’, they mobilized in advance? But right? When I discussed it before, I did n’t mean that I was afraid that something would go wrong during the audition, so the fewer people, the better. Now, it ’s okay. How can I say that this black-and-white piece has more than 1,000 people? If you do n’t know, I am afraid that these people are under the leadership of the three people who are going to fight with them ... such a big battle ...

Thinking of here, Ophelia gently pulled the corner of Meili's clothes, and at the same time asked a little dryly:

"We didn't seem to have" increased the number of viewers "when we discussed before? Didn't you just add it when you changed the dress? But even if you want to exercise Olesia, it seems too urgent, and if I don't have it If you read it incorrectly, the one of the previous three who wore a hooded cloak is Olesia? Did n’t you just say that she chose a very **** translucent dance skirt and let her wear it directly? Is it to increase mystery? So I added such a hooded cloak? Take it off when the show starts? "

Because the relationship between Meili and Ophelia is really more than ordinary sisters and sisters, so when only two people are present in private, Ophelia will not put on the shelf of the "Queen" at all. Mei Li, who gave the impression of "serious stereotype", was also quite relaxed, no matter how she acted or talked, she was as casual as before. So when Ophelia asked Merriton on Fire Avenue:

"How could I temporarily add an audience, Miss! Just now, you didn't see Miss Olesia's appearance in her dress, although the look is full of temptation and extremely beautiful, but it may be because it was worn for the first time. The relationship of the "explicit" clothes, Miss Olesia is so shy that she walks stiffly. In my opinion, I absolutely wish that the fewer people seeing her, the better. How could you find so many viewers on purpose! What's more ... It's been a little more time since I came back from the detour? I'm afraid it's hard to do even if I really want to find so many viewers ?! "

"Then that is the case ... Is it the meaning of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps? But it shouldn't be. After all, Wright plays the lyre. I know Neil Jelina and Anna. I definitely hope. The less people hear, the better, so they won't call so many people to stir up the trouble. Then the only possibility is ... "

Speaking of this, Ophelia and Meli looked at each other, and then whispered in unison:

"Could it be that there was a temporary accident on Wright's side ?!"

"Could it be that there was a temporary accident on Wright's side ?!"

Seeing that the other party had gone with her thoughts, Ophelia and Mei Li both sighed, shaking their heads in synchrony with a wry smile.

Although there are still many mysteries in Wright's body from the time he met, no matter whether it is Ophelia, Mellie or other people who are familiar with Wright, it is clear that the ability of this guy to cause trouble is as good as his strength. People feel unbelievable, so if this kind of thing happens to others now, it may be a conspiracy designed in advance, but if it happens to happen beside 'Wright', then it must be a coincidence caused by 'that guy'!

The only thing fortunate so far is that everyone chose this place as the "experimental" place. Mei Li has already arranged to notify the city guards over there, so even if it is really "naughty" here, the city guards will not Come and intervene, at most it is to guard against outbreaks on the periphery.

Therefore, although Ophelia and Meili are helpless, but since they have already reached this point, are there other options besides continuing to look at it? In contrast ...

"Melly, you are really bad ~ Although I decided to get Wright a beard to cover my face in half, but this length that almost hangs under the chest, even the seventy or eighty years old may not have it. Is it so long? The most important thing is how does this big beard feel tough? This is a step forward ... Ah you are definitely intentional! "

Seeing Ophelia really can't help but laugh, Meili had a small opinion on Wright, she already knew, but such a nonsense, wouldn't it be troublesome if someone saw the flaw? However, Meili smiled disdainfully, and then pouted:

"Is this more characterful? After all, as far as I know, bards are all very charismatic people, and this style of beard I think is very suitable for the" Lilla ". Anyway, if the beard is long, Is n’t it possible to cut it short? In short, it does n’t matter. ”

Sometimes Ophelia doubts whether Meili has a double personality. After all, the difference between people before and after is really too big, just like two people. But Meili was right in the latter sentence. After all, Wright and the three of them had brought a large audience to the scheduled audition position. Whether this method of disguise works or not depends on the performance of the next three.

"Are you looking forward to it, my deputy head?"

"Uh ... yes, I never knew that adults would actually play musical instruments, let alone listen to" him ".

"Oh, you are really frank, deputy leader, I thought you would be more calm."

"After all, it's something about adults, and you should have guessed this result long ago?"

"Yes, but rest assured, although I rarely go to see the performance of the minstrel, but I have some understanding of musical instruments, and the person I know has not played since the Beidou Academy. , But the level is definitely top-notch, so relax and wait to listen, it is definitely a beautiful melody that will make you unforgettable ... "

(Is it ... like that? Then I will wait and see, sir.)

The reason why I chose this place as a venue for the audition is because it is not only a crossroad on the streets of the West District, but also because there is a small fountain at the intersection of the roads, so although it is not the most in Moxiximu City A bustling street lot, but it is indeed a place that Zhang Yang likes.

So at the moment, after arriving, Zhang Yang and the three of them put all their luggage under the fountain pool, and Zhang Yang holding the lyre was sitting on the edge of the fountain pool at random, even if occasional drops of water splashed on his I didn't care about the robe. To be honest, the calm and calm look does not seem to be facing more than a thousand spectators at all, but it seems as if you are alone by the fountain pool to enjoy the afternoon time.

Under the influence of Zhang Yang's expression at this moment, Millais finally calmed down a little bit, and at this moment, Zhang Yangmingming's voice did not open his mouth, but it came into the minds of Millais and Olesia.

"Because the time is too tight and there is no need to practice in advance, then I will play a few more ethereal and soothing tunes, so do n’t be nervous, Olesia, you only need to dance as you feel, as far as Millais your voice is originally It ’s nice to listen to, so I just need to sing the chorus, is there no problem? I nodded when I heard it, and I started immediately after picking the strings. As for whether I would like to change some other style of music later, I ’ll talk about it later. ... "

After conveying the meaning directly to the minds of Millais and Olesia in the language of the soul, seeing that they both nodded with a sigh of relief, Zhang Yang did as all musicians did when they started performing A string began to gently toggle the lyre in his arms, so that a sound like a clear spring jumped out, instantly merged with the sound of the water from the fountain behind him, and then slowly diverged out ... …

It's the piece of music I like so much in Zhang Yang's memory-the Golden Harp ...

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