Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1806: Touring trip (middle)

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Although I haven't counted it seriously, it is said that there are nearly two thousand coins in the seven pockets. It's just that the proportion of copper coins in this huge sum is too large, so generally speaking, it looks like dozens of gold coins.

However, even children under the age of ten have their own eyes, so when they pick up coins, they pay attention to which bag contains gold coins and which bag contains more silver coins. So when Zhang Yang signaled that they could come forward one by one to grab coins, more than thirty children actually locked their targets in four pockets, obviously it was known that the "oil water" in these four pockets was more than those other pockets For the rich.

However, it is not entirely up to the hands to pick up coins. Although that is also an important factor, certain skills and enough luck are the basis for determining how everyone ultimately gains. So for this group of children under the age of ten, even if their hands are desperately grabbed and grabbed in the purse, but most people's results are only two or thirty coins. The child who took the most coins did not exceed 50, and the least was only less than 20, so when the end was over, these 30 children were even locked as their "targets" None of the four purses are completely emptied, and these coins will not exceed at most one-third of the total.

So in this case, the amount of silver coins held by each child becomes the key to determine how to "harvest", only because when the coins are grabbed, the pockets are carried by Millais, and only the small hands of the children are allowed to enter. Relationship, so there is no way to determine what kind of coins are in your hands by sight, so in this case, in addition to those "masters" who can confirm the results through the slight weight difference of the coins, luck has become the last The main factors that determine success or failure.

So some unlucky children may have only one or two silver coins, and the rest are copper coins. For those with better luck, there are obviously only 20 coins, but one third of them are silver coins! The difference in the value of the coins obtained between the two is even greater. After all, the difference between a few dozen copper coins and a dozen silver coins is more than ten times!

In contrast, the really lucky ones are the children who have touched gold coins. After all, in a human country where one gold coin can be exchanged for 100 silver coins or 10,000 copper coins, as long as one gold coin is touched, the rest are silver coins or copper coins. It seems to be less important.

It's a pity that the audience around me was a little disappointed that none of the more than 30 children even touched two gold coins, but even this method or game that Zhang Yang came up with made the onlookers feel very new and excited. After all, in a sense, this kind of "playing" can also be regarded as a kind of "Bayer Bo"?


At this point, the people who watched the onlookers gradually dispersed, whether it was Olesia or Millais. They all breathed a sigh of relief. In contrast, the well-known Zhang Yang reaction is quite normal, except that his sight is far away. The carriage that is gradually going away stays a little longer, and the rest is basically the same as usual.

In this way, the three people's "trial" was concluded successfully. Both Olesia and Millais not only proved their competence for Zhang Yang's companions, but even Zhang Yang himself used his extraordinary The piano technique and the original "Golden Harp" are impressive.

So what all the insiders did not expect was that the performance of Zhang Yang and the three people brought them 22 gold coins and 80 silver coins, plus 91 bronze coins, and they did n’t know which one. After watching their performance, the shocked poet actually gave the three people the title of "Teana Sound Combination"! So that in less than half a day, it spread throughout the streets and alleys of Moxie Wood City, and even many nobles wanted to "heavy money" to hire this "sound of nature" bard combination that was touted by people as amazing. Play a song and see what is magical.

It's a pity that these three things can't be known to Zhang Yang for the time being, because soon after the audition, the three spent ten gold coins to buy a used four-wheeled carriage, and successfully took a ride to the middle of the French Empire The advancing caravan left Moxie Wood City.


In fact, Zhang Yang didn't plan to buy a car with an obvious 'oversized goal', but the problem is that neither Millai nor Olesia has such a wealth of travel experience, so in this case, the long distance is outside. If the trek does not have a carriage to rest while sheltering from the wind and rain, the two companions who look like "Jiaodidi" are afraid that they will be tortured by Zhang Yang's ascetic way of walking in the wind and food and sleeping in the same way. .

So whether it is for the consideration of Olesia and Millais, or in order to be more in line with the identity of the bard combination traveling abroad, a four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses is very necessary.

In fact, the four-wheeled carriage used by this merchant is much larger than the average carriage used by farmers. Not only is there a tarpaulin shed above the carriage, but the space inside the carriage is also nearly ten square meters in size. In this way, because most of the luggage was carried by Zhang Yang in the space ring, the space in this compartment was enough for three people to sleep.

Even Olesia is quite satisfied with this. After all, it is fortunate for her to be able to get enough rest on the trip, and such a relatively closed space makes her feel at ease, at least most of the time. You can hide in the car to enjoy the scenery along the way through the rain curtain of the window, instead of wearing the translucent tulle dance skirt as a landscape.

In addition, even if you do n’t mention the identity of the Miss Olesia Carmod family, a girl will have a lot of inconveniences when traveling abroad. With this carriage as a temporary residence, whether it is to change clothes or simply scrub the body will be more Convenience. The only problem is that among the group of three, it is obvious that only Zhang Yang can drive the carriage, so as a musician and "soul character" in the "Teana Sound Group", Zhang Yang may have to make another "carriage driver" along the way. Only part-time job ...

Although Millai objected to this arrangement and hoped to replace Zhang Yang as a coachman, but he had no experience in driving such a carriage, even if he was a "new driver" as a "novice driver" . But more important is the appearance of Millais. If you sit in the position of the Emperor all day, I am afraid that if you are not molested on the way, there will be at least 80 times, so even if it is to reduce unnecessary trouble. Considering that Zhang Yang, the "beard", is a perfect driver.

In fact, aside from this translucent tulle skirt that makes Alesia some unacceptable, being able to travel simply as an ordinary person is almost a dream that Alesia has always had. So although the situation at the moment is somewhat different from the ideal ‘travel’, Olesia is still quite happy.

As for the temporary joining of caravans to travel together, this is a common thing. After all, even in the relatively secure French empire, there may still be attacks by robbers and even Warcraft along the way. Therefore, taking care of each other has become a consensus among travelers.

What's more, for most businessmen carrying valuable goods to go out, it is more cost-effective for several businessmen to join together to form a caravan and then join together to hire a team of mercenaries. If a traveler who wants to join the caravan temporarily and travel with them, by the way, receives the protection of the fellow mercenaries, then only need to spend three silver coins per person, and at the same time can also share the food prepared by the caravan every evening, which is the best of both worlds. .

However, what Zhang Yang did not think was that when the three of them found the caravan before, a shareholder of the caravan happened to see their performance, so they recognized Zhang Yang's face as a sign at a glance. After the sexually bearded, this short and stout middle-aged man was very happy to say that he did n’t need to pay Zhang Yang ’s three people, and he paid the nine silver coins. Sorry.

Although Zhang Yang and the three people were surprised, they could only accept each other's good intentions, and said that as long as they were not too tired during the trip, they would offer a piece of music to the caravan as much as possible at night. After hearing this, the chunky businessman suddenly smiled, and it was obvious that Zhang Yang's return was the result he wanted.

Fortunately, this is not a big deal, so even knowing that the other party 'don't premeditate' Zhang Yang also decided to go along with them. After all, under the current situation of the French Empire, businesses that are still willing to risk running business The team photo has been reduced by at least two-thirds than before, so if you miss this caravan, it is difficult to say if you can meet the caravan in three days.

Of course, it is not impossible for the three of Zhang Yang to go by themselves, but such a single carriage is almost bound to be the target of robbers and robbers now. In that case, Zhang Yang is not afraid of it, but if he accidentally ran away Several bandit robbers thus leaked the true strength of Zhang Yang and others. Isn't their camouflage prone to flaws?

So in order to increase the credibility of the false identity of the three of them, walking with the caravan is obviously the best choice. However, in the first two days after leaving Moxim City, everything was okay, but when the caravan was preparing to camp and rest on the third evening ...

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