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The development of the matter did not completely exceed Zhang Yang's expectations. He just did not expect that Joey would also join in. It seems that there is no age in front of the temptation of money and benefits.

Seriously, Zhang Yang was a bit disappointed at this time. At first, he had a good impression of these mercenaries, but it was so far, Zhang Yang had no possibility of continuing to cooperate with them.

"Since you think this way, there is no need to continue cooperation. Since then, the three of us have parted ways with you and rushed towards the sentiment of the past few days. I will send you a sentence when parting, this deep forest is not like What you see is so simple, gold coins are good things, but you have to die to spend it! Goodbye! "

After saying this, Zhang Yang nodded to Manzhu who came by, and then called out Li Ang, who turned a little bit reluctantly and turned away from the camp ...

The departure of Zhang Yang's three people made the remaining nine people a little confused. They always thought that Zhang Yang was a good speaker. Unexpectedly, this guy actually left them away in one go, which made Kobe feel a little self-blamed. He loves money and it ’s true, but he still cares about the contract. However, this time the harvest is too great. Everyone here has at least a second-order or third-order mutant magic core! In addition, the ordinary magic core also has four or five appearances, plus some higher-value Warcraft materials, as long as you return to Bros City and change hands to sell, that is the income of hundreds of thousands of gold coins! Generally speaking, these are more than the gold coins they have earned in a year of hard work.

"Huh ~! Seeing that guy is not pleasing to the eye! Breaking up and breaking up! Laozi didn't take his money, he didn't owe him anything at all! Mom wanted to scare Laozi before she left. Is Laozi afraid ?! "

"Just! What kind of stuff!"

"It doesn't matter, we don't consider giving up the task privately, but the guy is going to lose his credibility. The employer is Master Joy, as long as we help Master Joy find the things he needs, and the amount of gold coins we should get back is a lot. ! Is n’t it, Master Joey !? "

"Ah ~? Hey ~ Yes, yeah! No problem! Just find the metal I need and **** me back, your task will be completed naturally!"

"It's said that the Shield Warrior stole the door, and now I'm a long-time expert! Even if you go back now, how can you get 500 gold coins, how do you still care about dozens of gold coins in that area?"

"Your ranger equipment is not natural for the bonus of strength, but our Shield Warrior is very dependent on equipment! If I have a set of advanced equipment, I can almost skip the battle! The equipment is bought with gold coins, afterwards. Patching is a huge expense, how can it be done without careful calculation! "

"Haha! Is there any excuse for you to stole your money and get greedy, haha! I think you won't be willing to spend gold coins to buy equipment, but will save up the money and marry your wife? Hahaha ..."

"I don't have any eloquence in my day! Why didn't the devil wolf kill you before ..."

Millai felt bored as the mercenaries around unscathedly laughed at each other. I thought that the mercenary I met this time was really special, but now it seems that only the guy named Wright is different. This time, Master Joey was also confused, and it was enough to take advantage of the small amount of peace. How could he also incorporate such a breach of contract.

Millais was watching the direction of Zhang Yang's departure, and suddenly a cold wind blew through. An extremely uneasy feeling instantly surprised Millais! At this time, although the campfire in front of him was still burning, and there were seven powerful professionals around Wukong, Milley still felt very uneasy in his heart. It felt like the mouse was being stared at by the wild cat!

"I didn't expect people in the mercenary world to be of this sort. I already knew that, it would be better not to hire them! Not enough to make people angry! Hey, aren't you angry?"

After leaving the simple camp, Li Ang couldn't help voicing without waiting for Zhang Yang to speak. In fact, according to Zhang Yang, only half of the resentment in Li Ang ’s heart was angry with the mercenaries. More came from the Gulu beast that did n’t eat his mouth?

"What kind of people do you think mercenaries are? The pursuit of interests is their true character! In fact, these mercenaries are pretty good. I've heard a lot about fighting between treasure companions before!"

Man Zhu has no good impression of mercenaries, which can be seen from her attitude when she first contacted Zhang Yang. In fact, what she said is also true to a certain extent. Mercenaries sell their lives for money and selfishness is normal. In addition to those famous large mercenary regiments, many small and medium-sized mercenary regiments will also throw their own bottom line for the benefit.

"Forget it, don't mention this matter anymore. This deep forest is a bit weird. I feel as if there is some danger approaching us gradually. It is urgent to go to Shenxing Lake as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang didn't expect these mercenaries to do their due diligence from the beginning. He hired this group of guys more for the sake of convenience. Today, although parting ways with them, Zhang Yang and the three act more flexibly.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and Zhang Yang and the three could rest assured that the night trip was entirely due to Li Ang's "Holy Shield" with its lighting function. It is strange to say that Zhang Yang has found more than three Warcrafts in the walkway, but these Warcrafts not only do not actively attack people, but when they see Zhang Yang three people turn around and run! In fact, just before they were separated from those mercenaries, it was much easier to enter the territories near Shenxing Lake to hunt Warcraft. Many Warcraft who are good at sneak attacking will not even actively attack. This is how the mercenaries have not been killed or injured. The real reason.

About half a hour later, Zhang Yang seemed to hear Millais's frightened scream, but when he stopped and listened carefully, everything fell silent again. At this time, Zhang Yang's inexplicable anxiety had made Zhang Yang's heart nervous. He knew how powerful his soul was, and ordinary phantoms and the like could not affect him at all. Since he heard Millai's scream, there is a probability of more than 80%. Show that those mercenaries are in trouble!

It's just that Zhang Yang didn't tell Man Zhu that he just told them to be more vigilant. In fact, Zhang Yang is also thinking. When the druid asked him to come to Shenxing Lake, Zhang Yang still wondered, since the druid is a friend of Manzhu, he should not harm himself. That is to say, the druid is Know what is famous here. If you think about it in this way, there should be a great danger in this neighborhood, but the dangerous triggering conditions are very special. Combining the natural way that Druid believes, is it ...

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