Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 613: Song of Mermaid 2

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When Vivian opened her delicate little mouth. When the little canine teeth pierced the little girl's neck. The adult ceremony in the three major races of the blood race is completed. Since then. Vivienne may be weak for several days to tens of days because of losing part of her blood. But when this time has passed. But she can get a strong and absolute loyal maid ... also can be called a descendant ...


Supporting some weak Vivian. Assam's face was full of love. They were sitting on the huge sofa in front of the hall window at this time. It looks like a beautiful picture ...

(If all this is true. How good ... Vivienne ... I love ...)

Ophelia stood up and found out. He slept in the stable without paying attention. Girls update immediately

of course. Take her the Silver Pegasus Legion of the French Empire. The identity of the daughter of the regiment. It is impossible to let her sleep in the ordinary stable. In fact here is not so much a stable. It is better to say that the roof of the fortress is more appropriate. This is where Silver Pegasus usually lives. It was also the home of the silver Pegasus belonging to Ophelia's mother in Moxim.

(Actually fell asleep during meditation. If she was seen by her mother. She would be laughed again ... I really want to have her own silver Pegasus early. I really want to fly in the sky with my mother on a silver Pegasus. )

Lie on your back on a soft haystack. Ophelia felt the breeze blowing across his cheeks. Looking at the changing clouds in the sky. My heart is full of joy and yearning. She likes getting tired with her mother the most. . wenxuemm while her mother. It is also the most admired person in Ophelia.

Ophelia, who was thinking about her own affairs, suddenly felt a strange sensation in the surrounding wind. Although this slight change is very subtle. But she couldn't escape the feeling of her little wind soldier. However, she is only eight years old. Between feeling and doing. There is still a huge gap. So just when she was about to turn around. A calm and gentle female voice has been heard from behind her.

"Fiya ~ You're lazy again ~ If you don't work hard. But you can't be the Silver Pegasus Knight."

"Why? Mommy. I just worked very hard just now. Although those little peas are dangling back and forth and trapped me ... but I am really trying hard. More and more Come here soon. "

"Hehe ~ Fiya, good ~ Those are not small beans. They are lively wind element particles ~. You can see them. It means that you are really working hard ~ Mom believes that you will become a Powerful Silver Pegasus Knight. It will even surpass Mom. "

"Yes. Mom. I will do it."

"Look at you being so good today. Then take you to take a wind lap in the sky. Don't move it. Otherwise, if it falls, be careful that your mother will not bring you in the future ~."

"Okay ~. Okay. Feiya must be obedient. That's great. To fly to the sky ..."


Anywhere, anytime. Mankind always has an inexplicable flying dream. Although there are few professionals in Orlando who practice fighting spirit and magic. . wenxuemm but someone who can really fly with his own strength. But it is really rare. It follows. Warcraft that can fly manned. It has become the main force of air control.

The Silver Pegasus Legion is one of the only three empty knight legions in the human kingdom. Its long history has completely surpassed the "Gryphon Knights" of Ladovia, the mercenary country, and the "Dread Bat Riders" of the Pompeii Empire. Concurrent with it. Legend has it that only the two-headed flying dragon knight of the Kampas orc empire and the elven clan eagle knight who has long disappeared ...

As the commander of the Silver Pegasus Corps. Oliara Camoad, who has the sixth-level Zijin senior strength and is also the mother of Ophelia. It is also just a silver Pegasus with a fifth-level gold senior strength as a mount. This is not to say that Oliara has no ability to choose a silver Pegasus with Tier 6 strength. More and faster chapters are here. It was she who had been with the mount for a long time. Reluctant to replace it.

Looking at the vast expanse of sky. Feel the gusts of wind that roared past me. Ophelia was completely intoxicated by the joy of flying. Sitting in the arms of her mother. Looking at the cloud above his head as if he could reach it. There is Moxie Wood City, which seems to be undersized. Ophelia felt that he was the happiest person at this time.

(Mommy mommy……)

Zhang Yang was holding Shi Xiaowei's smooth and soft hands at this time. Walking on the forest path in the park full of fallen leaves. Smell the natural fragrance of the surrounding trees and trees in the afternoon. Feel the rare calm and leisure. Zhang Yang's face finally showed a rare warm smile. . wenxuemm

"I have talked to you many times. You look better now than you usually have a face on your face. Hum ~ remember it. Just leave the door of the army. You have to laugh more ~ ​​Cheng Tian Faceless. Are you upset with me? "


"Oh my **** ... I'm not your superior. You're not performing a task. Don't answer such a glance. It's really lost to you. Are you sure your EQ is okay ..."

"This ... not tested."

"... Okay. Okay. You guys ... the mission is so great. Why is it now stupid. Well. There is a bench in front. Let's sit down for a while."

"Okay. Girls update first"


In Zhang Yang's life, she rarely touched women. Accompanying him next year. In addition to various cold weapons. It is all kinds of training and enemies. In his original impression. There are only two kinds of women. One is a terrorist who looks beautiful but wants to die like a viper. Is the enemy. And another kind. It's always love to keep talking. People who keep themselves speechless but warm in heart. And such a person. There are only two in memory. One is a mother who has not seen for a long time. The other is Shi Xiaowei with long fluttering hair beside him.

Whenever two people are alone. Shi Xiaowei is always like a lark. Pulling Zhang Yang twitter keeps talking. And this time. Zhang Yang listened quietly most of the time. More and faster chapters are here. That warm and calm feeling. Let him be born and die often to perform tasks to relax.

Breathing the faint fragrance coming from beside her. Zhang Yang did not know whether it came from shampoo or shower gel or her own fragrance. Zhang Yang just knew that he liked this taste. Holding her little hand. Listen to her whispering. Zhang Yang, who was sitting on the bench, fell asleep in a trance ...


Suddenly opened his eyes. Zhang Yang was almost dazzled by the sunlight entering through the window. Just got up. He heard a sweet voice outside the door.

"Master. Have you finished training. I'm all set. We can go."

"Is ... Neil Jie Lina."

"Yes, Master. I came in."

As the wooden door was gently pushed open. Neil Jielina, dressed in brown tight-fitting leather armor, walked in suddenly. Accompanied by a few rays of sunlight in the early morning. She at the moment. I miss a flower bud that is waiting to be laid. Delicate and beautiful. Pure and flawless.

"How many times have you said it. Don't call me master. If you want to call it, call it an adult."

"Yes. Master."


I don't know when to start. Zhang Yang is used to sleeping neatly. At this time, see Neil Jelena is ready. Zhang Yang was nothing but her. She had no choice but to smile at her. The girl updated as soon as she turned around and snickered out ...

The life of common hunting. Zhang Yang not only taught Neil Jielina various fighting skills. Get along early and late. At the same time, the soft and determined Qianying was also unconsciously. Entered Zhang Yang's heart. The admiration in her eyes, the admiration, and the love that was not so tightly hidden The shadow in Zhang Yang's heart gradually blurred. And gradually coincide with Neil Jielina ...

That battle. Cooperate and hone time after time ... until Zhang Yang for a long time. Experience the years. After traveling thousands of miles, the two met again. Neil Jelena's shadow was really clear.

"Adult. Neil Jelena misses you ..."

"Adult. It's hard for you to change ..."

"Adult. You don't want me anymore. It's been so long. Never come back to see ..."

"grown ups……"

That inexplicable kiss until it came out of the mysterious prison under Mozambique. Zhang Yang finally understood. I have gradually accepted Shi Xiaowei's departure. I also accepted the love that Neil Jielina paid in silence ...

however. When Zhang Yang emerged from the pool in the Mozambique station. Between water splashes. I saw Ophelia standing in the distance on the edge of the top of the fortress and looked at me deeply ...

(Sorry ... Ophelia. My heart has made a choice for me. But I will definitely help you. Help you pass the ancient silver Pegasus trial. Get real control of the Silver Pegasus Legion. )

Think of here. Zhang Yang was surprised.

(Hey ... trial. Trial ... are n’t we already in that trial ... this ...)

Suddenly, subconsciously summoned a thunderbolt force into the body from the Thunderbolt Nebula with the power of the soul. After an instant. Zhang Yang was finally sober.

At this time he was still in the mist. It's just that half of his body is soaking in the water. Instantly felt a difference around. The temperature of the water here has dropped by at least 20 degrees compared to just now. The water temperature in the place just entered the water just makes people feel a little cool. And here. It was indeed bitingly cold.

Judging by Zhang Yang's perception. Now the temperature of this water. It has definitely dropped below the freezing point. Not only that. In the water beside him. Pieces of scattered ice can already be seen.

Zhang Yang shook his head, still a little groggy, and looked up. At this time Ophelia curled up on the floating platform and fell asleep. And Assam Nao. He was holding a round log that made up a floating platform and rubbed her face warmly with her face.

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