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Zhang Yang has always been the kind of person who advocates not to be nonsense, not only because of his character, but also because of the powerful tricks that Zhang Yang relies on to use the power of thunder and lightning.

For example, as he currently uses [Thunderbolt Enhancement], the limit time for each use is only three-point and half-missing, so every time Zhang Yang decides to fight with all his strength, he will strive to achieve the greatest results in the shortest time. After all, on the Orlando continent, victory and defeat often also represent survival and death.

Therefore, with Zhang Yang carrying the thunder-like power to the opponent, he just wanted to delay the time, and he could only find another way in the battle. However, in the face of a pair of weapons that Zhang Yang Qing bombarded, as the real head of the Three Swords League mercenary regiment, Quagmira did not dare.

Although he himself is a master of dark weapons with a sixth-level Zijin junior strength, but just after fighting hard with Zhang Yang for three times, he already felt that his arms seemed to have cracked, and he was shocked by the pain Endless.

Quagmila could hardly believe that this was true. He saw with his own eyes that there was no grudge attached to his weapon, and his body could not see the shadow of [Lock Mist Clothing] or [Struggle of Armour]. In this way, the other party ’s terrifying power is much stronger than his body strengthened by grudge. At least in Quagmila ’s view, the guy with a pair of heavy weapons in front of him has not been injured after hard work. Looks like.

In desperation, Quammela had to shy away, although at the same time he stabbed Zhang Yang's arm with a sword, but under the obstruction of the war hammer in Zhang Yang's hand, the blow caused Zhang Yang to turn around and went straight to the surroundings The attackers in the yard rushed away.


Seeing the opponent even abandoning himself and slaughtering his hands down, Quagmira was really shocked and angry. The other party is really keen and cunning. Unless he can spare himself to stop him, don't look at the dozens of men in the yard, but in front of that person, there is only the part waiting to be slaughtered.

Furthermore, Quagmila was a heavy trust for the elders, and if the man was allowed to rush in to join Ophelia, his mission to stop Ophelia would probably fail. If that is the case, even if Quagmira will not be executed by the elders because of his strength, but if he wants to continue to monopolize a city like this, I am afraid not to think about it.

So after thinking of these moments, Quagmira instantly agitated the whole body to chase Zhang Yang and rushed past. However, Quammila really became more and more depressed. I do n’t know what weirdness is in the opponent. He not only has a very low hit rate, but even if he hits the opponent, his power is at least 50% worse than normal.

However, if Quammila attacks with a strong fighting skill, the opponent always uses the surrounding attackers to hinder his attack. Therefore, Quammira has to help but continue to attack regardless of his life and death, but the result. Not only was Zhang Yang blocked the disaster with some unlucky attackers, but even if he was hit by Quagmira, Zhang Yang just added a non-fatal wound.

At this time, Zhang Yang was determined to kill the low-level survivors first, not only set off a whirlwind of killing again, but also played hide-and-seek with Quagmila in the crowd. At this time, the heavy chopper and half of Omok's power in his hand had been stained with blood to dark red, and every time Zhang Yang waved his weapon to attack, there would be a throbbing roar.

All the attackers who were targeted by him had almost no enemy. Even if the heavy chopper was blocked by the other party with a weapon, he could not break the knife twice, but the heavy warhammer that was smashed immediately afterwards, it would definitely make the human body know what it is fracture.

In contrast, even if the enemy who died under the heavy chopper sword was cut by the waist, the dead face was normal, but if he was hit by the war hammer in Zhang Yang's hand, the end would be miserable.

If it is hit by a swing or a sweep, then this good luck guy can instantly feel the feeling of a trapeze. Even if the weight of his armored weapon is not light, but as soon as he is hit, he is sprayed with blood and internal organs and flew directly out of the dozen meters. Even if it's rubbing a side, sweeping his arms and legs, etc., under Zhang Yang's terrifying power, his bones and bones will be smashed instantly, and the whole person will be swept away.

And if Zhang Yang was hit by the head from top to bottom, that guy was miserable, his bones were broken, let alone, the whole body would be like a water bag suddenly crushed under that heavy pressure. , Burst into the surroundings. The splattered blood and fluttering flesh almost covered the five-meter range around the man almost instantly.

Even more striking is Zhang Yang's attack speed. At this moment, he has almost killed the red eye. He is completely a posture of a mad warrior. In order to increase the attack efficiency, Zhang Yang even gave up most of his defense. In addition to those attacks that were enough to threaten him, the ordinary attack Zhang Yang even with a slight adjustment of his body angle was born.

However, as far as Zhang Yang's control is concerned, when the blade is added, he will try his best to reduce the damage to the minimum while not delaying the killing speed at hand. It ’s just that there are too many attackers around him. Even now, because of [Thunder Guard], he can offset part of the damage caused by the grudge, but in just one minute, he still has more than a dozen more on his body. Wounds of various sizes and depths.

Quagmila was more and more shocked, he saw much more desperate people, but like this person in front of him, with a wound on his body, he seemed to kill hundreds of people without even knowing it. This is the first time he saw . You know, this is not hundreds of ordinary people. Where are hundreds of second-order, third-order, and even fourth-order places? They are not weak, but now. But it has turned into a piece of bone.

At this time, in the courtyard outside the Oak Cup tavern, count Quagmila. There are only a dozen people left in the black cloak. They do n’t say attack now, even standing there are unconsciously backwards fall back.

If the punishment for the cowardly escapers in the Three Swords League is too severe, I am afraid that these people would have turned around and escaped.

Quagmila only felt that he had never been so nervous at this moment. It was this time for the fight, and he really had no confidence to prevent this man from entering the house. Facing this guy who was covered in blood and seemed to be falling at any time, Quagmira had already lost his fighting spirit. Although more than half of Zhang Yang's injuries were caused by him, he knew in his heart that these injuries looked scary, but none of them were fatal.

(I do n’t know if this guy is a human or not. Only then did he cut a sword into his leg, but he did n’t cut it. This is a sword with grudge. This person ’s bone is harder than my hand. Is the fifth-order magic weapon stronger ... how is it possible. How can it be played ...)

At this moment, Zhang Yang has used [Thunderbolt Enhancement] for the second time, and even the heavy chopper made of black iron in his hand is on the verge of breaking, and he was easily included in the space ring. I saw that he was carrying the Warhammer alone. Mok's power rushed towards Quagmira.

However, contrary to Zhang Yang's expectations, Quammira didn't stop him anymore, but flashed back without saying a word, letting Zhang Yang go in the direction of his progress, and turned to disappear into the night.

The head of the "Three Swords League" mercenary regiment with the sixth-level Zijin primary strength turned out to be so. .

However, Zhang Yang had no intention of paying attention to this point. When he rushed into the tavern, Ophelia's left arm and right leg were injured. If Assam had blocked several attacks for her, Ophelia's injury would only be worse. In contrast, Assam's appearance was much more miserable. Not only was he cut off with a left arm, but also on his stomach, and at this time a black dagger was inserted. If Assam himself was a vampire, he was extremely resistant to toxins, and if it was replaced by Ophelia, I am afraid that he has died several times now.

As for the original twenty or so Silver Pegasus soldiers around Ophelia, there are only two people left at this time, and these two people are also embarrassed. But when they saw Zhang Yang rushing in, they were overjoyed.

From the beginning, Ophelia and others felt that no attackers had rushed outside, which means that Wright has controlled the scene. Now that Wright has rushed in, then whether it is Ophelia or Asa Mu knew in his heart that the threat outside the tavern should have been lifted.

"Wright. We can hold on here. Go and help Feiyun. It's already injured."

In fact, without Ophelia reminding, Zhang Yang has also seen the status of Feiyun. Among the three tier five mid-level and high-level assassins are siege, even the Pegasus king with tier six mid-level Zijin intermediate strength has been scarred.

After all, this tavern is a relatively closed space. Once Feiyun, which is good at magic attacks, loses the advantage of flying, then its combat power must be reduced by at least 30% or more, and the weapons in the hands of these three assassins are almost all. Painted with poison specifically for silver pegasus, Feiyun's situation is much more dangerous than those of Ophelia who are surrounded by layers but can still barely resist.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang immediately exerted force on his feet, and the whole person brought a gust of wind and rushed straight to Feiyun. At that time, the three assassins also saw the arrival of Zhang Yang. While shaking their hearts, they not only insulted Quagmira for being incompetent, so many people outside couldn't even reach each other.

You should know that Zhang Yang ’s feeling at this time is dangerous, but it is not as clear as Quagmila ’s practice. It is clear that these three assassins have made mistakes in their judgments. They only regard him as a fifth-level gold-level madman. Soldiers only, did not take it too seriously.

However, when the man was separated from the three assassins and thought that Zhang Yang was not flexible enough to hold his heavy weapon and was ready to entangle him, Zhang Yang hurled a warhammer in his hand, and then took out the poisonous sword blade gun instantly, with a quick rush Incomparably stab the throat of the fifth-level gold intermediate assassin.

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