Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 740: Underground death tide

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For Ophelia's concerns, Zhang Yang's answer is impossible. Not to mention that there are not many necromancers who are proficient in [Necromantic Transformation] and [Proliferation]. The materials, magic power, time, etc. consumed by the cast alone make it impossible for the other party to make a large group of four The 'hate puppet' of the strength around the order.

In the same way, if the Necromancer can easily transform third- and fourth-order professionals with ordinary people, let alone humans, even the powerful demons of the demon world, there are countless third- and fourth-order undead attacks. The next defeat is undoubtedly. And that world may have been the world of undead long ago.

Therefore, even if there are high-level undead under this mine, there will not be too many. What really needs a headache is the large group of zombies and skeletons that may be transformed by ordinary people after they die! And the necromancer hidden in the dark.

"If this is the case, then we still have hope for a battle. After all, the strength of the zombies and skeletons that have just been transformed is even worse than that of ordinary human soldiers. Even if the number is larger, it should be no problem. Remember last year in the mercenary country There have been rumors that several people have wiped out tens of thousands of zombies and other undead creatures in the city of Dharonis in Ladovia, so it should be even more okay for us to replace them now. "

Perhaps it was Ophelia's illusion. She always felt that Alazon was much more active than usual. Whether it was charging or fighting, she began to appear active. At the beginning, Ophelia thought it was because he wanted to show more in front of herself, but when she heard Alason talk about this matter, she felt a little disgusted.

It's just that compared to Ophelia's slight disgust, Sean and Charlotte are really angry! As a person who experienced the holocaust in the city of Dharaos in the first place, the kind of rotten, zombie, and desperate scenes in the eyes of strangers really do not want to experience it again.

As for the powerful lich in the underground ruins, if Zhang Yang risked losing his consciousness to eliminate it, I am afraid that once he is allowed to complete the advanced level, I am afraid that the mercenary country that has been calm for a long time will have another catastrophe. Right? So even Jason, the most reluctant to speak, couldn't help but say coldly at this time:

"Zombies and skeletons are really weak, but once the number reaches a certain level, it is another concept. Chief Ophelia, I think it is necessary to remind you not to underestimate the traps placed by the enemy. It ’s not just the lives of those of us who paid for that error. "

Hearing Jason who rarely spoke before, Ophelia suddenly turned his eyes. The identity of Jason Elf is special. Now, when he speaks, the cool and beautiful male voice is so different. But before waiting for Ophelia to speak, Alazon asked in disdain:

"Humph! Elves of the Western Continent? You seem to be telling the truth. Could it be that you were not in the city of Nadronis? I just heard that the legendary dwarves like to brag, but I didn't expect the elves to be empty-mouthed. race!"

"What do you mean !?"

"Humph! Can't you understand anything? Sure enough ..."

"Alathon! I command you to shut up!"

"... Yes, Lord Legion."

Alathon ’s remarks have gone too far, and Jason is also kind to say, and the two parties are companions, so it is obvious that they are looking for the same thing. Fortunately, Ophelia found out that he had stopped drinking, otherwise he would stop talking, and he would be hurt before he could wait for the mine.

"Mr. Jason, I'm really sorry. I'm not the kind of person I usually do, and I don't know what happened these two days. Please don't worry about him. For what I just said, Ophelia is here to give you sincerely. Apologies. "

In terms of Jason's demeanor and quality, he is simply too lazy to consider with Alazon. He was already deeply influenced by Zhang Yang and belongs to the type that can never do it. Coupled with Ophelia's sincere compensation, he just seriously said after returning the gift:

"Actually, he was right a little bit earlier."


Hearing this, not to mention Ophelia, even Alathon was surprised. At this time Jason has continued to speak.

"We were indeed present at the Zombie Besieged incident in the city of Dharoni at that time. It's just that the specific details are inconvenient to elaborate, but one thing is to ask the Commander of the Ophelia to remember not to underestimate the undead spirits, they are more than you think Much scarier! "

Speaking of which, Sean, Charlotte, Lanster, Medici and others behind Jason nodded at the same time. Seeing this, the people around me suddenly understood that these few are really the mysterious heroes who have saved the city of Dharaos!

At this point, the injury was okay, the noise was noisy, and everyone finally took up their spirits and carefully formed a defensive formation to go to the mine.

In fact, because the mining area outside Kindler City has been excavated for more than 100 years, the entrance to this mine is surprisingly spacious. Not only is the height about five meters, but the width has reached the level of nearly ten meters! From the entrance of this mine, there is a passage with pulleys and rails.

It's just that the oil lamps on the walls on both sides of the mine have been extinguished because no one has managed it in the past two days. In desperation, everyone in the patrol team had to light up some torches, but they had walked carefully for more than two hundred meters since they entered the mine, except for the sporadic dry blood on the ground. Saying no dead spirits means that no figure or corpse is seen!

"Something wrong! It's too quiet here!"

"Yeah, it's almost as bad as the grave!"

"... I mean, you can't even see a mouse or something."

At the moment, Lanster was a little nervous. He was bitten by a zombie when he was in the city of Dharonis, so he has a lot of psychological shadows about the zombie, and the dangers that he can't see are often more scary. It was almost time to get into Milir's arms.

Of course, Millier will never let him succeed, but she, as a female warrior, is also afraid of the legendary disgusting zombie. At this moment, Zhang Yang walking behind Ophelia in front of the team suddenly raised his right fist and made a stop gesture.

"Be careful, there is a large group of things coming to us."




Regarding Zhang Yang's words, Arathon did not dare to refute his death. After all, he had seen that even Ophelia was obedient to this person. As a result, the crowd of the patrol team suddenly became nervous, holding the six bifurcations before and after.

Until then, a defensive posture was put in place, and all the talents discovered that, unconsciously, they had walked to a branch road leading to the surrounding lower mining area! Not only is there a lot of difficulty here, but it is also a lot harder to defend, but when everyone is breathless and waiting for the dangerous approach, there is a deep and noisy sound from the darkness in the distance!


As the sound got closer and closer, but a minute of effort, at the corners of all the surrounding mine tunnels, there were even dense figures! It's just that as these swaying figures gradually entered the range illuminated by the torch, Ophelia and others finally saw that these people dressed as miners turned pale and their eyes were red!

Some of them even had scars on their bodies, which looked like they had been bitten by something! Looking at the hands of these people, some of them are still carrying mine hoes and pickaxes crookedly, so their identity is self-evident!

"Damn! Did these people actually turn all the residents of Kindler into zombies? That was tens of thousands of lives!"

Not to mention Charlotte's anger in his eyes, even the others around him were angry. It's just that these zombies look really uncomfortable. In addition, only their hands and mouth can be regarded as weapons, so the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion are not afraid.

"Rush up, don't let these zombies surround us!"

No matter what the surrounding Silver Pegasus soldiers did, Zhang Yang first issued a command at this time, and then rushed forward.

Faced with such a large number of enemies with poor strength, Zhang Yang decisively chose two heavy weapons to launch an attack. Therefore, Zhang Yang instantly took out two warhammers from the space ring, holding the power of the short-handed Omok in his right hand, but the left hand was a meteor hammer with three fist-sized all-metal spikes and a half-meter long chain!

Speaking of this, this meteor hammer is still the heavy weapon he just got from Molimche, and when he instantly waved these two weapons, within a five-meter radius, all those who were swept by these two weapons Zombies all flew backwards and backwards instantly! Not only that, when these flying zombies hit the same kind behind them, they spared no effort to sweep them all together!

If the unlucky ghost without a back behind was directly swept and hit the wall, the zombie would instantly crash like a ripe tomato on the wall! The appearance of the viscous blood was really chilling.

As Zhang Yang rushed out of the crowd, Neil Jielina and others glanced at each other and immediately rushed to the side passage. Although their weapons are not particularly powerful against zombies, often these long swords and short swords pierced the past, leaving only a penetrating wound. If the other person is a living person, it will be seriously injured and dying. If it is a zombie, it can only be regarded as a painless injury.

Unless the head of the zombie is cut off with a single blow, the heart is pierced, and there is no problem for the zombie. Of course, there are some people around Zhang Yang who have more experience in dealing with these zombies.

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