Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 758: Injured Garfield

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Creatures that have not been imprisoned and tortured by the soul cannot experience the pain of being destroyed by the magic of the undead and killing the soul, or even forcibly retrieving memory.

That is beyond the range that the living body can bear. It is not peaceful after death, and it endures long-term torture as if it is eternal. On this day, the guard of the nest, Si Si, never wants to try again, even if he does not let himself disappear Between the planes!

So, when he realized that Zhang Yang and Garfield were trying to find a way to catch it, from the remaining four compound eyes on the right side of Nest Guardian Si Sicha, suddenly a red light that was half a meter high! At the same time, this white-boned monster, who was still struggling to fight back, stopped completely at once!

This abnormal behavior immediately attracted Zhang Yang's attention, but Garfield was tearing a piece of articulation, but failed to notice it.

"Gaffie! Hurry away, this guy is a bit wrong!"


In fact, Garfield is playing right now, and he hardly remembers how long he hasn't been able to abuse food this way. Not to mention that this nest guard's rugged scrutiny is almost heaven and earth compared to the Qira bug in the bloodline memory. Speaking of melee combat alone, Garfield has never tried to resume the body fight since being injured.

Now for this time, it didn't feel too dangerous, and didn't worry about the other party running away, so a playful nature in Garfield prevailed in a short period of time, and this nest guard was considered as a nest. A plaything like a "mouse" is also a wonderful flower ...

But anyway, Garfield is also a powerful World of Warcraft with a seventh-order legendary level of strength, but the ability to respond instantly is not covered. When Zhang Yang reminded, Garfield seemed to be stabbed, and his entire body bounced aside in an instant.

However, it was too late at this time, and as the guard of the nest pondered and squeaked something, I saw that the bone monster that was so large that it almost reached the top of the rock above the mine transfer station was actually in everyone ’s Under the gaze, all the bones exploded violently, and in a transit station in the enclosed mining area, there was a storm full of sharp bones!

No one thought that the nest guard, Si Si, who was still struggling to insist, did not choose to escape, but played violently and blasted himself! This is good. Under the self-explosive power of the quasi-sixth-level strength, ordinary zombies without armor and grudge protection were instantly twisted into fragments by the stubble wrapped in the airflow.

As for the people on the side of Ophelia and Zhang Yang, except for those with more than three levels of strength, the rest of them cannot withstand the sudden aftermath of the explosion and the subsequent "Bone Storm". But the reason why mankind can occupy more than half of the rich Orlando continent with its uneven strength.

It is not just the huge number that relies on it. The spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance that cooperates and protects each other at the critical moment is where this race is truly strong!

At the moment, in the face of the crowd, in the face of this bone storm, the strong powers were immediately blocked in front of ordinary soldiers, and even Nier Jielina, who had only her own strength but only the third-order black iron intermediate level, was blocked at the moment. Degrees and so on in front of several mining merchants. Even if the airflow and the stubble can't stop hitting in front of her, she is still immobile, and this heroic posture is immediately imprinted in the hearts of Bajidu and several other people present ...

Finally, this bone storm came and went quickly, and after continuing for about two instants, it finally poured along the surrounding channels and disappeared to invisible. It's a pity that even if Ryan and Diver and others have tried their best to resist, after all, the number of the third-level and above strong men is too small, so that after the crazy self-explosion made by the nest guard, Sischa, the fellow Silver Pegasus soldier Twenty or so died, and the rest was **** and terrible.

Because of the need to protect the unconscious Millir in his arms, Ophelia has already turned on the grudge protection to the maximum at this time. With her fifth-level gold intermediate strength, she is naturally not afraid of this bone storm. Only when she looked at the tragic situation of the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion, she was sad and wanted to cry.

In fact, the power of this bone storm has been reduced to the minimum. Although it is not voluntary, in terms of the distance between Garfield and the lair guards, it is impossible to avoid it. And because Garfield is now regaining its original shape, the powerful Warcraft body has now become the best barrier ...

And most of the power of the nest guard, Si Sicha, exploded, was almost taken by Garfield, so that when the white bone storm passed Zhang Yang and came to him, this legendary powerful Warcraft has restored the previous fat white cat It seemed that his limbs were spread out and fell to the ground completely.

"Somehow, it's too ugly to lie on the ground, right?"

Zhang Yang can clearly feel Garfield's current state. Although it consumes several layers of seals and looks like a life-and-death appearance, as far as the perception of vitality is concerned, Garfield is unhindered. It's just that there is another power that is not in it that is raging.

To be honest, Garfield himself is so tired that he has almost no strength to fight Zhang Yang's mouth. When the nest defender Tuo Sicha exploded, most of the power was released against it, except for those that are not important to Garfield. Bone stubble and the like, the real fatal thing, is a dark and cold powerful energy!

And when this energy burst into the Garfield body with the power of self-detonation, it understood that this powerful energy that could not erode its body, even completely contrary to the vitality in the body, was actually the power of death!

It was also because of this energy that Garfield wanted to understand why the nest guard, Si Si, felt so weak.

(Meow a mic! Is this lucky? Meow? That bug wo n’t use the power of death. I ’m afraid that the previous ones are the result of letting him tinker with himself in the body? It ’s just that the power of death is too great. It's hard to mess with meow! If you can't deal with it as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will cause irreversible damage to meow's body, meow? You have to find a way to deal with meow ...)

Thinking of this, it happened that Zhang Yang appeared beside Garfield at this time. When he saw the faint smile hidden on Zhang Yang's calm face, he felt that today he was too unlucky Garfield, and he suddenly felt weak and angry. :

"Do you think adults are willing to lie down like this? Meow! It's cold on the ground! Meow, let's say, Wright, with the strength of your fellow, you should be able to feel the power of death in this meow? Find a way to help meow out! Otherwise, when you restore the body later, if you can't make a stupid and handsome white hair, there will be a few more ugly black and gray meows! "

(Rather than worry about your hair color, why not worry about your life ?!)

After hearing Garfield's words, Zhang Yang also felt himself drunk. Could it be that Garfield values ​​his coat more than his life and strength? Thinking of this, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but vomited hard at Garfield.

He leaned over and picked up the lazy cat who was about to become fat and took it off the ground. Zhang Yang pressed his palm against Garfield's body and felt it before he said to Medici, who was running by and worried that Garfield was in danger:

"Relax, this cat ball can't die, it's just that its body is invaded by a negative energy, and I need to deal with it for it."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Medici, who had originally seen Garfield recover from the cat body and couldn't afford to lie down, finally let go of her hanging heart. Although this cat ball is lazy and greedy, it is still a black belly, but in the mind of Medici, this guy who has eaten almost all his property is the first partner who is willing to stay with him and will protect himself!

(Hey? But speaking of it, the name Wright raised is really vivid! Cat Ball ...)

"Well, what can I do for you? If I hold it, you can treat it again ..."

As for Medici's thoughts, even if Zhang Yang doesn't understand it, he can guess the approximate, but in the crowd, the only one who can deal with the Garfield problem, except himself, is Millai? After all, it is the power of death, and it is a pure and powerful energy than the magic power of the undead.

"Sorry Medici, now Garfield's situation is very special, you can't hold it, otherwise you will be injured by your physique."

"Ah ~! So serious ?!"

"It's not as serious as you think, but your own attributes can't withstand the attack of that force. Rest assured, it won't take a while, I will heal this cat ball ... Millet, you come here . "

Simple and Medici explained a few words, Zhang Yang called Millai to his side. Now that Miley has practiced undead magic, he now has a magic level close to second order. Just because of his appearance, Zhang Yang has rarely seen him take off the armor of the dark knight these days.

Now the power of death in Garfield's body is very harmful to Medici and even Garfield's cat ball, but for Millais, this is indeed a rare treasure.

"Sir, you call me."

Although he saw Millais real body more than once, Zhang Yang was still curious about why Millais could have such a sweet and delicate voice than girls. But now is not the time to study this. After Millai respectfully saluted, Zhang Yang held the cat ball in one hand, but opened the palm in the other, and said to Millai:

"Wait, I will pass on some powers that are very useful to you in the past. You must try your best to absorb them, but remember to release your hands when you feel uncontrollable or unbearable."

"Yes, sir."

For Millais, Zhang Yang is more than just the captain or the owner. Millais will never forget that this person had saved his life, and it was this person who waited for him to enter the professional door and gave himself the opportunity to choose and become stronger! So far, Millai's respect for Zhang Yang is increasing day by day. It really seems to be a student's feeling for the tutor, but it is much more profound and complicated than that.

Therefore, when Zhang Yang opened his hand to him after saying this, Millai raised his hand and pressed it without thinking!

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