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In fact, if Zhang Yang can persist a little more and miss a few more wolf clan orc hunters, the remaining enemies will probably give up attacking him because of fear, and may even be scattered.

However, the transformation of Zhang Yang's tactics has made the enemies around him discover his weakness, so when Zhang Yangdang opened a machete cut by a wolf clan orc hunter, and then stabbed in front of the knife, the hapless one instantly When the neck is pierced. The wolf clan orc hunters who have been stimulated by the blood to red eyes around them, as if they saw the hope of victory, pressed him up regardless of life and death!

(Oops, I overestimated my physical strength ~)

Since inadvertently achieving Eure's body, Zhang Yang hardly felt the lack of physical strength. Generally speaking, even if it was a few overloads before, Zhang Yang only declined in strength and physical quality, but physical strength did not feel anything. influences.

But now he is only fighting with these wolf clan orc hunters for a while, but he feels lack of physical strength. This made him a little helpless, so at this moment Zhang Yang could only find a way to use the least power to deal with more enemies.

It's just that after the bloodthirsty madness of these wolf races and orcs has been inspired, it is really crazy to fight each other! Some of the wolf clan orc hunters' weapons have been cut off, but they will still rush up to attack Zhang Yang, and even after Zhang Yang was pierced with a knife, they will stretch out their hands and hold the knife to fight for their companions. Create opportunities.

This kind of fighting spirit and hard work really make Zhang Yang look a little moved!

(If the orc warriors are so crazy and tough, it ’s no wonder that the battle on the front line of the **** battle will be so miserable. For soldiers in the human world, let alone ordinary soldiers, even in elite legions like the Silver Pegasus. Among them, there are only a few warriors who can do so.)

Even with such emotion in his heart, Zhang Yang's knife did not hesitate. In order to protect Hiriya from being hurt, Zhang Yang could only move to parry as much as possible. Even after the wolf clan orc squad leader joined the battle, Zhang Yang had to pick up a battle-for-life tactic!

It's just that Zhang Yang's control over himself is much stronger than those of the wolf clan orc hunters, so even if the enemy's scimitar hits Zhang Yang, it will only leave a not-so-serious wound on his body. And Zhang Yang took this opportunity, but was always able to pass a straight knife or stab or chop into the opponent's key.

So, when there were only two confidant hunters left beside Stone still alive, there were more than a dozen blood-stained gaps on the clothes outside Zhang Yang's body belonging to Hiriya's husband! It's just that, in contrast to his miserable appearance, Xiria, who has been held in the left arm by Zhang Yang, is still unharmed!

In fact, many of the wounds on Zhang Yang's body were made to protect her. This was so that there was no trace of fear in Hiriya's heart at the moment, but was filled with deep guilt and sorrow.

"Wright, let me down! Don't hurt me for me! Please ... let me down ... woo woo ..."

In fact, from the moment Zhang Yang used his left arm to block the first knife for Xilia, Xilia's tears shed continuously. However, no matter what she said, Zhang Yang seemed to be completely incomprehensible, still concentrating on her tactics and beliefs.

By now Stone and the remaining two men around him had gradually awakened from the enthusiasm of the genius, but after watching the dead men on the ground, Stone understood that he could not go back.

If a few dead men can still find ways to deal with the past, even a noble such as Minocek does not matter. But now a whole team of Stone's men were folded here and died in the hands of an unnamed mixed orc. This is enough to make him lose all the opportunities for defense. Even if he is lucky to escape, he may be included in the charge, and even his family and children may be involved!

So now Stone has no choice but to work hard with Zhang Yang!

(I did n’t expect the final thing to develop to such a step. I knew it was time to work with Minocek to kill this guy, and then look at the other. One step is worse! Damn! But look at this guy now is almost impossible. Well, maybe I can pick up a bargain and kill him! Maybe as long as this hairy hair dies, then if the fox beauty is used properly, it may be a chance! So ... go Die!)

After thinking of this way of life in an instant, Stone suddenly looked up at the sky and howled, and then led his head to Zhang Yang with a knife!

At the same time, the two cronies around Stone did not fight with him as expected by Stone, nor did they know whether it was for fear or other reasons. After a glance, he turned around silently and ran!

The movement not only made Zhang Yang stunned, but even Stone himself was stunned! But now he has opened his bow without looking back. Since the knife has been cut off, it is impossible to recover it.

So, the grief and resilience of Stone in his heart cut the power of Zhang Yang, but he couldn't help but add another two points, so that the effect of his blow had the appearance of a third-order senior soldier when he shot! However, even the real third-tier advanced warrior Minocek eventually died under Zhang Yang ’s hands, so although Stone ’s blow seemed fierce, in Zhang Yang ’s eyes, there were many flaws. The biggest one is that the excessive force has exceeded Stone's own controllable limit.

In this regard, Zhang Yang's coping method is really simple. After predicting Stone's attack route, Zhang Yang just hugged Hiriya a little and stepped aside, avoiding Stone's strong jump At the same time, the straight knife in Zhang Yang's hand turned upside down and picked up against Stone's arm!

This is good, because of the excessive force of Steve General, not only did he slash through the air, even his left arm was pulled out by Zhang Yang, a provocative one, with a bone wound! The blood suddenly did n’t cost money, and it usually wetted Stone ’s arm in an instant, so that Stone ’s left hand could no longer continue to exert force after landing. It turned out that just now, Zhang Yang cut his arm and muscles for most of the time, so it was scrapped in a short time Stone's arm!

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! Ahhhh!"

Although Stone was previously marked by Zhang Yang with a few deep and **** mouths, the kind of skin injury was nothing to the sturdy orc. However, Zhang Yang's knife is not only temporarily abolishing Stone's arm, it is almost equivalent to depriving Stone of nearly half of his chances of survival!

After all, Stone didn't have Zhang Yang's micro-level control skills for strength, and his skills and control power were far from even Minocek! Therefore, only the right arm makes the stone, and the attack power is reduced by at least 40%! And he knew clearly in his own heart that in this state, he was almost mortal!

"Why is this ... Why is this! Who are you ?! There has never been an orc that can defeat the third-order elite of the orcs without using blood energy! Never !!!!"

At this time Stone hung an arm, looked at Zhang Yang in front of him, and roared in a near-crazy tone. It's a pity that Zhang Yang still can't understand, but at this moment, Xilia, who is holding Zhang Yang tightly, suddenly said:

"No! There used to be! At the time when His Royal Highness Campas just rose, he didn't gain blood energy, but at that time, he was already able to defeat elite warriors with a strength of more than Tier 3! So, you can still feel at ease. ! "

"Nonsense! You talk nonsense! Your Highness Warrior Campas was born to be able to use blood energy. You don't even know the most basic things, dare to deceive me! Wait for me to kill this hair, and then let you know me Stone is amazing !! "

"Really? I'm afraid you will die soon, there is no chance to harm anyone!"

Speaking of this, Stone only reacted, why did the opposite hairy orc just not attack! The guy actually took advantage of his effort to say a few words and adjusted his breath, which seemed to be a bit chaotic. Now he is just like him, staring at Stone's eyes so quietly with a knife in his hand, without any trace of weakness!

"How ... possible ?! Liar! Both of you are liar! Haha! Let me die! Wow ah !!!"

Barely stirring up the little blood energy remaining in the body, Stone raised the scimitar in his right hand, and twisted his face against Zhang Yang with a twisted face.

At this time, Stone's attack for Zhang Yang's strength was much weaker than when he held the knife with both hands, but Zhang Yang's own strength was as weak as it was. Therefore, every time Zhang Yang blocked the machete cut by Stone with a straight knife in his hand , Almost all will spin to relieve force.

But in contrast, during this period, Zhang Yang's figure speed also came faster as the number of parries increased! If Monocek was still alive, he could understand that Zhang Yang was relying on his own subtle control of power and the accumulation of body transformations in each blow, secretly accumulating part of the Stone attack. power!

And if Zhang Yang can control the accumulated power to reach the limit, then when he releases it at once, the power is almost the sum of Zhang Yang's own power plus Stone's power!

It's a pity that Stone didn't know anything about it. He was just angry, but the opponent was able to steadily withstand every slashing attack, and he simply wanted to open a hole in Zhang Yang's body.

So when Zhang Yang parryed Stone for ten consecutive attacks, Zhang Yang's face also turned slightly red. In terms of his current physical condition, he has reached the limit by ten times, so when Stone tilted his head When he was about to raise his sword and slash again, Zhang Yang's counterattack arrived!

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